HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-04-03-Regular MinutesCITY OF WAUKEE Minutes from the Regular Waukee City Council Meeting on April 3,2000 1.Call to Order: 2.Roll Call: 3.Consent Agenda: CLAIMS REGISTER AAAAWARDS &KEEPSAKE GIFTS AIRTOUCH CELLULAR ALLEGRA AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASS ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ARENTSEN,MARK BANKERS TRUST COMPANY BAITERY PATROL BIG BEAR EQUIPMENT,INC BRENTON BANK BRENTON BANK·P.C.POLICE CARPENTER UNIFORM CO COMPUSA INC. CONVERGENT COMMUNICATION COPY SYSTEMS INC CORRELL CONTRACTOR INC CREATIVE PRINTERS INC The Waukee City Council meeting was called to order at 7:01PM. Mayor Bailey asked for roll call.Present:Bailey,Gruber, Berger,Watts,Peard &Johnson. The Bill List and Minutes from the March 20,2000 meeting was presented to the Council.Mayor Bailey asked for a motion approving the consent agenda as presented.Motion by Gruber,second by Berger.Ayes: Gruber,Berger,Johnson,Peard,&Watts.Nays:None. NAME PLATES MONTHLY SERVICE MONTHLY STATEMENT 229·5641 DESIGN OF BROCHURE REQST FOR PURCH.FORMS SEMINAR MATS,TOWELS, MATS MATS CAR ALLOWANCE WATER/SEWER BOND SINKING SWIVEL BELT CLI P ELEMENT/RAC,PRE·CLEANER JD MFWD TRACTOR CITY HALL PETTY CASH REI POLICE PETTY CASH HG SHOES SHIRT,CHEVRONS, UNIFORMS TROUSER BELK CBL VAGAMON RPL MONITOR PARTS,LABOR FIRE DEPT COMMUNICATION EQUIP MAl NTENANCE CONTRACT 5%RETAINAGE LEAD IN WATER LEITERS 1 $6.80 $30.52 $180.99 $50.57 $56.26 $134.15 $30.00 $43.02 $36.84 $37.91 $250.00 $55,768.54 $8.42 $7.12 $15.97 $4,587.52 $125.84 $164.33 $85.95 $136.35 $62.00 $34.95 $16.99 $274.94 $1,272.50 $1,719.00 $93.75 $58.86 $26,321.44 $464.50 I CT FARM &COUNTRY JACK,HYCOUPLER,MUDFLAP $396.95 DALLAS COUNTY NEWS SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL $33.00 DES MOINES REGISTER SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL $47.45 DESIGN ALLIANCE INC PROF SER 1/1-11/29/99 $728.27 ED M FELD EQUIPMENT CO PARTS $229.20 MOUNTING BRACKET $25.00 FARMERS COOP ELEVATOR FUEL $1,098.64 FUEL &ROTELLA $286.77 FASTPRO INTERNATIONAL IN MED.SUPPLIES $46.75 FRANK DUNN CO PATCH $737.20 GALL'S INC SCANNER RET FOR CREDIT $14.99 CAMERA KIT $199.99 GROEBNER &ASSOCIATES INC TTCP PLX $244.30 HAWKEYE TELEPHONE SERVICE MATERIAULABOR $643.00 HUSCHER,PAUL E APR 'OO-APR'OO RETAINER $1,000.00 IA ASSOCIATION OF WORKSHOP $350.00 IA FIRE EQUIPMENT COMP FIRE EXTINGUISHER-CHECK $89.30 HOSEITRIP CHARGE $26.00 FIRE EXTINGUISHER CHECK $54.50 FIRE EXTINGUISHER CK TAG $31.20 IAONE CALL MONTHLY STATEMENT $100.80 IA RURAL WATER ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP $175.00 IA WATER POLLUTION ANNUAL DUES $15.00 IA WINDSHIELD REPAIR REPAIRS $41.50 ICMA ICMA $308.10 ILLOWA COMMUNICATIONS MOBILES $14.00 TOWER USAGE 4/00-3/01 $172.60 IOWA UTILITY SUPPLY UTILITY BAG $55.00 IPERS IPERS $2,295.42 IPERS -POLICE PD IPERS $1,885.21 JOHN DEERE HEALTH PLAN I APRIL '00 HELATH INS PREM $13,187.90 KC HOLDINGS INC APRIL 2000 RENT $4,545.80 KENNY &GYL COMPANY REPAIR CARS $110.00 KINKO'S INC.PRINTING $97.50 KIRKHAM MICHAEL &ASSOCI PROF SEROl80 JUSTIFICATION $15,180.00 LASER QUIPT SERVICE CALL $66.65 LESTINA,TONI MILEAGE REIMB $45.64 LINCH AUTO PARTS HAND CLEANER $24.28 BATTERY CABLES $17.85 LOGAN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY ABRASIVE BLADE $95.70 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE LTD INS.PREM.