HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-02-29-Special MinutesAGENDA ITEM #1:The special Waukee Council meeting was called to order on Tuesday,February 29,
200 at 7:03PM by Mayor Donald L.Bailey,Jr.
AGENDA ITEM #2 :Roll was taken and the following Council members were present:Gruber,Berger,
Watts,and Johnson.Absent:Peard.
AGENDA ITEM #3:The Mayor introduced Tom Kane,Executive Director of the Des Moines Area
Metropolitan Planning Organization,Kirsten Bandow of the Iowa Department of Transportation and Greg
Roth and Shannon Ahartz of Kirkham,Michael Consulting Engineers.
Johnson to approve the Agenda Additions/Agenda Approval.Motion carried 4-0.
AGENDA ITEM #S :RECEIVE/FILE:Kirkham Michael,engineering consnltants hired jointly by the City
of Waukee and the City of West Des Moines,will discuss how the interchange justification study is
progressing.The Mayor asked the Engineers to make their presentation.
Greg Roth,representing Kirkham Michael and Associates,11021 Aurora Ave.,Urbandale,IA spoke.At
this time Greg will be discussing the proposed Alice's Road (lOS'h Str)interchange.The areas that will be
discussed tonight are:Where the project is located,the process it will take to make this a reality,the
anticipated schedule,and what could potentially happen in the near future.A first draft of the interchange
concept will also be shown.
The area that is being discussed is Alice's Road extended south and 10Sth Street continued to the north in
West Des Moines.The interchange will be located at the site of the rest areas that are currently on 180,just
west of Ashworth Road.
During the early stages of this process the rest area will not be addressed.The DOT will review the rest
area as a development process issue.Once the access and environmental document are approved,the DOT
would look at this rest area,move into the development process and start the project from a design point.
Currently they are not concerned with the rest areas.They are more concerned with knowing if it makes
sense to place an interchange at this location.
This meeting is the first step in the interchange justification report.That follows Federal Standards where
there will be eight different issues addressed.Some of the issues include long range planning from a
transportation standpoint,meeting long range planning needs of the communities,meeting the needs and
not affecting the current/expected status of the main line facility,in this case Interstate 80.The DOT also
wants to make sure that 13S as it goes north and south to the east of this location would not be affected.
Environmental documents they will review this for wildlife/wetlands!economic effects.
After those are approved there would be a concept statement.It would state what this project would
involve including how many lanes are going to be on the roadway going over the Interstate,how long are
the ramps going to be,what effects on 180 if any will it have aud what things might have to be done to 180
to accept an interchange.
Preliminary design is next.This process will identify the land and properties that will need to be acquired
in order to build this interchange.After that is known there will be a Public Hearing.Everyone that is
affected by this project will be notified.After that there will be a waiting period where comments are
accepted.DOT staff and Kirkham Michael would respond to the questions that come up during the public
hearing.This material would be entered into public record and taken to the Iowa Department of
Transportations Commission for approval.Once it receives approval,the project would move into the next
The next phases are land appraisals,acquisition of properties and final design.Once those items are
finalized the project letting stage is next and construction starts.
Currently they are in the justification report phase and have started the environmental documentation on
this project.Letters and area maps have been sent to various agencies.Responses from the agencies are
being received.None of them are finalized but there is correspondences going on to obtain environmental
clearance on this project.They are hoping to have the draft reports for hoth the environmental document
and the justification report completed in the next 4 to 8 weeks.The reports will then he sent to the !DOT
and the Federal Highway Administrations.Questions or comments from the reviewing agencies will be
addressed and sent back to the agencies.Once the staff is agreeable,the reports would go in front of the
Commission.Following Commission approval,the report will be sent to the Federal Highway
Administration.That is where the justification study receives final approval.The approval from the
Federal Highway Administration would be occnrring at early to mid summer of this year.Then it would
move to the concept statement and preliminary design.
This is a joint project between the cities of West Des Moines and Waukee.West Des Moines is currently
in the process of studying from an economic standpoint when will they be able to make this project work.
They would like to see this project move forward.
There will probably be one more meeting,as these reports are getting closer to completion and the concept
plans become finalized.Public input and comment will be sought again before the final report is submitted.
Discussion took place regarding a conceptual picture of what the interchange might look like.
Public comment forms are available if people would like to submit written questions or comments.
Mayor Bailey asked for a little clarification of the map that was shown.
Mayor Bailey opened the public form.
