HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-04-02-Regular MinutesWAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 2,2001 ) Call to Order -Mayor Donald L.Bailey,Jr.,called the April 2,2001 meeting of the Waukee City Council to order at 7:00p.m. Roll Call -Roll Call was taken.Mayor Bailey and Council members Nicholas Gruber, Marvin Berger,Bill Peard,Mike Watts and Wayne Johnson were present.Also present were City Administrator Mark Arentsen,other City staff and members of the public. Agenda Addition!Agenda Approval-A motion was made by Gruber seconded by Peard to approve the agenda as presented.Motion passed unanimously. Open Forum -Betty Felt of 880 Warrior Lane stated that she in unable to hear the storm warning siren inside here house.The siren nearest her house was moved several years ago.She is concerned that people at the Middle School would also be unable to hear the siren.Mayor Bailey asked to have a representative of the Police Department at Mrs. Felt's residence on Saturday when the sirens are tested to determine how well the siren can be heard. Consent Agenda -Mayor Bailey stated that there were a number of corrections that needed to be made to the minutes included in the packet.He stated these corrections have been made.He also inquired about a high level of expenses in the Gas Fund. Public Works Director John Gibson stated that revenues were also higher than had been budgeted.Mayor Bailey stated he also would like a report on two checks written to former Deputy City Administrator Joshua Smith.City Administrator Mark Arentsen stated that a report was in the Mayor's mailbox on this issue.A motion was then made by Watts,seconded by Berger to approve the consent agenda.The Mayor called for a roll call vote.Ayes;Watts,Berger,Johnson,Peard,Gruber.Nayes;None.Motion passed. 1 BILL LIST 3/28/01 NO DEPT ENTERED POLICE OPERATIONS DALLAS COUNTY OFFICE OF DEWEY FORD INC RAPID RESPONSE SHOOTER T 2001 CROWN VICTORIA $25.00 $20,611.80 FIRE PROTECTION MERCY SCHOOL OF EMERGENCY PHTLS CLASS-GENTOSI &SPEN $226.00 GRAND TOTAL $20,862.80 JBILLLIST3/30/01 NO DEPT ENTERED 1 ICMA ICMA $500.00 ICMA $500.00 IPERS IPERS $2,654.86 IPERS $279.72 IPERS $2,614.80 IPERS -POLICE PD IPERS $2,414.37 PDIPERS $2,270.50 TAYLOR,TAMRA BUILDING PERMIT REFUND $37.00 TREASURER,STATE OF IOWA STATEW/H $2,038.50 STATEW/H $161.93 STATEW/H $2,052.69 POLICE OPERATIONS BUTIERFIELD MANAGEMENT CONSULTING $187.50 DES MOINES REGISTER SUBSCRIPTION $47.45 FASTPRO INTERNATIONAL IN MED SUPPLIES $25.80 FESLERS INC SUPPLIES $63.10 POWER SUPPLY $296.00 CENTURION LIGHT BAR $485.00 HB LEISEROWITZ COMPANY SUPPLIES $172.90 HEARTLAND CO-OP FUEUREPAIRS $1,311.47 JOHN DEERE HEALTH PLAN I APRIL '01 HEALTH INSURANCE $6,101.70 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE APRIL '01 DISABILITY INS $171.38 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS C APRIL '01 LIFE INSURANCE $139.26 MID AMERICAN ENERGY MONTHLY STATEMENT $293.72 MID-AMERICAN SPECIALTIES PROMOTION $403.40 MIGHTY TIDY CLEANING PD CLEANING $450.00 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MEMBERSHIP $25.00 OLSON'S BODY &PAINT INSTALL CRANK $17.45 OUALITY FORD OF WDM 98 CROWN VIC-BATIERY REP $126.35 SONGSMYTHE PRODUCTIONS REPAIR WIRING INTERVIEW $60.00 SPRINT PCS PD MONTHLY STATEMENT $1.42 SULLIVAN,TIM SPOTLIGHT REPAIR &LIGHT $133.25 TREADWAY GRAPHICS BIKE BTLS,GRAD CERT,PL $110.13 UNIVERSITY PHOTO DEVELOP FILM $62.50 FILM/DEVELOPING $14.36 VISA MSN ONLINE BILLING $6.95 FIRE PROTECTION JOHN DEERE HEALTH PLAN I APR '01 HEALTH INSURANCE $277.35 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE APR '01 DISABILITY INS $27.90 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS C APR '01 LIFE INSURANCE $14.72 MID AMERICAN ENERGY MONTHLY STATEMENT $389.34 STREET LIGHTING MEL NORTHEY CO INC STREET LIGHT GLOBES $914.00 MID AMERICAN ENERGY MONTHLY STATEMENT $6,253.35 2 TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHTS IA SIGNAL &ELECTRIC CO SIGNAL REPAIR $56.00 MID AMERICAN ENERGY MONTHLY STATEMENT $307.Q1 BUILDING INSPECTION AAA AWARDS &KEEPSAKE GI ENGRAVED NAME PLATES $7.85 JOHN DEERE HEALTH PLAN I APR '01 HEALTH INSURANCE $1,664.10 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE APR '01 DISABILITY INS $34.04 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CO APR '01 LIFE INSURANCE $26.72 OLSON BROTHERS FUEL $17.50 RICHARDSON,BETH MARCH '01 MILEAGE $5.78 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $9.52 TRIPLED OFFICE ESSENTIAL COPY PAPER/ENVELOPES/BIN $2.49 TONER/DISKEDES $11.16 DOWNTOWN RE-DEVELOPMENT PROJECT VEENSTRA &KIMM INC MAR '01 SERVICES $497.00 LIBRARY SERVICES JOHN DEERE HEALTH PLAN I APR '01 HEALTH INSURANCE $1,386.75 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE APR '01 DISABILITY INS $28.48 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS C APR '01 LIFE INSURANCE $14.72 1PARKS AAA AWARDS &KEEPSAKE GI ENGRAVED NAME PLATES $4.00 HEARTLAND CO-OP FEB '01 STATEMENT $123.52 JOHN DEERE HEALTH PLAN I APR '01 HEALTH INSURANCE $277.35 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE APR '01 DISABILITY INS $13.80 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CO APR '01 LIFE INSURANCE $7.36 MID AMERICAN ENERGY MONTHLY STATEMENT $21.23 OWEST 987-9772 $60.06 VEENSTRA &KIMM INC MAR '01 SERVICES $140.50 WELLS FARGO BANK IOWA NA 98 TRACTOR LEASE PAYMENT $1,146.88 PUBLIC WORKS ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES MAT SERVICE $32.70 JOHN DEERE HEALTH PLAN I APR '01 HEALTH INSURANCE $277.35 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE APR '01 DISABILITY INS $27.64 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS C APR '01 LIFE INSURANCE $7.36 MID AMERICAN ENERGY MONTHLY STATEMENT $346.20 OLSON BROTHERS FUEL $34.25 QWEST 987-5941 $39.48 TRIPLED OFFICE ESSENTIAL COPY PAPER/ENVELOPES/BIN $11.74 )UNITED STATES CELLULAR MARCH '01 STATEMENT $12.81 WATER UTILITY 3 HEARTLAND CO-OP FEB '01 STATEMENT $640.17 JOHN DEERE HEALTH PLAN I APR '01 HEALTH INSURANCE $832.05 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE APR '01 DISABILITY INS $13.39 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS C APR '01 LIFE INSURANCE $7.36 MID AMERICAN ENERGY MONTHLY STATEMENT $645.99 MONTHLY STATEMENT $8.99 MUNICIPAL SUPPLY METROTECH REPAIR $166.00 HYDRANT EXTENSION $196.00 FIRE HYDRANT $849.00 LOCATE FLAGS $613.70 PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY VALVE $53.99 UNITED STATES CELLULAR MARCH '01 STATEMENT $39.55 US FILTERIWATERPRO FIRE HYDRANT REPAIR $325.00 WELLS FARGO BANK IOWA NA 98 TRACTOR LEASE PAYMENT $1,146.88 SANITARY SEWERS &TREATMENT FACI FASTPRO INTERNATIONAL IN FIRST AID SUPPLIES $48.45 HEARTLAND CO-OP FEB '01 STATEMENT $102.80 JOHN DEERE HEALTH PLAN I APR '01 HEALTH INSURANCE $832.05 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE APR '01 DISABILITY INS $17.24 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CO APR '01 LIFE INSURANCE $7.36 MID AMERICAN ENERGY MONTHLY STATEMENT $20,428.05 MONTHLY STATEMENT $8.99 QWEST MAR '01 987-6084 $217.08 VEENSTRA &KIMM INC MAR '01 SERVICES $1,185.08 WELLS FARGO BANK IOWA NA 98 TRACTOR LEASE PAYMENT $1,146.88 GAS UTiLiTY CAPITAL SANITARY SUPPLY PAPER TOWELS $49.64 PAPER TOWELS $148.92 GROEBNER &ASSOCIATES IN PMTI -CREDIT -$612.50 HEARLAND CO-OP FEB '01 STATEMENT $230.51 IA DEPT OF COMMERCE UTILITIES DIVISION CHARGE $664.62 JOHN DEERE HEALTH PLAN I APR '01 HEALTH INSURANCE $1,941.45 LEWIS,JAMES GAS REBATE $75.00 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE APR '01 DISABILITY INS $48.11 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CO APR '01 LIFE INSURANCE $20.72 MID AMERICAN ENERGY MONTHLY STATEMENT $331.47 MONTH LY STA TEM ENT $8.98 PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY BLACK PIPE $88.30 BLACK PIPE CREDIT -$88.30 QWEST 440-6340 $39.29 RED WING SHOE STORE SHOES-KELLERIDEZEUW $148.75 UNITED STATES CELLULAR MAR '01 STATEMENT $12.80 MAR '01 STATEMENT $39.56 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF IOWA MAR '01 ROLL OFF CONTAINER $245.30 4 UTILITY BILLING )BUDGET STORAGE RENTAL MONTHLY STATEMENT $40.00 JOHN DEERE HEALTH PLAN I APR '01 HEALTH INSURANCE $277.35 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE APR '01 DISABILITY INS $12.81 RED WING SHOE STORE SHOES-KELLERIDEZEUW $148.75 STREET DEPARTMENT CFI TIRE SERVICE TIRE REPAIR $72.34 TIRE REPAIR $107.50 HEARTLAND CO-OP FEB '01 STATEMENT $517.35 IA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION LATH $21.48 INLAND TRUCK PARTS &SER CREDIT FRONT SPRING -$52.00 SPRING PINS $44.24 FRONT SPRING $489.38 JOHN DEERE HEALTH PLAN I APR '01 HEALTH INSURANCE $1,386.75 LOGAN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY POTHOLE PATCH $501.20 POTHOLE PATCH $250.60 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE APR '01 DISABILITY INS $29.73 MARTIN MARIETI A AGGREGATE ROAD STONE $727.59 MENARDS MAILBOX &POST $179.43 MAIL BOX REPAIRS $30.87 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CO APR '01 LIFE INSURANCE $14.72 MID AMERICAN ENERGY MONTHLY STATEMENT $8.98 1MOMARPENITRATINGOIL$127.46 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS STOP SIGNS $1,022.70 j PUCKETI TOOLS &FASTENER CHARGER REPLACEMENT $61.25 VAN-WALL EQUIPMENT INC CREDIT -$93.34 VEENSTRA &KIMM INC MAR '01 STATEMENT $555.16 WELLS FARGO BANK IOWA NA 98 TRACTOR LEASE PAYMENT $1,146.88 ZIEGLER INC HYDRAULIC HOSES $63.62 MAYOR AND COUNCIL WEBLINK WIRELESS MAYORS PAGER $119.91 ADMINISTRATION AAA AWARDS &KEEPSAKE GI PLAQUE FOR JOSHUA SMITH $172.05 ANE COMPUTER SERVICES COMP NETWORK MAINTENANCE $250.00 COMP NETWORK ASSESSMENT $150.00 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES CITY HALL MATS $48.31 COM CENTER MATS $41.37 ARENTSEN,MARK APRIL '01 AUTO ALLOWANCE $250.00 BUDGET STORAGE RENTAL MONTHLY STATEMENT $40.00 BUSINESS PUBLICATIONS DSM BUSINESS RECORD SUBS $59.95 CRYSTAL CLEAR BOTILED WA BOTILED WATER $5.80 lDESMOINESREGISTERDEPUTYCITYCLERKAD$980.30 JOHN DEERE HEALTH PLAN I APR '01 HEALTH INSURANCE $1,109.40 KC HOLDINGS INC APRIL 2001 RENT $5,217.79 5 LITHO GRAPHICS PRINT COM APR '01 WAUKEE TAUKEE $361.00 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE APR '01 DISABILITY INS $47.30 MBNA AMERICA BUSINESS CA MAR '01 STATEMENT-ARENTSE -$390.05 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CO APR '01 LIFE INSURANCE $49.08 MID AMERICAN ENERGY MONTHLY STATEMENT $410.66 MONTHLY STATEMENT $181.31 QWEST MAR '01 987-8390 $49.72 TRIPLETT OFFICE ESSENTIAL COPY PAPER/ENVELOPES/BIN $180.05 FILE DRAWER/BOXES $129.95 TONER/DISKETTES $10.18 STORAGE DRAWERS/BOXES $481.81 ADDRESS LABELS $29.99 VEENSTRA &KIMM INC MAR '01 SERVICES $18.00 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION MADISON NATIONAL LIFE APR '01 DISABILITY INS $20.67 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CO APR '01 LIFE INSURANCE $7.36 TRIPLETT OFFICE ESSENTIAL COPY PAPER/ENVELOPES/BIN $34.19 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GUNDERSON,JODY APRIL '01 TRAVEL ALLOWANCE $250.00 IAASSOCIATION OF WEBSITE HOSTING/HOUSING $100.00 JOHN DEERE HEALTH PLAN I APR '01 HEALTH INSURANCE $526.97 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE APR '01 DISABILITY INS $28.93 MBNA AMERICA BUSINESS CA MAR '01 STATEMENT -GUNDER $52.99 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS C APR '01 LIFE INSURANCE $7.36 TRIPLETT OFFICE ESSENTIALS TONER/DISKETTES $362.85 VEENSTRA &KIMM INC MAR '01 SERVICES $2,023.32 CITY ATTORNEY DICKINSON MACKAMAN TYLER FEB '01 LEGAL SERVICES/U $1,521.00 HUSCHER,PAUL E APRIL '01 SERVICES RENDERED $1,000.00 ENGINEERING GAZETTE COMMUNICATIONS CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR A $338.80 VEENSTRA &KIMM INC MAR '01 SERVICES $5,648.10 GRAND TOTAL $103,302.36 PAYROLL 3/30/01 ARENTSEN,MARK J $1,693.90 BOSWELL,KIRSTIN A $150.06 BREUER,GREGORY A $1,234.44 BURKHART,LINDA S $1,214.39 CROSS,MATTHEW A $129.87 DAGGETT,WILLIAM J $899.87 6 DAVISSON,DELORES $308.43 IDEZEEUS,DAVID S $1,094.62 DODGE,DENNIS D $754.10 DOWELL,DENNIS D $1,248.79 EFTPS FEDERAL $487.52 FICA $367.04 MEDICARE $85.84 FEDERAL $5,777.73 FICA $5,825.88 MEDICARE $1,362.50 FORD,ELIZABETH A $827.90 GENTOSI,MICHAEL P $798.19 GIBSON,JOHN R $1,442.90 GUNDERSON,JODY $1,602.78 HEIMANN,RON L $688.80 HERRICK,ROBERT D $1,151.61 HORKEY,ROBIN R $1,028.84 KELLER,CHRISTOPHER M $799.56 LIFE INS.PREM.$55.34 MACK,LINDA M $948.95 MAPES,TROY M $853.98 MARCHANT,JOEY L $853.61 MURPHY-PETERSEN,DEVON $770.95 )OLSON,SCOTT A $875.75 PERKINS,LELAND E $1,021.09 PHILLIPS,LARRY J $1,541.59 POPP,SHAWN D $939.49 RICHARDSON,ELIZABETH A $881.44 ROBINSON,KIMBERLY A $390.66 ROYER,TIMOTHY L $1,196.26 SCHETTLER,RODNEY A $911.36 SCHROEDER,MELANIE L $230.38 SMITH,JOSHUA A $1,974.57 $1,318.77 SPENCER,JEFFREY A $788.89 VAM ZEE.DIANNA L $803.44 WHITE,DANNY L $977.98 WINTERS,TROY S $857.02 GRAND TOTALS $49,167.08 Mayor's Report -Mayor Bailey stated that he is concemed about the minutes and agenda packet being completed accurately and on time now that there is temporarily one less staff person at City Hall.He also reported that several long Waukee residents have passed away lately,including Gene Dluhos and most recently Bob Applegate.Mr. Applegate had been Fire Chief and was also a former City Council member.He also ) 7 reading of the proposed ordinance change in title only.Mayor Bailey called for a roll call vote. Ayes;Berger,Watts,Gruber,Johnson,Peard.Nayes;None.Motion passed.A motion was then made by Gruber seconded by Peard to waive the second and third readings.Mayor Bailey called for a roll call vote.Ayes;Gruber,Peard,Johnson,Gruber,Watts.Nayes;None.Motion passed. A motion was made by Gruber,seconded by Berger to place the ordinance changes on final passage.Mayor Bailey for a roll call vote.Ayes;Gruber,Berger,Watts,Peard,Johnson.Nays; None.Motion passed. ORDINANCE NO 2343 AN ORDINANCE UNDER CHAPTER 305,WAUKEE MUNICIPAL CODE, ESTABUSHING A SIGNAGE ORDINANCE,PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT THEREOF,AND PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES INCONFUCT THEREWITH. BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE, IOWA: Section 305.1.Title.This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited and referred to as the "Sign Ordinance"of the City of Waukee,Iowa,and shall be referred to herein as "this ordinance." Section 305.2.Definitions.For the purpose of this ordinance certain terms and words are hereby defined.Words used in the present tense shall include the future,the singular number shall include the plural and the plural number includes the singular;the word "shall"is mandatory,and the word "may" is permissive;the word "person"includes a firm,association,organization, partnership,trust,estate,company,or corporation as well as an individual. I.Sign:Any device designed to inform or attract the attention of persons not on the premises on which the sign is located;provided, however,that the following shall not be included in the application of the regulations herein: A.Signs not exceeding one (I)square foot in area and bearing only property numbers,post office box numbers,names of occupants of premises,or other identification of premises not having commercial connotations; B.Flags and insignia of any government except when displayed in connection with commercial promotion; C.Legal notices;identification,informational or directional signs erected,approved or required by governmental bodies; D.Integral,decorative or architectural features of buildings, except letters,trademarks,moving parts or moving lights; E.Signs directing and guiding traffic and parking on private property,and beating no advertising matter;not exceeding four (4) square feet in area.I 2.Sign Area:The surface area of a sign shall be computed as including the entire area within a regular geometric form or combinations of regular geometric forms comprising all of the display area of the sign and including all of the elements of the matter displayed.Frames and structural members not beating advertising matter shall not be included in computation of the surface area,except where such frames and structural members are used as an integral primary or subsidiary portion of the graphic,literal,or numerical display,such as forming a picture frame to facilitate continuity or providing contrasts to emphasize the intended purpose of the sign. 3.Sign,Exterior;A sign which directs attention to a business,profession, service,product or activity sold or offered upon the premises where such a sign is located.An exterior sign may be a sign attached flat against a building or structure,or projecting out from a building or structure or erected upon the roof of a building or structure.An exterior sign may include any of the following: A.Fascia Sign:A single-faced building or wall sign which is directly attached to and parallel to its supporting wall. B.Projecting Sign:A double-faced building or wall sign projecting at 1 right angles to its supporting wall. C.Marquee Sign:A sign attached to and contained within the perimeter of the face or valance of a marquee. D.Roof Sign:A sign attached upon or above a roof or parapet of a building. 4.Sign,Free Standing or Post:Any sign erected or affixed in a rigid manner to one or more poles,posts or the ground,and which carries any advertisement strictly incidental and subordinate to a lawful use of the premises on which it is located,including signs,or sign devices indicating the business transacted, services rendered or goods sold or produced on the premises by an occupant thereof.A free standing or post sign may also include the following: A.Directory Sign:A sign containing the name of a building,complex or center and two or more identification signs or panels of the same size, color and general design,limited to one identification sign per occupant. B.Monument Sign:A structure,built on grade,that forms an integral ) part of the sign or its background.(See Attachment A for illustrations of sign area and sign types.) 5.Sign,Billboard:As used in this ordinance,billboard shall include all structures,regardless of the materials used in the construction of the same,that are erected,maintained or used for public display of posters,painted signs,wall signs (whether the structure be placed on the wall or painted on the wall itself), and pictures or other pictorial reading matter which advertise a business or attraction which is not carried on or manufactured in or upon the premises upon which said signs or billboards are located. 6.Sign,Institutional Bulletin Board;An on-premises sign contammg a surface area upon which is displayed the name of a religious institution,school, library,public building,community center or similar institution and the announcement of its services or activities. 7.Sign,Temporary:A temporary sign is any sign not permanently attached to the ground,wall or building,and intended to be displayed for a short and limited period of time. 8.Sign,Home Occupation.No sign,other than one unlighted sign not over two (2)square foot in area attached flat against the dwelling and displaying only the occupant's name and occupation,shalladvertise the presence or conduct of the home occupation. Section 305.3.Signs Permitted in All Zoning Districts.Signs hereinafter designated shall be permitted in all zoning districts. 