HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-08-07-Regular MinutesMinutes from the Regular Waukee Council Meeting of August 7,2000 City of Waukee 1.Call to Order:The Regular Meeting of the Waukee City Council Meeting was called to order at pm by Mayor Donald L.Bailey,Jr. 2.Roll Call:Mayor Bailey requested roll call-Councilmen Nick Gruber,Marvin Berger,Mike Watts and Wayne Johnson were present.Councilman Bill Peard was absent. 3.Agenda Addition/Agenda Approval: Item number 11 was moved to immediately after the open forum.Motion and second to accept agenda with this change made by Councilman Gruber and second by Councilman Johnson.Ayes:Gruber,Johnson,Watts,Berger.Nays:None.Motion carried 4-0. 4.Consent Agenda: CLAIM REGISTER ens» A-O OISTRIBUTING CO INC ACCURATE DEVELOPMENT ALLEGRA AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOC ANN EAR EQUIPMENT INC ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ARENTSEN,MARK ARMSTRONG,KEITH AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM ASSOC BANKERS TRUST COMPANY BARRED,ROBERT BATES &ASSOCIATES INC BRENTON STATE BANK BROWN SUPPLY CO INC. BUSINESS PUBLICATIONS CAPITAL SANITARY SUPPLY CARPENTER UNIFORM CO a. b. Approval of the July 24,2000 minutes Approval of the Bill List and Payroll The Bank -Cigarette Permitc. FLAG POLE WATER REFUND COMPLAINT &AFIDAVIT FOR OFFICER SHIFT SUMMARY ROLL CALL SHEET ENVELOPE MAGNETS MATERIALS SUPPLIES MATS MATS MATS MATS AUTO ALLOWANCE FI RE REPORTS SEMINAR WATER/SEWER RESERVE UTiliTY REFUND/OVERPMT MC-105 LIBRARY PETIY CASH REIMB GUTIER BROOM FOR ELGIN OM BUSINESS RECORD SUPPLIES SHIRTS 1 170.54 269.34 181.28 136.92 84.05 58.81 389.33 17.25 '385.80 43.02 39.84 39.02 32.70 250.00 550.00 320.00 54,004.69 105.74 156.37 275.56 126.00 75.00 165.56 473.40 I SHIRTS 136.80 TROUSERS 129.70 CHIEF SUPPLY BARICADE TAPEIGLOVES 43.96 COMPUSA INC.BATTERIESIINKiKODA BUSI 32.11 CONVERGENT COMMUNICATION LABOR 222.50 COPY SYSTEMS INC SERVICE CONTRACT 69.93 DAHL AIR CONDITIONING &MAINTENANCE INSPECTION 742.50 DE SHANE,MIKE REPAIR FIRE CAR LT BAR 41.18 DEATON TRUCK &AUTO REPAIR 290.44 REPAIRS 511.55 DELL MARKETING LP REPLACED DAMAGED COMP 500.00 DELUXE BUSINESS FORMS &DEPOSIT TICKET BOOKS 45.97 DES MOINES WATER WORKS WTR,NEWSLTER,UTIL BILL 18,762.12 ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING C DISPLAY RENTAL 90.00 PAGER/SERVICE 183.00 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS CO.RADIATOR 189.59 FASTPRO INTERNATIONAL IN BANDAGE/ASPIRINI3N1 PACK 19.05 ASPRINIANTACID TABIPROX 26.00 MED SUPPLIES 39.75 GALL'S INC COLLAR PINS 16.97 GLEN-GERY CORPORATION BRICK CHIPS 147.52 GRAYBAR BATTERIESIINKiKODA BUSI 122.69 GROEBNER &ASSOCIATES IN T-TAPE GRAY 108.93 HALSEY PLUMBING,HEATING FLOOR DIFFUSERS 105.50 HEARTLAND COOP GRASS SEED 4.80 HUSCHER,PAUL E AUGUST '00 RETAINER 1,000.00 IA DEPT OF COMMERCE OPERATING REVENUES 1,236.00 IA FIRE EQUIPMENT COMPANY FIRE EXTINGISUPPLIES 33.30 IA STATE UNIVERSITY TRAINING 12.50 ICMA ICMA 308.30 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES MATERIALS 355.21 INVENSYS METERING SYSTEM SUPPOIRT 599.04 IPERS IPERS 2,391.18 IPERS -POLICE PDIPERS 2,316.98 JIMSJOHNS KYBOS 900.00 KC HOLDINGS INC AUGUST RENT 4,545.80 LEAK SPECIALISTS LEAK ANALYSIS 712000 1,202.50 LINCH AUTO PARTS FITTINGS 5.45 LOGAN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY NTC BLADE/CAUTION TAPE 903.90 EC FAB 171.38 MARKS,TRISCHA VOLLEY BALL LEAGUE 500.00 MARTIN MARIETTA AGGREGATE STONE 231.39 ROAD STONE 302.76 MBNA AMERICA BUSINESS CA MONTHLY STATEMENT 179.00 MENARDS SUPPLIES 29.95 COUPLERS 14.25 SUPPLIES 88.33 2 CEDARIWORK GLOVES 19.97 1MIDAMERICANENERGYCONSTRCHARGES160.28 MONTHLY STATEMENT 208.81 MONTHLY STATEMENT 20.00 MONTHLY STATEMENT 4,384.40 MONTHLY STATEMENT 2.17 MONTHLY STATEMENT 28.50 MID IOWA SALES COMPANY ULTRA VIOLET 68.40 MID STATES FORD INC PARTS 11.50 MIDWEST ENERGY ASSOCIATION MAINTENANCE FEE/CD·ROM 1,238.00 MIDWEST OFFICE TECHNOLOGY TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE 114.00 MIDWEST RADAR &EQUIPMENT RADAR 254.50 MIGHTY TIDY CLEANING JULY CLEANING 450.00 CLEANING SERVICE 100.00 MUNICIPAL SUPPLY COUPLINGSIWA METERS 135.45 OEHLER,GARY IRRIGATION METER REFUND 75.00 PAYLESS CASHWAYS INC.SUPPLIES 65.43 BULBS/STEM PHOTO CONTROL 23.48 PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY COUPLING -30.18 COUPLINGS/NIPPLES 13.77 BUSHINGN ALVE/ADAPTERI 134.54 PRAXAIR OXYGEN 43.17 PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS ENFORCEMENT MANUAL 15.00 J QUALITY FORD OF WDM REPAIRS 54.95 REPAIR RADIO 30.00 REPAIRS 283.86 R.C.BOOTH ENTERPRISES PLAT MAPS 210.00 R-WAY CONCRETE CONCRETE 333.00 CONCRETE 148.00 CONCRETE 129.50 CONCRETE 259.00 CONCRETE 444.00 RICHARDSON,BETH MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 10.23 SMITH'S SEWER SERVICE INC HYDROJET LINE 210.00 SMITH,JOSHUA AUTO ALLOWANCE 375.00 SPRAYER SPECIALTIES INC PARTS 3.89 SPRINT PCS MONTHLY SERVICE 51.98 STOP STICK,LTD.STOP STICK RK 751.15 STREICHER'S AMMUNITION 281.95 SUCCESSORIES INC SUPPLIES 433.46 TANDY RETAIL SERVICES COMPUTER REPAIR 187.50 TREASURER,STATE OF IOWA STATEW/H 2,154.35 TRIPLETT OFF ESSENTIALS 2 HOLE PUNCH 19.73 NAME PLATES 32.00 SUPPLIES 20.31 ISUPPLIES46.20 SUPPLIES 477.41 3 US FILTERfWATERPRO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS USA BLUE BOOK UTILITY SALES AND SERVICE VAN HORN,JARED A VERIZON WIRELESS VISA VISIONARY SYSTEMS LTO WALTERS HOMES LTD WASTE MANAGEMENT OF IOWA WAUKEE AUTO WASH WEARGUARD WEAVER,CHAD WEBLINK WIRELESS WEESE,JAMES E ZIEGLER INC GRAND TOTAL PAYROLL 7/31/00 ARENTSEN,MARK J BRANDY,JUSTIN 0 BOSWELL,KRISTIN ANN BREUER,GREGORY A BREUCKEN,ALYSSA CABOSSART,DELAINEY 0 CHARLENE WILSON DAGGED,WILLIAM J DAVISSON,DELORES J DEZEEUW,DAVID S DIANNA VAN ZEE DODGE,JUSTIN 0 DOWELL,DENNIS 0 EDGINGTON,MADHEW E EMBREE,NICHOLAS F FLATER,PATRICK J FORD,ELIZABETH A METER STOP 987-8390 987-9772 BLOWER OIUPAIL ADAPTER/HYDRANT METER PRESSURE &TEMP.CORRECT UNIFORM MONTHLY SERVICE MONTHLY SERVICE CELL PHONE SERVICES MSN BILLING/FUEL FIREHOUSE SOFTWARE UTILITY REFUND MONTHLY STATEMENT MONTHLY STATEMENT MONTHLY STATEMENT MONTHLY STATEMENT CARWASH TOKENS POLO SHIRTS CREDIT POLO SHIRTS HATS MILEAGE/PHONE/FRAMING PAGING SERVICES UTILITY REFUND MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 4 38.45 49.35 59.56 132.72 101.91 3,321.00 71.30 42.85 176.01 50.57 20.36 560.00 209.42 192.24 11,634.88 52.53 1,600.00 192.50 842.26 -154.45 249.93 129.76 94.71 18.34 1,176.00 133,595.86 1,762.88 686.38 90.24 1,233.87 52.32 84.31 110.00 899.87 185.77 1,029.78 50.00 754.10 1,304.30 578.08 632.65 874.79 827.90 GENTOSI,MICHAEL PATRICK 798.19 1GIBSON,JOHN R 1,438.67 HARRINGTON,ADAM J 671.15 HERRICK,ROBERT D 1,037.69 HOI FELDT,JENNIFER L 563.72 HORKEY,ROBIN R 1,056.75 JONES,HARRY N 510.47 KELLER,CHRISTOPHER M 744.45 KIENE,MATIR 677.49 KLIMEK,MONIKA A 288.35 LELAND PERKINS 700.00 LIFE INS.PREM 55.34 MACK,LINDA M 947.80 MAPES,TROY M 852.84 MARCHANT,JOEY LOWELL 832.07 MAREAN,NICHOLAS ADAM 428.02 MURPHY·PETERSEN,DEVON 768.01 OHNEMUS,KYLE 20.21 OLSON,SCOTI A 817.17 PERKINS,LELAND E 297.80 PHILLIPS,LARRY J 1,534.15 POPP,SHAWN DAVID 910.23 RAWLEY,JESSE D 595.27 )RICHARDSON,ELIZABETH A 877.92 ROBINSON,CLINT H 172.38 ROBINSON,KIMBERLY 219.65 ROYER,TIMOTHY L 1,040.80 SCHETILER,RODNEY A 977.39 SCHROEDER,MELANIE L 120.68 SMITH,JOSHUA A 1,318.77 SPENCER,ARTHUR 475.09 SPENCER,JEFFREY A 788.89 TIMOTHY ROYER 100.00 VAN ZEE,DIANNA L 804.30 WEAVER,CHAD E 492.53 WHITE,DANNY L 911.47 WILSON,CHARLENE G 978.21 WINTERS,TROY S 829.14 GRAND TOTAL 37,810.30 5.Open Forum:Mark Burkhart,105 Glendale,asked when the water retention areas near laurel and Glendale would be seeded.I 5 6.Receive /File:Discuss the Sidewalk Situation on Warrior Lane Mark Burkhart,105 Glendale,and Jay Oxenford,866 Midwest Mobile Home Court, expressed concern over the sidewalk situation near Warrior Lane.The sidewalk on the east side of