HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-04-21-Regular MinutesThe April 21,1997 Waukee Council Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Mayor Donald L. Bailey,Jr. Roll Call.A roll call vote was taken and the following Council Members were present:Nick, Gruber,Monica Lihs,Dan Lugar,and Terry Strain. Open Forum.The Mayor presented the Police Chief,Officer Breuer and Fire Department with an award,for saving a women's life during an April 14th fire at the mobile home park. Marge Lause asked about the RVs parked at the end of Third Street for construction crews for the University Truuk Sewer Project.John Wesselmann and Police Chief Phillips were directed to check this situation out. Agenda Additions -Agenda Approval.Motion by Councilman Strain,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to approve the Agenda with the deletion of #12.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried. Consent Agenda -A)417/97 and B)Bill Presentation.Motion by Councilman Gruber, seconded by Councilwoman Heath,to approve the consent agenda.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Heath,Lihs,Lugar,and Strain.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to o. Salary Presentation: Bailey,Donald Brenton State Bank Breuer,Gregory A DeZeeuw,David S Evans,Robert G Fetterman,Gregory S. Ford,Elizabeth A. Terry Gibson Gruber,Nick Heath,Robyn R Herrick,Robert D. Hopper,Kenneth E Horkey,Robin R. Jones,Harry N Lihs,Monica E. Lestina,Toni Lugar,Daniel W Mack,Linda M. McNamara,Terence P. Ohnemus,Valerie J Phillips,Larry J. Royer,Tim Rueckel,Kurt A Lawrence W.Ryan Schmitt,Mark Strain,Terry L. Tofteland,Joy E. VanZee,Dianna Telco Community Credit Un Wesselmann,John C White,Danny L Charlene Wilson 218.43 6,219.54 867.96 838.63 796.13 263.69 654.76 60.00 50.79 46.17 796.08 880.73 798.98 417.98 46.17 640.77 46.17 660.41 832.99 241.84 1,090.69 787.46 1,156.82 945.86 60.00 46.17 586.65 461.74 355.00 1,144.19 674.63 820.62 1 Wright,Brain Zook,Christal D Total Salaries Bill Presentation: Aramark Uniform Services ATCO International Awards Gallery Bankers Trust Company Ben Franklin Brenton State Bank Brown Supply Co,Inc. Capital City Equipment Co Capital Sanitary Supply CFI Tire Service Cite-Gard Copy Systems,Inc Country Cakes &Candies Graig McClanahan DM Register Electrical Engineering & Emergency Medical Prod Farmer's Coop Elevator First Reality Fuller Standard Service Gas Products Sales Grimes Asphalt &Paving Groebner &Associates Inc Hawkeye Wood Shavings,In Fastpro International Inc Huscher,Paul E. Illowa Communications IA Association of IA Dept of Job Service Independent Salt Company lAnA Services,Inc Ia Co For Inter Understan MidAmerican Energy IA One Call ICBO Jim Coons Trucking !CAR Products Lavine's Sales Co Leydens &Associates,Inc Lestina,Toni Madison National Life Majona Corporation Mel Northey Co.,Inc Merit Printing Co Metro Uniforms Mid-Land Equipment Co N.C.LTD. Northern O'Halloran International Old Dominion Brush Olson Brothers Page Mart Payless Cashways,Inc Plumb Supply Company Quill Corporation Rhino Materials SEARS CARPET CLEANING Danko Emergency Equipment Spring Valley Radio Corp Tie Communication Missour 716.14 70.01 $24,294.20 Maintenance Supplies Plaque Transf-Re water Bonds Film Police Petty Cash Repair Radio Supplies Repair Supplies Spplies Cake/Mints PC Repair Printing Supplies Supplies Fuel Refund Ethanol Equipment Cold Mix Supplies Playground Mulch Supplies April '97 Retainer Fee Supplies Dues 1st Quarter Unem Tax '97 Hiway/Treated Bulk 987-1073 Fees 031497-041097 One Call Supplies Sand Supplies Supplies Repair of Equipment Mileage Reimb. Police Repairs Utility Services Supplieo Clothing Repair Supplies Parts Street Sweeping Supplies Page Equipment Tie Supplies Supplies Supplies Carpet Cleaning Maintenance Batteries Install Phone 2 49.04 395.08 36.15 33,749.00 3.99 165.50 120.00 390.00 233.04 52.00 84.19 l37.00 64.57 97.50 14.25 428.92 156.00 1,270.97 146.63 63.80 4,707.82 199.50 1,185.21 64.00 26.80 500.00 1,110.00 657.00 847.83 643.45 48.l3 55.50 3,224.30 133.60 480.75 140.80 52.24 269.00 67.07 17.98 247.10 280.00 1,020.00 800.00 267.90 180.24 3,250.00 119.96 53.12 380.34 612.89 774.00 70.73 29.75 485.52 80.51 95.00 273.00 90.00 460.00 ) 1 I City of Waukee Cash &Other Assests as of 3/31/97 Benton Checking $62,344.~7 Brenton Public Funds Works $437,494.80 Brenton Bank Police Savings $8,497.20 Brenton CD $28,030.89 Raccoon Valley FR CD 8574 $5,759.06 E Bank MM Par land $19,293.45 E Bank MM Fire Dept.