HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-03-17-Regular MinutesThe March 17,1997 Waukee Council meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Mayor Donald L.Bailey,Jr.] Roll Call.A roll call vote was taken and the following Council Members were present:Nick Gruber,Robyn Heath,Monica Lihs and Dan Lugar.Absent:Terry Strain. Open Forum.None. Agenda Additions -Agenda Approval.Delete item #14 and item #19.Add the conceptual plan of Midwest Mobile Home Court as item 7A for discussion only.Motion by Councihnan Lugar,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs to approve the agenda with the correction.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried. Consent Agenda:A)3/03/97 and 3110197 Council Minutes;and B)Salary and Bill Presentation.Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to approve the consent agenda.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Lihs,Heath,and Lugar. Nays:None.Motion carried 4 to O. Salary Presentation: Bailey,Donald Brenton State Bauk Breuer,Gregory A DeZeeuw,David S Evans,Robert G Fetterman,Gregory S. Ford,Elizabeth A. Terry Gibson Gruber,Nick Heath,Robyn R Herrick,Robert D. Hopper,Kenneth E Horkey,RobinR. Jones,Harry N Lihs,Monica E. Lestina,Toni Lugar,Daniel W Mack,Linda M. McNamara,Terence P. Murphy-Petersen,Devon Ohnemus,Valerie J Phillips,Larry J. Royer,Tim Rueckel,Kurt A Lawrence W.Ryan Schmitt,Mark 218.43 6,040.05 975.56 -735.52 796.13 243.11 696.28 60.00 50.79 46.17 702.14 903.62 786.90 138.52 46.17 640.77 46.17 660.41 665.24 213.90 221.36 1,090.69 796.70 1,156.82 922.61 60.00 ] I WAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -MARCH 17,1997 Strain,Terry L. Tofteland,Joy E. VanZee,Dianna Telco Community Credit Un Wesselmann,Jolm C White,Danny L Charlene Wilson Wright,Brain ***TOTAL AA Manufacturing AdMedLtd Allegra IA Small Libraies Associa IA Anderson Products &Servi Aramark Uniform Services Archer TV &Appliance Arnold Motor Supply Association Profess.Man. Brenton State Bank Brenton Bank Brenton Bank P.C.-Police Brittain Radiator Broderick Animal Clinic Butterfield Management Cape Publication Capital Sanitary Supply Carpenter Uniform Co CT Farm &Conntry CFI Tire Service Chivers Clemens Creative Printers,Inc Dallas County News Dawson DEMCO DM Asphalt and Paving Co DMRegister DM Water Works Ed M.Feld Equipment Co Farmer's Coop Elevator Firehouse Magazine 46.17 586.65 461.74 355.00 1,144.19 674.63 802.60 716.14 23,701.18 Hydrant Flags Drug Test Envelopes Small Library Repair Clamps Floor Mats 010.810.42.6900 Spot Light Registration Library PC Reimb.Feb '97 Petty Cash Reimb-City Ha Petty Cash Reimb. Supplies Bording/Euth Consulting 2/20 &2/21 Material Supplies Uniform Link Wheel &Parts Material Supplies Printing Zoning Change Material Supplies Optimix Material 01/27/97-02/25/97 Rescue Loan-Jaws Gasohol 12 Month Subscription 1,560.00 25.00 535.86 10.00 918.72 46.26 4.50 29.95 30.00 184.53 133.97 158.95 18.00 128.00 200.00 20.45 76.45 143.40 3.69 293.50 8.98 192.45 112.00 264.06 24.61 42.08 292.18 45.50 16,241.77 8,544.09 1,866.56 24.97 WAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -MARCH 17,1997 Fisher Scientific Freightliner ofDM,Inc Fuller Standard Service Gall's Inc. Gas Products Sales Great Western Supply Co Hallett Materials Hawkeye Auto Supply Inc Fastpro International Inc Huscher,Paul E. IA Association of Ingram Library Services IADA Services,Inc ICBO MIDWEST POWER/GAS Jim Coons Trucking J &M Lock &Key Service Jolm Wiley &Sons,Inc. KAR Products Lerner Publications Co. Lease Consultants Corp Linch Auto Parts Lestina,Toni Mack,Linda M. Matt Parrott &Sons Co Mid-Iowa Sales Company Mid-Land Equipment Co Midwest Radar &Equipment Moss Brothers,Inc netINS Northern Muuicipal Olson Brothers Omark Corporation Payless Cashways,Inc Presto-X Company Quality Ford ofW.D.M. Pramair R.L.Polk &Company REGENCY BUILDERS Spring Valley Radio Corp Storey-Kenworthy Company Strauss Safe and