the road does not reach Laurel and several of the sidewalks approaching from the west do not reach Warrior Lane.Mark and Jay feel this is a safety issue with school starting very soon.City Administrator Mark Arentsen said that he had been working with the developer on the east side to finish the sidewalks and the City could look into finishing those walks on the west side of Warrior Lane that do not reach Warrior Lane. The Mayor requested a report explaining how these problems were allowed to occur. Councilmen Gruber and Berger motioned and seconded to receive /file this information and to have public work's department install approximately three (3)twenty-five (25) foot sections of sidewalk to connect to sidewalks on Warrior Lane.Ayes:Gruber, Berger,Watts,Johnson.Nays:None.Motion carried 4-0. 7.Receive /File:Update on Mid-American Interconnect On July 28th the staff met with Mid American representatives and with the pipe contractor on August 3rd to finalize the estimation of costs for the project.The total estimated cost is $198,000,which is less than the budgeted amount of $235,000.Motion made by Councilman Gruber to receive/file.Seconded by Councilman Berger.Ayes: Gruber,Berger,Watts,Johnson.Nays:None.Motion carried 4-0. 8.Receive /File:Update on Fall Festival Lynette Schafer,450 6th St,addressed the Council concerning the upcoming Fall Festival (Sept 31-Oct 1).She mentioned that small portions of 6th and Walnut needed to be closed and a beer tent needed to be set up.John Gibson and Chief Phillips had no problems with her requests.She asked that the council approve of her requests,as they were the same as in past years.Councilmen Gruber and Johnson motioned and seconded to receive /file.Ayes:Gruber,Johnson,Berger,Watts.Nays:None.Motion carried 4-0. 9.Receive /File:Wage Rates for Employees (Fiscal Year 2000/2001) Mayor Bailey requested this presentation but was not happy with the quality of the numbers provided.Motion to table until a better report has been produced and presented to the Mayor and City Council.A motion by Councilmen Watts and seconded by Councilman Berger.Ayes:Watts,Berger,Johnson,Gruber.Nays:None.Motion carried 4-0. 10.Resolution:Approving Voluntary Annexation Application for GFA Steaks,LLC (Rube's Steakhouse)and Approving Transitional Tax Relief Schedule as Set by 427B.3 of the Iowa Code 6 Gary Anderson of GFA Steaks has agreed to annex to the City.This property,located at the SW corner of 1-80 and R-22 is very important to the City of Waukee.The Mayor was proud to have Rube's,an internationally known establishment coming into the City's corporate limits.Motion made and seconded by Councilmen Gruber and Berger to pass this resolution.Ayes:Gruber,Berger,Watts,Johnson.Nays:None.Motion carried 4-0. I RESOLUTION 00-123 RESOLUTION ASSENTING TO THE VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION OF THE GFA STEAKS, LLC PROPERTY WHEREAS,the City of Waukee,Dallas County,State ofIowa,is a duly organized municipal corporation; and WHEREAS,there has been presented to the Waukee City Council of said City an Application for Annexation,as reqnired by Section 368.7,Code ofIowa,as amended,executed by GFA Steaks,LLC,the owners of the real estate to be annexed;and WHEREAS,said real estate lying adjacent to the existing City Limits of the City of Waukee,Iowa;and WHEREAS,the City of Waukee desires to annex said territory upon the Application heretofore presented; and NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa as follows: 1.That the Application for Annexation of the GFA Property,LLC as described in Exhibit "A"attached hereto is hereby approved. 2.That upon acknowledgement by the City Development Board of the Clerk's filing of the map and this Resolution on the 10th of August,2000 this territory shall thereafter be and become a part of the City of Waukee. 