HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-07-09-Regular MinutesCITY OF .fl 1~:c:!~!L!N:'V WAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES July 9,2007 I (A)Call to Order -The regular meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order by Mayor Peard at 7:00 p.m.in the Council Chambers at City Hall. (B)Pledge of Allegiance (C)Roll Call-The following members were present:Mayor William F.Peard;Council Members Don L.Bailey,Jr.;C.Isaiah McGee;JeffV.Mertz;Darlene Stanton;Mike Watts.Absent:None. (D)Open Forum -Chuck Bishop,Bishop Engineering,addressed the Council on behalf of Vista Development.Mr.Bishop reviewed various issues associated with the Highway 6 frontage road for the Sherwin Williams project and presented a letter requesting reimbursement by the City to the developer for additional costs associated with the revised site plan.Motion by Council Member Stanton,seconded by Council Member Watts,to receive and file the letter from Bishop Engineering.Roll call:Ayes:Stanton,Watts,Mertz, McGee,Bailey.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O. (E)Agenda Approval-Motion by Council Member Bailey,seconded by Council Member McGee,to approve the agenda,amending item #JlA,Consent Agenda,Consideration of 07/09/07 Bill List and 06/15107 Payroll,to add consideration of 06/30107 Payroll;and tabling item #J5.Roll call:Ayes:Bailey,McGee,Watts,Mertz,Stanton.Nays:None. Motion carried 5 -O. (F)Mayor's Report -Mayor Peard reported on the success of the Eanners Market to date. He'd also met with Bud Hockenberg about the relocation of Majona's manufacturing operation from Waukee to Osceola;Majona's corporate offices will remain in Waukee. Mayor Peard thanked the Waukee Parks and Recreation Department for a successful4'h of July celebration. (G)Presentations: 1)Fire Chief Robinson on Fire Department recruitment efforts -Fire Chief Robinson addressed the Council to discuss Fire Department staffing and retention issues and recruitment efforts. 2)Proclamation:Recognizing the service of Nancy Shirk as outgoing Executive Director of the Waukee Area Chamber of Commerce -Mayor Peard read the proclamation aloud and presented it to Nancy Shirk. 3)Resolution:Consideration of approval of certificates of appreciation for years of service for employees who have worked a certain number of years for the City of Waukee -Mayor Peard read aloud the certificates of appreciation for Marggie Wier and Jerry Miller,both of whom have served the City for 5 years.Motion by Council Member Mertz,seconded by Council Member Stanton,to approve the resolution.Roll call:Ayes:Mertz,Stanton,Bailey,McGee,Watts.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O. (Resolution #07-123) (H)Public Hearings: 1)On an ordinance to amend Chapter 300,Zoning Ordinance,City of Waukee,Iowa, by rezoning and changing certain property therein from A-I [Agricultural District]to R-2 [One and Two Family Residential District],and amend the Official Zoning Map to show rezoning (a parcel to be known as Bluestem)-Mayor Peard opened the public hearing and asked if any written correspondence had been received;City Administrator/Clerk Kooistra replied in the negative.Mayor Peard asked if anyone present wished to address the Council on the issue.Mary White,670 SE Boone Dr., asked where the parcel was located.Mark Trumbauer of Regency Land Development reviewed a map of the parcel.Mayor Peard declared the public hearing closed. 