HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-08-05-Regular MinutesWAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 5,2002 (1)Call to Order -The regularly scheduled meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tern Bill Peard at 7:00 PM. (2)Pledge of Allegiance (3)Roll Call-The following members were present:Mayor Pro Tern Peard,and Council members Nicholas Gruber,Donald Bailey,Jr.,Mike Watts,and Wayne Johnson.Mayor Mark Leslie absent. (4)Open Forum -Arun Kalra addressed the council with regard to the building design standards adopted by the city.He encouraged the council to maintain the standards which were in place when his building and the building owned by Dr. Kurtz were in the site plan phase.He and individuals with whom he has spoken want the city to maintain the same standards for future development. (5)Agenda Additions I Approval-Nick Gruber moved;Wayne Johnson second to approve the agenda as written.Ayes:All.Nays:None.Motion carried 5-0. (6)Consent Agenda- A.Approving July 15 &31,2002 Payroll and August 1,2002 Bill List Approving July 15,2002 City Council Minutes Approving Pay Estimate #4,Stemquist Construction,Inc.in the amount of $233,840.33 Approving Special Class C Liquor License including Sunday Sales and Outdoor Service for Shanghai Chinese Restaurant LLC DBA Shanghai Chinese Restaurant Don Bailey moved to approve all items in the consent agenda with the exception of item 1-5198170,Triplett Office Supplies,gold colored scissors in the amount of$400.00 found on page 18 of the bill list.Mike Watts seconded the motion.Wayne Johnson raised the question of the imbalance of revenue vs expenses on the bill presentation recap sheet. Staff will research this question.Roll call on consent agenda excluding item 1-5198170, page 18 in the bill list.Roll call:Ayes:Gruber,Bailey,Watts,Peard,Johnson.Nays: None.Motion carried 5-0.Don Bailey moved to approve payment ofI-5l98l70,Triplett Office Supplies,gold colored scissors in the amount of$400.00 found on page 18 of the bill list.Mike Watts second.Discussion concerned the purchase of ceremonial scissors to be used for ribbon cutting ceremonies now and in the future.The cost for these scissors was $400.00.Roll call on motion to approve item #1-5198170 in the bill list: Ayes:Johnson,Gruber,Peard.Nays:Bailey,Watts.Motion carried 3 -2. August 1,2002 Bill List CHECKS ISSUED PRIOR TO COUNCIL APPROVAL 08/05/02 CONGRESSMAN BOSWELL DAN GARDINER IOWA PARK &RECREATION ASSO BANKERS TRUST COMPAN FAREWAY STORE IOWA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMEN WHITE,DANNY L MOCIC CONFERENCE REGISTRA B. C. D. 17.00 104.94 68.00 117,400.00 125.00 323.06 94.24 90.00 DENNIS DOWELL DES MOINES AREA METRO PLA APWA REGISTRATION SAM'S CLUB VISA TREASURER STATE OF IOWA TREASURER STATE OF IOWA TREASURER STATE OF IOWA WELLS FARGO BANK TOT A L S UNPAIDS PRESENTED FOR APPROVAL ADAMS DOOR COMPANY AL CAREY LANDSCAPE INC ALLEGRA AMERITAS LIFE INSURANCE ANNEAR EQUIPMENT INC APWA REGISTRATION ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ARDICK EQUIPMENT CO INC MARK ARENTSEN BANKERS TRUST COMPANY BIG BEAR EQUIPMENT INC BRODERICK ANIMAL CLINIC BRUSKE PRODUCTS INC LINDA BURKHART BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS CAPITAL SANITARY SUPPLY AMBER CARAVAN CIGMA LLC CLIVE POWER EQUIPMENT COMPUSA INC CRYSTAL CLEAR BOTTLED WAT DALLAS COUNTY DEVELOPMENT DALLAS COUNTY NEWS DAN RAITT INC DES MOINES INDUSTRIAL PRO DES MOINES REGISTER DES MOINES STAMP MFG CO DES MOINES STEEL FENCE CO DES MOINES THEATRICAL SHO DES MOINES WATER WORKS DES MOINES WATER WORKS ED M FELD EQUIPMENT CO ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING EQ ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING CO FASTPRO INTERNATIONAL INC FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP FIREGUARD FOREMOST PROMOTIONS FORRER SUPPLY COMPANY INC GRAYBAR GROEBNER &ASSOCIATES INC JODY GUNDERSON HADDAD APPAREL GROUP LTD HEARTLAND CO-OP HEARTLAND TECHNOLOGY INC HICKORY TECH 816.00 6,197.66 106.96 2,455.80 320.00 250.00 199.79 126.31 250.00 117,400.00 430.92 845.00 57.29 12.42 500.00 356.39 300.00 864.84 25.36 791.07 87.40 8,970.50 693.46 788.33 366.57 136.40 27.70 4,212.00 35.00 1,390.76 10.00 1,325.75 493.50 32.00 91.75 23.83 574.39 378.56 6,916.50 911.30 980.13 250.00 2,572.89 208.68 175.00 