HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-03-20-Regular MinutesCITY OF ..f) =~~~!L!:'\J WAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 20,2006 (A)Call to Order -The regular meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order by Mayor Peard at 6:45 p.m. (B)Roll Call-The following members were present:Mayor Bill Peard and Council Members Bailey,Mertz,Stanton,and Watts.Absent:McGee.(Conncil Member McGee arrived at 6:56 p.m.) (C)CLOSED SESSION -Motion by Conncil Member Bailey,seconded by Council Member Stanton,to close the regular session.Roll Call:Ayes:Bailey,Stanton,Mertz,Watts. Nays:None.Absent:McGee.Motion carried 4 -O. Closed Meeting:Held by Council per §20.17(3)to discuss City's Plan for Union Contract Negotiations Motion by Council Member Mertz,seconded by Council Member Bailey,to open the regular session.Roll call:Ayes:Mertz,Bailey,Stanton,Watts,McGee.Nays:None. Motion carried 5 -O.The City Council went into regular session at 7:15 p.m. (A)Pledge of Allegiance (B)Roll Call-The following members were present:Mayor Bill Peard and Council Members Bailey,McGee,Mertz,Stanton,and Watts.Absent:None. (C)Open Forum -No one appeared to address the Council. (D)Agenda Approval-Motion by Council Member Watts,seconded by Conncil Member Mertz,to approve the agenda with the removal of item #17 "Resolution of consideration of discounted greens fees at Sugar Creek Municipal Golf Course for full-time and part-time City employees,board members and elected officials."Roll Call:Ayes:Watts,Mertz, Bailey,McGee,Stanton.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O. (E)Mayor's Report -Mayor Peard reported that he had met with Dr.Dave Wilkerson,Duane Van Gorp and Larry Lyon,all representing the Waukee Community School District,to discuss certain school-related issues.He had also attended meetings with the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO),the Library Board of Trustee and the Chamber of Commerce. (F)Presentations:None. (G)Public Hearings (1)On a general obligation loan agreement with Charter Bank ill the amount of $51,196.00 over 5 years at a 4.75%fixed interest rate with tax-exempt status for the purchase of a HR5111 Jacobson Mower and a Green King 4 Jacobson Mower,with the first payment due July 6,2006 -Mayor Peard opened the public hearing and asked if any written correspondence regarding the loan agreement had been received;John Gibson replied in the negative.Mayor Peard asked if anyone present wished to address the Council on the issue;no one present addressed the Council.Mayor Peard declared the public hearing closed. (2)On an ordinance to amend Chapter 301,Zoning Ordinance,City of Waukee,Iowa, by amending Section 301.12 "R-2"One and Two Family Residential District by repealing said section and enacting in lieu thereof provisions for single-family and two-family residential uses and the areas where similar residential development seems likely to occur,including the division of a two-family residential dwelling into separate lots for individual ownership -Mayor Peard opened the public hearing and asked if any written correspondence regarding the loan agreement had been received; John Gibson replied in the negative.Mayor Peard asked if anyone present wished to address the Council on the issue;no one present addressed the Council.Mayor Peard declared the public hearing closed. (H)Public Hearing Action Items (1)Resolution:Consideration of a general obligation loan agreement with Charter Bank in the amount of $51,196.00 over 5 years at a 4.75%fixed interest rate with tax- exempt status for the purchase of a HR5111 Jacobson Mower and a Green King 4 Jacobson Mower,with the first payment due July 6,2006 -Motion by Council Member Watts,seconded by Council Member Stanton,to approve the resolution.Roll Call:Ayes:Watts,Stanton,McGee,Mertz,Bailey.