]AGENDA ITEM #6:PUBLIC FORUM:Citizens of WaukeeIWest Des Moines will be able to ask
questions of Kirkham Michael/City of Waukee/City of West Des Moines pertaining to the potential
interchange at the extension of Alice's Road (105'"Street)
Dallas Gilreath,8215 Ashworth Road,West Des Moines.Q)If everything goes the way you would like for
it to go,when would you anticipate this would be completed?A)That's dependent on the availability of
funds from West Des Moines.Assuming that both communities had all of the necessary money,the
earliest would be last fall or winter of 2001-2002.
Dave Clark,3162 WACO Place.Q)Will the rest area be left there?A)No,the rest area would be
removed.The DOT would view this as a facility they would consider replacing or having justification why
this could be taken out without replacement.
Tom Robel,4113-83n1,Urbandale.Q)Right of way acquisition.Are you anticipating that there will be a
need for right of way acquisition south of Wendover Road?A)The current thinking is that we will line up
where Wendover turns to a north/south road.The initial thought on the West Des Moines side is that
Wendover further to the east will be dead ended.That connection would not be continued to the west.As
far as the need for additional right of way along Wendover,this question will be answered by the traffic
Diane Fast,3330 Wendover Road.Q)Want to elaborate on dead ending Wendover Road.A)This is
really a reaction from the City of West Des Moines.They currently have some situations where
interchanges and local road and the ramps off of the interchanges are not separated by a lot of distance.
Those create traffic problems,especially during peak hours.That is why the traffic volnme stndy is so
important.They would not want to go to the effort of reconnecting those interchange ramps because of the
above stated problems.IDianePast-Q)Will it dead end at the west end of Wendover or the east end of Wendover?A)It really
isn't determined at this time.They just wanted people to see this could potentially happen.The
east end would be open but maybe the west end would be closed.
Kris Fasano,3256 Hickory Hollow LN.,Waukee.Q)Do I understand there is no Federal money
available?A)The Mayor stated that we do not have the answer to that yet.To make the project happen
there will have to be some federal dollars.Torn Kane stated that the time table would make it a little
difficult with the MPO right now.They are making their decision out to 2003.They should look at all
opportunities,but federal money might be a little difficult for this project.
Kris Fasano,Q)Would the taxpayers be paying for this project then or how will this be funded?A)The
Mayor stated they have not gotten to that point yet.City Administrator,Mark Arentsen,agreed with the
Mayor.We have not identified the funding for this project.That would happen if the Federal Highway
Administration and the mOT both approve the project.The Mayor stated that the project could be delayed
because there may not be MFO monies available.
Cindy Dalmage,3273 Ashworth.Q)Will Vermilliou Court ending at Ashworth cause increased traffic on
Ashworth Rd?A)That would be part of this project.The approval of this project stems from the DOT's
and the Federal Highway Administrations assumption that both communities Waukee and West Des
Moines will make improvements to their local system in order to accommodate that traffic connection to a
gravel raod may not be acceptable.There would have to be additional improvements beyond just this
project in order for this project to move forward.
Cindy Dalmage-Q)Currently this property is in Dallas County.Where does this fit into the process?A)
The Dallas County,Vermillion Ct,Ashworth Rd,issues will probably be part ofthe later discussion.All of
the parties involved in local improvements will have to step forward and commit to improvements.They
might not be done at the time the interchange is done.These improvements may be put into a schedule so
the DOT knows when they will be made.
Cindy Dalinage-Q)Would there be any Federal funding for any of that?A)All of those issues have to be
resolved before moving into the final stages of the report.
Mary Diab,3257 Ashworth Road.Q)It is her understauding that at this time West Des Moines would be
more interested in improving the 74th Street interchange and planning the exit off ofI35 at Fuller Rd prior
to dealing with this interchange is that a correct understanding?A)They are working on both of those
projects right now.
Mrs.Tom Robel,Q)Regarding the need for a plan to be developed for 105th Street by West Des Moines as
well as Alice's Road by Waukee,would those types of preliminary plans need to be submitted by both
communities during the environmental documentation phase?A)Not necessarily,as long as they know
there is a project plan to install the local connecting streets.
Mrs.Robel-Q)At what point would Waukee and West Des Moines need to come in with a more definitive
planning of their roadway system?A)Those will have to be addressed with the final report.Between now
and hopefully mid-summer those issues will have to addressed.
Jeff Downing,75 NE Venture Dr #N.Q)What do the green shaded areas on the map represent?A)The
green shaded are potential drainage ways shown USGS maps they are not potential wetlands.They have
received mapping from the Corps of Engineers for this area and none of this is wetlands.