1.Temporary Signs. A.Real Estate Signs.Signs advertising the sale,rental,or lease of the premises or part of the premises on which the signs are displayed.One non-illuminated sign,not to exceed eight (8)square feet,shall be permitted on each premises.Such signs shall not extend higher than four (4)feet above grade level or be closer than ten (10)feet to any property line unless located on the wall of a building.Such signs shall be removed within seven (7)days after the disposition of the premises. B.Construction Signs.Signs identifying the architect,engineer, contractor or other individuals involved in the construction of a building and such signs announcing the character of the building enterprise or the purpose for which the building is intended but not including product advertising.One non-illuminated sign not to exceed fifty (50)square feet, shall be perrnitted per street frontage.Such sign shall not extend higher than ten (10)feet above grade level or be closer than ten (10)feet to any property line unless located on the wall of a building on the premises or on a protective barricade surrounding the construction.Such signs shall be removed within one week following completion of construction. C.Political Campaign Signs:Signs announcing candidates seeking public political office or pertinent political issues.Such signs shall be confined to private property and shall be removed within one week following the election to which they pertain. D.Street Banners:Signs advertising a public event providing that ..) specific approval is granted under regulations established by the City Council. E.Seasonal Decorations:Signs pertaining to recognized national holidays and national observances. F.Personal Announcement and Celebration Signs:Signs announcing births,anniversaries,weddings and similar celebrations. G.Banners,balloons and posters advertising an opening or closing of business and for special events providing that specific approval is granted by the City Council. 2.Public Signs:Signs of a non-commercial nature and in the public interest, erected by or upon the order of a public officer in the performance of public duty, such as safety signs,danger signs,trespassing signs,traffic signs,memorial plaques,signs of historical interest and other similar signs,including signs designating hospitals,libraries,schools and other institutions or places of public interest or concern. A.Temporary Directional Signs Placed By City:Signs may be erected by the City of Waukee of a size not greater than 4 feet by 4 feet ] informing the public of means of access to areas within the City of Waukee to which normal access has been denied due to highway contruction. 3.Integral Signs:Signs for churches or temples,or names of buildings,dates of erection,monumental citations,commemorative tablets and other similar signs when carved into stone,concrete or other building material or made of bronze, aluminum,or other permanent type of construction and made an integral part of the structure to which they are attached. 4.Window Signs:Such signs which are displayed inside of a window or within a building,provided however,that lighted window signs shall be permitted only in those districts where lighted signs are permitted. 5.Monument Signs.One (1)freestanding monument identification sign shall be permited for each frontage of a lot,or one (1)sign for each three-hundred (300)feet of street,whichever is greater,subject to provision hereinafter specifically set out. 6.Interstate Conidor Signs.IThefollowingfreestandingmonumentidentificationsigns,shall be permitted within the following zoning districts by use: Zoning District Maximumsize (sq.ft.) Total/si n ortion Total A-1 80 10 20 AR*40 10 15 C-1 180/54 15 15 C-1A 180/54 15 15 C-2 180/54 15 15 C-3 180/54 15 15 C-4 180/54 15 15 M-1 180/54 10 20 M-1A 180/54 10 20 M-2 180/54 10 20 R-1 *40 10 15 R-2*40 10 15 R-3*40 10 15 R-4*40 10 15 R-5*40 10 15 R-6*40 10 15*In areas so desIgnated,the placement and erection of monument signs is restricted to entry allowed or allowances made.Monument signs within developments are restricted in content signs placed in the first lot upon entry into a new development.no other exceptions will be to only allow for the name of the development and such artwork as may be in keeping with the residential nature of the area in question.The maximum begins at road grade;thus if the sign is placed 3'below road grade.then the sign can technically be 18'v.15'in height. Section 305.4.Signs Permitted in Specified Zoning Districts. 1.A-I Agricultural District. A.One board or sign not to exceed thirty-two (32)square feet in area referring to the construction,lease,hire,or sale of a building,premises,or lots;which sign shall refer to property on which the sign is located,and shall be removed as soon as the premises are sold or leased or construction completed. B.Signs,not exceeding 10 square feet in area,identifying the premises or indicating the product grown or material and equipment used on the premises. 2.R -1 Single Family Residential District, A.One board sign not to exceed fifty (50)feet in area referring to the construction,lease,hire,or sale of a building,premises,or subdivision lots;which sign shall refer to property on which the sign is located,and shall be removed as soon as the premises are sold or leased or construction completed. B.Institutional bulletin board signs. 3.R-2 Single Family Residential District, A.One board sign not to exceed fifty (50)feet in area referring to the ,·1 construction,lease,hire,or sale of a building,premises,or subdivision lots;which sign shall refer to property on which the sign is located,and shall be removed as soon as the premises are sold or leased or construction completed. B.Institutional bulletin board signs. 4.R-3 Multi-family Residential District. A.One board sign not to exceed fifty (50)feet in area referring to the construction,lease,hire,or sale of a building,premises,or subdivision lots;which sign shall refer to property on which the sign is located,and shall be removed as soon as the premises are sold or leased or construction completed. B.Institutional bulletin board signs. C.One non-lighted sign not to exceed twelve (12)square feet in total area attached flat against the principal structure,indicating the name of the premises and/or the names of the occupants,shall be permitted. D.In lieu of C above,one monument or directory sign shall be permitted.Such sign shall not exceed sixteen (16)square feet in area and shall be set back at least twenty (20)feet from any public tight-of-way or property line.Such sign may be indirectly or internally lighted. ) 5.R-4 Multi-family Residential District. A.One board sign not to exceed fifty (50)feet in area referring to the construction,lease,hire,or sale of a building,premises,or subdivision lots;which sign shall refer to property on which the sign is located,and shall be removed as soon as the premises are sold or leased or construction completed. B.Institutional bulletin board signs. C.One non-lighted sign not to exceed twelve (12)square feet in total area attached flat against the principal structure,indicating the name of the premises and/or the names of the occupants,shall be permitted, D.In lieu of C above,one monument or directory sign shall be permitted.Such sign shall not exceed sixteen (16)square feet in area and shall be set back at least twenty (20)feet from any public right-of-way or 1 property line.Such sign may be indirectly or internally lighted.. 6.R-5 Planned Unit Development District. A.Such signs as shall be specifically included m the Final Development Plan approved by the City Council. 7.R -6 Mobile Home Residential District. A.One permanent identification sign shall be permitted at any entrance to a Mobile Home Park.Such sign shall be of ornamental metal, stone,masonry,or other permanent material and shall indicate only the name of such Mobile Home Park.Such sign shall not exceed one-hundred (100)square feet surface area. 8.C-1 Community and Highway Service Commercial District. A.Exterior signs located on the street frontages of principal buildings referring only to a use or uses located within such building,and attached or integral thereto,provided that: (I)Such signs shall not have an aggregate surface area in excess of twenty (20)percent of the total surface area of the building elevation to which they are attached; (2)Signs which project out from the building more than eighteen (I8)inches must be at least twelve (12)feet above grade and may project a maximum of six (6)feet; (3)No sign shall project more than four (4)feet above the roof line or parapet where one exists. B.One free standing or post sign referring only to a use or uses conducted on the premises may be erected in any yard abutting a public street,provided however: (1)That such sign shall not have a surface area in excess of one hundred (100)square feet on anyone side and not more than two sides of said sign shall be used for advertising purposes; (2)That such sign located closer than ten (10)feet to the right-of-way line must be at least twelve (12)feet above grade. (3)A directory sign or monument sign may be substituted in place of a post sign,subject to the requirements set forth in (4)(a) above.A monument sign shall not be more than ten (10)feet in height and shall not be located closer than ten (10)feet to any property line. (4)The administrative official shall have the authority to prohibit the erection of any sign that interferes with visibility for either vehicular or pedestrian traffic. 