3.That the City Clerk of Waukee shall forthwith cause this Resolution and the map exhibit attached hereto be filed with the City Development Board and other filings as required by Section 368.7,Code ofIowa,as amended. ) Passed by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,and approved the 7th of August,2000. Gruber,Berger,Watts,Johnson Ayes:_ Nays::_ Peard Absemt:_ Donald 1..Bailey,Jr.,Mayor I,Mark J.Arentsen,City Clerk of the City of Waukee,Iowa,hereby certify that the above and forgoing Resolution is a true copy as shown by the records of the City of Waukee,Iowa. Attest Mark J.Arentsen,City Clerk ) 7 11.Resolution:Approving New Tax Increment Finance Policy for City of Waukee Mike Watts requested this meeting to establish the extent of the City's current policy.He felt that the memo sent out by Joshua Smith did not accurately reflect the Council's decision on March 6,2000.Bob Josten was again present to answer questions for the Council.He explained to the Council the option that the City had to decide where the last 20%of the TlF funds would go.They can either be returned to the taxing bodies at the normal rate,or can all be returned to the City.The Mayor questioned the 'automatically eligible'wording in the existing policy.Councilman Gruber motioned to pass the resolution subject to the following:the staff work with Bob Josten to determine the boundaries of the urban renewal area(s),the 'automatically eligible'language be removed,the allocation of the remaining 20%of the funds shall be determined by the Council when the TlF districts are approved,add wording to say that the City will only provide rebate formatted TlF's.Motion seconded by Councilman Johnson.Ayes: Gruber,Johnson,Berger,Watts.Nays:None.Motion carried 4-0. RESOLUTION 00-124 RESOLUTION APPROVING NEW TAX INCREMENT FINANCE POLICY FOR THE CITY OF WAUKEE WHEREAS,the City of Waukee,Dallas County,State of Iowa,is a duly organized municipal corporation;and WHEREAS,the City needs to encourage commercial growth;and WHEREAS,the City of Waukee desires to provide better retail options for our citizens NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City council of Waukee,Iowa that the City of Waukee's New Tax Increment Finance Policy is Approved. Passed by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,and approved the 7th day of August,2UUU. Gruber,Berger,Watts,Johnson Ayes:_ Nays:_ Peard Absent:_ Donald L.Bailey,Jr.,Mayor 8 Attest:I Mark J.Arentsen,City Administrator 12.Motion:Setting the September 2000 Council Meeting Dates Because Labor Day falls on Monday,September 4th,the Council Meeting that would have been held that day will be rescheduled to September 11th at 7pm.The second meeting of the month will still occur on Monday September 18th.Motion and second by Councilmen Johnson and Watts to approve these dates.Ayes:Johnson,Watts,Gruber, Berger.Nays:None.Motion carried 4-0. 13.Resolution:Approving Southfork Woods Plat 11 Final Plat Planning and Zoning approved of the final plat on July 25.Motion by Councilman Berger to approve of the final plat subject to the Certificate of Completion being ready in 30 days.Seconded by Councilman Johnson.Ayes:Berger,Johnson,Watts,Gruber. Nays:None.Motion carried 4-0. RESOLUTION 00-125 ) RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT FOR SOUTHFORK WOODS PLAT 2 WHEREAS,the City of Waukee,Dallas County,State of Iowa,is a duly organized municipal corporation; and WHEREAS,the Planning &Zoning Commission approved the final plat on July 25,2000;and WHEREAS,Sonthfork Woods Plat 2 is within the existing City Limits of the City of Waukee,Iowa;and WHEREAS,the City of Waukee desires to develop more residential areas;and NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by tbe City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa that the Final Plat for Southfork Woods Plat 2 be approved. Passed by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,and approved the 7"of August,2000. Gruber,Berger,Watts,Johnson Ayes:_ Nays:--::,----_ Peard jAbsent:_ 9 Donald L.Bailey,Jr.,Mayor I,Mark J.Arentsen,City Clerk of the City of Waukee,Iowa,hereby certify that the above and forgoing Resolution is a true copy as shown by the records of the City of Waukee,Iowa. Attest: Mark J.Arentsen,City Clerk 14.Motion:Setting Bid Date,Public Hearing,and Bid Letting for 500,000 Gallon Elevated Storage Tank August 7 -acceptance of plans and specifications,estimate of costs;week of August 14- publication of Notice of Hearing and Letting;August 29 -receive open bids at 2pm; tentative September 5 -Public Hearing,award contract.Motion by Councilman Gruber and second by Councilman Berger to accept this time schedule.Ayes:Gruber,Berger, Watts,Johnson.Nays:None.Motion carried 4-0. 15.Resolution:Approving Acceptance of Plans and Specifications for the 500,000 Gallon Elevated Storage Tank Motion by councilman Gruber and second by Councilman Berger to approve this resolution accepting the plans and specs for the 500,000 gallon water tank.Ayes: Gruber,Berger,Watts,Johnson.Nays:None.Motion carried 4-0. RESOLUTION 00-126 RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR ACCEPTANCE OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE 500,000 GALLON ELEVATED STORAGE TANK WHEREAS,the City of Waukee,DaIlas County,State of Iowa,is a duly organized municipal corporation; and WHEREAS,the City needs to raise our water tower;and WHEREAS,the City of Waukee desires to provide better water pressure for residents and for fire-flow reasons;and NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa that the Plans and Specifications for the 500,000 GaIlon Elevated Storage Tank are Approved. Passed by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,and approved the 7th of August,2000. Gruber,Berger,Watts,Johnson Ayes:_ Nays:_ Peard Absent::_ 10 Donald L.Bailey,Jr.,Mayor II,Mark J.Arentsen,City Clerk of the City of Waukee,Iowa,hereby certify that the above and forgoing Resolution is a true copy as shown by the records of the City of Waukee,Iowa. Attest: Mark J.Arentsen,City Clerk 16.Resolution:Approve Preliminary Plat for Westgate Business Park Planning and Zoning passed this item on July 25th•Councilman Watts raised questions about the retention pond on the site.The Council directed staff to follow through with the retention pond maintenance ordinance that has been started.The engineer stated that one business has been secured for the site,Valley Paper.Motion to approve the final plat made by Councilman Watts and seconded by Councilman Johnson.Ayes:Watts, Johnson,Gruber,Berger.Nays:None.Motion carried 4-0. RESOLUTION 00-127 RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR WESTGATE BUSINESS PARK WHEREAS,the City of Waukee,Dallas County,State of Iowa,is a duly organized municipal corporation; and 1WHEREAS,Westgate Business Park (formerly "East Park")was passed by the WaukeePlamting & Zoning Commission on July 25,2000;and WHEREAS,Westgate Business Park is within the existing City Limits of the City of Waukee,Iowa;and WHEREAS,the City of Waukee desires to develop more commercial and industrial areas;and NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ofthe City of Waukee,Iowa that the Preliminary Plat for Westgate Business be approved. Passed by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,and approved the ih of August,2000. Gruber,Berger,Watts,Johnson Ayes:_ Nays:_ Peard Absent:_ Donald L.Bailey,Jr.,Mayor I,Mark J.Arentsen,City Clerk of the City of Waukee,Iowa,hereby certify that the above and forgoing Resolution is a true copy as shown by the records of the City of Waukee,Iowa.I 11 Attest: Mark J.Arentsen,City Clerk 17.Public Hearing:Awarding Contract for Demolition and Disposal of Elevated and Ground Storage Tanks Bids were let and the low bid was M.E.D.A.Joe Schmidt asked what would become of the building on the site.No other comments were given.Public hearing was closed. 