Lock Co The Wall Street Journal Supplies Vehicle Maintenance Fuel Clothing Supplies Imprinted Crayons Ice Control Sand Repair Notice March Retainer Gas Dues MARC records February 987-1073 Membership 01/17/97 -02/17/97 Sand Repair Supplies Supplies Material Lease-to-own copy mach. Maintenance Mileage Reimb. Reimb.Copies Disconnect Notices Supplies Parts Repair Repair of Vehicle Internet service 1997-98 Dues Fuel Supplies Supplies Pest Control Vehicle Repair Maintenance 97 DM NO SBN IOWA Refund Regency Biders Install Radio Supplies Repair Material 29.23 251.85 318.99 270.87 3,390.16 248.48 237.12 86.70 13.90 750.25 1,424.00 665.97 45.84 85.00 233.44 588.90 101.00 140.30 344.62 139.87 72.31 659.59 10.29 11.78 1,192.55 154.18 81.19 74.33 5.32 25.00 1,500.00 327.96 58.50 161.33 21.50 559.27 60.46 186.00 160.22 1,577.00 421.36 126.25 175.00 WAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -MARCH 17,1997 Thompson Publishing Group Tofteland,Joy E. Tofteland,Joy E. Treas,State of Iowa Treas,State ofIowa Treas,State ofIowa Treas,State ofIowa Truck Equipment,Inc Unitrol US Energy Services,Inc US Postal Service AirTouch Cellular US West Communications University Photo Upstart Utility Consultants Inc VISA Waste Management ofIowa Waukee First Responders Waukee Hardware &Variety Waukee Mini Storage Waukee Municipal Gas Wesselmann,John C Wesselmann,John C Wityk,Debra Becky Zimmer ***TOTAL Fair Labor Stand.Hndbk Reimb.For Spine Labels Mileage Feb.'97 State WH Tax Feb '97 Sales Tax Deposi Feb '97 Sales Tax Deposi Feb '97 Sales Tax Deposi Headlamp Kit Repair Feb.'97 Gas March '97 NewsLtr Po stag Cellular Phone Rental 987-1280 Film Processing Bulletin Board Lab Testing for Feb JWTrip Feb 1997 Loan to open Cking Acct Snow shovel Mini Storage Rental 3557th Reimb.-Computer Key Pad Meals Reimb WW Research Custodial Services Clean-up 82,940.42 ***GRAND TOTAL ***106,641.60 293.50 3.50 59.10 2,180.04 2,683.58 144.30 7,354.29 143.22 60.31 8,945.76 313.93 30.15 75.89 17.69 26.04 336.00 817.22 7,758.27 200.00 162.36 46.00 1,628.17 89.00 131.39 125.00 239.85 City of Waukee Treasurer's Report WAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -MARCH 17,1997 Cash &Other Pooled Assets As of February 28, 1997 35462 35489 BEGINNING MTD MTD TRANSFE ENDING RS BALANCE CREDITS DEBITS IN (OUT)BALANCE GENERAL $463,772.92 $12,711.79 ($70,369.65)$7,924.00 $414,039.06 ROAD USE $85,006.89 $17,534.71 ($11,999.72)($1,000.00)$89,541.88 EMP.BENEFIT $49,519.19 $339.53 $0.00 $0.00 $49,858.72 HICKMAN IP $25,982.28 $10.27 $0.00 $0.00 $25,992.55 SPECIAL $16,961.07 $1.20 $0.00 $0.00 $16,962.27 ASSESSMENT DEBT $196,820.33 $1,674.78 $0.00 $0.00 $198,495.11 SERVICE/G.O. WATER $456,938.79 $55,638.01 ($19,636.87)($3,660.00)$489,279.93 SEWER $196,696.79 $48,380.41 ($6,592.94)($3,130.00)$235,354.26 GAS $229,059.77 $183,751.59 ($287,515.38)($3,950.00)$121,345.98 SOLID WASTE ($2,259.83)$8,808.63 ($7,758.27)$0.00 ($1,209.47) EQUIPMENT $73,084.08 $127.70 $0.00 $0.00 $73,211.78 REVOLVING UTIL TIY BILLING $8,416.95 $216.02 ($5,001.50)$3,816.00 $7,447.47 I I I WAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -MARCH 17,1997 ALICE'S ROAD $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PROJECT TOTAL ALL FUNDS $1,799,999.23 $329,194.64 ($408,874.33)$0.00 $1,720,319.54 Ordin~nce Rezoning Property -NW C.omer of University &Alice's .Road.Motion by .(;~l"/__ Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilwoman Heath,to have the ordmance read the 3rd time .~A ."i') in title only.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Heath,Lugar.Nays:Lihs. Motion carried 3 to 1. Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to put Ordinance No.2225 on its fmal passage.