$400.52 MAPLE GROVE UNITED METHO USE OF BUILDING $50.00 MARK-IT PLASTIC ENVELOPES $110.00 MARTIN MARIETTAAGGREG LIME $65.81 LIME $111.70 MBNA AMERICA BUSINESS CA JOSHUA-MONTHLY STATEMEN $68.48 MENARDS HANGING WIRE $8.61 2 MID AMERICAN ENERGY MIGHTY TIDY CLEANING MILL DIRECT CARPET MOSS BROTHERS INC. MUNICIPAL SUPPLY NOVA GRAPHICS OFFICE FURNITURE USA OLSON BROTHERS PAYLESS CASHWAYS INC PERKINS,LELAND E PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY QUALITY FORD OF WDM SMITH,JOSHUA SPRING VALLEY RADIO CORP SPRINT PCS STETSON BUILDING PERMITS TOYNE'S IA FIRE TRUNK TREASURER,STATE OF IOWA TRIPLETI OFF ESSENTIALS WIRE,LADDER,REFLEC NUMB MONTHLY STATEMENT MONTHLY STATEMENT MONTHLY STATEMENT MONTHLY STATEMENT MONTHLY STATEMENT MONTHLY STATEMENT MONTHLY STATEMENT MONTHLY STATEMENT MONTHLY STATEMENT CLEANING FOR MARCH MARCH CLEANING CITY HALL MARCH CLEANING CARPET/INSTALLATION RINO 8FT 550 BLADE WHITE MARKING FLAGS YELLOW PAINT,VALVE,ADAP COUPLING GASKET,ELBOW WEB SITE REVISIONS/ADDIT CHAIR/FOLDING TABLE FEB FUEL CROWN MOULDING TAPER WOOD SHIMS/GFCI WH LUMBER/SWITCHES MATERIALS MATERIALS HANGAR WIRE MATERIALS JEANS &JACKET ELBOW,PIPE,ETC STD BLACK NIPPLE ELBOW,GALV REG TEE,DUCT INSUL FLEX DUCT PARTS COVER AS REPAIRS APR TRAVEL REIMB MOTOROLA MINITOR III PGR MONTHLY STATEMENT KURE-N-SEAL BULB STATE W/H NAME PLATES OFFICE FURNITURE DESKS CHAIRS KEYBOARD TRAY 3 $211.05 $3,641.65 $493.92 $21.24 $336.75 $61.26 $1,045.21 $194.47 $950.50 $127.81 $450.00 $100.00 $400.00 $2,114.00 $950.00 $60.72 $264.00 $186.88 $1,412.50 $798.00 $113.50 -$77.44 $19.23 $23.05 $43.35 $96.06 -$9.12 $742.24 $92.19 $58.97 $10.50 $81.43 $49.50 $112.77 $105.26 $293.85 $250.00 $654.00 $66.47 $94.03 $30.00 $1,826.38 $24.00 $2,040.08 $400.00 $864.00 $49.49 UNIVERSITY PHOTO US POSTAL SERVICE US WEST COMMUNICATION VAN ZEE,DIANNA VISA VISION MARKETING WAUKEE ROTARY CLUB GRAND TOTAL PAYROLL 3/13/00 ARENTSEN,MARK J BREUER,GREGORY A. CHARLENE WILSON DAGGETT,WILLIAM J DAVISSON,DELORES J. DEZEEUW,DAVID S DIANNA VAN ZEE DOWELL,DENNIS D. EFTPS FLATER,PATRICK J. FORD,ELIZABETH A. GERARD,DICK E GIBSON,JOHN HERRICK,ROBERT HORKEY,ROBIN R JONES,HARRY LELAND PERKINS LESTINA,TONI LIFE INS.PREM. MACK,LINDA MAPES,TROY M. MARCHANT,JOEY LOWELL MURPHY·PETERSEN,DEVON OLSON,SCOTT A PERKINS,LELAND E PHILLIPS,LARRY POPP,SHAWN DAVID RICHARDSON,ELIZABETH A ROBINSON,KIMBERLY A. COPY HOLDER SUPPLIES BUSINESS CARDS SUPPLIES FILM/PRINTS NEWSLETTERIUTIL BILLS PS 98·8995 MILEAGE REIMB MONTHLY STATEMENT MONTHLY STATEMENT SUPPLIES/MATERIALS 1ST QTR DUES 4 $10.49 $352.52 $744.00 $68.19 $5.88 $624.95 $91.44 $9.30 $198.45 $6.95 $99.00 $150.00 $161,842.53 $1,775.44 $1,249.36 $110.00 $1,088.46 $129.43 $1,049.12 $50.00 $1,162.09 $11,516.31 $853.92 $866.73 $175.87 $1,175.53 $1,013.43 $1,086.43 $430.77 $700.00 $870.05 $49.43 $887.41 $971.06 $890.50 $772.44 $848.96 $326.50 $1,356.68 $934.09 $869.88 $189.25 ROYER,TIMOTHY L SCHEDLER,RODNEY A SCHROEDER,MELANIE L SMITH,JOSHUA SPENCER,ARTHUR TIMOTHY ROYER TONI LESTINA VAN ZEE,DIANNA L WHITE,DANNY L WILLIAMS,VALERIE J. WILSON,CHARLENE G. WINTERS,TROY S. GRAND TOTAL 4.Open FOlUm: 5.Agenda Addition/ Agenda Approval: 6.ReceivelFile: CablelInternet plans $1,172.48 $918.16 $94.75 $1,281.42 $430.13 $100.00 $50.00 $845.52 $931.48 $314.54 $1,164.91 $832.16 $41,534.69 Chuck Thomas,President of the Des Moines Area Homebuilder Association talked with the Mayor,City Council,and City Staff about park impact fees.He is asking the City to stop collecting park impact fees in the matter that Waukee is,because he believes it is illegal.He said Iowa does not have a statute that permits impact fees, and said that parks are classified as public improvements. Peard suggested putting park impact money in an escrow account.Mayor Bailey suggested finding out what other cities in the metro area are doing.City Staff promised to meet with Chuck Thomas and other communities and try and work on a compromise. Alice Wicker,from rural Grimes,announced that she was running for Dallas County Supervisor. The Mayor asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Motion by Gruber,second by Peard to approve the agenda. Ayes:Gruber,Peard,Watts,Johnson,and Berger. Mike