Jeff stated that there are steep bauks where the southwest exits is shown.A).This really deals with the
angle of the intersection.The standards that we design for would not allow for any acute angle.
The Mayor asked what if this was designated as a wet lands?A)There would be then a number of options.
You could go around them.You would need to know what type of wetlands it is.There would be ratios
needed for mitigation.If it's a given type of wetland you may have to mitigate at a ratio of 3-1.If there is
an acre of wetland you'll have to create 3 acres of wetland somewhere in the vicinity to accommodate the
displacement of that wetland.IJoeSchmitt,2806 W.Ave.,Q)Conld the DOT come in and say that there would be no need for the rest
areas this close to Des Moines.A)It's an option from the two cities standpoint.This would lessen the
cost of the project.The wetlands may need to be replaced.The interchange could also be moved further to
the west.The options at this point aren't defined.
Kis Fasano-Stated that she owns some of that land in the green and that it is wetland and contains prairie
grasses.Q)Would you then destroy the prairie grasses?A)What would be part of the actual construction
to the north has not been addressed yet.Potentially this could happen but it is not known that this would
Dave Smith,3182 V.Ave,stated the Maple Grove Church had a lot of problems with drainage and this
should be looked at.
Jerry Grandberg,3281 Ashworth Rd,Q)It was his understanding that something will be laid out for people
who live along Ashworth Road regarding the connection of Ashworth Rd to Alice's Road.A)Local road
improvements north of the interchange will be addressed when the traffic volume study is completed.The
goal would be to have some of these answers by mid-summer.
The Mayor stated that the City is re-doing the Comprehensive Plan with the first meeting scheduled for
March 13"'.They will be looking at the SE corridor section of the City first.
Tom Robel,Q)This project is predicated on having the blessing of the DOT.Is there a DOT
representative here this evening?In their preliminary assessment of this project,what kind of a read are
they giving on the project.If the DOT does not approve the preliminary planning work will be wasted.A)
That is very much a possibility.The rest area is not an issue for approving or disapproving the access
location.That only becomes an issue during the development process.Does this project make sense and
will it serve the communities or will it adversely impact their system?If all of the approvals fall in line and
their comments can be addressed the DOT would approve the access location and the justification report.
That still doesn't mean that there would be a project if there is certain expectations for the rest areas and the
funding can't be put together.That could still delay or eliminate the project.This project does fall in line
with the long range plans of the MPG.
Bill Love,3261 Ashworth Rd,Q)Talking about land appraisals,and right of way purchasing I understand
that Wendover and Vermillion will become 105th Street and be 3 to 5 lanes?A)Correct.They aren't
talking about any impact to the Interstate system.
Gretchen Brockman 3265 Ashworth Rd.Q)Is Waukee in the process of extending Alice's Road in from
University to Ashworth Rd?A)The Mayor stated that there are some preliminary plans for this.That will
be part of the discussion of the Comprehensive Plan.
Diane Fast,Q)The map on the board shows the property along Wendover Road as commercial.Can you
have commercial on a dead end road?A)Because this road does not continue at this time does not mean
that there wouldn't be connections down to the extension ofEP True.
Ben Holthouse.3255 Ashworth Rd,Q)Is the intention to keep 105th and Alice's Road a straight road?A)
The Mayor stated that it curves a little.He asked Joshua to explain the potential placement of Alice's
Road.Joshua stated that Alice's south of University would most likely bend a little to the east.
Linda Robel,15408 Waterford Road,Q)Does Waukee have any intention of annexing below 180?Most of
this land has not been annexed by Waukee or West Des Moines at this time.She stated that the moratorium
with Waukee and West Des Moines does not end until November.Would Waukee have any intention of
annexing south of 180 at that time?A)Tbe Mayor stated that annexing south of 180 cannot be discussed
with any of the landowners at this time.If the annexation agreement is not renewed,then the Council I
would probably look at this issue.West Des Moines cannot discuss annexation with any property owners
north of 180 and Waukee cannot discuss any annexation with property owners south of 180.
Linda Robel,Q)Wouldn't that affect the funding of the interchange or of the roads if neither municipality
has annexed that area?A)The Mayor stated that Waukee will not be involved in the project unless we
have annexed into that area and West Des Moines will not be involved unless they annex into that area.
That question will have to be answered later depending on how the annexation issues are resolved.The
most important thing is if this is a viable project.