18.Resolution:Approving Contract and Bond for Demolition and Disposal of Elevated and Ground Storage Tanks Mik Briedis of Veenstra and Kimm said that they had checked references of M.E.D.A. and that the company they would be sub-contracting to was known already to be reputable.The Mayor asked what had been budgeted for this project and Public Works Director John Gibson said $50,000.Motion and second by Councilmen Gruber and Watts to accept the bid of M.E.D.A.Ayes:Gruber,Watts,Berger,Johnson.Nays:None. Motion carried 4-0. RESOLUTION 00-128 APPROVING THE CONTRACT AND BOND FOR DEMOLITION AND DISPOSAL OF 50,000 GALLON ELEVATED STORAGE TANK AND 200,000 GALLON GROUNDSTORAGE TANK WHEREAS,the City of Waukee,Dallas County,State of Iowa,is a duly orgauized municipal corporation; and WHEREAS,the City of Waukee seeks to beautify the City by demolition and disposal of the two old tanks;and WHEREAS,the City of Waukee let bids for the demolitiou and disposal of the tanks on August 1,2000; and WHEREAS,M.E.D.A.of Moulton,Ia was the low bidder at $46,060.00 NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa that the contract and bond for the demolition and disposal of the 50,000 gallon elevated storage tauk and the 200,000 gallon ground storage tank to M.E.D.A.of Moultou,Ia for the amount of $46,060.00. Passed by the City Couucil of the City of Waukee,Iowa,aud approved the 7th of August,2000. Gruber,Berger,Watts,Johnson Ayes:_ Nays:----,_ Peard Absent:'_ Donald L.Bailey,Jr.,Mayor 12 Attest:1 I,Mark J.Arentsen,City Clerk of the City of Waukee,Iowa,hereby certify that the above and forgoingResolutionis a true copy as shownby the recordsof the City of Waukee,Iowa. Mark J.Arentsen,City Clerk 19.Resolution:Approving Tom Fry Incremental Tax Abatement Pursuant to Iowa Code 427B.3 This item had appeared on the agenda for July 31 but was removed because it was thought that the piece of property would be assessed as agricultural.Upon further review,it will be residential and thus eligible for the abatement.Motion by Councilman Gruber and a second by Councilman Watts to approve the resolution.Ayes:Gruber, Watts,Berger,Johnson.Nays:None.Motion carried 4-0. RESOLUTION 00-129 RESOLUTION ASSENTING TO THE ANNEXATION OF FRY PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA IWHEREAS,the City of Waukee,Dallas County,State of Iowa,is a duly organized municipal corporation;and WHEREAS,there has been presented to the Waukee City Council of said City an Application for Aunexation,as required by Section 368.7,Code ofIowa,as amended,executed by Thomas Fry the owner of the real estate to be aunexed;and WHEREAS,said real estate lying adjacent to the existing City Limits of the City of Waukee, Iowa;and WHEREAS,the City of Waukee desires to annex said territory upon the Application heretofore presented;and WHEREAS,the City of Waukee bestows upon the annexed property an imposition of taxes as provided in Section 368.11,subsection 13 of the Iowa Code. NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Waukee, Iowa as follows: 4.That the Application for Aunexation of the Thomas Fry Property as described in Exhibit "A"attached hereto is hereby approved. 5.That upon acknowledgement by the City Development Board of the Clerk's filing of the map and tins Resolution on the 31st day of July 2000 this territory shall thereafter be and become a part of the City of Waukee. ,) 13 6.That the City Clerk of Waukee shall forthwith cause this Resolutiou aud the map exhibit attached hereto be filed with the City Development Board and other filings as required by Section 368.7,Code ofIowa,as amended. Passed by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,and approved the 7th Day of August, 2000. Gruber,Berger,Watts,Johnson Ayes:_ None Nays:_ Peard Absent:_ Donald L.Bailey,Jr.,Mayor I,Mark J.Arentsen,City Clerk of the City of Waukee,Iowa,hereby certify that the above and forgoing Resolution is a true copy as shown by the