1,142.75 2 72.48 3,306.32 440.00 585.67 680.18 5,809.63 278.16 2,263.40 12,000.00 143,658.08 I CAROL rrCINDYII HOL HOPKINS SPORTING GOODS HOTSY CLEANING SYSTEMS PAUL E HUSCHER HY-VEE FOOD &DRUG CENTER ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 457 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM IOWA COUNTY ATTORNEYS ASS IOWA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATI IOWA SIGNAL &ELECTRIC CO IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY EXT IOWA UTILITIES BOARD IPERS IPERS -POLICE ISSUG JACKS UNIFORMS &EQUIPMEN JERICO SERVICES INC JIMS JOHNS JOHN DEERE HEALTH PLAN IN KAR PRODUCTS KNESS SIGNS LOGAN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY M &D SEAMLESS GUTTERS IN MADISON NATIONAL LIFE MARTIN MARIETTA AGGREGATE MATT PARROTT &SONS CO MBNA AMERICA BUSINESS CAR MC LEOD USA MENARDS METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CE MID AMERICAN ENERGY MID AMERICAN ENERGY MID AMERICAN ENERGY MID AMERICAN ENERGY MID AMERICAN ENERGY MID AMERICAN ENERGY MID AMERICAN ENERGY MID AMERICAN ENERGY MID AMERICAN ENERGY MID AMERICAN ENERGY MID AMERICAN ENERGY MID AMERICAN ENERGY MID LAND EQUIPMENT COMPAN MID STATES FORD INC MID STATES SUPPLY COMPANY MIDWEST OFFICE TECHNOLOGY MIDWEST UNDERGROUND SUPPL MIDWESTERN CULVERT LTD MIGHTY TIDY CLEANING MOSS BROTHERS INC NAPA AUTO PARTS STORE NETWORKS INC NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS NORTH DALLAS LANDFILL NORTHERN 13.50 58.25 301.58 2,000.00 305.49 1,152.60 90.00 118.94 90.00 12,385.65 281.00 110.00 180.00 2,971.63 7,959.63 5,850.82 50.00 491.75 1,29B.00 950.00 22,231.50 89.18 445.00 686.03 102.00 1,483.47 1,392.05 144.26 1,134.20 430.14 245.14 412.82 441.63 263.52 283.88 346.02 212.72 1/486.94 492.53 5,147.32 15.71 6,519.75 501.62 226.50 8.05 632.02 236.70 114.00 895.90 101.60 425.00 34.52 233.90 450.00 575.79 7,689.00 86.44 3 PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY POSTIVE PROMOTIONS PRAXAIR THE PRINTING STATION QUALITY FORD OF WDM QWEST R-WAY CONCRETE RADIO TECHNOLOGY INC RDG CROSE GARDNER SHUKERT RECREATION CREATIONS INC RENTAL SERVICE CORPORATIO ROBERTS COMPANY INC SELECT OFFICE SYSTEMS STAR EQUIPMENT LTD STEPHENS PUBLISHING COMPA STERNQUIST CONSTRUCTION I TIM SULLIVAN TEAM SERVICES INC TITAN UTILITY PARTNERS LL TRAFFIC MARKING SERVICE TREASURER STATE OF IOWA TRIPLE T ENTERPRISES INC TRIPLETT OFFICE ESSENTIAL UNITED RENTALS UNITED STATES CELLULAR UNITROL VAN-WALL EQUIPMENT INC VERIZON WIRELESS VERMEER SALES &SERVICES WAUKEE AUTO WASH WAUKEE STATE -CITY HALL PETTY CASH WAUKEE STATE -POLICE PETTY CASH WEARGUARD WEBSTER ELECTRIC (7)Mayor's Report: was not given. (8)Mayor's Appointment:Appointment of Marvin Berger to Utilities Committee replacing Stan Lawson who resigned in July Bill Peard,mayor pro tem,introduced the mayor's appointment.Marvin Berger,a Certified Public Accountant and a former city councilman,was pleased to accept the appointment. (9)Resolution:Approving Mayor's appointment of Marvin Berger to Utilities Committee Nick Gruber moved to approve the appointment.Don Bailey second.Brief discussion.Roll call:Ayes:Gruber,Watts,Johnson,Peard.Nays:Bailey.Motion carried 4 -1. (10)Resolution:Recognizing John Novotny,Ray Forret,Joe Schmidt and Stan Lawson for service to the community Don Bailey moved to approve the certificates of appreciation for John Novotny,Ray Forret,Joe Schmidt and Stan Lawson for their service to the community.Mike Watts second.Roll call:Ayes:Bailey,Watts,Gruber, Johnson,Peard.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O. (11)Receive/File:Marilyn Keltner,Dallas County Auditor's Office employee,present to invite Council's participation in the 10d"Birthday Celebration of the Dallas County Courthouse Two members of the Auditor's Office -Marilyn Keltner and Vicki Klein- and Supervisor Alice Wicker were present in support of this issue.The itinerary is 18.92 49.95 203.57 214.99 646.79 57.82 6,864.13 131.00 780.00 2,694.96 79.37 365.75 85.00 264.00 385.88 233,840.33 101.00 42.25 1,075.00 7,743.00 6,304.52 65.50 2,237.83 70.17 59.47 115.95 8,540.24 31.57 3,488.00 210.00 292.84 124.84 325.62 219.60 Because Mayor Leslie was absent this evening,the mayor's report 1 I 4 available at www.co.dallas.ia.us.deparhnents,heritage celebration.Staff and Council will plan to participate in the celebration in some way.Don Bailey moved to receive/file. Wayne Johnson second.Roll call:Ayes:Bailey,Johnson,Gruber,Watts,Peard.Nays: None.Motion carried 5 -O. (12)Resolution:Approving support of the Library Foundation's application to Prairie Meadows Brief discussion.Dennis Dohnage was present to speak for the Library Foundation and library staff.The grant proposal in the amount of $63,000 is for shelving,end pieces and various pieces of furniture that are needed for the new library. Nick Gruber moved to approve.Don Bailey second.Roll call:Ayes:Gruber,Bailey, Johnson,Peard,Watts.