HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-02-24-Regular MinutesThe February 24,1997 Waukee City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Mayor Donald 1.Bailey.IRollCall.A roll call vote was taken and the following Council Members were present:Nick Gruber,Robyn Heath,and Dan Lugar.Absent:Terry Strain and Monica Lihs. Open Forum.None. Agenda Additions -Agenda Approval.Motion by Councilman Gruber,to add 18A - Newsletter Community Businesses,seconded by Councilman Lugar.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried. Consent Agenda -A)2/3/97 Council Minutes;B)Salary and Bill Presentation;C)Liquor License -Kum &Go and Philly's Finest.Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to approve the Consent Agenda.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes: Gruber,Lugar,and Heath.Nays:None.Motion carried 3 to O. Salary Presentation: Bailey,Donald Brenton State Bank Breuer,Gregory A DeZeeuw,David S Evans,Robert G Fetterman,Gregory S. Ford,Elizabeth A. Gruber,Nick Heath,Robyn R Herrick,Robert D. Herrick,Robert D. Hopper,Kenneth E Horkey,Robin R. Lihs,Monica E. Lestina,Toni Lugar,Daniel W Mack,Linda M. McNamara,Terence P. Murphy-Petersen,Devon Ohnemus,Valerie J Phillips,Larry J. Robinson,Clint Royer,Tim Rueckel,Kurt A 218.43 6,077.76 894.87 935.66 796.13 256.82 654.76 50.79 46.17 504.54 333.95 766.24 762.73 46.17 640.77 46.17 660.41 741.23 235.99 211.05 1,090.69 60.03 974.60 1,156.82 ] 1 I Schmitt,Mark Strain,TelTY L. Tofteland,Joy E. VanZee,Dianna Telco C0111l11unityCredit Un CU Telco C0111l11umtyCredit Un CU Wesselmann,Jolm C White,Danny L Charlene Wilson Wright,Brain ***TOTAL Bill Presentation: Dallas County News Madison National Life Treas,State ofIowa Treas,State ofIowa Treas,State ofIowa ATCO International Coates Manufacturing Co Farmer's Coop Elevator Fisher Controls IntI,Inc Parts Fuller Standard Service Hallett Materials Horton Supply Independent Salt Company IA Dept of Transportation Repairs Jim Coons Trucking Linch Auto Parts Mid-Land Equipment Co O'Halloran International Overhead Door Company TIUCk Equipment,Inc Veenstra &K.i111l11,Inc. Waukee Hardware &Variety Allegra Aramark Uniform Services Carpenter Uniform Co CITY WIDE HEATING &AC Copy Systems,Inc 60.00 46.17 586.65 461.74 100.00 255.00 1,144.19 762.07 802.60 893.37 23,274.57 Salaries March '97 LT Disab.Ins. Water Sales Tax -Jan.97 Sewer Sales Tax -Jan.97 Gas Sales Tax Jan.'97 Supplies Repair Gasohol 667.29 221.69 2,825.61 124.71 8,501.65 620.00 612.50 1,947.30 455.76 297.47 512.62 18.90 609.94 202.25 1352.91 19.53 563.27 596.56 60.79 157.76 6,966.35 182.98 173.30 92.52 156.25 123.65 15.00 Janaury-Gas Ice Control Sand Maintenance Hiway/Treated Bulle Sand Air Filter Maintenance Parts/Lob or Maintenance Part Univ Ave-Fut Widening Parts Printing Floor Mats Uniforms Furnace Repair Maintenance Contract 2 IADA Services,Inc MidAmerican Energy Olson Brothers Overhead Door Company Payless Cashways,Inc Storey-Kenworthy Company United States Cellular University Photo John Dlulos Reflecto Products Co. Toyne's IA Fire Trk Ser Creative Printers,Inc Baker &Taylor Books Best Buy Company,Inc Border's Book Shop Brenton State Bank CITY OF WAUKEE Dawson DEMCO Greenhaven Press,Inc Ingram Library Services IA Library Association MIDWEST POWER/GAS Lease Consultants Corp Leydens &Associates,Inc Mack,Linda M. netINS Rosen Publishing Tofteland,Barry Tofteland,Joy E. US West Communications Upstart Wityk,Debra US West Communications Arnold Motor Supply Brown Supply Co,Inc. IA One Call Momar Overhead Door Company Roto-Rooter United States Cellular US West Communications Utility Consultants Inc 01/17/17 -02/17/97 Fuel Door Repair Building Maintenance Office Supplies Feb Phone Photo Operating Supplies Equipment Markers Repair Leak in Tank Business Cards Materials Materials Materials Library Jan.Petty Cash Monthly service Materials Supplies Materials MARC records December Membership-Linda Mack Monthly service Copy Machine Lease/Own Fire Extinguisher Inspec Adel DCLA -17 Miles Internet service Materials 7 Hours Computer Update Eason Elementary-S Miles Monthly Phone Service Poster Custodial Service Feb Phone Supplies Trafic Kits Underground Locates Tilting Drum Cradle Maintenance Maintenance Feb Phone Feb Phone January 47.87 5,230.32 185.59 102.00 473.52 425.09 109.42 34.80 56.49 182.20 302.50 154.00 2.39 88.81 82.68 185.75 377.93 61.16 214.36 76.80 720.15 91.50 250.03 72.31 16.00 47.10 25.00 86.18 70.00 24.20 74.53 22.45 125.00 55.55 139.87 226.03 8.33 89.74 60.79 225.00 15.21 36.83 336.00 I ] 3 II Becky Zimmer Waste Management of Iowa US West Communications American Public Works Midwest Radar &Equipment Overhead Door Company Spring Valley Radio Corp US West Communications DM Water Works IA One Call Municipal Supply Overhead Door Company Arnold Energy Systems Inc Creative Printers,Inc IA State Printing Div Merritt Company,Inc. Merritt Company,Inc. Spring Valley Radio Corp US Postal Service US West Communications Fuller Standard Service Golden Circle