records of the City of Waukee,Iowa. Attest: Mark J.Arentsen,City Clerk 20.Ordinance:To Amend Chapter 201,Waukee Gas Building Code,of the City of Waukee,Iowa by Amending Section Councilman Berger made a motion to approve the ordinance change and have the first reading.Councilman Johnson seconded that motion.Ayes:Berger,Johnson,Gruber, Watts.Nays:None.Motion carried 4-0.Motion and second by Councilmen Gruber and Berger to waive the second and third readings.Ayes:Gruber,Berger,Watts,Johnson. Nays:None.Motion carried 4-0.Motion and second by Councilmen Johnson and Berger to put the ordinance on its final passage.Ayes:Johnson,Berger,Watts,Gruber. Motion carried 4-0 and the Mayor declared the ordinance passed and duly adopted. ORDINANCE NO.2322 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 201,WAUKEE GAS BUILDING CODE, OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,lWOA,BY AMENDING SECTION 201.2,TO PROHIBIT MOVEMENT OF GAS,EXCEPT GAS PURCHASED FROM WAUKEE MUNICIPAL GAS SYSTEM,OR ANY MOVEMENT OF GAS THROUGH ANY GAS LINE WITHIN THE CITY OF WAUKEE,EXCEPT GAS PURCHASED FROM WAUKEE MUNIClAPL GAS SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Waukee: Section 1.Section 201.2 of Chapter 201,Waukee Gas Building Code of the City,is hereby amended by adding thereto the following: 14 "and no gas shall be moved through the Waukee Municipal Gas distribution system,or any gas line within the City of Waukee,except gas purchased from,or with consent of, Waukee Municipal Gas System of the City of Waukee." .] So that said section reads as follows: No person,firm,corporation,or other entity than the Waukee Municipal Gas System of the City of Waukee or its customers shall install,construct,or maintain any gas main, yard line,consumer's gas piping,or gas distribution system,or cause movement of natural gas through any conduit within the city limits of the City of Waukee,Iowa;and no gas shall be moved through the Waukee Municipal Gas distribution system,or any gas line within the City of Waukee,except gas purchased from,or with consent of,Waukee Municipal Gas System of the City of Waukee. Section 2.Repealer.All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3.Severability Clause.If any section,provision or part of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional,such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any section,provision,or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4.Effective Date.This ordinance shall be in effect upon its final passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed by the City council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,on this 7"'day of August,2000,and approved this 7th day of August,2000. Donald L.Bailey,Jr.,Mayor Attest: Mark J.Arentsen,City Administrator/Clerk 21.Ordinance:To Amend Chapter 501,Waukee Municipal Code, Regulation of Traffic Upon and Use of the Streets of Waukee,Iowa Councilman Gruber made a motion to approve the ordinance change and have the first reading.Councilman Johnson seconded that motion.Ayes:Gruber,Johnson,Berger, Watts.Nays:None.Motion carried 4-0.Motion and second by Councilmen Gruber and Johnson to waive the second and third readings.Ayes:Gruber,Johnson,Berger,Watts. Nays:None.Motion carried 4-0.Motion and second by Councilmen Watts and Berger to put the ordinance on its final passage.Ayes:Watts,Berger,Johnson,Gruber.Motion carried 4-0 and the Mayor declared the ordinance passed and duly adopted. 