2)On an ordinance to amend Chapter 300,Zoning Ordinance,City of Waukee,Iowa, by rezoning and changing certain property therein from A-I [Agricultural District]to R-2 [One and Two Family Residential District],R-4 [Row Dwelling and Townhome Dwelling District]and C-IA [Neighborhood Commercial District],and amend the Official Zoning Map to show rezoning (a parcel to be known as Stone Prairie)- Mayor Peard opened the public hearing and asked if any written correspondence had been received;City Administrator/Clerk Kooistra replied that two e-mails from Mark Sandbulte,2035 SE Leeann Dr.,had been received on July 9,2007,voicing opposition to the rezoning of the commercial portion of the property.Motion by Council Member Mertz,seconded by Council Member Stanton,to receive and file the correspondence from Mark Sandbulte.Roll call:Ayes:Mertz,Stanton,Bailey,Watts,McGee.Nays: None.Motion carried 5 -O.Mayor Peard asked if anyone present wished to address the Council on the issue.At the request of Council Member Stanton,Director of Planning Deets reviewed the rezoning request,including "low density urban residential"as defined in the current comprehensive plan and architectural restrictions in C-IA zoning districts.Council Member Watts expressed concem over commercial zoning located so near existing commercial along SE University Ave.and requested that the Council discuss residential density at a later meeting.Council Member Bailey asked how the proposed rezoning would fit in with the comprehensive plan revisions; Mr.Deets stated that the integrated neighborhood,or "village,"concept would be consistent with previous discussions related to proposed comprehensive plan revisions. Council Member McGee asked if the Waukee Community School District had expressed any concem over the proposed commercial area,specifically the possibility of a convenience store;Mr.Deets replied that the district had consented to the rezoning and had expressed no concern with a possible convenience store.City Engineer Briedis briefly discussed roadway widths and numbers oflanes within the area of the proposed rezoning.Council Member Bailey asked if the Hermann preannexation agreement allowed for commercial development;Mr.Deets answered that the agreement allowed for the possibility for commercial development,but did not guarantee it.Council Member Bailey expressed the opinion that there are already too many convenience stores within the City,and asked if the developer would consider restrictions that would eliminate such a use.Mark Trumbauer,Regency Land Development,addressed the Council and stated that his company would like to keep their development options open.Council Member Mertz said his biggest concern was access points along L.A. Grant Pkwy.,then asked when Regency planned to acquire the property to the south of the parcel.Mr.Trumbauer answered that it would depend how the northern parcel developed,but that he anticipated the acquisition of the southern property in the first part of2008.Jon Lutz,2310 SE Leeann Dr.,addressed the Council to voice his objection to the commercial portion