HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-24-Special MinutesWAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
MARCH 24,2003
The March 24,2003 meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order by Mayor
Pro Tem Peard at 7:00PM.The following members were present:Mayor Pro Tern Peard
and Council members Mike Watts,Wayne Jolmson,Donald L.Bailey,Jr.and Nicholas
Gruber.Also present were City Administrator Mark A:rentsen,Community Development
Director Jody Gunde:rson and Public Works Di:rector John Gibson.
Discussion of Land Use and Annexation Plans -The Council discussed the existing
annexation moratorium agreement with the City of West Des Moines (WDM)and the
requirement in the agreement that each community set aside funds toward the Alice's
Road interchange.Ma:rk A:rentsen stated that WDM has funds allocated in their Capital
Improvements Plan (CIP)for the interchange.Mike Watts asked for a copy of the
resolution adopting the WDM CIP.Councilman Bailey inquired as to the status of the
Interchange Justification Report (DR).Mark A:rentsen stated that the draft report has
been completed and forwarded to WDM for their consideration.Councilman Bailey
inquired if the Iowa Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration
have a copy of the report.M:r.A:rentsen stated that he was not sure.Following further
discussion,the Council requested that a timeline be developed for approval of the DR.
They also requested monthly updates on the status of the interchange project.M:r.
Arentsen stated that the Council would receive a monthly status report prior to the first
Council meeting of each month.
The Council then discussed the status of the City's annexation activities.Staff briefly
reviewed the status of annexation discussions with several property owners.Councilman
Gruber suggested that the City communicate annually with property owne:rs in the areas
which cannot be annexed by Waukee or WDM du:ring the term ofthe moratorium
agreement.Following furthe:r discussion the Council and staff agreed that the areas
which should be pursued next for annexation are the Hunter Hollow area,properties east
of Hawkeye Antique Acres and properties west ofR22 and south ofI-80 which are
rese:rved for Waukee in the annexation moratorium agreement.
Supporting Participation of Dierck Oosten in the Greater Des Moines Partnership
Washington D.C.Trip -A motion supporting M:r.Oosten's participation was offered by
Councilman Watts and seconded by Councilman Gruber.Staff was asked to solicit
funding from private parties to cover M:r.Oosten's expenses.Ayes;Watts,Gruber,
Bailey,Jolmson,Peard.Nays;None.Motion approved 5 -O.
Adjournment -A motion to adjourn was offered by C
by Councilman Watts.Motion approved nnanimou b
Peard declared the meeting adjourned at 8:05PM.