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O. (13)Resolution:Approving special exception of height for the skybox at the football stadium Nick Gruber moved to approve.Mike Watts second.Bob Ellis questioned the procedure of adjustment being made.Zoning Ordinance,Section 301.26(A)provides that no permit will be issued for any structure above district height limits,except as specifically approved by the City Council.After further discussion,the vote was requested.Roll call:Ayes:Gruber,Watts,Johnson,Bailey,Peard.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O. (14)Resolution:Approving lease with Verizon Wireless for water tower cell antenna Don Bailey moved to approve the lease with Verizon Wireless.Wayne Johnson second. John Gibson indicated that the motion needed to be made contingent upon receiving and reviewing a new site plan.Don Bailey moved to amend his motion to include "contingent upon a favorable review of the new site plan."Wayne Johnson seconded the amendment.John Gibson indicated that item number seven in the contract needed to be corrected to reflect the correct number of years.Don Bailey amended his motion to contain the correction of number seven from three years to five years.Wayne Johnson second.Roll call:Ayes:Bailey,Johnson,Watts,Gruber,Peard.Nays:None.Motion carried S -0. (15)Resolution:Approving the Plat of Survey for Spirit of the Horse Subdivision Mike Watts moved to approve.Wayne Johnson second.Brief discussion.Roll call: Ayes:Watts,Johnson,Bailey,Gruber,Peard.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O. (16)Discussion:On development possibilities/probabilities for land adjacent to R22 Warren Hunsberger of Hunsberger FLP,Frank Scaglione,West Central Auto Auction and Evan Oster,Knapp Properties were present to discuss their plans for the future.Don Bailey,Jr.moved to receive and file the discussion that is going to follow and send that information back to the staff for review and report back to the council.Mike Watts second.Warren Hunsberger indicated specific plans for development.He also stated that he had been approached by real estate personnel and potential buyers about developing or purchasing property in the northern portion of his land.He has indicated to them that he cannot proceed until the sewer is in the street.Location of a waste water treatment facility was discussed.Frank Scaglione,West Central Auto Auction,3277 Ute Ave.,discussed his present business which is a five year old,30,000 square foot,9 acre property employing 65 FT and PT individuals from Waukee and other Dallas County commnnities.He has potential plans of moving this business to the western portion of his land and developing the eastern most portion of his land as a prime retail site.His position is that the city is responsible for supplying gas and sewer (He has rural water.)to his property because he has a signed agreement with the city for utilities:gas,water and 5 sewer to be run to his building within a thirty month period from the date of annexation into the city.Mr.Evan Oster representing Knapp Properties was present.He indicated that it was not the habit or practice of Knapp Properties to start working on master development plans until utilities are in place.Roll call:Ayes:Bailey,Watts,Gruber, Johnson,Peard.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O. (17)Resolution:Approving setting August 19,2002 as the date for a public hearing on designation of expanded Waukee Urban Renewal Area and On urban renewal plan amendment Nick Gruber moved to approve the resolution.Wayne Johnson second. After some discussion it was decided by council to postpone the decision on this issue until after the Strategic Planning Meeting.Wayne Johnson withdrew his second;Nick Gruber withdrew his motion.Nick Gruber moved to postpone consideration of this resolution until after the training session.Wayne Johnson second.Roll call:Ayes: Gruber,Johnson,Bailey,Watts,Peard.