9.C-IA Neighborhood Commercial District.IA.Exterior signs located on the street frontages of principal buildings referring only to a use or uses located within such building,and attached or integral thereto,provided that: (1)Such signs shall not have an aggregate surface area in excess of twenty (20)percent of the total surface area of the building elevation to which they are attached; (2)Signs which project out from the building more than eighteen (18)inches must be at least twelve (12)feet above grade and may project a maximum of six (6)feet; (3)No sign shall project more than four (4)feet above the roof line or parapet where one exists. B.One free standing monument identification sign referring only to a use or uses conducted on the premises is permitted for each frontage lot,or one sign for each 300 feet of street,whichever is greater,subject to the following provisions: (1)Such a sign may be attached to the building if it is in J compliance with section 305.4(9)A and each subparagraph thereof; or such sign may be located within any required yard on a directory sign. (2)The sign may be two-sided.Such sign shall not have a total surface in excess of one hundred eighty (180)square feet on any side,and not more than two sides of said sign shall be used for advertising purposes.The maximum height shall be fifteen (15) feet,and the maximum width shall be twelve (12)feet. (3)The sign must have a brick or stone base that measures at least 15%of the total height.The sign can be entirely or partially surrounded by brick or stone.The sign portion must not exceed 70%of the total area.The sign portion must not exceet fifty-four (54)square feet in any case. (4)The sign portion by be construction of any material,but must consist only of the name and/or identifying logo of the individual business,building or complex,and product and/or services being offered.The entire monument may be in stone or brick with engraved,painted or attached lettering,however,that ') portion is still bound by the sign portion size restrictions, (5)Lighting.Signs may be lit internally or externally,but must avoid glare or reflection into adjacent property or onto a street or alley creating a traffic hazard.No exposed neon tube lighting or open light bulbs shall be permitted. C.Entry Monuments. A commercial development such as an office park or shopping center may erect one (1)monument with the name of the building,complex or center.To qualify for use of this sign,the development must be at least forty (40)acres (otherwise the monument identification sign requirements still apply).The allowable sizes are as follows: Acres 40-79 80-119 120-159 160-greater Maximum Square Footage 150 200 250 300 The maximum allowable size is 300 square feet,in any case.These monuments must be made up of at least fifty percent (50%)brick,stone or similar material,The sign may be erected in two places so as to surround an entryway;however,the square footage of the two pieces,when summed,must fit within the above requirements. 10.C-2 Central Business District, A.Exterior signs only,located on the street frontages of principal buildings referring only to a use or uses located within such building,and attached or integral thereto,provided that: (1)Such signs shall not have an aggregate surface area in excess of twenty (20)percent of the total surface area of the building elevation to which they are attached; (2)Signs may not project out from the building more than eighteen (18)inches. (3)No sign shall project more than four (4)feet above the roof line or parapet where one exists. B.One free standing monument identification sign referring only to a use or uses conducted on the premises is permitted for each frontage lot,or one sign for each 300 feet of street,whichever is greater,subject to the following provisions: (I)Such a sign may be attached to the building if it is in compliance with section 305.4(1O)A and each subparagraph thereof;or such sign may be located within any required yard on a directory sign.I(2)The sign may be two-sided.Such sign shall not have a total surface in excess of one hundred eighty (180)square feet on any side,and not more than two sides of said sign shall be used for advertising purposes.The maximum height shall be fifteen (15) feet,and the maximum width shall be twelve (12)feet. (3)The sign must have a brick or stone base that measures at least 15%of the total height.The sign can be entirely or partially surrounded by brick or stone.The sign portion must not exceed 70%of the total area.The sign portion must not exceet fifty-four (54)square feet in any case. (4)The sign portion by be construction of any material,but must consist only of the name and/or identifying logo of the individual business,building or complex,and product and/or services being offered.The entire monument may be in stone or brick with engraved,painted or attached lettering,however,that portion is still bound by the sign portion size restrictions. (5)Lighting.Signs may be lit intemally or externally,but ) must avoid glare or reflection into adjacent property or onto a street or alley creating a traffic hazard.No exposed neon tube lighting or open light bulbs shall be permitted, C.Entry Monuments. A commercial development such as an office park or shopping center may erect one (1)monument with the name of the building,complex or center.To qualify for use of this sign,the development must be at least forty (40)acres (otherwise the monument identification sign requirements still apply).The allowable sizes are as follows: Acres 40-79 80-119 120-159 160-greater Maximum Square Footage 150 200 250 300 The maximum allowable size is 300 square feet,in any case.These monuments must be made up of at least fifty percent J (50%)brick,stone or similar material.The sign may be erected in two places so as to surround an entryway;however,the square footage of the two pieces,when summed,must fit within the above requirements. II.C-3 Planned Commercial Development Regulations. A.Signs will be permitted according to the following restrictions: (1)One monument sign on each street on which a business abuts shall be permitted.An exterior sign shall pertain only to a use conducted within the building.No sign may project over any street line (or extend more than six (6)feet over any building line) whether fixed to the building or any other structure.In no case shall any sign project more than four (4)feet above the roofline,or parapet wall. (2)On premises roof signs shall be permitted to a maximum of one hundred fifty (ISO)square feet.The back of said sign shall be effectively shielded from public view by a building wall,by backing the sign against another sign face,by grouping such signs in clusters to conceal the exposed backs,or by painting the exposed back a neutral color.All roof signs must adhere to the height limitations of this district. (3)The total area of all signs pertairung to the business conducted in any building,shall not exceed a total area of two hundred (200)square feet. II.C-4 Office Park Commercial District. One nons elf-illuminated sign,not to exceed fifty (50)square feet in area denoting only the name of the building and use shall be permitted. In addition,one nonself-illuminated nameplate not over four (4)square feet in area shall be permitted for each individual business or service and/or person engaged in a business or profession within the building. Said signs may be attached to the building or be located within any required yard on a directory sign. 12.M-I Light Industrial District. Signs are permitted in this district as limited by C-I District regulations. 13.M-IA Limited Industrial District. Signs are permitted in this district as limited by C-2 District regulations. 14.M-2 Heavy Industry District. Signs are permitted in this district as limited by M-IA District regulations. Section 305.5.Signs Prohibited in All Zoning Districts.I1.Obsolete Signs:Signs that advertise an activity,business,product or service no longer conducted on the premises on which the sign is located. 2.Banners,Balloons,Posters,etc.:Signs which contain or consist of banners,balloons,posters,pennants,ribbons,streamers,spinners,or other similarly moving devices,except as specifically provided in Section 301.8 (K.1.d.)hereof.These devices when not part of any sign shall also be prohibited. 3.Portable Signs:Commercial signs that are not permanently anchored or secured to either a building or the ground. 4.Off-Premise Signs on Public Property:Off-premise signs located on public property which is being used for public purposes. 5.Flashing Signs:No flashing,blinking,or rotation lights shall be permitted for either permanent or temporary signs,except time and temperature signs and brief public announcement signs. 6.Moving Signs:No sign shall be permitted any part of which moves by any mechanical or electronic means. 7.Painted Wall Signs:Off-premise signs painted on building walls for commercial purposes. ) 8.Projecting Signs:Signs as defined in Section 301.3 9.Pole Signs:Except as specifically permitted,no pole sign shall be permitted within the City of Waukee. 