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Lugar,Heath.Nays:Lihs. Motion carried 3 to 1. The Mayor declared Ordinance No.2225 duly adopted. ORDINANCE NO.2225 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 301,WAUKEE MUNICIPAL CODE, ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA,BY RE-ZONING AND CHANGING CERT A1N PROPERTY THEREIN FROM A-I (AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT) TO (AGRICULTURAL)TO M-2 (HEAVY INDUSTRIAL)AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO SHOW RE-ZONING. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council ofthe City of Waukee: Section 1.Section 301.4 of Chapter 301,Waukee Municipal Code,Zoning Ordinance of the City,adopting the Official Zoning Map,is hereby amended by changing the following described real estate from A-I (Agricultural)to C-l (Community Commercial District);and that the Official Zoning Map be made to reflect such amendment: Commencing at the Point of Beginning which is the intersection of the South Line of the Southeast One-Quarter of Section 34 with the East line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 34,thence Northerly 550 feet;thence Westerly 545 feet;thence Southerly 331.25 feet to a point on the North right-of-way line of the Railway right-of-way;thence Southeasterly along said Railway right-of-way,to a point on the South line ofthe Southeast Quarter of said Section 34; thence Easterly to the point of beginning. Section 2.Section 301.4 of Chapter 301,Waukee Municipal Code,Zoning Ordinance of the City,adopting the Official Zoning Map,is hereby amended by changing the WAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -MARCH 17,1997 ]following described real estate from A-I (Agricultural)to M-2 (Heavy Industrial)and that the Official Zoning Map be made to reflect such amendment: The South 25.86 areas of the East One-Half of the Southeast Quarter (E Y,SE 1/4) (except Railway and except the West 3 Acres North of Railway)lying North of Railway; EXCEPT the Parcel commencing at the Point of Beginning which is the intersection of the South Line of the Southeast One-Quarter of Section 34 with the East line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 34,thence Northerly 550 feet;thence Westerly 545 feet;thence Southerly 331.25 feet to a point on the North right-of-way line of the Railway right-of-way;thence Southeasterly along said Railway right-of-way,to a point on the South line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 34;thence Easterly to the point of beginning. The rezoning of the M-2 parcel is contingent to the property being used only for the same or similar purpose(s)proposed by the owner as outlined in their conceptual plan.If any other use is proposed,the M-2 zoning for the above described property shall be automatically repealed and revert to M-1. Passed by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,this 17th day of March,1997,and approved this 17th day of March,1997.]Water Tower Agreement -US Cellular Operating Co.Motion by Councilman Gruber, seconded by Councilwoman Heath to approve the agreement with US Cellular with the additional wordage to #17 and #18 as follows -if default continues after notification the Licensor has the right to terminate the agreement without penalty.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote: Ayes:Gruber,Heath,Lihs,Lugar.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 to O. Mobile Home Park -Conceptual Plan.Doug Saltsgaver of JBM presented the conceptional plan for the Midwest Mobile Home Park.They are proposing an additional 114 lots to the Mobile Home Park.Each lot will be approximately 110 to 115 ft depth with 60 ft wide with corner lots being a little wider.They would like to start sometime this spring.No comments or concerns were noted from the Council. Landscape Waste Collection.Motion by Lugar,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to approve Waste Management collecting the yard waste at $50.00/hr -with no cost increase until June to the Citizens.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lugar,Gruber,Heath and Lihs.Nays: None.Motion carried 4 to O. Accept Bids for Purchase of Police Vehicle.Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilwoman Heath,to accept the bid from Quality Ford for $18,962.00.The Mayor asked for I a roll call vote:Ayes:Lugar,Heath,Lihs,and Gruber.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 to O. WAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -MARCH 17,1997 Resolution providing for the Issuance of Warrants in Connection with the Construction of the City's University Avenue Trunk Sewer.After a brief discussion,Council Member Lihs introduced the resolution next hereinafter set out,and moved that said resolution be adopted; seconded by Council Member Lugar.After due consideration thereof by the Council,the Mayor put the question on the motion and the roll being called,the following named Council Members voted:Ayes:Lihs,Lugar,Heath,and Gruber.Nays:None. ;{,Ji'P {l (1 { I ' Whereupon,the Mayor declared the resolution duly adopted. Resolution No.97-08 authorized the issuance of$1.4 million in warrants at 4.5%interest- callable at anytime for the purposes oftemporary fmancing for the University Avenue Trunk Sewer Project. Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to allow the Mayor to sign the letter of intent with Ruan Securities for this financing.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote: Ayes:Gruber,Lugar,Lihs,and Heath.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 to O. Library Annual Report.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilwoman Heath, to accept the armuallibrary report.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Heath, Gruber,and Lugar.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 to O. Consideration of Policy of Maintenance of Private Streets.The Mayor and Council discussed different options the residents of Sahu Acres can do regarding the maintenance of their streets. Jan Blazanin was present at the meeting and voiced her opinions and concerns. Adding Liberty Bank to List of Official Depositories.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,!?v-k(f( seconded by Councilman Lugar,to pass Resolution 97 -09 adding Liberty Bank to the list oflJ '11-0 q Official Depositories.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Lihs,Lugar,Gruber,Heath.Nays: None.Motion carried 4 to O. Mayor's Report.Mayor Bailey announced that Kristen Danley has taken a job with Mercy Hospital publishing their Newsletter;The Mayor read a letter from Chris Balls regarding the trash that is scattered along the Highways and streets in Waukee;at the Mayor's meeting the Boone Mayor spoke regarding the Telecommunications Act and have started a newsletter. And appointed Dan Gardiner to the Parks Committee. Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilwoman Heath to accept the Mayors report. The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried. Utility Committee Report.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilwoman Heath, to accept the Utility report.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried. Library Meeting Minutes.Put on next agenda. WAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -MARCH 17,1997 IParksReport.Nothing. Administrator's Report.Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to accept the Administrators Report.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried. Attorney's Report -Annexation -Closed Session.Paul Had nothing to report regarding annexation. Landfill -Closed Session. The First Responders issue -Paul was asked by the First Responders to check into the situation with Brad Curtis.Paul does not feel that there is a conflict of interest and the Council does not feel there is a conflict. Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to approve the Attorney's Report.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried. Adjournment.Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to adjourn the meeting at 9:20pm. Attest: )((,vJ\c-Q;,~~ J Kurt A.Rueckel,City Clerk I