HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-21-Regular MinutesWAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 21,2003 (1)Call to Order -The regularly scheduled meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order by Mayor Tony Oberman at 7:00 PM. (2)Pledge of Allegiance (3)Roll Call ~The following members were present:Mayor Tony Oberman,and Council members Nicholas Gruber,Donald Bailey,Jr.,Mike Watts and Darlene Stanton. Council member Bill Peard absent. (4)Open Forum -Marvin Berger of 165 Waulcee Avenue encouraged the council to move ahead with the purchase and installation of the light poles;so that all could be installed and operational before the dark days of winter.Council member Don Bailey brought up the issue of om web site and why the council had not received information about it prior to the newspaper article. (5)Agenda Additions /Approval ~Mayor Oberman stated that Mark Arentsen had requested Item 8,Approving Revised Waukee Firefighters Association By-Laws,2003 be removed from the agenda at this time.Council member Nick Gruber moved to approve the agenda excluding Item 8;Mike Watts seconded the motion to approve the amended agenda.Roll call:Ayes:Gruber,Watts,Bailey,Stanton Nays:None.Motion carried 4 ~o ~1.Mayor Pro Tem Bill Peard absent. (6)Consent Agenda ~ A.Approving 07-15-03 Payroll and 07-16-03 Bill List B.Approving 06-30-03 &07-07-03 City Council Minutes Don Bailey moved to approve the consent agenda with the exception of two bills,which he wished to discuss.Mike Watts seconded the motion.Roll call:Ayes:Bailey,Watts, Gruber,Stanton.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.Mayor Pro Tem Bill Peard absent.Council member Bailey moved to approve payment of the Dallas County Treasurer invoice and the two invoices from Hickory Tech.Mike Watts second.Council member Bailey discussed and questioned staffregarding the Dallas County Treasurer invoice for $333.08 and the two Hickory Tech invoices,which totaled $456.69.After the discussion and explanation of the Dallas County Treasurer invoice of$333.08,Council member Bailey moved to pay the bill.Mr.Bailey's motion was not seconded.At the close of the discussion on these three invoices,Mayor Oberman indicated to council that the questions being asked of staff during the meeting should have been asked of staff prior to the meeting giving staff time to research the issue.Discussion continued.Roll call on the motion to approve the three invoices:Ayes:Gruber,Stanton.Nays:Bailey, Watts.Motion tied 02 ~02 -01 and defeated.Council member Bill Peard absent. Bill List (07-16-03) PAID PRIOR TO COUNCIL APPROVAL, CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WAUKEE COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA EFTPS IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY TREASURER PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES TOASTER BAND UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 1,480.00 449.21 277.40 20,581.69 150.00 44.85 2,000.00 750.00 1 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD UNITED WAY CENTRAL IOWA WAUKEE STATE-PUBLIC WORKS PETTY CASH TOTALS 26,918.15 UNPAID BILLS PRESENTED FOR APPROVAL: A+LAWN &LANDSCAPE INC AL CAREY LANDSCAPE INC ALLEGRA ANNEAR EQUIPMENT INC ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES AT&T WIRELESS BANKERS TRUST COMPANY BARCO MUNICIPAL PRODUCTS BOB'S MOBILE TOILET SERVICE BROWN SUPPLY CO INC BUILDING &PROPERTY MAINTENANCE C J COOPER &ASSOCIATES INC CAPITAL CITY EQUIPMENT CO CAPITAL SANITARY SUPPLY CARPENTER UNIFORM CO CENTRAL IOWA REGIONAL LIBRARY CHARTER BANK BRANDON CHILD CITY OF WAUKEE CITY WAUKEE COMPUSA INC CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORP COUNTRY CLINIC CROWN COLONY INC CRYSTAL CLEAR BOTTLED WATER DALLAS COUNTY ROAD DEPT DALLAS COUNTY TREASURER DARE AMERICA MERCHANDISE DEMCO DES MOINES REGISTER DES MOINES WATER WORKS DON DOWELL EDM EQUIPMENT CO ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING EQUIP ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING CO FAREWAY STORES FESLERS INC FOREMOST PROMOTIONS GREATER DES MOINES PARTNERSHIP GROEBNER &ASSOCIATES INC