10.Visibility at Intersections in Any Districts,On any corner lot in any district,no sign shall be erected,placed,or allowed to be situated in such a manner as materially to impede vision between a height of two and one-half (2 112)and ten (10)feet above the centerline grades of the intersecting streets in the area bounded by the street lines of such corner lots and a line joing points along said street lines twenty-five (25)feet from the point of intersection of light-of-way lines Section 305.6.General Sign Regulations. 1.Conformance Required:Except as may be hereinafter specified,no sign shall be erected,placed,maintained,converted,enlarged, reconstructed or structurally altered which does not comply with all of the regulations established by this ordinance. 2.Maintenance:All signs shall be maintained in a good state of repair,including,but not limited to,the structural components,the lighting if any,the portion attaching the sign to the ground or structure,and the surface features. 3.Non-Confollning Signs:Where a sign exists at the effective date of adoption or amendment of this ordinance that could not be built under the terms of this ordinance by reason of restrictions on area,use,height, setback,or other characteristics of the sign or its location on the lot,such sign may be continued so long as it remains otherwise lawful,subject to the following provisions: A.No such sign may be enlarged or altered in a way which increases its non-conformity;however,reasonable repairs and alterations may be permitted. B.Should such sign be destroyed by any means to an extent of fifty (50)percent or more of its replacement cost at time of destruction,it shall not be reconstructed except in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. 4.Permit Required:A sign permit,signed by the owner and tenant, and approved by the administrative official,shall be required before the erection,construction,alteration,placing,or locating of all signs conforming with this ordinance. 20 5.Permit Not Reguired:A permit shall not be required for repainting without changing permanent wording,composition,or colors;or for non-structural repairs. 6.Plans:A copy of plans and specifications shall be submitted to the administrative official for each sign regulated by this ordinance.Such plans shall show sufficient details about size of the sign,location and materials to be used and such other data as may be required for the administrative official to determine compliance with this ordinance. 1 7.Appeal:Any person or persons aggrieved by the decision of the administrative official to approve or disapprove a sign permit,as provided by this ordinance,may appeal such decision to the Board of Adjustment as provided by Section 301.28 of this ordinance. Section 305.7.Repealer.All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 305.8.Severability Clause.H any section,provision or part of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional,such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any section,provision,or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional. Section 305.9.Effective Date.This ordinance shall be in effect upon its final passage,approval and publication as provided by law.] Passed by the Council this 2nd day of April,2001,and approved this 2nd day of April,2001. Donald L.Bailey,JI. MAYOR Attest: Mark J.Arentsen,Clerk!Administrator Public Hearing on Rezoning Koether Property from R·2 and A-I to C·l-Mayor Bailey inquired if there were any written comments on the proposed rezoning.Arentsen stated that none had been received.He asked Director of Community Development Jody Gunderson to outline the proposed change on a City zoning map.Applicant LeMar Koethe,3514 142nd Street Urbandale explained the proposed rezoning Mayor Bailey 1 21 asked if there were any oral comments.Rick Ross representing Jerry's Homes asked if the area being rezoned would front on the proposed extension of Alice's Road.Several Council members stated that the extension may front on the Koethe property.Mayor Bailey declared the Public Hearing closed. Approving Rezoning of Koethe Property from R-2 and A-I to C-I-A motion was offered by Berger seconded by Watts to approve the proposed rezoning.Mayor Bailey called for a roll call vote.Ayes;Berger,Watts,Johnson,Peard,Gruber.Nays;None. Motion passed. The City of Waukee,Iowa IN THE NAME AND BY AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA RESOLUTION APPROVING REZONING OF KOETHE PROPERTY FROM R-2 TO A-I AND C-I RESOLUTION 01-36 WHEREAS,The City of Waukee,Iowa is an incorporated City within Dallas County,Iowa;and WHEREAS,The land owner has requested a zoning change for the property; and WHEREAS,The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council agree that the zoning change is within the boundaries of the Waukee Comprehensive Plan NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the City of Waukee,Iowa does hereby approve the resolution for rezoning the Koethe Property from R-2 to A-I and C-l. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the Great Seal for the City of Waukee,Iowa to be affixed.Done this 2nd day of April in the year of our Lord Two Thousand One. Mayor Donald L.Bailey,Jr. Attest: Mark Arentsen,City Administrator/Clerk 22 ROLLCALL AYES NAYS ABSENT I Nicholas (huber X Marvin Berger X Mike Watts X BillPeard X Wayne Johnson X Public Hearing Approving Issuance of General Obligation Bonds for Purchase of the Waukee Professional Plaza not to Exceed $700,000 and not Exceed an Interest Rate of 6%.-Mayor Bailey asked if there were any written comments on the proposed borrowing.Arentsen stated that none had been received.Bailey asked Arentsen to give a brief outline of the proposed purchase.He stated that the purchase price had been reduced to $900,000,a reduction of about $250,000.The City will realize about $65,000 annually in rent revenue.The current owner will receive TIP benefits if he builds a building on the lot behind the City Hall.The City is able to borrow $700,000 due to the population increase to 5,000.The balance of the purchase will be paid through Gas Fund cash on hand.The City will be paying about $78 per square foot for the property.This amount is less than the cost of new construction and also includes the land.Jay Oxenford inquired as to whether the library could move in to the City Hall if the referendum failed. Mayor Bailey stated that this could not happen due to the leases that exist with the other tenants.There being no other comments,Mayor Bailey declared the public healing closed. J Approving Issuance of General Obligation Bonds for Purchase of the Waukee Professional Plaza Not to Exceed $700,000 and not to Exceed an Interest Rate of 6%.-A motion was made by Gruber seconded by Peard to approve issuance of the bonds.Mayor Bailey called for a roll call vote.Ayes;Gruber,Peard,Berger,Watts, Johnson.Nays;None.Motion passed. Approving Sidewalk Construction &Assessment Procedure -Councilman Watts inquired as to whether the City could split the proposed sidewalk project into several smaller projects to avoid the public bidding requirement.Attorney Robert Helmick stated that someone could file an objection to that concept.He stated that the City could bid one contract and then extend the bid price to other work.Johnson asked if the City could forgive the assessment to people who agree to do the restoration work.Helmick stated that if property owners are given the option to do the work themselves,the property owners who have "easy"lots to work with will do the work which will leave the City with the more expensive lots for assessment purposes.Watts suggested that a meeting of all property owners affected be held to discuss the project with them.He also suggested that the design phase of the work start now.Mayor Bailey asked that this be an agenda item for Apli116.The Council took no action on this item.) 23 Presentation of FY 2000 Audit Andy Nielsen from the State Auditor's Office introduced Annette Campbell from his staff.He stated that in general the City is in great financial condition.He stated that the City needs to be sure that it carefully reviews any questionable expenditures.He asked that receipt and disbursements be listed in the printed minutes.He stated that several funds have a deficit balance but did not feel this was a serious issue since many were related to construction projects were recently completed.The general fund has increased $152,000 from the previous year.The City has a good working fund balance but does not have too much cash on hand.He suggested that the City be careful to have some funds available so that the City can keep funding important activities if revenue increases decline in future years.Mayor Bailey asked if there is anything the City can do to improve its operations.Nielsen stated that the only suggestion he had was improving internal control procedures which the City has already agreed to do.Nielsen stated that Waukee is unique in the State in that it is a community of 5,000 with a significant growth rate.Nielsen stated that the City has done a good job of managing its finances.Mayor Bailey inquired about payments on the University Ave. trunk sewer project.Nielsen stated that excess revenues could be returned to the general fund since the general fund paid those expenses in the first place.Mayor Bailey thanked Donna Kruger for her work on the audit.A motion was made by Gruber seconded by Peard to approve the audit report,Mayor Bailey called for a roll call vote.Ayes: Gruber,Peard,Walts,Berger,Johnson.Nays;None.Motion passed. The City of Waukee,Iowa IN THE NAME AND BY AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA RESOLUTION FOR PRESENTATION OF FY 2000 AUDIT REPORT RESOLUTION 01-37 WHEREAS,The City of Waukee,Iowa is an incorporated City within Dallas County,Iowa;and WHEREAS,The State Auditor's Office has audited the FY 2000 books and has found them to be in compliance with state laws;and WHEREAS,The Auditors Office is presenting the findings at the April 2 Council Meeting. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the City of Waukee,Iowa does hereby approve by resolution the FY 2000 Audit by the State Auditor's Office. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the Great Seal for the City of Waukee,Iowa to be affixed.Done this 2nd day of April in the year of our Lord Two Thousand One. 24 Mayor Donald L.Bailey,Jr. Attest: Mark Arentsen,City Administrator/Clerk ROLLCALL A YES NAYS ABSENT Nichol as Gruber Marvin Berger Mike Watts Bill Peard Wayne Johnson x X X X X Approving Specifications for New FireTruck -Assistant Chief Clint Robinson said the specifications provided are genetic for a tanker.Mayor Bailey inquired about some of the equipment.Robinson said the equipment listed is standard for taukers.A motion was made by Watts seconded by Peard to approve the specifications for the truck.Mayor Bailey called for a roll call vote.Ayes;Watts,Peard,Johnson,Berger,Gruber.Nays; None.Motion passed.City Attorney Paul Huscher recommended that the City proceed with a bidding process for the truck.The Council agreed to schedule a meeting for April 23 to act on the bids received. Approving City's Insurance Carrier -A motion was offered by Watts,seconded by Johnson to approve the 3 year insurance bid submitted by Insurance Associates using the Iowa Communities Assurance Pool (ICAP)fund.Mark CUlTYfrom Insurance Associates stated that even though this was a 3 year proposal the City would be rated each of the three years so that any potential premium reductions would be allocated to the City. CUlTYstated that most Cities and Counties in this area are members of ICAP.Mayor Bailey called for a roll call vote.Ayes;Watts,Johnson,Berger,Gruber,Peard.Nays; None.Motion passed. The City of Waukee,Iowa IN THE NAME AND BY AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA RESOLUTION APPROVING INSURANCE ASSOCIATES AS CITY'S INSURANCE CARRIER RESOLUTION 01-39 ) 25 WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, The City of Waukee,Iowa is an incorporated City within Dallas County,Iowa;and The City Council has considered several options for the City's insurance carrier;and The City Council has found that Insurance Associates can provide the best service to the City. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the City of Waukee,Iowa does hereby approve by resolution the selection of Insurance Associates as the City's insurance earner. Attest: IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the Great Seal for the City of Waukee,Iowa to be affixed.Done this 2nd day of Aprili~;~7"~dO", Mayor Donald L.Bailey,Jr ROLLCALL Nicholas Gruber Marvin Berger Mike Watts Bill Peard Wayne Johnson A YES NAYS ABSENT x X X X X Approving Site Plan for Sugar Creek Apartments -Mayor Bailey inquired about two issues mentioned in the Veenstra &Kim (V &K)comment letter about this project. Project representative Roger Silver with Engineering Design Services stated that they will comply with the two requests in V &K's comment letter.Rick Ross of Jerry's Homes stated that they would be paying for the paving of L.A.Grant Parkway in front of the project.Jeff Vorhees stated that they intended to break ground this May.Rents for 1 bedrooms are projected at $450 with the two bedrooms at $550.In response to a question about sidewalks,John Gibson stated that the Planning &Zoning Committee indicated that sidewalk must be installed on this property when the sidewalk for another property is built on either side of this project,or at the time the road is widened to its full width or at 26 any time the City requests the sidewalk to be built.A motion was made by Watts, seconded by Johnson to approve the site plan.Mayor Bailey called for roll call vote. Ayes;Watts,Johnson,Peard,Berger,(huber.Nays;None.Motion passed.Ross stated that this project will be started before the final plat is approved.City Attorney Huscher stated that one building can be started before the final plat is approved,however a Certificate of Occupancy cannot be issued. I The City of Waukee,Iowa IN THE NAME AND BY AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA RESOLUTION APPROVING SITE PLAN FOR SUGAR CREEK APARTMENTS RESOLUTION 01·40 WHEREAS,The City of Waukee,Iowa is an incorporated City within Dallas County,Iowa;and WHEREAS,The Planning and Zoning Commission has approved the site plan for the Sugar Creek Apartments;and WHEREAS,The City Council agrees that the plan is in compliance with applicable city code.) NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the City of Waukee,Iowa does hereby approve by resolution site plan for the Sugar Creek Apartments. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the Great Seal for the City of Waukee,Iowa to be affixed.Done this 2nd day of April in the year of our Lord Two Thousand One. Mayor Donald L.Bailey,Jr. Attest: Mark Arentsen,City Administrator/Clerk ROLLCALL A YES NAYS ABSENT 1 27 Nicholas Gruber X Marvin Berger X Mike Watts X Bill Peard X Wayne Johnson X Approving Refund of Sewer Charges to Midwest Mobile Home Park -Watts stated that this request is the result of sod watering.The refund is being requested because watering for sod does not go into the sewer.Midwest Mobil Park Manager Jay Oxenford stated that all water used for watering is now being metered so this issue should not occur again.Motion by Watts,second by Johnson to approve the resolution authorizing the refund request.Mayor Bailey called for a roll call vote.Ayes;Watts,Johnson,Peard, Gruber,Berger.Nays;None.Motion passed. RESOLUTION 01·41 AUTHORIZING REFUND OF SEWER USAGE FEES TO MIDWEST MOBIL HOME PARK WHEREAS,Midwest Mobil Home Park (MMHP)installs sod as part of their improvements to new modular home sites,AND, WHEREAS,water used for sod watering does not enter the City's sewer system,AND, WHEREAS,MMHP has requested a refund of sewer charges paid for water used for irrigation purposes for 1999 and 2000,AND, WHEREAS,the Waukee Utility Committee has reviewed the refund request and recommends funding 40%of the requested refund amount of $4,504 provided that all future sod watering sewer writeoff requests are documented by water meter readings acceptable to the City of Waukee and that all writeoff requests are submitted no later than 30 days after the end of the month for which a refund is requesed, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Waukee City Council in session this 2nd day of April,2001 that it hereby endorses the recommendation of the Utility Committee on this issue and authorizes a refund in the amount of $1,801.60 and also directs that any future sewer fee writeoffs are subject to the procedures set forth above by the Utility Committee. Donald L.Bailey,Jr.,Mayor Attest: 28 Mark J.Arentsen,City Administrator/Clerk ROLL CALL VOTE AYE NAY ABSENT Nicholas C.Gruber Marvin Berger Bill Peard Mike Watts Wayne Johnson x X X X X Approving Site Plan for Dr.Kurtz'Dental Office -Mayor Bailey stated that this site plan was approved by Planning &Zoning but is not recommended by City Staff.Bob Dakewood of Engineering Resource Group stated that adding brick to this building would detract from the Mediterranean look of the building.Councilman Johnson spoke in favor of the building as presented.City Director of Community Development Jody Gunderson stated that the City is intending to have buildings in this area including some type of brick or stone on the exterior.Councilmen Watts and Peard spoke in favor of some type of brick,block or stone on all buildings on the Highway 6 corridor.Motion was made by Watts,seconded by Peard to approve the site plan as presented.Mayor Bailey called for a roll call vote.Ayes;Johnson.Nays;Watts,Peard,Gruber,Berger.Motion defeated.1 The City of Waukee,Iowa IN THE NAME AND BY AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA RESOLUTION APPROVING SITE PLAN FOR DR.KURTZ'S DENTAL OFFICE RESOLUTION 01-42 WHEREAS,The City of Waukee,Iowa is an incorporated City within Dallas County,Iowa;and WHEREAS,The Planning and Zoning Commission has approved the site plan for the Dr.Kurtz's Dental Office;and WHEREAS,The City Council agrees that the plan is in compliance with applicable city code. JNOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the City of Waukee,Iowa does hereby approve by resolution site plan for the Dr.Kurtz's Dental Office. 29 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the Great Seal for the City of Waukee,Iowa to be affixed.Done this 2nd day of April in the year of our Lord Two Thousand One. Mayor Donald L.Bailey,Jr. Attest: Mark Arentsen,City Administrator/Clerk ROLLCALL A YES NAYS ABSENT Nicholas Gruber Marvin Berger Mike Watts Bill Peard Wayne Johnson x X X X X Approving Preliminary Plat for Ville D'A vry -This subdivision was approved earlier with more lots.The request now is to reduce the number of lots to six.The lots were enlarged and a cul-de-sac installed to save as many trees as possible.The developer stated that the island in the cul-de-sac would be modified if necessary to allow access for public safety and public works vehicles.Motion was offered by Watts,seconded by Peard to approve the plat as presented.Mayor Bailey called for a roll call vote.Ayes; Watts,Peard,Gruber,Berger,Watts.Nays;None.Motion passed. The City of Waukee,Iowa IN THE NAME AND BY AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR VILLE D'A VRA Y RESOLUTION 01·43 WHEREAS,The City of Waukee,Iowa is an incorporated City within Dallas County,Iowa;and WHEREAS,The Planning and Zoning Commission has approved the 30 Preliminary Plat for Ville D'Avray;and 1WHEREAS,The City Council agrees that the plan is in compliance with applicable city code. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the City of Waukee,Iowa does hereby approve by resolution the preliminary plat for Villa D 'Avray. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the Great Seal for the City of Waukee,Iowa to be affixed.Done this 2nd day of April in the year of our Lord Two Thousand One. Mayor Donald L.Bailey,Jr. Attest: Mark Arentsen,City Administrator/Clerk ROLLCALL A YES NAYS ABSENT J Nicholas Gruber X Marvin Berger X Mike Watts X Bill Peard X Wayne Johnson X Approving Capital Projects for Calendar Year 2001-Motion by Peard,seconded by Gruber to approve proceeding with the sidewalk,University Ave.storm sewer and downtown redevelopment components of the proposed resolution.Mayor Bailey called for a roll call vote.Ayes;Peard,Gruber,Watts,Berger,Johnson.Nays;None.Motion approved. RESOLUTION 01-44 DESIGNATING CALENDAR YEAR 2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS WHEREAS,the City of Waukee is iu the planning process for Capital huprovements Projects to be completed by the end of the 2001 calendar year,AND WHEREAS,a tentative priority list of projects has been developed and reviewed by the City Council, AND,1 31 WHEREAS,City staff is directed to proceed with the projects on which the City Council has consensus, AND, WHEREAS,at its March 26,2001 meeting the Council authorized proceeding with the Hickman Road streetlight project at an estimated cost of $225,000 and the Ashworth Road/Waco Place warning siren at an estimated cost of $25,000,with funding for these projects to be in the form of general obligation bond proceeds funded by the City's debt service levy, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Waukee City Council in session this 2'"day of April, 2001 that it hereby authorizes City staff to proceed with engineering and construction of the following projects to be funded with $34,568 In existing TIP funds (for sidewalk construction)and the balance with general obligation bond proceeds funded by Urban Renewal Area revenues; I.Sidewalk construction in the following locations -Estimated cost $95,000 South side of Ashworth Drive from 61h Street to Hickman Road -6 foot width Both sides of BelleAire Drive from 1'1 Street to Warrior Lane -4 foot width Both sides of 1'1 Street from Northview south to existing sidewalks -4 foot width East side of 6th Street from Ashworth Drive to Hickman Road -4 foot width 2.Triangle Upgrades -Estimated cost $300,000 Expansion of triangle area into Walnut Street Repaving of 6th street from north ROW of Ashworth Road to south ROW of Walnut Sidewalk reconstruction New street lighting Storm sewer improvements 3.University Avenue storm sewer in conjunction with West Des Moines University Ave.project Estimated cost $225,000 Total cost for projects 1,2 and 3 is estimated at $620,000. Donald L.Bailey,Jr.,Mayor Attest: Mark 1.Arentsen,City Administrator/Clerk ROLL CALL VOTE Nicholas C.Gruber Marvin Berger Bill Peard Mike Watts Wayne Johnson AYE NAY ABSENT X X X X X Objecting to Eliminating County Public Health Nursing Position -Mayor Bailey spoke in favor of retaining this position and opposed the County's decision to eliminate the position.This position allows elderly residents to stay in their homes longer.Motion by Gruber,seconded by Watts to support retaining the position.Mayor Bailey called for a roll call vote.Ayes;Gruber,Watts,Peard,Johnson,Gruber.Nays;None.Motion passed. 32 The City of Waukee,Iowa ) IN THE NAME AND BY AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA RESOLUTION OBJECTING TO THE ELIMINATION OF THE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE POSITION WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, RESOLUTION 01-45 The City of Waukee,Iowa is an incorporated City within Dallas County,Iowa;and The City Council believes that the County Public Health Nurse serves a valuable function by allowing seniors greater independence;and The citizens served by the County Public Health Nurse represent an asset within our community. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the City of Waukee,Iowa does hereby declare by resolution objection to the elimination of the County Public Health Nurse Position. Attest: l IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the Great Seal for the City of Waukee,Iowa to be affixed.Done this 2nd day of April in the year of our Lord Two Thousand One. Mayor Donald L.Bailey,Jr. Mark Arentsen,City Administrator/Clerk ROLLCALL Nicholas Gruber Marvin Berger Mike Watts Bill Peard AYES NAYS ABSENT x X X X I 33 Wayne Johnson X Approving Conveyance of Easement on Hickman Road (Knapp Properties)- Motion was made by Watts,seconded by Peard to approve the easement for the City entrance sign on Hickman Road.Mayor Bailey called for a roll call vote.Ayes;Watts, Peard,Johnson,Berger,Gruber.Nays;None.Motion passed. The City of Waukee,Iowa IN THE NAME AND BY AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA RESOLUTION APPROVING CONVEYANCE OF EASEMENT ON HICKMAN ROAD TO KNAPP PROPERTIES RESOLUTION 01-46 WHEREAS,The City of Waukee,Iowa is an incorporated City within Dallas County,Iowa;and WHEREAS,The City of Waukee entrance sign site was relocated prior to construction to avoid a power pole;and WHEREAS,Knapp Properties has agreed to provide an easement for the new site, NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the City of Waukee,Iowa does approve by resolution the conveyance of an easement on Hickman Road to Knapp Properties. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the Great Seal for the City of Waukee,Iowa to be affixed.Done this 2nd day of April in the year of our Lord Two Thousand One. Mayor Donald L.Bailey,Jr. Attest: Mark Arentsen,City Administrator/Clerk 34 ROLLCALL A YES NAYS ABSENT Nicholas Gruber Marvin Berger Mike Watts Bill Peard Wayne Johnson x X X X X ) Taking Additional Action to Enter into a City Hall Loan Agreement,Setting a Date for Hearing on a Corporate Purpose Loan Agreement and Authorizing the Sale of General Obligation Corporate Bonds -This action sets April 16 as the public healing date regarding bon-owing $225,000 for Hickman Road Street Lighting and $25,000 for a storm wanting siren.Motion by Watts,seconded by Gruber to approve the resolution. Mayor Bailey called for a roll call vote.Ayes;Watts,Gruber,Peard,Johnson,Berger. Nays;None.Motion passed. RESOLUTION 01-47 TAKING ADDITIONAL ACTION TO ENTER INTO A CITY HALL LOAN AGREEMENT,SETTING A DATE FOR HEARING ON A CORPORATE PURPOSE LOAN AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION CORPORATE BONDS JWHEREAS,pursuant to the provisions of Section 384.24A of the Code of Iowa,the City of Waukee,in the County of Dallas,State of Iowa (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), has heretofore proposed to contract indebtedness and enter into a loan agreement in the principal amount of $700,000 for the purpose of paying the cost,to that extent,of the acquisition of an office building for use as a city hall (the "City Hall Loan Agreement") and,in lieu of calling an election upon the question of entering into the City Hall Loan .Agreement,has published notice of the proposed action and has held a healing thereon, and no petition has been filed with the City Clerk asking that the question of entering into the City Hall Loan Agreement be submitted to the qualified electors of the City;and WHEREAS,the City hereby proposes to enter into a loan agreement (the "Corporate Purpose Loan Agreement")in the principal amount of $250,000 pursuant to the provisions of Section 384.24A of the Code of Iowa for the purpose of paying the cost,to that extent,of the acquisition,construction,improvement and installation of street lighting fixtures,connections,and facilities;and the acquisition and installation of an emergency warning siren,and it is necessary to fix a date of meeting of the Council at which it is proposed to take action to enter into the Corporate Purpose Loan Agreement and to give notice thereof as required by such law;and WHEREAS,pursuant to Section 384.28 of the Code of Iowa,the City Council may combine any number of general or essential corporate purposes and issue a single issue of bonds;and ) 35 WHEREAS,the City deems it advisable and necessary at this time to combine the City Hall Loan Agreement and Corporate Purpose Loan Agreement and provide for the sale of General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds (the "Bonds")in the principal amount of $950,000 to be issued in evidence of the City's obligation thereunder; NOW,THEREFORE,It Is Resolved by the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa, as follows: Section 1.The Council hereby determines that it may enter into the City Hall Loan Agreement and declares that this resolution constitutes the "additional action" required by Section 384.24A of the Code of Iowa. Section 2.This Council shall meet on the 16th day of April,2001,at the Council Chambers,City Hall,Waukee,Iowa,at 7:00 o'clock p.m.,at which time and place a hearing will be held and proceedings will be instituted and action taken to enter into the Corporate Purpose Loan Agreement. Section 