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O. (2)Ordinance:Consideration of an ordinance to amend Chapter 301,Zoning Ordinance,City of Waukee,Iowa,by amending Section 301.12 "R-2"One and Two Family Residential District by repealing said section and enacting in lieu thereof provisions for single-family and two-family residential uses and the areas where similar residential development seems likely to occur,including the division of a two- family residential dwelling into separate lots for individual ownership [intro and first reading]-Council Member Bailey introduced the ordinance;motion by Council Member Stanton,seconded by Council Member Watts,to approve the first reading in title only.Brad Deets reviewed the changes proposed through this ordinance,which more clearly define the requirements for the subdivision of duplex lots after construction.Roll Call:Ayes:Stanton,Watts,Bailey,Mertz,McGee.Nays:None. Motion carried 5 -O.Becky Schuett read the ordinance in title only. (I)Action Items (1)Consent Agenda A.Consideration of 03/20106 Bill List and 02/28106 Payroll: CHECKS ISSUED PRIOR TO COUNCIL APPROVAL: BRAD FREEMAN BRICK LAW FIRM/TRUST ACCOUNT CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WAUKEE COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA CURTIS HEAD DALLAS COUNTY CLERK OF COURTS EFTPS ERIC STEWARD ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 457 IOWA BEVERAGE SYSTEMS INC IOWA DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES IPERS IPERS -POLICE JODY GUNDERSON MARK ARENTSEN MBNA AMERICA BUSINESS CARD $12.07 280,000,00 1,385.00 785,56 414.19 85,00 58,00 21,925,84 1,565,28 2,511,52 197,00 505,31 13,053,83 6,397,74 75,00 1,339,87 3,404,10 2 MEDIACOM MEGAN SCHONHORST MENARDS MYKALA VRBAN SECRETARY OF STATE TREASURER STATE OF IOWA UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD UNITED WAY CENTRAL IOWA US ENERGY SERVICES INC US POSTAL SERVICE **TOTALS ** UNPAID BILLS PRESENTED FOR APPROVAL: ACCURATE HYDRAULICS &MAC ACTION OFFICE SOLUTIONS INC BAKER COMMUNICATIONS BLACKHAWK AUTO SPRINKLER BORDERS BOOK SHOP BRICK GENTRY BOWERS SWARTZ C J COOPER &ASSOCIATES I CALLAWAY GOLF CAPITAL CITY EQUIPMENT CO CARPENTER UNIFORM CO CENTER POINT PUBLISHING CENTRAL BUSINESS FORMS CHARTER PRODUCTS GOLF CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WEST DES MOINES CLASSIC FLORAL &GIFTS COMPUSA INC CRYSTAL CLEAR BOTTLED WAT DALLAS COUNTY AUDITOR DALLAS COUNTY NEWS DALLAS COUNTY RECORDER DEMCO DES MOINES AREA COMMUNITY DES MOINES UNIV CLINIC DES MOINES WATER WORKS D-N-P GARAGE DOORS DORRIAN HEATING &COOLING DORSEY &WHITNEY DOWNING DEVELOPMENT LTD EAGLE ENGRAVING ED M FELD EQUIPMENT CO EDDY WALKER EQUIPMENT CO ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING EQ ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING CO ELLIOTT EQUIPMENT CO FAREWAY STORES 99.95 55.00 124.62 60.00 30.00 7,925.36 61,548.00 32.50 366,946.79 140.44 $770,677.97 $1,608.16 254.00 1,535.65 195.20 16.15 13,940.75 270.00 222.12 191.44 823.30 107.82 95.50 111 .46 1,485.63 10,300.00 38.00 2,241.21 8.00 4,135.53 498.08 42.00 111.48 608.00 339.00 23,118.87 400.00 25.00 7,133.60 1,780.00 23.90 111.00 310.00 880.94 32.00 142.93 44.16 3 FASTENAL COMPANY FOURTH WALL FILMS G &K SERVICES GILCREST/JEWETT LUMBER COMPANY GOLDEN CIRCLE MUNICIPAL OFFICERS ASSOC. GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICE GREATER DES MOINES PARTNE GROEBNER &ASSOCIATES INC HALLETT MATERIALS HAMMER MEDICAL SUPPL Y-CLI HARPER BRUSH WORKS HAWKEYE TRUCK EQUIPMENT HEARTLAND CO-OP HICKORY TECH HOBART CORPORATION HYDRO METERING TECHNOLOGY HY-VEE FOOD &DRUG CENTER IMAGING TECHNOLOGIES INDUSTRIAL SALES COMPANY INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CE IOWA ASSOCIATION OF MUNIC IOWA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATI IOWA GOLF ASSOCIATION IOWA GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOC. IOWA