Giampettro from AT&T Cable came to the Council and discussed different cablelInternet options that will be available to the City of Waukee.Mike said that cable infrastructure should be in the ground by J ul Y 1,2000 and Internet infrastructure should be in the ground by October 1,2000. Mayor Bailey asked for a motion to receive and file this information.Motion by Gruber,second by Johnson to receive/file this information.Ayes:Gruber,Johnson, Peard,Berger,and Watts.Nays:None. 5 7.Motion: Transition Tax Relief 7.5.Motion: Transition Tax Relief 8.Motion: Jaycees Street Dance 9.Motion: St.Boniface Watermain Extension 10.Motion: Bid Letting St.Boniface Watermain Extension 11.Motion: Hiring Process City staff presented a motion to the council asking the Council to promise an incremental tax abatement to citizens annexing to the City of Waukee by May 15,2000.The incremental tax abatement would follow the statute set forth in Iowa Code 427B.3.Several residents were concemed about land use issues regarding their properties and what regulations could potentially be placed on them. Jerry Crow of Waukee mentioned that annexation for his property meant a tax increase of $1600 a year.Mary White questioned when utility services would be extended to these property owners that would potentially annex.City Staff promised to get abatement numbers from the Dallas County Auditor's office and get the numbers back to the residents. Motion by Peard,second by Gruber to pass this motion. Ayes:Peard,Gruber,Johnson,Watts,and Berger.Nays: None. Motion by Councilman Peard,second by Councilman Watts,to Approve directing City Attomey Paul Huscher to Create an Ordinance allowing for the City Council to offer Transition Tax Relief for property owners who annex to the City of Waukee.Mayor Bailey asked for a roll call vote. Ayes:Peard,Watts,Gruber,Johnson,and Berger.Nays None. Motion by Councilman Peard,second by Watts to Approve permission for Jaycees to have a street dance on July 22, 2000.Mayor Bailey asked for a roll call vote.Ayes: Peard,Watts,Gruber,Johnson,and Berger.Nays:None. Motion by Councilman Berger,second by Councilman Watts to set April 17,2000 as Public Hearing Date for Awarding the St.Boniface Watermain Extension- Uni versity Avenue watermain Phase II.Mayor Bailey Asked for a roll call vote.Ayes:Berger,Watts,Peards, Gruber,and Johnson.Nays:None. Motion by Councilman Berger,second by Councilman Gruber to set April 13,2000 at 1:00 p.m.for Bid Letting On St.Boniface Watermain Extension.Mayor Bailey Asked for a roll call vote.Ayes:Berger,Gruber,Watts, Peard,and Johnson.Nays:None. Motion by Councilman Peard,second by Councilman Gruber to approve the hiring process for two full-time 6 Fire Dept. 12.Motion: Fire Dept. Transporting 13.Motion: Rezoning 4LAcres 14.Motion: Rezoning Parkview Crossing Lot 59 15.Motion: Ashworth Drive Pavement Improvement 16.Resolution: 17.Resolution: MPOWork Program Employees for the Fire Department.Mayor Bailey asked For a roll call vote.Ayes:Peard,Gruber,Berger,Watts, And Johnson.Nays:None. Motion by Councilman Peard,second by Councilman Gruber to approve Waukee Fire Department to start transporting during the day time staff hours starting after September 15,2000.Mayor Bailey asked for a roll call vote.Ayes:Peard,Gruber,Berger, Watts,and Johnson.Nays:None. Motion by Councilman Gruber,second by Councilman Peard to set April 17,2000 as Public Heming Date for rezoning 4L Acres from A-I to R-l.Mayor Bailey asked for a roll call vote. Ayes:Gruber,Peard,Berger,and Johnson.Nays:Watts. Motion by Councilman Gruber,second by Councilman Peard to set April 17,2000 as Public Heming date for rezoning Parkview Crossing Lot 59 from R-3 to R-4.Mayor Bailey asked for a roll Call vote.Ayes:Gruber,Peard,Berger,Johnson,and