of the proposed rezoning,citing safety and lighting concems.Council Member McGee expressed concem over the lack of control the City might have over certain types of uses permitted in the proposed C-IA zoning.Council 2 Member Watts expressed concern over commercial traffic flowing onto residential streets.Council Member Bailey asked why the comprehensive plan needed to be amended for the commercial parcel;Mr.Deets replied that it was not required,but that doing so would more accurately reflect commercial use.Council Member Bailey asked if convenience stores could be disallowed in the C-IA portion;Mr.Trumbauer stated his company would be amenable to working with City staff to explore the possibility. Jim Hermann,3011 V Ave.,addressed the Council to express concern that the proposed Stone Prairie could potentially landlock his property;Mr.Deets replied that the City was required to provide access to the Hermann property and explained that the preliminary plat for Stone Prairie had a proposed access point on L.A.Grant Pkwy.and not Westown Pkwy.Mayor Peard declared the public hearing closed. (I)Public Hearing Action Items: 1)Ordinance:Consideration of approval of an ordinance to amend Chapter 300, Zoning Ordinance,City of Waukee,Iowa,by rezoning and changing certain property therein from A-I [Agricultural District]to R-2 [One and Two Family Residential District],and amend the Official Zoning Map to show rezoning (a parcel to be known as Bluestem)[introduction and first reading]-Council Member Stanton introduced the ordinance;motion by Council Member Bailey,seconded by Council Member Watts,to approve the first reading of the ordinance in title only.Roll call:Ayes: Bailey,Watts,Stanton,Mertz,McGee.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O.Deputy City Clerk Schuett read the ordinance in title only. 2)Ordinance:Consideration of approval of an ordinance to amend Chapter 300, Zoning Ordinance,City of Waukee,Iowa,by rezoning and changing certain property therein from A-I [Agricultural District]to R-2 [One and Two Family Residential District],R=4 [Row Dwelling and Townhome Dwelling District]and C-1A [Neighborhood Commercial District],and amend the Official Zoning Map to show rezoning (a parcel to be known as Stone Prairie)-Council Member Stanton introduced the ordinance;motion by Council Member Mertz,seconded by Council Member Watts,to approve the first reading of the ordinance in title only.City Administrator/Clerk Kooistra confirmed that City staff and the City Attorney will work with the developer on an agreement to restrict certain uses in the C-IA portion.Roll call:Ayes:Mertz,Stanton,McGee,Bailey.Nays:Watts.Motion carried 4 -1. Deputy City Clerk Schuett read the ordinance in title only. 3)Resolution:Consideration of approval of an amendment to the City of Waukee Comprehensive Plan related to a portion of the property to be known as the Stone Prairie subdivision -Motion by Council Member Mertz,seconded by Council Member McGee,to table consideration of the resolution.Roll call:Ayes:Mertz,McGee, Stanton,Bailey.Nays:Watts.Motion carried 4 -1. (J)Action Items 1)Consent Agenda A.Consideration of 07/09/07 Bill List and 06/15/07,06/30/07 Payroll: CHECKS ISSUED PRIOR TO COUNCIL APPROVAL 07/09/07: BANKERS TRUST COMPANY