HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-11-17-Regular MinutesThe November 17,1997 Waukee City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Mayor Donald L.Bailey,JI. Mayor Bailey presented Mary White with a plaque to show the cities appreciation for her dedicated service. Oath of Office -Larry Lyon.Mayor Bailey swore MI.Larry Lyon into office. Roll Call.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote and the following Council members were present:Nick Gruber,Robyn Heath,Monica Lihs,Larry Lyon,and Terry Strain.Absent:None. Open Forum. Jim De Witte -550 5th Street -congratulated Mayor Bailey and Robyn Heath for receiving the Prism Award. Jim inquired about the tree limb pickup procedure. Marvin Whitlack -315 Bel-Aire Drive.Inquired about no parking on Northview Drive.The street has been opened and he would like to see the no parking policy posted and enforced. Paul Huscher will prepare the no parking ordinance for the next meeting. Agenda Additions -Agenda Approval.Motion by Councilman Lyon,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to approve the agenda.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote.Motion carried. Consent Agenda -A)11/3/97 Council Minutes;B)Salary and Bill Presentation.Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Lyon,to approve the consent agenda.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Lyon,Lihs,Heath,and Strain.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. SALARY AND BILL PRESENTATION: Bailey,Donald Brenton State Bank Breuer,Gregory A Collection Services Dallas County Sheriff DeZeeuw,David S Evans,Cyndi Evans,Robert G Patrick J Flater Ford,Elizabeth A. Terry Gibson Gruber,Nick Heath,Robyn R Herrick,Robert D. Hopper,Kenneth E Horkey,Robin R. Jones,Harry N LIBERTY SAVINGS BANK 218.43 7,259.19 936.21 200.55 94.30 961.12 212.99 860.98 633.03 710.38 92.18 50.79 46.17 963.04 857.97 824.20 369.17 55.00 Lihs,Monica E. Lestina,Toni Larry Lyon Mack,Linda M. Ohnemus,Valerie J Phillips,Larry J. Royer,Tim Rueckel,Kurt A Lawrence W.Ryan Schmitt,Mark Strain,Terry L. Mark A.Swan Tofteland,Joy E. Van Zee,Dianna Telco Community Credit Un Wesselmann,John C White,Danny L White,Mary Charlene Wilson Wright,Brain ***TOTAL Aramark Uniform Services Battery Patrol Beisser's Lumber Company Bibliographical Center Border's Book Shop 34568 Brenton State Bank Brown supply Co,Inc. Business Communications Business Publications CMI,Inc Capital City Equipment Co 34569 Michael K.Conley eEl Central Iowa Regional CITY OF WAUKEE CITY WIDE HEATING &AC Creative Printers,Inc D.A.D.'S Workshop DTN Corporation Dawson DM Water Works Des Moines Water Works Eddy-Walker Equipment Co Farmer's Coop Elevator First National Bank Freightliner of OM,Inc Fuller Standard Service Groebner &Associates Inc Huscher,Paul E. Hydro Flow Products,Inc. IA Association of Ingram Library Services IADA Services,Inc IA Pipelirie Associates MidAmerican Energy IA Signal &Electric Co Jim Coons Trucking J &M Lock &Key Service Jones Library Sales,Inc Library Edition Mack,Linda M. Martin Marietta Aggreg Media Packaging Corp. Metro Uniforms Mid States Ford Truck Mid-Land Equipment Co 46.17 638.63 23.09 734.79 274.68 1,168.61 1,334.25 1,264.51 891.08 92.18 46.17 170.29 714.11 481.65 595.00 988.07 770.86 23.09 782.22 872.65 27,251.80 Mats Supplies Maintenance of bldg SILO use prepayment fee Materials Library Petty Cash Univ.Flash Tubes Repair of equip New E.D.Advertising Repair of Equip Filter Gas Rebate M.Conley Supplies Internet\Children WKSKP Monthly Service Maintenance of bldg Monthly newsletter Repair/Maint.of bldg Supplies Material COG sold for October 92B Wtr Rev Bond pymt Frink Sander Part Gas GO 10/90 Wtr Int #46 Repair of Vehicle Fuel Supplies Oct/Nov97 retain fee Sipplies Gas Operations workshop Book discussion books 987-1073 Westgate Phase II,etc Monthly Service Service call/uniV&Ashwo 1 1/2"Clean Maintenance of Building Shelving parts Material Merle Hay/Johnston Libr Fill Sand Supplies Clothing Allowance Belt Drive Repair of Equip ') I, ) 49.04 182.91 165.00 50.00 64.43 192.31 117.70 175.00 691.20 618.04 20.13 75.00 274.69 6.00 55.44 152.73 289.35 145.84 130.00 474.33 9,290.84 95,100.95 818.67 462.25 730.00 316.83 278.02 185.54 1,120.00 879.80 200.00 726.64 28.54 15,986.48 219.11 45.00 1,763.89 303.50 736.00 91.63 15.81 239.75 51.05 70.05 19.24 660.06 ) ~ )J netlNS O'Halloran International Olson Brothers 34570 Page Mart Payless Cashways,Inc