$78,33L 79 E Bank MM Replacement Fund $36,6~3.83 petty Cash $600.00 Waukee First State Bank CD-Gas $307,802.32 Bankers Trust MM $63,186.54 Bankers Trust MM-Sewer $75,860.47 Bankers Trust MM-Water $313,830.59 Bankers Trust CD 901300-WTR $48,618.26 Bankers Trust CD 901299-WTR $43,216.23 Des Moines Water Works $171,270.00 Des Moines Water Works $81,202.68 Bankers Trust CD 901302-Sewer $64,824.35 Bankers Trust CD 901301-Sewer $39,975.02 Total $1,886,751.65 Treas,State of Iowa Treas,State of Iowa Treas,State of Iowa Treas,State of Iowa United States Cellular USABlueBook US Energy Services,Inc US Postal Service US Postal Service US west Communications U of I Hygienic Lab university Photo Utility Consultants Inc VanZee,Dianna Waste Management of Iowa Waukee Fire Association Craig Webber Scott Wiegert State WE Tax March '97 Sales Tax Water March 97 Sales Tax Sewer March 97 Sales Tax Gas March '97 Cell Phone Supplies Gas Postage Machine PO Box Rental Telephone Service Testing Supplies March Mileage March Solid Waste Last 1/2 Firemans Dinner Dust Control Consultant Fee ***Salaries Total *** ***Bill Presentation *** ***GRAND TOTAL *** 2,205.06 2,299.39 119.64 4,500.81 50.87 298.29 8,934.56 400.00 424.00 689.35 120.00 6.56 336.00 1.50 7,858.27 800.00 71.75 344.75 24,294.20 90,881.71 115,013.67 Waste Management -Earth Day.Michelle Hillman,Waste Management,presented a $100.00 to the parks in honor of Earth Day.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilwoman Heath,to accept the $100.00 donation.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Heath, 3 Lugar,Strain,and Gruber.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. Ordinance Making Comprehensive Revisions To The Zoning Ordinance -2nd Reading. Jeff Downing,Downing Development,spoke to the council addressing his concerns with the proposed zoning ordinance,specifically section 301.8B. Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to have the Clerk read the Zoning Ordinance in title only.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Gruber,Lugar, Strain,and Heath.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. Approval To Proceed with 1997 Street Projects. Anumber of residents addressed the Council with the following concerns,not limited to: assessing everyone since everyone uses the streets;not wanting sidewalks;stating that kis will not use the sidewalks;that they will use the sidewalks;speeding on Northview;the Citys limited ability to afford the projects that need to be done;the city's ability to force citizens to install sidewalks;the loss of trees ifNorthview is widened;the condition of the existing utilities in the streets;drainage;the citys maintence programing;asphalt verses concrete,city's maintenance of streets,etc. Motion by Councilman Strain,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to leave Northview at 25'with the stipulation of no parking along Northview during business hours.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Strain,Lugar,Heath,Gruber.Nays:Lihs.Motion carried 4 to 1.IMotionbyCouncilmanGruber,seconded by Councilwoman Heath,to include sidewalks on all projects and the Code Enforcement Officer will enforce all ordinances regarding sidewalks.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Heath,Lihs,Strain.Nays:Lugar.Motion carried 4 to 1. Motion by Councilman Strain,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to go out for bids for concrete with a alternate bid for asphalt.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Strain,Lihs,Gruber, Heath.Nays:Lugar.Motion carried 4 to 1. Motion by Councilman Strain,seconded by Councilwoman Heath,to authorize the engineers to finalize the estimates for Northview Dr.(25ft width),2nd Street and 3rd Street.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Strain,Heath,Lugar,Lihs and Gruber.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. Decision To Finialize The 1997 Street Reconstruction Projects. Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to fund these projects 100% through GO Bonds.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Lugar.Nays:Heath,Strain, Gruber.Motion failed 2 to 3. Motion by Councilman Gruber,to go out for GO Bonds for the streets and charge the residents I 4 for curb,gutter and sidewalks.Motion died for lack of a second. Motion by Councilman Strain,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to fund these projects 75%GO bonds and the residents be assessed for 25%.