JULY '07 SINKING FUND TRANSF CITY OF WAUKEE PAYROLL TAXES &REIMIBURSEMENTS CITY OF WAUKEE PAYROLL TAXES &REIMIBURSEMENTS COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF PAYROLL TAXES &REIMIBURSEMENTS $236,500.00 858.65 858.65 371.25 I 3 COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF DOLL DISTRIBUTING,LLC DOLL DISTRIBUTING,LLC DOWNING DEVELOPMENT LTD EFTPS EFTPS FIRST AMERICAN BANK -CITY H FIRST AMERICAN BANK -GOLF C FIRST AMERICAN BANK -GOLF C FIRST AMERICAN BANK-PW PCASH FIRST AMERICAN BANK-PW PCASH IOWA BEVERAGE SYSTEMS INC IOWA BEVERAGE SYSTEMS INC IOWA DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES IOWA DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES IOWA MUNICIPALITIES WORKE OAKSTONE WELLNESS PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES ROLLING THUNDER SAM'S CLUB TJ PARTY RENTALS,LLC TOASTER BAND TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVIC TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVIC TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE UNITED WAY CENTRAL IOWA UNITED WAY CENTRAL IOWA US POSTAL SERVICE US POSTAL SERVICE VISA WINCAN AMERICA,INC. 'TOTALS' PAYROLL TAXES &REIMIBURSEMENTS BEER DELIVERY BEER DELIVERY JULY '07 RENT PAYROLL TAXES &REIMIBURSEMENTS PAYROLL TAXES &REIMIBURSEMENTS PETTY CASH -CITY HALL LEAGUE PRIZE MONEY WOMEN'S LEAGUE PRIZES SAND VOLLEYBALL TOURNEY PRIZ BLOWUP RIDE START UP CASH BEER DELIVERY BEER DELIVERY PAYROLL TAXES &REIMIBURSEMENTS PAYROLL TAXES &REIMIBURSEMENTS JUL Y'07 WORKERS COMPENSATION EMPLOYEE WELLNESS NEWSLETTER PAYROLL TAXES &REIMIBURSEMENTS STAGE RENTAL JUNE '07 STATEMENT 4TH OF JULY RIDES 4TH ENTERTAINMENT PAYROLL TAXES &REIMIBURSEMENTS PAYROLL TAXES &REIMIBURSEMENTS FLEXSYSTEM ADMIN 7107-9/07 PAYROLL TAXES &REIMIBURSEMENTS PAYROLL TAXES &REIMIBURSEMENTS UTILITY LATE NOTICES JUN '07 UTILITY BILLS JUNE '07 STATEMENT SEWER CAMERA UNPAID BILLS PRESENTED FOR APPROVAL 07/09/07: ACCESS DATA CORPORATION '08 SLEUTH SOFTWARE SUPPORT ACCOUNTEMPS TEMP AP HELP ACME TOOLS SHOP SUPPLIES ACTION OFFICE SOLUTIONS IN PRINTER REPAIRS ADEL AUTO PARTS PARTS ADEL TV &APPLIANCE CO WATER TANKER PARTS ADVANCE ENGINEERING CORP EPOXY COATED NIPPLES AMERICAN BOTTLING COMPANY POP AMERICAN DRY GOODS CAPS AMERITAS LIFE INSURANCE C JULY '07 VISION INSURANCE APWA REGISTRATION APWA REGISTRATION-GIBSON ARCTIC GLACIER INC ICE ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY PARTS ATLANTIC BOTTLING CO POP 4 371.25 1,084.80 644.10 1,780.00 32,722.55 33,559.00 164.72 700.00 1,000.00 225.00 200.00 908.80 422.75 703.99 703.99 18,885.00 97.00 30.90 350.00 512.03 4,600.00 2,000.00 1,907.63 1,907.63 470.40 17.00 17.00 266.70 1,551.68 838.49 29,062.00 $376,292.96 $1,181.31 770.00 204.38 174.50 27.41 3.00 958.54 170.60 1,214.40 1,183.48 550.00 191.75 133.96 175.66 AUDIOVISUAL INC AUTO-JET MUFFLER CORP BANKERS ADVERTISING COMPAN BANKERS TRUST COMPANY BOB'S MOBILE TOILET SERVI BRUCE ENGINE BRUSKE PRODUCTS INC BUDGET STORAGE RENTAL BUILDING &PROPERTY MAINT BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS CALLAWAY GOLF CARPENTER UNIFORM CO CENTRAL IOWA HOSPITAL CRP CFI SALES,INC. CHARTER BANK CITY OF WAUKEE CLIVE POWER EQUIPMENT COMPANY MEDICINE PC COPY SYSTEMS INC CRYSTAL CLEAR BOTTLED WAT D &K PRODUCTS DALLAS COUNTY NEWS -SUBSC DALLAS