3.The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice of the proposed action on the Corporate Purpose Loan Agreement setting forth the amount and purpose thereof, the time when and place where the said meeting will be held by publication at least once not less than 4 and not more than 20 days before the meeting,in a legal newspaper which has a general circulation in the City.The notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF PROPOSED ACTION TO INSTITUTE PROCEEDINGS TO ENTER INTO A LOAN AGREEMETN AND BORROW MONEY IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $250,000 (GENERAL OBLICATION) The City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa,will meet on the 16th day of April, 2001,at the Council Chambers,City Hall,Waukee,Iowa,at 7:00 o'clock p.m.,for the purpose of instituting proceedings and taking action to enter into a loan agreement (the "Corporate Purpose Loan Agreement")and borrow money in the principal amount of $250,000 for the purpose of paying the cost,to the extent,of the acquisition, construction,improvement and installation of street lighting fixtures,connections,and facilities;and the acquisition and installation of an emergency waming siren. The Corporate Purpose Loan Agreement is proposed to be entered into pursuant to authority contained in Section 384.24A of the Code of Iowa and will constitute a general obligation of the City. At the aforementioned time and place,oral or written objections may be filed or made to the proposal to enter into the Essential Corporate Purpose Loan Agreement. After receiving objections,the City may determine to enter into the Essential Corporate 36 Purpose Loan Agreement,in which case,the decision will be final unless appealed to the District court within fifteen (15)days thereafter. By order of the City Council of the City of Waukee,Iowa.1 Mark J.Arentsen,City Administrator/Clerk Section 4.It is also hereby determined to combine the City Hall Loan Agreement and the Corporate Purpose Loan Agreement and enter into a single loan agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Loan Agreement")in the amount of $950,000 and to authorize the Bonds for sale at this time. Section 5.The 16th day of April,2001,at 1 :00 o'clock p.m.,at the City Administrator's Office,City Hall,Waukee,Iowa,is hereby fixed as the time and place for receiving and canvassing bids for the purchase of the Bonds,and this Council shall meet on said date at 7;00 o'clock p.m.,at the Council Chambers,City Hall,Waukee, Iowa,for the purpose of considering such bids received and passing a resolution providing for the sale and issuance of the Bonds. Section 6.The City Administrator is authorized to take such action as shall be deemed necessary and appropriate,with the assistance of Dorsey &Whitney LLP, Attorneys,as Bond Counsel,and Public Financial Management,as Financial Consultants, for the City,to prepare a statement of information and solicitation for bids describing the Bonds and providing for the terms and conditions of their sale. 1 Section 7.All resolutions and orders or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this resolution,to the extent of such conflict,are herby repealed. Section 8.This resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption and approval,as provided by law. Passed and approved April 2,2001. Donald L.Bailey,Jr.,Mayor Attest: )Mark J.Arentsen,City Administrator/Clerk 37 Section 9.All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith me hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Passed and approved April 2,2001. Donald L.Bailey,Jr.,Mayor Attest: Mm'k J.Arentsen,City Administrator/Clerk ROLLCALL A YES NAYS ABSENT Nicholas Gruber Marvin Berger Mike Watts Bill Peard Wayne Johnson x X X X X Setting Pnblic Hearing Date of April 16,2001 at 7:00PM to Consider Rezoning of John &Emily Clark Property -Motion by Gruber seconded by Watts to approve the Resolution.Mayor Bailey called for a roll call vote.Ayes;Gruber,Watts,Johnson, Berger,Peard.Nays;None.Motion passed. The City of Waukee,Iowa IN THE NAME AND BY AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA 38 RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR SETTING PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR THE REZONING OF THE JOHN &EMILY CLARK PROPERTY WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, I RESOLUTION 01-48 The City of Waukee,Iowa is an incorporated City within Dallas County,Iowa;and The Waukee City Council is requesting to set the Public Heating for the John &Emily Clark Property Rezoning on April 16,2001 at 7:00PM to be held at Waukee City Hall,230 Highway 6, Waukee;and The Waukee City Council will direct City Staff to publish official notice in the Dallas County News 10 days before said Public Hearing. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOL YED,that the City of Waukee,Iowa does hereby set April 2,2001 as Public Heming for the Rezoning of the Clark Property from A-I to R-l. Attest: IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the Great Seal for the City of Waukee,Iowa to be affixed.Done this 2nd day of April in the year of our Lord Two Thousand One. ] Mayor Donald L.Bailey,Jr. Mark Arentsen,City Administrator/Clerk ROLLCALL Nicholas Gruber Marvin Berger Mike Watts Bill Peard Wayne Johnson AYES NAYS ABSENT x X X X X I 39 Approving Snyder &Associates to Complete Assessment Services for Hickman Road Arterial Street Lighting -Motion by Gruber,seconded by Berger to approve the Resolution.Mayor Bailey called for a roll call vote.Ayes;Gruber,Berger,Watts, Johnson,Peard.Nays;None.Motion passed. The City of Waukee,Iowa IN THE NAME AND BY AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA RESOLUTION APPROVING SNYDER AND ASSOCIATES TO COMPLETE ASSESSMENT SERVICES FOR HICKMAN ROAD ARTERIAL STREET LIGHTING RESOLUTION 01-49 WHEREAS,The City of Waukee,Iowa is an incorporated City within Dallas County,Iowa;and WHEREAS,Snyder and Associates has submitted a proposal to provide engineering service for the Hickman project;and WHEREAS,The staff has reviewed the proposal and finds that Snyder and Associates are an acceptable option. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the City of Waukee,Iowa does hereby approve the resolution calling for Snyder and Associates to complete assessment services for the Hickman Road arterial lighting project. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the Great Seal for the City of Waukee,Iowa to be affixed.Done this 2nd day of April in the year of our Lord Two Thousand One. Mayor Donald L.Bailey,Jf. Attest: Mark Arentsen,City Administrator/Clerk ROLLCALL A YES NAYS ABSENT 40 Nicholas Gruber X Marvin Berger X Mike Watts X Bill Peard X Wayne Johnson X Opposing Property Tax Freeze Legislation on Counties -Motion by Peard,seconded by Johnson to approve the resolution.Mayor Bailey called for a roll call vote.Ayes; Peard,Johnson,Watts,Gruber,Berger.Nays;None.Motion passed. The City of Waukee,Iowa IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE,IOWA OPPOSING LEGISLATION LIMITING COUNTY PROPERTY TAX COLLECTION RESOLUTION 01-50 WHEREAS,the Iowa Legislature is currently considering HF 537,which would limit the property taxes which could be collected by counties;and WHEREAS,this bill eliminates local control when it comes to county budgets and are based on the assumption that state officials know more about local needs than locally elected officials;and } WHEREAS,this one-size-fits-all tax limit formula establishes complicated limits-upon- limits that punish counties with frugal budgeting and counties experiencing growth;and WHEREAS,this bill could jeopardize future state road use tax money received by counties if the tax limit formula does not keep up with the formula for the local maintenance of effort for funding local roads;and WHEREAS,this bill offers no real unfounded mandate protection,thus making the tax limitation unworkable. THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WAUKEE that the City Council urges the Iowa legislature to defeat HF 537 and any other successor bills that would unfairly limit property taxes. Passed this 2nd day of April 2001. Donald L.Bailey,Jr.,Mayor 1Attest: 41 Mark J.Arentsen,City Administrator/Clerk ROLLCALL AYES NAYS ABSENT Nicholas Gruber Marvin Berger Mike Watts Bill Peard Wayne Johnson x X X X X Reports - City Administrator -Mark Arentsen stated that 27 applications have been recei ved for the Deputy City Clerk position.Interviews will be scheduled in the near future.Staff is in process of selecting cleaning service for City Hall.Staff met with Waukee School District and Dallas Co.on amending Urban Renewal Area.A meeting with Fox Creek subdivision residents will be held on April 10 regarding potential annexation of the subdivision.The City should be receiving the Interchange Justification Report on April IO regarding the potential Alice's Road interchange. Dennis Dowell -Code Enforcement Officer -New single family permits are continuing to come in. John Gibson -Public Works Director -He is working with DOT on finishing paperwork related to Highway 6 project.Construction inspection interviews are being held.He will also be meeting with the DOT on potential upgrades to railroad crossings. Parks Board -Wayne Johnson -Easter Egg Hunt plans are proceeding.The Board is working on the Paul E.Huscher Prairie Park,girls softball fields and Windfield Park. Adjournment -Motion by Gruber,seconded by Johnson to adjourn.Motion passed unanimously.Mayor Bailey declared the meeting Attest: 42