Bill Love,3261 Ashworth RD,Q)Will Vermillion Ct miss the honses near the Swallow property that is
listed and then tie back in.?A)Waukee does not want to affect the lots in the Dalmage Estates.City
Administrator Arentsen stated there has not been any planning to address that question or engineering or
any discussion with any of the property owners that would give a good answer.TIns question will be
addressed soon but the City has not done this yet.
Love,Q)This will be the only residential area in the commercially zoned area.A)Arentsen stated he was
Gretchen Brockman,Q)How soon will the property owners have some ides about what you're thinking?
A)Arentsen stated that there would be a meeting coming up in the near future with property owners along
Ashworth Road and both north and sonth of Ashworth to address the annexation qnestion.The City would
like to know what the property owners think about this.There is really no answer yet.
The Mayor asked for all who want to come to the Comprehensive Planning session to sign up and City staff
will let them know when the meetings are going to take place.
Diane Fast,Q)Land appraisals and right of way purchasing,wonld you speak to how this is determined?
A)This is done by independent appraisal firm.They review like properties,current sales and comparison.
Fast,Q)You are not going to get the price of the property if the government comes and takes the right of
way.A)There are a lot of determirting factors before this would happen.They will look at the
comparisons and set a value for the property.
Fast,Q)Would they then seize the property without a choice?A)If is goes to a point where condenmation
is used then they'll take it and the condemnation board will decide what the value is.
The Mayor asked what the next step is on this project.
The next step is there will be meetings later this week talking about traffic volnmes with the MPO and the
communities.The engineers like to have volumes projected for the local roadways.Then they would be
able to start laying ant what the facilities might be and what the impacts would be.Examples are the
prairie grasses and wetlands.Those items will be addressed in the environmental document.
Mayor wanted to know how you would know the traffic volumes for that area without knowing what type
of development would be there.A)That is where a lot of discussion would have to take place.City staff is
involved regarding what uses will be out there.Traffic analysis zones in this area will be reviewed.Then
they will start comparing figures from before the interchange was in place and what the volumes would be
in five years,25 years and out.Then they would look at the same information with interchanges in place.
They would do the same study for some of the local roads.
The Mayor asked about an alternative location for the interchange.A)This has not been discussed.This
one falls in place with the MPO current long range plan.
The Mayor asked if there was some justification indicating that this is the proper location.A)The side
roads are currently there and there is expanded amounts of DOT right of way there already,You would
not be buying form private entities you are just using private right of ways.
Linda Griffith 28560",West Des Moines,Q)Is the location ofEP True on this map engineered by yon or
West Des Moines?A)No,this drawing was created by Landscape Architectural Consultants for a study
defining land owners,potential roadways,and what might be planned.
Joe Schmitt-Q)Do you have a range of figures of what this could cost in total?A)It depends on the
number of lanes going over the interstate.This has not been determined yet.The range could be from
$4,000,000 up to $15,000,000.
Mark asked when would they expect to have a final draft document.A)Around 4-8 weeks for the
justification report.
Ben Holthouse,Q)Would the people who live on the west end of Ashworth be able to know what light
commercial is?A lot depends on the type of business that might go in this area for the value of their
properties.A)The Mayor stated that we try to do the zoning carefully and look at the property owners that
are ahead y there.
Councilman Watts asked if this justification report show what the impact this wil be Ashworth Rd and give
us some ideas of what the Council would have to do?A)This will give you an idea of the volumes what
you could expect out there.It is a planning tool and you will have an idea whether you are talking three
lanes of traffic or more lanes on Ashworth.
Councilman Johnson asked to what extent could they share the written public comments back to the
Council.A)Any copy of any public comments will be turned back to the cities and they can distribute
them back to the Councils.
Linda Griffith,Q)Regarding the green areas on the map.Could an access road be located there?A)
Access roads will be spaced and will be set by DOT policies and traffic volumes.
Richard Fast,Q)Do you know the minimum distance?A)It is in the range of about 600ft.
Fast,Q)If there is only 600ft then there should be no reason to dead end Wendover?If Wendoverr is
going to be a commercial area it doesn't make sense to make it a dead end and send the semis and trucks
around through another direction when they could get off at a street 600ft away.A)That is the closest the
DOT would want the street to be.They do a site by site review as to how close the street should be.If they
expect an enormous amount of traffic they would discourage anything closer than 600ft.
The Mayor thanked Tom Kane,Kristen Bandow,Larry Reid.
ADJOURNMENT:Moved by Gruber,second by Berger