COUNTY RECORDER DAVIS EQUIPMENT CORPORATIO DELTA DENTAL DES MOINES AREA METRO PLA DES MOINES WATER WORKS DES MOINES WATER WORKS ED M FELD EQUIPMENT CO EDM EQUIPMENT CO ELECTRIC PUMP &TOOL ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING CO ENERGY ECONOMICS EXCEL BUSINESS SUPPLIES FAREWAY STORES FARNER-BOCKEN COMPANY FASTENAL COMPANY FASTPRO INTERNATIONAL INC FAY STRAIT FIRE SERVICE TRAINING BUR FIREHOUSE MAGAZINE FIRST AMERICAN BANK-L1BR C FOOTJOY FREESE NOTIS FREIGHTLINER OF DM INC G &K SERVICES GALL'S INC GOULD EVANS ASSOCIATES,L. GROEBNER &ASSOCIATES INC KEYWEST FILE MGMT SUPPORT FLEX TUBE/SEAL CLAMP PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE WAUKSEW11-99 PRIN/INT CALL JUNE '07 KYBO RENTAL PARKS POLE SAW PARTS FLOOR BRUSHES/HANDLE/SQUEEGEE JULY '07 RENT JUNE '07 STATEMENT BA TTERIES/SPEAKERIMICROPHONE PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE UNIFORMS EAP MAY'07-APRIL'08 TIRE REPAIR JULY '07 GOLF RESERVE JUNE '07 STATEMENT PARTS DRUG TESTING METER CLICKS WATER FERTILIZER SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT/CITY OF WAUKEE EQUIPMENT PARTS JULY '07 DENTAL INSURANCE FY08 ASSESSMENT JUL Y'07 PRINC/INTEREST JUNE '07 STATEMENT HELMET W/FACESHIELD PARTS 4"HYDROMATIC MOUNTING FLANGE TOWER SERVICE-FIRE METER REPAIR SUPPLIES GROCERIES FOOD SUPPLIES FIRST AID KIT SUPPLIES REFUND-SPORTS SAMPLER WORKSHOP-WALTHER SUBSCRIPTION JUNE '07 PETTY CASH-LIBRARY PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE JUNE '07 STATEMENT-DSL VALVE MAT SERVICES MACE NEUTRALIZER SPRAY/MASK COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PINS 129.00 45.32 1,215.22 236,426.11 300.00 51.90 219.80 158.00 1,985.00 540.00 622.29 617.91 563.75 246.94 1,000.00 1,848.51 327.45 174.00 21.63 74.00 5,288.88 31.75 142.00 996.64 3,994.15 4,879.00 36,325.25 47,096.38 225.00 86.16 444.37 32.00 875.80 953.93 14.38 599.87 13.30 328.75 40.00 20.00 34.95 210.32 465.79 29.00 68,71 447.19 132.87 7,827.80 212.53 ) 5 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS HEDRICK CONSTRUCTION INC. HORNUNG'S GOLF PRODUCTS HUNSBERGER FAMILY LP HYDRO METERING TECHNOLOGY ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 457 IMAGING TECHNOLOGIES IN THE BAG INDUSTRIAL SALES COMPANY INFRASOURCE UNDERGROUND CO IOWA ASSOCIATION OF MUNIC IOWA DEPT OF NATURAL RES IOWA LEAGUE OF CITIES IOWA SECTION PGA IOWA SIGNAL &ELECTRIC CO IPERS IPERS -POLICE J &D COMPUTERS JACOB PRESTON JAMIE LEA'S INC JERICO SERVICES INC JODY GUNDERSON JOHN DAY COMPANY KELTEKINCORPORATED KOCH BROTHERS LAWSON PRODUCTS INC LESCO CREDIT SERVICES LIBERTY FLAG &SPECIALTY LIBERTY READY MIX LOGAN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY MADELINE MORENO MARTIN MARIETTA AGGREGATE MATT PARROTT &SONS CO MENARDS MID AM TEXTILES MID AMERICAN ENERGY MID IOWA ASSOCIATION OF MID IOWA SALES COMPANY MIDWEST BREATHING AIR SYS MIDWEST ENVIRONMENTAL SRV MIKE BRODERICK MOMAR MUNICIPAL SUPPLY MURPHY TRACTOR &EQUIPMEN NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS NOGG CHEMICAL &PAPER NORTHERN MUNICIPAL DISTRI OFFICE DEPOT O'HALLORAN INTERNATIONAL METERS COMMUNITY CENTER ROOF PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE DEVELOPER REBATE-SEWER METERS ICMA RETIREMENT COPIER USAGE ECONOMIC DEV TASK FORCE MTG SUPPLIES AYMC #4824-183 