HEARTLAND CO-OP HICKORY TECH HOTSY CLEANING SYSTEMS HY-VEE FOOD &DRUG CENTER IMAGING TECHNOLOGIES INDUSTRIAL SALES COMPANY INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MUNIC CLERKS INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM 341.97 IOWA ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL UTILITIES IOWA CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO 2 500.00 35.00 650.00 I 150.00 3,356.67 741.22 408.42 173.12 1,693.16 100.00 76.41 225.00 31.30 500.00 29.00 137.49 450.66 219.77 7.50 30.00 30.00 2,200.00 64.60 66.35 688.04 117.00 390.60 94.30 1,789.30 333.08 41.92 141.02 843.96 33,882.19 300.00 119.00 798.69 228.18 139.48 522.60 149.51 35.00 1,517.43 3,505.65 2,199.00 64.55 346.30 196.82 6/553.54 1,166.56 322.99 95.00 1 I8.00 2,800.50 IOWA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION IOWA ONE CALL IOWA PARK &RECREATION ASSOC IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IOWA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT JERICO SERVICES INC JIMS JOHNS JOHN DAY COMPANY LANGFORD CONSTRUCTION LASER CAR WASH LEE ENGINEERS &SURVEYORS LINDA MACK MAINSTAY SYSTEMS INC ANATTS TROY MAPES MARTIN MARIETTA AGGREGATE MID AMERICAN ENERGY MIDWEST ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES MIDWEST UNDERGROUND SUPPLIES MOMAR MUNICIPAL SUPPLY DEVON MURPHY-PETERSEN NAPA AUTO PARTS STORE NATIONAL ORGANIZATION SERVICES NATIONAL WATERWORKS INC NOGG CHEMICAL &PAPER NORTH DALLAS LANDFILL OFFICE DEPOT OLSON BROTHERS OMB POLICE SUPPLY ORKIN PEST CONTROL OSE OFFICE FURNITURE PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY PORTER-BOWERS SIGN CO INC PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION #440 PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS PURCHASE POWER BETH RICHARDSON S &S WORLDWIDE SAM'S CLUB ROD SCHETTLER SERVICE MASTER SNYDER &ASSOCIATES INC SOIL TEK DARLENE STANTON STAR EQUIPMENT LTD TEE'S PLUS SCREEN PRINTING TRIPLE T ENTERPRISES INC TRIPLETT OFFICE ESSENTIAL UNIVERSITY OF IOWA HYGIENIC LAB US ENERGY SERVICES INC US POSTAL SERVICE VAN-WALL EQUIPMENT INC VERIZON WIRELESS WASTE MANAGEMENT OF IOWA WAUKEE HARDWARE &VARIETY WAUKEE ROTARY CLUB 12,385.65 413.50 353.00 30.00 362.78 1,787.50 950.00 15.84 10.00 31.00 16,158.44 10.80 618.00 1,613.20 25.00 961.58 1,470.24 488.00 11.42 2,582.91 4,728.98 14.76 287.98 1,333.75 265.25 825.58 7,689.00 599.92 637.10 475.20 421.80 319.74 6.66 592.50 199.81 50.00 1,019.00 29.75 141.96 451.56 30.00 268.00 224.00 10,440.00 36.00 264.00 229.87 67.40 1,480.17 198.00 45,719.18 37.00 146.32 32.20 24,539.60 853.85 125.00 3 WAUKEE STATE -LIBRARY PETTY CASH 182.04 WEBSTER ELECTRIC 2,821.05 WILLIAMS TURF FARMS 30.00 YMCA OF GREATER DES MOINES 5,000.00 TOTALS 223,515.69 (7)Mayor's Report:Two weeks ago,the mayor and council member Nick Gruber attended the Mid-Iowa Association of Local Governments in Ames.This week the mayor and Jody Gunderson will be meeting with representatives from West Des Moines and the Dallas County Development Alliance to continue working on the presentation to be presented to the Iowa Transportation Commission for the Alice's Road /lOS'h Street Interchange with 1-80.Thursday,the mayor will attend the MFO meeting. (8)Resolution:Approving Revised Waukee Firefighters Association By-Laws,2003 This item was removed from the agenda at this time. (9)Resolution:Approving Veenstra &Kimm,Inc.proposal for Sewer Service Area Studl for the area South of University Ave,West of L.A.Grant Parkway and North of 312"Place Mike Watts moved to approve.Darlene Stanton second.No discussion. Roll call:Ayes:Watts,Stanton,Bailey,Gruber.Nays:None.Absent:Peard.Motion carried 4 -0 -1. (10)Resolntion:Approving Site Plan for Warrior Storage Don Bailey moved to approve the Site Plan.Darlene Stanton second.Mark Arentsen suggested the Council include in the motion the type of metal panel on display in the council chambers and which represented the minimum standard to be used in the PD in the lieu of what was selected by the developer.Larry Shaffer from Shaffer Construction indicated that he would be willing to use the required metal panel although it would represent a greater cost