Laser Rchg IADA Services,Inc US West Communications Huscher,Paul E. Huscher,Paul R. Annear Equipment Inc IA Dept of Transportation IA One Call KAR Products Mid-Iowa Sales Company Olson Brothers Overhead Door Company Stitzell Electric Supply US Energy Services,Inc ***TOTAL Clear main Jan 1997 Feb Phone 1 Yr Subs 6/1197-5/31/98 Parts Maintenance Tune Satellite Dish Feb Phone 12/27/96 -01127/97 Underground Locates Parts Maintenance BNC Connector Feb Newsletter 1997 Code of Iowa Maintenance Cleaning Straighten Antenna . Feb.'96 Postage/Newslet Feb Phone January-Gas Toner Cartridges 52.50 7,758.27 55.40 90.00 100.06 60.79 30.00 40.86 8,464.99 8.33 148.55 60.79 4.50 112.00 189.00 31.20 240.00 75.00 269.82 110.79 29.32 90.00 5.76 55.39 1,092.99 40.00 27.40 15.78 9.34 113.02 43.98 35.00 60.79 458.00 181,006.94 Feb Phone Prof Serv/Landfill Professional Services Parts Propane Tank Underground Locates Parts Supplies Split Rim Fire Repair Maintenance CO Detectors January-Gas 240,730.16 ***GRAND TOTAL ***264,004.73 4 Rezoning of Property from A-1 to C-1 and M-2 -1st,2nd and 3rd readings.Streetar Cameron represented Gilcrest/Jewett Lumber,spoke to the Mayor and Council explaining the preliminary site plan for their business.The railroad system is very important to this company for the delivery of goods which is then sold and delivered by truck.Councilman Gruber asked if the outside storage would be out in the open or stored under pole-barn style of buildings.It was explained there would be both kinds of storage used. The Planning and Zoning did show some concern because the Comprehensive Plan had specified the use of this property to be high density residential. Gilcrest/Jewett does not want the property to revert back to A-I. Frank Holifeldt,P&Z Commission,voted against this plan.He would like to explain the concerns the Planning &Zoning had with the lumber yard being located on this property. Hickman Road has been set in the comprehensive plan for commercial use and the southern land use along University was designated for residential use and also the wear and tear on University by the commercial hauling that would be taking place if this property is used for a lumber yard. It was also intended to have a bike trail through this area as well. Jeff Downing,chairman of the Development Committee,the Development Committee would "J" like to see the comprehensive plan updated which as the Community grows there is a need to update the plans.In the future,Alice's Road will be a very heavy traveled road with eventually a interstate exchange.There have been a lot of changes that have happen since the comprehensive plan was developed. Mark Feldman,representing William Turf Farm,spoke briefly to the Council regarding the functions of the Turf Farm. Motion by Councihnan Gruber,seconded by Heath,to change the comprehensive plan.Roll call Gruber,Heath,and Lugar.Motion carried 3 to O. Introduced by Councilwoman Heath,to introduce the Ordinance to Amend the Zoning of Property from A-I to C-I and M-2 with noted changes,seconded by Councilman Lugar.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Heath,Lugar and Gruber.Nays:None.Motion carried 3 to O. Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to have the Ordinance read for the first time in title only.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Lugar and Heath. Nays:None.Motion carried 3 to O. 5 I Ordinance NO ..1a.//..) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 301,WAUKEE MUNICIPAL CODE, ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA,BY RE-ZONING AND CHANGING CERTAIN PROPERTY THEREIN FROM A-I (AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT) TO C-l (COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL)AND OTHER PROPERTY FROM A-I (AGRICULTURAL)TO M-2 (HEAVY INDUSTRIAL)AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO SHOW RE-ZONING. Lease of Water Tower -US Cellular Corp.Table until the 3/3/97 meeting. MWR Telecom ROW Agreement.Table until the 3/3/97 meeting. Liability Insurance Bid Discussion.Mark Currie,Iowa Communities Insurance Pool,presented the Council with a insurance package and gave a brief review. Roger Howell,United Services Inc.,presented the Council with an insurance package. Councilwoman Lihs arrived at 8:10pm..'