Watts. Nays:None. Motion by Councilman Gruber,second by Councilman Peard to accept the Ashworth Drive Pavement Improvements (Certificate of Completion).Mayor Bailey asked for a roll call vote.Ayes: Gruber,Peard,Berger,Johnson,and Watts.Nays:None. Deleted from agenda. Motion by Councilman Berger,second by Councilman Peard to approve the Resolution for the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)Work Program and Fiscal Year 2001 Assessment.Mayor Bailey asked for a roll call vote.Ayes:Berger,Peard,Gruber, Johnson,and Watts.Nays:None. RESOLUTION NO.00-40 APPROVING METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO)WORK PROGRAM AND FISCAL YEAR 2001 ASSESSMENT WHEREAS,the City of Waukee is a member of the Des Moines Metropolitan Planning Organization,as organized under Iowa Code Chapter 28E;and WHEREAS,annually,the Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization requests its member governments to approve,by resolution,the Unified Planning Work Program and hudget for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1,2000;and 7 WHEREAS,the budget to support the Unified Plauniug Work Program is funded by federal funds and member government assessments,and that the assessment rate is set at $0.48 per capita,by approval of the member governments in 1995;and WHEREAS,at least a majority of the Des Moines Area Metropolitan Plauning Organization member governments mnst approve the Unified Planning Work Program and budget. NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Waukee hereby approves the Des Moines Metropolitan Planning Organization Unified Planning Work Program and budget for Fiscal Year 2000/2001,beginning July 1,2000. Done the 3rr1 day of April 2000. Donald L.Bailey,Jr.,Mayor Attest: Mark J.Arentsen,Administrator/Clerk ROLLCALL AYES NAYS ABSENT Gruber Peard Berger Watts Johnson x X X X X 18.Resolution:Motion by Councilman Gruber,second by Councilman Peard to approve the Resolution accepting Easement from Philip E. Broderick on south side of University Avenue.Mayor Bailey Asked for a roll call vote.Ayes:Gruber,Peard,Berger,Watts, And Johnson.Nays:None. RESOLUTION NO.00-41 ACCEPTING EASEMENT FROM PHILLIP E.BRODERICK ON SOUTH SIDE OF UNIVERSITY WHEREAS,Philip E.Broderick,after due consideration,is willing to convey unto the City of Waukee a perpetual easement and right-of-way under,over,on,through,across,and within property owned by him on the south side of University;and WHEREAS,the City shall have the right of reasonable access to the Easement area,and have rights of ingress and egress reasonably necessary for the use and enjoyment of the easement area;and 8 WHEREAS,the aforementioned easement shall be deemed to run with the land and shall be binding on the parties and on the heirs,successors,and assigns of the parties hereto. NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Waukee hereby approves and accepts the easement from Philip E.Broderick. Done the 3"day of April 2000. Donald L.Bailey,Jr.,Mayor Attest: Mark J.Arentsen,Administrator/Clerk ROLLCALL A YES NAYS ABSENT Gruber Peard Berger Watts Johnson x X X X X j 19.Resolution: Embargo Cherry St. Motion by Councilman Gruber,second by Councilman Watts to request to Embargo Cherry Street from 6th Street to s"Street. Mayor Bailey asked for a roll call vote,Ayes:Gruber,Watts, Peard,Berger,and Johnson.Nays:None. RESOLUTION NO 00-42 DECLARING AN EMBARGO ON CHERRY STREET FROM 6th STREET TO 8th STREET WHEREAS,the City wanting to preserve streets within the City limits from deterioration;and WHEREAS,the City Council has the right to declare an embargo when it appears by reason of deterioration that certain streets will be seriously damaged or destroyed; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that under Ordinance 501.31 the City Council of the City of Waukee declares an embargo on vehicles weighing in excess of 5 Ton as specified by signage on Cherry Street from 6th Street to Stl'Street for a period of time to be determined by the City Council. 