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O. (18)Public Hearing:On an ordinance to amend Chapter 304.3,Waukee Municipal Code,Site Plan Requirements of the City of Waukee,Iowa,by adding purpose, applicability and procedure for arterial corridor overlay districts thereto Mayor Pro Tern Peard opened the public hearing.The city administrator had not received any written comments prior to the meeting.Of those present,Steve Downing and Jim Campney addressed the council on the issue.Steve Downing indicated he thought the existing ordinances were adequate and the overlay district was another set of requirements developers had to meet before getting started.He encouraged the council to vote against this proposed ordinance.Wayne Johnson,proponent ofthis proposed ordinance,explained his position and reasoning behind the proposed ordinance.Jim Campney with Westgate Business Park had a concern as to how this proposed ordinance would work with a PD district,which council and Regency Homes had discussed July 29, 2002.The proposed ordinance addresses land and development that is within 800 feet from center of the roadway.This will create difficulties for Regency's project in Westgate Business Park.He didn't think he would be able to develop Westgate under this proposed ordinance.Don Bailey,Jr.would like to have a meeting with the developers to go through this proposed ordinance so that it can be worked through and developed so problems or difficulties could be considered.Bill Peard closed the public hearing for this proposed ordinance. (19)Ordinance:Approving an ordinance to amend Chapter 304.3,Waukee Municipal Code,Site Plan Requirements of the City of Waukee,Iowa,by adding purpose, applicability and procedure for arterial corridor overlay districts thereto (first reading) After consultation with attorney Huscher and discussion concerning the normal process for adoption of ordinances,Nick Gruber moved to have the first reading of this ordinance at the August 19,2002 meeting.Mike Watts second.Roll call:Ayes:Gruber,Watts, Bailey,Peard.Nays:Johnson.Motion carried 4 -1. (20)Ordinance:Approving ordinance to amend Chapter 301,Waukee Municipal Code,Zoning Ordinance of the City of Waukee,Iowa,Section 301.15 by adding provisions for large comprehensively planned developments;and by adding provisions for which specific design of individual buildings and elements may be determined; including criteria for use,permitted land uses,application procedures,and initiation of proceedings therefore (third reading and final passage)Wayne Johnson moved to have the third reading of this ordinance in title only.Mike Watts second.Roll call:Ayes: ,I J J 6 Johnson,Watts,Gruber,Bailey,Peard.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O.Mark Arentsen read the ordinance in title only.Wayne Johnson moved to put this ordinance on its fmal passage.Mike Watts second.Roll call:Johnson,Watts,Gruber,Bailey,Peard. Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O.Mayor Pro Tem Peard declared the ordinance passed and duly adopted.Paul Huscher reminded the council that all items in the site plan for PD have to be completed within a given time frame. (21)Motion:Approving August 26,2002 as the date for a public hearing on the 80120 annexation of property south of Waukee Mike Watts moved to approve.Wayne Johnson second.Brief discussion.Roll call:Ayes:Watts,Johnson,Gruber,Peard. Nays:Bailey.Motion carried 4 -1. (22)Motion:Approving September 9 as the date for a public hearing on an amendment to section 304.5 (M)Architectural Standards Nick Gruber moved to table the motion.This motion died for want of a second.Mike Watts moved to set the public hearing.Don Bailey second.Discussion.Roll call:Ayes:Bailey,Johnson,Gruber. Nays:Watts,Peard.Motion carried 3 -2. REPORTS:Reports were presented by Mark Arentsen,Jody Gunderson,John Gibson, Wayne Johnson,Bill Peard,Mike Watts,Don Bailey,Jr.,Nick Gruber. Bill Peard requested a motion to adjourn.Nick Gruber moved to adjourn.Mike Watts second.Ayes:all.Nays:None.Motion carried 5-0. Meeting Adjoumed at 9:45PM.~=='-----__ ~ Attest: 7