(. Resolution Giving Support To The Library Foundation -Land Acquisition.Jim Riordan !s'I..d spoke briefly to the Mayor and Council regarding the future needs of the Library..Ib·:;·)..0(, I i - Motion by Councihnan Lugar,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to approve Resolution 97-06. Roll call Lugar,Gruber,Heath and Lihs.Motion carried 4 to O. RESOLUTION NO.97-06 A RESOLUTION GIVING SUPPORT TO THE WAUKEE LIBRARY FOUNDATION IN THEIR EFFORTS TO IDENTIFY A SITE FOR A NEW LIBRARY. WHEREAS,the citizens of the Waukee Community are vitally concerned with maintenance a high quality of life,based in part on quality education and literacy,and WHEREAS,a modern,technologically sound public library will help insure the long term quality and viability of the community and help promote that high quality of life,and WHEREAS,the city of Waukee and the surrounding area are experiencing a rapid rate of growth and expansion that is expected to continue,and 6 WHEREAS,as a result of this growth,the Waukee Public Library has experienced a 48% increase in circulation in the past three years,and IWHEREAS,with this growth the Library's current 90 year old facility and site are inadequate for its future needs,and WHEREAS,the Waukee Library Foundation,the Library Board of Trustees,the Friends of the Library,and the Library Building Connnittee are unanimous in the opinion that a new site should be acquired for the construction of a new connnunity library,and WHEREAS,site identification and City Council support are essential for successful fund raising efforts by the aforemented groups in order to initiate the project, Now,therefore,be it resolved; That the Waukee City Council gives their full support to the Library Foundation to begin negotiations for acquisition of an appropriate site and to raise funds for the purpose of building a new Public Library. Signed this 24th day of February,1997. Review of Gas Bill and Gas Purchasing Agreement.Kurt would requested this item to be presented to the Utility Committee and a reconnnendation be brought back to the Council.The Council would like Bill Houston to attend the Utility Committee meeting.I Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilwoman Heath,to send the Gas Purchasing Agreement to the Utility Committee.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Heath, Lugar,and Lihs.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 to O. Request to Waive Building Permit Fee -Waukee Schools.Motion by Councilman Lugar, seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to waive the building permit fees for the Waukee Schools. The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lugar,Lihs,Heath,and Gruber,Nays:None.Motion carried 4 to O. Zoning Ordinance Revision Review.101m Kursitis,V &K,reviewed the Zoning Ordinance revisions in great detail.Table until the 3/3/97 meeting. Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to send the Zoning Ordinance Revisions back to the Planning and Zoning Commission.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote: Ayes:Lugar,Lihs,Heath,and Gruber.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 to O. FY1997-98 Budget -Set a Date For a Hearing.Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilwoman Heath,to set a FY1997-98 Budget Public Hearing date for March lOth,1997.I7 i The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Heath,Lugar and Lihs.Motion carried 4 to O. Sidewall Fusion Machine Purchase.Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to approve the purchase of a sidewall fusion machine for $2,297.85 from Gas Products. The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Lugar,Lihs,and Heath.Nays:None. Motion carried 4 to O. Permission to Attend IMMI.Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs, to allow Kurt to attend the IMMl conference on March 26,27,and 28.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lugar,Lihs,Gruber and Heath.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 to O. Purchase New Air Compressor.Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to approve the purchase a new air compressor for $10,250.00 from James W.Bell.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lugar,Gruber,Lihs,and Heath.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 to O. Mayor's Report.The Mayor attended the Leg received a call from Pat Pitts from the Mobile Home Park,has volunteered to paint the cover bridge in the Park, Councilman Gruber would like all the communities businesses to write a brief description of their business and have several randomly highlighted in the newsletter each month. Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to approve the Mayor's report. The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried. Library Meeting Minutes.Motion by Councilman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to approve the Library Report.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried. Parks Report.Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to approve the parks report.Motion carried voice vote. Administrator's Report.Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to approve the Administrator's report.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote.Motion carried. Attorney's Report.Paul Huscher,City Attorney,gave brief report to the Mayor and Council. Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to approve the Attorney's report.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried. 8 Adjournment.Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to adjourn the meeting at 9:18pm.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote.Motion carried. Attest:. ')/L1.A'--- Kurt A.Rueckel,City Clerk J 9 I