9 Passed and approved on _ Donald L.Bailey,Jr.,Mayor Attest: Mark J.Arentsen,City Administrator ROLLCALL AYES NAYS ABSENT Nick Gruber Marvin Berger Mike Watts Wayne Johnson Bill Peard x X X X X 20.Ordinance: Truck Route Changing Truck Routes within the City of Waukee,was introduced by Councilman Watts.Motion by Councilman Johnson,second by Councilman Berger to read by title only.Mayor Bailey asked for a roll call vote.Ayes:Johnson,Berger,Gruber,Peard,and Watts. Nays:None.Motion by Councilman Watts,second by Councilman Peard to waive second and third Reading.Mayor Bailey asked for a roll call vote.Ayes:Watts,Peard,Berger, Gruber,and Johnson.Nays:None.Motion by Councilman Watts, second by Councilman Peard to approve the Ordinance Changing Truck Routes within the City of Waukee.Mayor Bailey asked for a roll call vote.Ayes:Watts,Peard,Gruber,Berger,and Johnson. Nays:None. ORDINANCE NO.2313 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 500.SECTION 501.29A,WAUKEE MUNICIPAL CODE,TRAFFIC ORDINANCES,TRUCK ROUTES,OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA,BY DELETING SAID SECTION AND INSERTING IN LIEU THEREOF SECTION 50l.29A PROVIDING THAT EVERY MOTOR VEHICLE WEIGHING FIVE (5)TONS OR MORE,WHEN LOADED OR EMPTY,HAVING NO FIXED TERMINAL WITHIN THE CITY OR MAKING NO SCHEDULED OR DEFINITE STOPS WITHIN THE CITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF LOADING OR UNLOADING OR COMMERCIAL STOP,SHALL TRAVEL OVER OR UPON THE FOLLOWING STREETS WITHIN THE CITY,AND NONE OTHER:6TH STREET BETWEEN HICKMAN ROAD AND THE SOUTH CITY 10 LIMITS OF WAUKEE;ALICE'S ROAD BETWEEN mCKMAN ROAD AND UNIVERSITY AVENUE; AND UNIVERSITY AVENUE FROM ALICE'S ROAD TO THE EAST CITY LIMITS. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Waukee: Section 1.Chapter 500,Section 501.29A,Waukee Municipal Code,Traffic Ordinances,Truck Routes,of the City of Waukee,Iowa,is hereby amended by deleting said section and inserting in lieu thereof the following: Section SOl.29A Truck Rontes.Every motor vehicle weighing five (5)tons or more,when loaded or empty.having no fixed terminal within the city or making no scheduled or definite stops within the city for the purpose of loading or unloading or commercial stop.shall travel over or upon the following streets within the city and none other: 6"'Street between Hickman Road and the south city limits Alice's Road between Hickman Road and University Avenue University Avenue from Alice's Road to the east city limits. Section 2.Repealer.All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3.Severability Clause.If any section,provision or part of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional,such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any section,provision,or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4.Effective Date.This ordinance shall be in effect upon its final passage,approval and publication as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,this 3"of April,2000,and approved this 3rd day of April,2000. Donald Lee Bailey,J1'. MAYOR Attested: Mark J.Arentsen,City Clerk 21.Reports:Reports were given by City Adminstrator Mark Arentsen, Community Development Joshua Smith,Public Works Director John Gibson,City Attorney Paul Huscher,City Council,and Mayor.I 11 22.Adjournment:Mayor Bailey requested a motion for adjournment.Motion by Councilman Gruber,second by Councilman Peard to adjourn. Mayor Bailey asked for a roll call vote.Ayes:Gruber,Peard, Berger,Watts,and Johnson.Nays:None Attest: Mark J.Arentsen,Ci Administrator/Clerk 12