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Strain, Lugar,Heath,Gruber.Nays:Lihs.Motion carried 4 to 1. Approval of Engineering Services for Special Assessment of 1997 Street Projects. Table until the May 5th meeting. Resolution Accepting Deeds or Easements for N.6th Street.Motion by Councilman Lugar,f],i '"r (. seconded by Councilman Strain,to pass Resolution 97-14 accepting the deeds or easements ir ('(7'/3 including maintenance for North 6th Street.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lugar, Strain,Heath Gruber.Nays:Lihs.Motion carried 4 to 1.(See Resolution Book) Acceptance of Easement Agreements -University Trunk Sewer Project.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Lugar,to accept the easement agreement for University Trunk Sewer Project with William's TurfFarrns and Mr.David Conn.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs,Lugar,Strain,Heath,Gruber.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. Natural Gas Purchasing Policy.Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to approve alternate #3 to play the market index and implement a peak gas adjustment over $3.00 per mmbtu and savings to customers when prices drop below $1.00 per mmbtu per US Energy Services recommendation.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lugar, Gruber,Lihs,Strain,Heath.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. Contract Meter Reading -Request to Seek Bids.Motion by Councilman Lugar,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to allow specifications to be advertised for bids with contract services to begin July 1,1997.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lugar,Gruber,Strain,Lihs, Heath.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. Sales of Old Equipment -Jaws of Life.Motion by Council Gruber,seconded by Councilman Strain,to advertise the sale and to receive sealed bids the jaws of life.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Strain,Lugar,Heath,Lihs.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. MPO FY1998 Unified Planning Work Program -FY1998 Assessment.Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilwoman Heath,to approve MPO FY1998 Unified Planning Work Program.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Heath,Lihs, Strain,Lugar.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. Clean-up Day -May 17th.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Strain,to set the date for May 17th for clean-up day.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lihs, Strain,Heath,Gruber.Lugar.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. 5 Board of Adjustment Discussion regarding Order to Reset Mobile Homes.JeffMcCoige spoke to the Mayor and Council regarding the Board of Adjustment By-Laws.Jeff and Paul Huscher will meet to discuss the By-Laws.I Marsha Knaack,Midwest Mobile Home Court,stated that the Council is not to get involved in the Board of Adjustment decisions.If there is a grievance it must be taken to district court. Mayor's Report.Beth Kissel,is the new Dallas East reporter for Waukee;KCCI Project Main Street will be presented on May 15th at the Centennial Park Covered Bridge;DARE graduation; Proclamation for School Board Recognition Week May l lth thru the 17th. Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilwoman Heath,to accept the Mayor's Report.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried. Economic Development Report.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Gruber to accept the Economic Development report.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried. Park Committee Report.Motion by Councilwoman Heath,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to accept the Park Committee report The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried. Treasurer's Report.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to accept the Treasurer's report.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried.J Attorney's Report.Motion by Councilwoman Lihs,seconded by Councilwoman Heath,to accept the Attorney's report.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried. Adjournment.Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to adjourn at 12:37pm. Attested:;L-~ ----efkrx~~~Mayor Donald L.Bailey,Jr. Kurt A.Rueckel,City Clerk I 6