to him.Council member Bailey asked if elevations had been presented to the City. The developer indicated he had submitted the elevations.City staff indicated that elevations had not been received for this meeting.The Council continued to discuss the necessary drawings needed for passage of the site plan and agreed that a decision could not be made until all necessary documents were submitted for review.Roll call on the motion to approve:Ayes:None.Nays:Bailey,Stanton,Gruber,Watts.Absent:Peard. Motion defeated 0 -4 -1.Nick Gruber moved to hold a special meeting on July 23, 2003 at 7 o'clock with approval of the site plan for Warrior Storage being the only item. Mike Watts second.Roll call:Ayes:Gruber,Watts,Stanton,Bailey.Nays:None. Absent:Peard.Motion carried 4 -0 -1. (11)Ordinance:Approving an ordinance to amend Chapter 210,Regulating and Licensing of Peddlers,Solicitors and Transient Merchants in the City of Waukee, Iowa,Section 210.12,Revocation of License,by deleting said Section and substituting in lieu thereof a revised Section 210.12 (third reading)Mike Watts moved to have the third reading ofthis ordinance and place it on its final passage.Nick Gruber second. Roll call:Ayes:Watts,Gruber,Peard,Stanton.Nays:None.Absent:Peard.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.Mark Arentsen read the ordinance.Mayor Oberman declared this ordinance passed and duly adopted. (12)Ordinance:Approving an ordinance to amend Chapter 210,Regulating and Licensing of Peddlers,Solicitors and Transient Merchants in the City of Waukee, Iowa,by adding a new Section 210.13,Right to Appeal Revocation,and by renumbering each section thereafter in consecutive order (third reading)Mike Watts moved to have the third reading and place this ordinance on its final passage.Darlene Cj I 4 Stanton second.Roll call:Ayes:Watts,Stanton,Gruber,Bailey.Nays:None.Absent: Peard.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.Mark Arentsen read the ordinance.Mayor Oberman declared this ordinance passed and duly adopted. (13)Ordinance:Approving an ordinance to amend Chapter 305,Waukee Municipal Code,Signange Ordinance,by repealing Chapter 305 and substituting in lieu thereof Chapter 305 amending specifications and regulations of signs within the City of Waukee;providing for the administration and enforcement thereof,and providing for the repeal of all ordinances in conflict therewith (intro and first reading)Mike Watts introduced this ordinance.Nick Gruber moved to have the first reading in title only.Don Bailey,Jr.second.Darlene Stanton questioned subsection g under Temporary Signs which allowed opening,closing and special events signed to be in place for two weeks 4 times per year.She was concerned that individuals might combine all times available into one long run.Council member Gruber suggested placing temporary signs for opening and closing into a new subsection h and allowing a one time temporary sign permit for four weeks for each possibility.Subsection g would then remain special event signs for up to two weeks four times per year.Mayor Oberman indicated he would be interested in seeing how the sign ordinance as proposed compares with the surrounding communities.Roll call:Ayes Gruber,Bailey,Stanton,Watts.Nays:None.Absent: Peard.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.Mark Arentsen read the ordinance in title only. (14)Motion:Setting date for approving results of City Administrator's Annual Performance Review Mike Watts moved to approve the results of the City Administrator's Annual Performance Review at the next regular council meeting which would be August 4,2003.Nick Gruber second.Roll call:Ayes:Watts,Gruber,Stanton, Bailey.Nays:None.Absent:Peard.Motion carried 4 -0 -1. REPORTS:Reports were submitted by Mark Arentsen,Jody Gunderson,Tim Royer, Mike Briedis,Darlene Stanton,Mike Watts,Don Bailey,Jr.and Nick Gruber.Bill Mueller presented additional information about the library. Mayor Oberman asked for a motion to adjourn.Nick Gruber moved.Don Bailey second,Ayes:AlL Nays:None.Motion carried 4-0. Meeting Adjourned at 8:09 PM. Attest: Mark J.Arents ,City Administrator/Clerk 5