HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-05-27-Special MinutesWAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
MAY 27,2004
(1)Call to Order -The special meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order
by Mayor Oberman at 6:00 PM.
(2)Roll Call-The following members were present:Tony Oberman,Mayor,and
Council members JeffV.Mertz,Bill Peard and Darlene Stanton.Absent:Nick Gruber,
Don Bailey,Jr.Planning &Zoning Commission members present:Jerry Steele,Eric
Korpanty,Mary White,Mel Willits,Doug Krantz
(3)Agenda Approval-No changes.Council member Mertz moved;Council member
Stanton second to approve the agenda as written.Ayes:Mertz,Stanton,Peard.Nays:
None.Absent:Gruber,Bailey.Motion carried 3 -0 -2.
(4)Motion:Setting June 7,2004 as the date for a Public Hearing to amend Chapter
301,Waukee Municipal Code,Zoning Ordinance of the City of Waukee,Iowa,
Westgate Business Park Planned Development Exhibit A,by deleting Item 6,Number
5,"New and Used Car Sales;"and by substituting in lieu thereof a revised Item 6,
Number 5,"New and used vehicle sales,unless all display and storage of vehicles is
limited to the interior of the building.Outdoor display or storage is strictly prohibited;
and amending the Zoning Map Darlene Stanton moved to approve the motion.Jeff
Mertz second.Roll call:Ayes:Stanton,Mertz,Perd.Nays:None.Absent:Gruber,
Bailey.Motion carried 3 -0 -2.
(5)Discussion:Of various topics including:
a.Conservation Development presentation for property being
considered for purchase by Hubbell Homes
b.Lighting standards in ordinance?
c.Roofpitch described in ordinance?
d.Should all platting issues be resolved before zoning is granted?
e.Consider limitations on number of C stores,gas stations and
used car lots
J.Examination of existing zoning designations?
g.Redevelopment assistance for North 6'"Street and downtown
area properties
h.Possibility of using new development to rehab N 6'h Street area
i;Consider limiting alcohol &cigarette sales near schools
j.Locations where zoning and comp plan are in conflict
k.Discuss R2 zoning standards
I.Discuss granting of zoning prior to presentation of specific
projects (newly annexing areas)
m.Assignment of road paving costs adjacent to newly dedicated
n,Should all Municipal Code changes in Chapters 301 -304 be
presented to P&Z before going to Council?
o.What is the role of the council representative in the P&Z
Commission meetings?
Item (a)Tom Haddon of the Metro Waste Authority,Jennifer Welch from Urban
Resources and Borderland Alliance Network and Tina Mowry from Mowry Strategies
were present to discuss low impact development including storm water management.
Hubbell Homes is considering this conservation development approach for the land they
have purchased west of L.A.Grant.Low-impact development encourages micro-scale
storm water management strategies,use,and recharge of natural water systems and
natural landscapes
Council member Don Bailey present at 6:18PM.
Item (b)Lighting Standards and ordinances;Darlene Stanton led the discussion of this
topic.The reduction of ambient lighting,the correct use of lighting fixtures and correct
wattage and type of light bulb were discussed.Several suggestions were taken from a
web site for Boulder Colorado,which has been called the model city for the best
illumination possible -good technical choice,uniform lighting and adequate lighting,
Several P&Z Committee members contributed thoughts to this subject;however,the
recording is not adequate for complete reporting of their statements.The design of
Hickman Road lights was discussed.Boulder Colorado's timeframe was 15 years for full
compliance with the lighting ordinance in all of their districts.Move forward with an
ordinance in the next two or three months.
Council member Nick Gruber present at 6:34PM
Planning &Zoning Commission member Joe Schmidt present at 6:40PM
Item (g)Redevelopment of Sixth Street,north of Hickman and downtown areas;Nick
Gruber suggested we give some type of incentive to eliminate the cycle of high land
prices and poorly constructed buildings that occurs in the North Sixth Street area.He
also suggested creating an incentive for downtown businesses to remodel fronts of
buildings.Jody Gunderson indicated that rebate would be a possibility.City could
establish a revolving loan for renovation of downtown buildings.And in doing this it will
be important to have a consistent design approach in the downtown area to ensure a
quality presentation.Mr.Gunderson suggested that banks might be more interested in a
loan agreement as a primary lender,ifthe city were participating as a secondary lender.
Mr.Arentsen suggested that a staff person send a letter indicating the city's willingness
to work with property owners to accomplish renovations to grounds or buildings.Don
Bailey,Jr.suggested that property owners and staff should come up with a plan to present
to council in the area north of Hickman Rd.A suggestion was made concerning putting
in place a PD for the properties on North Sixth Street.It was suggested that staff meet
with property owners to discuss ideas for change and development of the area.Don
Bailey discussed the possible use of GAP Financing;but suggested that drainage issues
and street paving were problems needing to be corrected/completed by the city.Darlene
Stanton mentioned that Tom Guzman suggested a monument sign or some type of
entrance sign to the down town area.Without some kind of invitation from the
downtown 01'an extension to the downtown from the sign,people will continue to chive
by and not stop in.Ms.Stanton encouraged the council /city staff to do something to
promote this idea.
Item (c)Roof pitch described in ordinance;Jeff Mertz suggested that more could be
done with the PD District to encourage overall improved design.Mary White suggested
we have an ordinance stating what it is we want in the design of buildings;so that,
companies have a starting point.Nick Gruber suggested when individual developers say
"This is the only type of building we build;"we suggest they build that type of building
some where else.Don Bailey would like to see a "timeless"style of construction that
passes the test of time.He also suggested that some flexibility built into a zoning
ordinance should be encouraged.Mel Willits said as an observation,that P&Z tends to
shy away from the flat roofs.Mayor Oberman suggested that the staff investigate other
conununity standards.Don Bailey said that the presentations for new construction are
not always the best.Mark Arentsen suggested staff would put something into an
ordinance to require better presentations for P &Z and Council.
Item (d)Should all platting issues be resolved before zoning is granted?;Darlene
Stanton,Nick Gruber,and Don Bailey all support the idea that items such as bike trails,
green space are taken care of prior to re-zoning and not at plat time.Others were of the
opinion that there were other times during the process of approving a development when
these items could be discussed.Several members of the group stated that items such as
benning,bike trails,green spaces could be required and,if not present,P &Z and the
council could stop the progress of the development at other times in the process such as at
the platting stages,the site plan approval,construction plans approval,occupancy permit.
However,other members of the council and P&Z suggested a check-off or a written
statement,which a developer would sign acknowledging that he was aware these items
had to be included and would include them in his development.After further discussion,
Mark Arentsen indicated staff would create an ordinance that would include the
requirement that the developer acknowledge that berming,green space,trails would be
part ofhislher development prior to re-zoning.As a fmal thought,a staff member
suggested that conditional use could be applied to the zoning district at the time of re-
Item (e)Consider limitations on number of convenience stores/gas stations and used car
lots.Convenience stores should not be less than three fourths mile apart on any street.It
was also suggested that convenience stores be a conditional use for the zoned area in
which they were permitted.
A second Council P&Z and Council joint meeting will be held June 28,2004 at the
Library or Public Service Bldg at 6:00PM.
At this time Mayor Oberman asked for a motion to adjourn.Nick Gruber moved.Jeff
Mertz second.Ayes:All.Nays:None.Motion carried 5-0.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:03PM.