15 ORDINANCE NO.2323 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 501,WAUKEE MUNICIPAL CODE, REGULATION OF TRAFFIC UPON AND USE OF THE STREETS OF WAUKEE,IOWA, BY AMENDING SECTION 501.9(F)(6),TO ESTABLISH A MAXIMUM SPEED LIMIT WITH THE DISPLAY SPEED LIMIT SIGNS AND BEACONS IN OPERATION OF 25 MILES PER HOUR;THE MAXIMUM SPEED LIMIT WITH VARIABLE DISPLAY SPEED LIMIT SIGNS AND BEACONS NOT ACTIVIATED TO BE 35 MILES PER HOUR ON BOONE DRIVE FROM A POINT ON THE NORTH END OF SAID SPEED ZONE 54 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH CITY LIMITS ON BOONE DRIVE,SOUTH TO A POINT 303 FEET NORTH OF THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERSECTION OF BOONE DRIVE AND WESTWOOD DRIVE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Waukee: Section 1.Amendment.Chapter 501,Waukee Municipal code,Regulation of Traffic Upon and Use of the Streets of Waukee,Iowa,Section 501.9(F)(6),is hereby amended by placing "a."before the first sub-paragraph thereof,and by adding thereto the following sub- paragraph: b.On Boone Drive from a point 54 feet south of the North city limits on Boone Drive,south to a point 303 feet north of the middle of the intersection of Boone Drive and Westwood Drive. And said section of the Waukee Municipal code may be cited as §501.9f(9)(5). Section 2.Repealer.All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3.Severability.If any section,provision or part of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional,such adjudication shall not affect tbe validity of the ordinance as a whole or any section,provision,or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional Section 4.Effective Date.This ordinance shall be in effect upon its final passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed by the City council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,on this 7th Day of August,2000,and approved this 7th day of August,2000. Donald L.Bailey,Jr.,Mayor Attest: Mark J.Arentsen,City Administrator/Clerk 16 22.Reports: Park and Rec:Wayne Johnson thanked everyone for their support of the farmers market. Planning and Zoning:Nick Gruber informed everyone that the sign ordinance had passed and was going to council. City Attorney:Paul Huscher said he had talked to Professor Nicholas from Florida State University about helping Wankee write a Park Ordinance that will stand up to Iowa law. He will charge $1000 for his time.This issue will be on the agenda for the 8-21 meeting. Director of Community Development: forward to working with everyone. J ody Gunderson said that he was looking Director of Public Works:John Gibson stated that pipe for the Mid American interconnect would be arriving in about two weeks and that seal coating would be starting on the 9'h or August. Deputy City Administrator:Joshua Smith said that the Citl Development Board would be deciding on about 400 acres of annexation on August to'.Also,two more benches donated by local developers will be placed in the triangle very soon.]City Administrator:Mark Arentsen stated that he had been working recently to fill the Director of Finance position and that he had recently spoken with the DOT on the 6th street radius and the driveway into the City Hall building.Arentsen informed the Council that the schedule for the Hickman sewer extension would be completed soon,that a number of tax credit housing options were being looked at by the City and that efforts to write a capital improvement plan would be starting soon. Waukee City Council:Nick Gruber congratulated the girls softball team for their state title and the boys for making it to state.Marvin,Mike and Wayne all welcomed Jody Gunderson to Waukee. Mayor Donald L.Bailey:Mayor Bailey stated that Thursday the lO'h there would be a special meeting to meet the Director of Finance candidate;he requested a report on the costs associated with this hire.He reminded everyone of the August 17th Comprehensive Plan meeting,congratulated the girls softball team and mentioned an open house at Lynn Circle Townhomes on August 27th• 23.Closed Session Motioned by Johnson,second by Watts to enter into Closed Session as per 21.5(i)of the Code of Iowa.I 17 Motioned by Watts,second by Gruber to come out of Closed Session at !0:15pm. 24 Adjournment Motioned by Gruber,second by Johnson to adjourn.Meeting adjourned. ~-or--- Attest: Mark J.Arentsen C ty Administrator 18