HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-08-26-Special MinutesWAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
AUGUST 26,2002
(1)Call to Order -The special meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order by
Mayor Pro Tem Bill Peard at 7:00 PM.
(2)Pledge of Allegiance
(3)Roll Call-The following members were present:Mayor Pro Tem Bill Peard and Council
members Nicholas Gruber,Donald Bailey,Jr.,Mike Watts and Wayne Johnson.Mayor Mark
Leslie was absent.
(4)Agenda Additions I Approval-Mike Watts moved to approve the agenda with item nine
first and item five last.Wayne Johnson second.Roll call:Ayes:Watts,Johnson,Gruber,
Bailey,Peard.Nays:None.Motion carried 5-0.
(9)Resolution:Approving Construction Plans for Williams Pointe Plat 1 Mike Watts moved
to approve the resolution.Wayne Johnson second.Representative from the engineering firm
was present to discuss issues or answer questions.No discussion.Roll call:Ayes:Watts,
Johnson,Bailey,Gruber,Peard.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O.
(6)Resolution:Approving the Pre-annexation Agreement with Connie Newlin Mike Watts
moved to approve.Don Bailey,Jr.second.Chad Weaver explained the reason behind the pre-
annexation agreement.Mike Watts had a question with regard to assessment and Alice's Road.
Don Bailey raised several issues with regard to annexation and the pre-annexation agreement.
Chad Weaver,Mark Arentsen,and Mike Watts responded.The pre-annexation agreement is a
precursor to annexation and is void ifthe resolution to annex is not acted upon.Roll call:Ayes:
Watts,Gruber,Johnson,Peard.Nays:Bailey.Motion carried 4 -1.
(7)Public Hearing:On the 80120Annexation of Property South of Waukee No written
comments had been received.Oral comments:Gary Buda,3251 Skyridge Dr.,asked to have
read the names of the property owners being annexed.Mike Watts read the names of the
property owners whose property(ies)are being annexed and explained the need for an 80120.
Tim Broderick,395 Highway 6,questioned the reasoning behind the annexation and the
requirement for contiguous boundaries.Mike Watts,Nick Gruber and Mark Arentsen addressed
the issue of growth and filling in.Not annexing this property at this time would result in an
irregular boundary that could in the future inhibit growth of the city to the west.Neil Henderson,
3223 Ashworth Rd.,who spoke for himself and Donna McCaw,3227 Ashworth Rd.,are non
consenting because there are no benefits offered to them now or in the next five or more years
that they don't already have.Mr.Henderson feels by being taxed at the city tax rate means he is
being taxed without benefits.He also feels that non consenting property owners should receive
all the benefits that the voluntary property owners receive.Mr.Arentsen indicated that the tax
abatement given to voluntary property owners was also extended to non consenting property 'I
owners.Wayne Johnson indicated his thoughts about non consenting and involuntary
annexations,spoke in favor of the 80120 annexation,agreed to extend tax abatement and
explained his reasoning for the current annexation proposal.Joe Schmidt,2806 W Avenue,
serving on the community development committee asked how many non consenting acres are
included.14.39 acres of the 218.67 total acreage in this annexation are non consenting.Mr.
Schmidt indicated he supported the 80/20 annexation.Mr.Bailey explained his reasoning
behind his vote and indicated he supported annexing the Shafer -Swallow property at this time
and filing the Newlin,Hedlund,Booth and the Schlarbaum properties for later annexation.The
City has a deadline for the submission ofthe Shafter -Swallow property for annexation to the
City Development Board.Bill Peard explained his anticipated affirmative vote for the
annexation to those in attendance.Final comments were expressed by Mike Watts,Don Bailey,
Bill Peard and Wayne Johnson.Sharon Bascom 3224 Ashworth Rd.,voiced her concerns as to
benefits received and indicated she didn't want to go backwards when annexed.Paul Huscher
indicated that a pre annexation agreement contemplates annexation.Without the act of
annexation,the pre annexation agreement is not binding.Ed Butler,130 Kayline Dr.,spoke to
the issue of tax abatement for non consenting.Bill Peard declared the public hearing closed.
(8)Resolution:Approving the 80120 Annexation of Property South of Waukee Nick Gruber
moved to approve the 80/20 annexation.Don Bailey,Jr.second.No further discussion.Nick
Gruber called for question.Roll call:Ayes:Gruber,Peard,Watts,Johnson.Nays:Bailey.
Motion carried 4 -1.
(5)Resolution:Approving Change Order #3 in the amount of $2,642.30 and Pay Application
#5 in the amount of $229,924.83 for Rochon Corporation of Iowa,Inc.Mike Watts moved to
approve the resolution.Nick Gruber second.John Karrmann with FEH Associates present to
answer questions.Mike Watts asked about the change in the ceiling height and placement of the
phone line.A change in the location ofthe phone line was at the request of Qwest.The conduits
for the telephone service were not included in the original site development package because
they weren't really sure of the location.Conduit is not in place at the originally proposed
location.Councihnan Johnson,employee of Qwest,spoke to the issue as a Qwest representative
and abstained from the vote on this issue because of conflict of interest.The change includes
only the additional conduit needed in the relocation of the line.Mike Watts suggested that we
talk with Hickory Tech with regard to cost of installation for a line from them.Tim Broderick
asked a question concerning the change in the height ofthe ceiling.Joe Schmidt,2806 W
Avenue,requested clarification of the Hickory Tech inquiry and the approval of the change
order.Mike Watts indicated that his motion approved the resolution as written and included
instructions to also check into Hickory Tech's costs.Roll call:Ayes:Watts,Gruber,Bailey,
Peard.Nays:None.Abstain:Johnson.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.
Mayor Pro Tern Bill Peard asked for a motion to adjourn.Don Bailey moved.Mike Watts
second.Ayes:All.Nays:None.Motion carried 5-0.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:25PM.