LEAGUE OF CITIES IOWA MUNICIPAL FINANCE IOWA ONE CALL IOWA PARK &RECREATION ASSOC. IOWA POETRY ASSOCIATION IOWA RURAL WATER ASSOCIAT IOWA SIGNAL &ELECTRIC CO IOWA STATE UNIV CONFERENCE J &M LOCK &KEY SERVICE KOCH BROTHERS KUM &GO LASER CAR WASH LAWSON PRODUCTS INC LESCO CREDIT SERVICES LIBERTY FLAG &SPECIALTY LOGAN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY LYNETTE MASON MARTIN KINNAIRD MEDIACOM MENARDS MERCY MEDICAL CENTER METRO CASH REGISTER SYSTEMS MID AMERICAN ENERGY MID IOWA SALES COMPANY 357.12 25.00 200.85 468.73 35.00 155.00 7,000.00 554.37 530.04 40.00 148.40 1,125.00 8,328.48 2,031.51 109.18 2,106.58 111.71 4.37 15,930.47 539.32 169.96 4,981.47 259.05 30.00 j95.00 120.00 35.00 453.40 225.00 10.00 10.00 150.00 30.00 88.50 79.00 474.91 65.00 263.60 49.22 458.20 1,224.70 25.00 150.00 79.95 1,184.17 230.00 5,900.35 11,108.21 210.80 I 4 MIDWEST AUTOMATIC FIRE MIDWEST ENVIRONMENTAL SRV MIDWEST RADAR &EQUIPMENT MIDWEST UNDERGROUND SUPPL MUNICIPAL SUPPLY NAPA AUTO PARTS STORE NATIONAL WATERWORKS INC NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS NOGG CHEMICAL &PAPER OFFICE DEPOT OLSON BROTHERS PIONEER COMMUNICATIONS PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PUCKETT TOOLS &FASTENERS PURCHASE POWER QUALITY FORD OF WDM RAPID REPRODUCTIONS RED WING SHOE STORE ROB RAKER RS STOVER COMPANY SELECT OFFICE SYSTEMS SHOTTENKIRK CHEVROLET-PONTIAC SPRING VALLEY WIRELESS STITCH QUICK,LLC, STIVERS FORD STRYKER SALES CORPORATION TEAM TWO INC THE GALE GROUP TRI-ANIM HEALTH SERVICES TRIPLETT OFFICE ESSENTIAL U-CAN COMPUTER MANUALS US POSTAL SERVICE VEENSTRA &KIMM INC WASTE MANAGEMENT OF IOWA WASTEWATER RECLAMATION AUTHORITY WAUKEE HARDWARE &VARIETY WAUKEE STATE-L1BR CASH WAYNE MANUFACTURING CO LC WEST DES MOINES WATER WRK WILSON GOLF DIVISION WINNER MATE AUREUS ZOLL MEDICAL CORP **TOTALS ** PAYROLL 02/28/2006: ARENTSEN,MARK J BAUMAN,LISA L BELGER,VICTOR L 307,04 842.00 225.00 252.17 680.40 227.03 1,925.00 81.18 651.06 1,494.49 518.42 750.00 241.48 17,000,00 66.47 2,016.99 123.31 29.33 184.45 75.00 433.82 95.00 2.13 16.25 50.00 455.55 84.64 303.30 41.18 105.36 300.85 134.93 65.00 14,794,10 35,932,15 24,626.65 579.49 176.26 1,128.00 3,538.79 351.54 1,209.00 172.00 $253,429.31 $2,351.71 508.71 43.63 5 BREUER,GREGORY A BROWN,MICHAEL C BURKHART,LINDA S COLGAN,MARTIN L CORKREAN,JENNIFER A CUNNINGHAM,SCOTT 0 DAGGETT,WILLIAM J DAVISSON,DELORES J DE LAWYER,KEVIN L DEETS,BRADL Y M DEZEEUW,DAVID S DODGE,JUSTIN 0 DOWELL,DENNIS 0 ELLIOTT,STEVE 0 FREEMAN,BRADLEY W GIBSON,JOHN R GOODALL,JENNIFER L GULICK,LINDSEY A GUNDERSON,JODY T HAMMEN,NORMAN 0 HANSON,ANTHONY J HEIMANN,RONALD L HERRICK,ROBERT 0 HICKMAN,JAMES B JENSEN,KATHRYN M JERMIER,MATTHEW R KASZINSKI,BRETT A KELLER,CHRISTOPHER M LUDWIGS,MICHAEL R LYNCH,SHANNON M MACK,LINDA M MAPES,TROY M MELLENCAMP,JEFFREY S OAKLEY,JON L OLSON,RANDALL C OSTRING,KATHLEEN A PARISH,TONJA L PERKINS,LELAND E MURPHY-PETERSEN,DEVON M PHILLIPS,LARRY J RICHARDSON,ELIZABETH A ROBINSON,KIMBERLY A ROSS,JOHN 0 ROYER,TIMOTHY L SCHAUFENBUEL,KARIL SCHAUMBURG,MICHAEL C SCHETTLER,RODNEY A SCHLIEMAN,CHRISTOPHER C SCHUETT,REBECCA 0 SLATER,REBECCA A 1,140.73 160.19 1,834.36 1,024.59 1,166.03 653.69 1,181.31 389.31 32.32 1,618.55 1,428.58 955.19 1,220.20 1,191.62 1,337,71 2,674,21 78.42 110.57 1,760.09 226.57 1,154.73 918.68 1,086.95 890.58 144.Q7 1,208.99 555.36 1,127.93 1,147.09 795.01 1,345.25 1,217.98 1,102.20 882.99 433.56 899.47 794.86 912.91 876.14 2,054.85 1,321.36 323.05 336.81 1,954.22 246.08 75.96 1,031.51 528.38 1,037.78 835.30 I ] 6 SMIDT,LARRY A SPENCER,ARTHUR D SPENCER,JEFFREY A STEWARD,ERIC A TORGERSON,LISA A VOEGTLE,TIMOTHY J VOKES,LARRY R WALTHER,GARY R WEBB,BRANDON P WEIR,MARGARET M WERTS,DANIEL J WHITE,DANNY L WINTERS,TROY S ZIKA,JAMES M 1,314.37 398.10 819.79 874.66 812.17 760.77 861.98 887.38 572.77 791.32 738.53 1,079.74 1,022.64 717.39 ***TOTALS***$61,979.95 B.Consideration of 03/06/06 City Council Meeting Minutes;03/0S/06 and 03/09/06 City Council Special Meeting Minutes C.Consideration of the purchase of a used 1997 International Navistar 4700 Series dump truck with snow removal equipment from the City of Clive for $32,000 D.Consideration of the renewal of the 2SE Agreement between the Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT)and the City of Waukee,Iowa for the maintenance and repair of Hickman Road/Highway 6 Motion by Council Member Stanton,seconded by Council Member Mertz,to approve the Consent Agenda.Roll Call:Ayes:Stanton,Mertz,McGee,Watts,Bailey.Nays: None.Motion carried 5 -O. 2)Resolution:Consideration of the preliminary plat for Williams Pointe Plat 11 - Motion by Council Member Bailey,seconded by Council Member Watts,to approve the resolution.Roll Call:Ayes:Bailey,Watts,McGee,Mertz,Stanton.Nays:None. Motion carried 5 -O. 3)Resolution:Consideration of the construction plans for Williams Pointe Plat 11- Motion by Council Member Stanton,seconded by Council Member McGee,to approve the resolution.Roll Call:Ayes:Stanton,McGee,Bailey,Mertz,Watts.Motion carried 5-0. 4)Resolution:Consideration of the construction plans for Painted Woods Plats 2 and 3 -Motion by Council Member McGee,seconded by Council Member Stanton,to approve the resolution.Roll Call:Ayes:McGee,Stanton,Mertz,Watts,Bailey.Nays: None.Motion carried 5 -O. 5)Resolution:Consideration of approval of the hiring of The PAR Group for the purpose of conducting the search for candidates for City Administrator/Clerk- Motion by Council Member Watts,seconded by Council Member McGee,to approve the resolution.Council Member Bailey asked if The PAR Group had yet been contacted by the City to inform them of the selection;John Gibson replied that he would do so after the resolution was approved.Council Member Stanton asked if the City Attorney's suggested changes in The PAR Group's proposal had been addressed; Mr.Gibson stated that he would discuss the changes with Mr.Bob Beezat of The PAR 7 Group.Roll Call:Ayes:Watts,McGee,Bailey,Stanton,Mertz.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O.] 6)Resolution:Consideration of support of the Deputy City Clerk's attendance at the Iowa Municipal Clerks Institute during the weeks of July 10-14 and July 17-21,2006 -Motion by Council Member Stanton,seconded by Council Member Mertz,to approve the resolution.Roll Call:Ayes:Stanton,Mertz,Watts,Bailey,McGee.Nays:None. Motion carried 5 -O. 7)This item removed from the agenda. 8)Resolution:Consideration of approving the order of detailed plans,specifications, Notice of Hearing,Notice to Bidders and Form of Contract for the 2006 Water Main Project;and setting April 10,2006 at 2:00 PM,Waukee City Hall,230 Hickman Rd. (Highway 6)as the date,time and location for Receipt of Bids therefore;and setting April 17,2006 at 7:00 PM,Waukee City Hall,230 Hickman Rd (Highway 6),as the date,time and location for a public hearing thereon -Motion by Council Member Stanton,seconded by Council Member Mertz,to approve the resolution.Council Member Bailey asked if the amount of time given to submit bids was sufficient;John Gibson replied that it was.Roll Call:Ayes:Stanton,Mertz,McGee,Watts,Bailey. Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O. 9)Ordinance:Consideration of an ordinance to amend Chapter 301,Waukee Municipal Code,Zoning Ordinance of the City of Waukee,Iowa,by rezoning and changing certain property therein from A-I [Agricultural District]to C-IA [Neighborhood Commercial District]and R-4 [Row Dwelling and Townhome District ],and R-2 [One and Two Family Residential District];and amend the Official Zoning Map to show rezoning (a parcel to be known as Fox Glenn)[intro and first reading]-Council Member McGee introduced the ordinance;motion by Council Member Watts,seconded by Council