peoples Savings Bank Pioneer Gas Plumb Supply Company Polk Multi-Dimensional In Presto-X Company Pro Motion Corp Quality Ford of W.D.M. Quill Corporation Monique Hinds Kurt A.Rueckel Praxair R.L.Polk &Company Roy'S Motor Service Safety-Kleen Corp Service Master SMITH'S SEWER SERVICE INC Steck-vaughn Company Stitzell Electric Supply Storey-Kenworthy Company The Learning Post Tofteland,Joy E. Treas,State of Iowa Treas,State of Iowa Treas,State of Iowa Treas,State of Iowa Truck Equipment,Inc Turner Service U.S.Filter/Waterpro US Energy Services,Inc US Postal Service AirTouch Cellular US West Communications University photo Utility Consultants Inc W.W.Grainger,Inc Washer Systems of Iowa Waste Management of Iowa Waukee Hardware &Variety Waukee Mini Storage west Publishing Corp. Winnebago Software Co. Wityk,Debra ***GRAND TOTAL *** Internet service Repair of Vehicle Fuel Pager Supplies GO 10/90 Wtr lnt #14 Supplies Black Redc Coupling Material Maintenance of Building Bookpage Subscription Warranty Work Supplies Programable Thermostat Programable Thermostat Supplies City Directory Tow #365 Solvent Auditorium Carpet Clean Clean floor drain Material Maint Supplies Program material Various Locations Oct 97 State WH Tax water Oct Sales Tax Sewer Oct Sales Tax Gas Oct Sales Tax Repair of Equip Water Valve Exeerising Supplies COGS for Oet 1997 Postage 229-4144 Monthly Phone Service Supplies October .testing MFD Capacitor hose Oct Yard Waste Service chain November Storage Material Cire/cat support 1998 Custodial Services 25.00 23.01 382.00 50.40 30.73 354.50 38.46 195.85 102.38 23.00 18.00 224.04 452.22 20.00 20".00 50.25 167.50 225.00 82.75 168.80 65.00 95.27 221.90 743.25 20.34 61.38 2,573.88 2,991.94 126.34 1,217.88 56.26 720.00 61.00 5,525.30 32.00 33.78 75.80 6.85 336.00 5.14 235.00 8,810.02 174.82 46.00 26.78 384.00 125.00 188,945.41 Herb Perry -Building Permit Application at the Mobile Home Park.Herb Perry -Lot 842 Midwest Mobile Home Park -spoke to the Council about the ruling by the Board of Adjustments regarding the resetting of home at the mobile home park.One of the homes being Angela Bergs if you would remember.Angela let the home be repossessed before they could reset it.That home has now been resold.It has not been reset and it not up to code.It does not have any footings under it or anything like that.The new owner bought the home at a reduced price with the promised the home would be reset.The Building Inspector spoke to the new resident and he stated that he would inspect the home but if the home was not set correctly she would have to pay to have it reset..The building permit taken out to build a deck was not in the new residents name but in Tom Davis.Herb found that the building permit was not completed correctly and that the signature was forged. I Paul Huscher advised Herb to contact the County Attorney regarding these issues. Tom Davis -Midwest Mobile Horne Park.Tom explained he contacted Larry Ryan stating he would like to replace a deck and Larry stated he would waive the fee because there was already a deck permit taken out.Tom gave Larry Ryan permission to sign his name to the permit. Larry Ryan stated he believes there is a seal issued for the mobile home and the installation certificate is on:file with the state.State law states that the building inspector can not re-inspect any homes without the home owners requesting re-inspection. Councihnan Strain stated for the record the problem was waiving fees and failure to inspect property is what got the city into trouble to begin with. Herb Perry stated that the permit was falsified and forged.Will these issues be addressed by the City? For the record Tom Davis did give his consent to have Larry Ryan sign his name on the permit, Liz Garst -Dallas County Development Corporation.Gave an overview of the Dallas County Development Corporation to the Mayor and Council.Most cities in the County belong to the Dallas County Development Corporation there rates were recently increase per capita.The Corporation assists the cities to attract commercial growth in communities. Direction To Create Ordinance Creating A "Level B"Road Classification. Motion by Councihnan Lyon,seconded by Councilman Gruber,to direct the staff to create an Ordinance creating a "Level B"road classification.