Member Stanton,to approve the first reading in title only.Council Member Stanton questioned some outstanding issues in the development agreement;John Gibson answered that the agreement was still a work in progress and that it was not being considered for approval at this time.Council Member Stanton also voiced concern that the proposed roadway eventually connecting R-22 with U PI.could be an area prone to speeding.Council Member Watts asked how the proposed R-2 zoning would be buffered from the proposed commercial zoning to the south on the Scaglione property.At this point,Andy Schreck of Engineering Resource Group (ERG)addressed the Council,stating that the buffering would be addressed when the Scaglione property was developed.Brad Deets further stated that the current ordinance required the property with the heavier use,in this case the Scaglione property,to be responsible for buffering.He also said that the buffering requirement for the Scaglione property would be addressed in the development agreement for that property,and that the topography of the Fox Glenn development created a natural buffer,as well.Council Member Bailey asked that Mr.Scaglione be made aware of the buffering requirement on his property.He then stated his opinion that the proposed Fox Glenn rezoning would not be appropriate in the area.Council Member Mertz asked for a concept plan for the Scaglione property;Mr.Deets replied that there was no concept plan at this point,and that the Scaglione property rezoning I would be City-initiated in order to fulfill an obligation to zone the property as commercial upon annexation by the City.Council Member Watts asked that Mr. 8 Scaglione be invited to address the Council regarding the plans for his property. Council Member Stanton requested that future buyers ofthe Fox Glenn single family lots abutting the Scaglione property be informed of the commercial zoning of the Scaglione property.Roll Call:Ayes:Stanton,McGee,Mertz.Nays:Watts,Bailey. Motion carried 3 -2.Becky Schuett read the ordinance in title only. 10)Ordinance:Consideration of an ordinance to amend Chapter 502,Waukee Municipal Code,Traffic Regulations of the City of Waukee,Iowa,by adding to Section 502 "Parking Regulations,"certain public streets as specified below [intro and first readingj-Council Member Watts introduced the ordinance;motion by Council Member Stanton,seconded by Council Member McGee,to approve the first reading in title only,waive the second and third readings,and place the ordinance on final passage.Roll Call:Ayes:Stanton,McGee,Watts,Mertz,Bailey.Nays:None. Motion carried 5 -O.Becky Schuett read the ordinance in title only;Mayor Peard declared the ordinance duly adopted. 11)Ordinance:Consideration of an Ordinance to amend Chapter 213A,Waukee Municipal Code,by repealing the current chapter and enacting in lieu thereof provisions for the collection,processing and marketing of solid waste and recyclable materials and establishing rates [third reading]>Motion by Council Member McGee, seconded by Council Member Stanton,to approve the third reading in title only and place the ordinance on final passage.Roll Call:Ayes:McGee,Stanton,Bailey,Watts, Mertz.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O.Becky Schuett read the ordinance in title only;Mayor Peard declared the ordinance duly adopted. (J)Reports -Reports were given by Interim City Administrator Gibson;Deputy City Clerk Schuett;Director of Community Development Gunderson;Director of Finance Burkhart; Director of Planning Deets;Assistant Public Works Director Royer;Council Members Mertz,Stanton,Bailey,McGee. At this time Mayor Peard asked for a motion to adjourn.Motion by Council Member McGee, seconded by Council Member Mertz.Ayes:All.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O. Meeting Adjourned at 8:29 p.m. R.Schuett,Deputy Clerk Attest: 9