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes: Lyon,Gruber,Heath,and Strain.Nays:Lihs.Motion carried 4 to 1. Vacating of Easement -Songbird Park.Motion by Councihnan Strain,seconded by Councilwoman Heath,set a public hearing date for December 15,1997 to vacate the easement to Songbird Park.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Strain,Heath,Gruber,Lihs,and Lyon.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. School Use of Park Parking Lot.Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Lyon,to allow the school to use the parking lot at Centennial Park and the school will maintain the parking lot and encourage the students to car pool.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote: Ayes:Gruber,Lyon,Heath,Strain.Nays:Lihs.Motion carried 4 to 1. High School Crossing -Ashworth.Motion Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Lyon,to sent the bid for flashing yellow light signal to the School Board.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Lyon,Strain,Heath,and Lihs.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. Discussion of Property -Maintenance Ordinance.Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded ,l by Councilwoman Heath,to direct the city attorney to put the Maintenance agreement into J Ordinance form.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Gruber,Heath,Lyon,Strain,and , Lihs.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. Agreement -ROW McLeod -Manor Drive to E.City Limits.Motion by Councilman Lyon, seconded by Councilwoman Lihs,to approve the McLeod Agreement.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes:Lyon,Lihs,Heath,Strain,and Gruber.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to o. 1997-98 Snow &Ice Policy.Motion by Councihnan Gruber,seconded by Councilwoman Heath,to adopt the 1997-98 Snow &Ice Policy.The Mayor asked for a roll call vote:Ayes: Gruber,Heath,Strain;Lihs,and Lyon.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 to O. Mayor's Report.Extra bill from the auditor's will be presented at the next meeting;received a letter from an employee regarding signing up with the insurance (AFLAC);would like to have the old council and new council attend a retreat on December 1 from 5 :OOpm-6:30pm,to discuss some of the goals and achievements;tree pickup;Dr.Sullivan problem with street lights resolved;Kurt will try to track our work orders on the computer;the waterline was cut on Warrior Lane;meeting Thursday night with area developers and discussed the development in the area;attended the Metro Mayors meeting;talked to Senator Douglas regarding the problems that may occur during the reconstruction of Highway 6;attended the School Board meeting on Tuesday;the Mayor would like help from all the citizens and the council to fill opening on the communities. Motion by Councilwoman Heath,seconded by Councihnan Gruber,to approve the Mayors report.Motion carried voice vote. Administrator's Report.The Auditor's finished the audit late Friday night and should be getting the audit report the first week in January;need to update the budgetary computer program;the roll back is going to be down approximately 3%;Northview is basically completed with only a few minor things to complete;University Trunk Sewer is still not completed and Warrior Lane (Park Road)probably will not be repaired until spring;stated the cities appreciation to the Public Works Department for doing a excellent job cleaning up the tree branches from the snow storm;complimented Charlene Wilson for all the extra time and effort to help with the annual audit. Motion by Councilwoman Heath,seconded by Councilman Lyon,to approve the Administrator's Report.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried. Economic Development Committee.Motion by Councilman Gruber,seconded by Councilman Lyon,to approve the Economic Development Committee Report.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried. Library Report.Motion by Councihnan Strain,seconded by Councihnan Gruber,to approve the Library Report.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried. Attorney's Report.Paul Huscher will have annexation brief in this week. Annexation -Closed Session. Motion by Councilman Strain,seconded by Councilman Lyon,to accept the Attorney's Report. The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried. Adjournment.Motion by Councihnan Strain,seconded by Councilman Lyon,to adjourn the meeting at 9:57pm.The Mayor asked for a voice vote.Motion carried.-At ~lLeW Mayor Donald L.~Attest: ~~((JLA :kurt A.Rueckel,City Clerk f1 ) () ~