6620PF WARRIOR LANE 2"CUT &CAP GAS CONSTRUCTION FEES STORM WATER DISCHARGE PERMIT FY08 ANNUAL DUES '07 HANDICAP FEES STREET LIGHT REPAIR IPERS DEDUCTIONS IPERS DEDUCTIONS COMPUTER REFUND-JR GOLF PASS SANDWICHES L1Q CALC CHL 32% JULY '07 AUTO ALLOWANCE WINCH/SPINNER SWISSPHONE RE629 PAGERS COPIER RENTAL INSECT REPEL WIPES FERTILIZER FLAGS CONCRETE SUPPLIES TEMP RECREATION HELP ROAD STONE CASH RECEIPT BOOKS SUPPLIES FLAGS JUNE '07 STATEMENT FY'08 DUES SHOP SUPPLIES AIR TEST WASTEWATER SAMPLE REFUND-NOISE PERMIT AL TOSID PROG LARVACID SUPPLIES HYDRAULIC PUMP REPAIRS SIGN PAPER SUPPLIES KANSAS GAS TAX LEGAL FEES OFFICE SUPPLIES ALTNATOR 12,084.46 12,573.00 224.51 1,538.00 1,634.27 3,214.54 69.81 292.50 7,431.40 698.56 1,450.00 150.00 2,177.00 106.60 859.00 17,416.93 8,897.46 1,877.47 195.57 116.10 1,609.75 250.00 134.36 750.00 79.00 346.53 57.01 254.95 8,950.51 656.90 60.00 367.92 282.53 704.61 40.00 19,041.59 497.60 175.80 139.50 1,220.00 100.00 392.27 2,608.75 400.94 283.75 518.59 94.19 844.15 146.95 6 PEPSI PIONEER COMMUNICATIONS PITNEY BOWES PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY QUALITY CONTROL EQUIPMENT QWEST RDG PLANNING &DESIGN ROBERTS COMPANY INC SIMPLEX GRINNELL LP SPRAYER SPECIALTIES INC SPRING VALLEY WIRELESS SPRING VALLEY WIRELESS STAR EQUIPMENT L TO STETSON BUILDING PRODUCTS STIVERS FORD THE BUILDING INSPECTORS TIMOTHY P GLENN TOYNE INC TREASURER STATE OF IOWA TRIPLETT OFFICE ESSENTIAL TYLER TECHNOLOGIES UNITED PARCEL SERVICE USA BLUE BOOK VEENSTRA &KIMM INC VERNON MANUFACTURING WASTE MANAGEMENT OF IOWA WITTEK *TOTAL* PAYROLL 06/15/2007: ALBERTSON,KURT R BAETH,RONALD B BAILEY JR,DONALD L BAUMAN,LISA L BELGER,VICTOR L BREUER,GREGORY A BURKHART,ASHLEY E BURKHART,LINDA S CAMPBELL,SCOTT E CASEY,MARK K CORKREAN,JENNIFER A COWDEN,ERIC M CUNNINGHAM,SCOTT D DAGGETT,WILLIAM J DAVISSON,DELORES J DE LAWYER,KEVIN L DEETS,BRADL Y M DEZEEUW,DAVID S POP GOLF LISTING QUARTERLY METER RENTAL/SUPPLIES PARTS PORTABLE COMPOSITE WW SAMPLER JUNE'07 STATEMENT WKEE RIDGE POINT PARK PAVILION BADGES ALARM SERVICE 7/1107-6/30/08 PARTS SAMSUNG A930 HOLSTER RADIO REPAIRS 6X10 RUBBER SUC KURE-N-SEAL REPAIRS JUNE'07 INSPECTIONS REFUND-NOISE PERMIT TRUCK REPAIRS STATE TAX WITHHOLDINGS LETTERHEAD/BUSINESS CARDS ANNUAL SOFT MAl NT BUS L1C/SIG SHIPPING CHARGES PH ELECTRODE/BUFFER POUCHES JUNE '07 STATEMENT AUTOMATIC WATER SALESMAN JUNE '07 STATEMENT TOKENS $787.00 156.88 282.26 781.47 86.43 1,793.33 39.24 2,158.23 1,595.48 296.26 1,314.73 635.96 953.87 1,178.45 286.07 25.39 1,939.01 1,566.15 7 162.40 50.00 1,943.97 162.42 2,861.00 786.25 3,597.01 183.85 568.00 665.48 14.99 182.50 353.98 323.00 3,713.83 2,538.75 100.00 837.75 10,683.00 1,230.62 875.00 22.13 393.20 41,348.55 2,830.00 5,210.76 149.19 $561,125.55 I DIKIS,JEFFREY W DODGE,JUSTIN D DOWELL,DENNIS D DUNBAR,DIANA R ELLIOTT,STEVE D FELD,LUKE M GERDIS,TIMOTHY A GIBSON,JOHN R GREENE,JAMES L GRUBER,JOSHUA A GUNDERSON,JODY T HALFWASSEN,DARWIN L HAMMEN,NORMAN D HANSON,ANTHONY J HEIMANN,RONALD L HERRICK,ROBERT D HICKMAN,JAMES B HUBBARD,ARA MAY D HUTZELL,BRIAN A JANSEN,ERIN C JERMIER,MATTHEW R HOLT-JOHNSON,LIBERTY S KASZINSKI,BRETT A KEAHI,CHRIS T KELLER,CHRISTOPHER M KITE,JAMES S KOOISTRA,JEFFREY L LANDHAUSER,BENJAMIN A LILLIE,SCOTT M LUDWIGS,MICHAEL R LYNCH,SHANNON M MACK,LINDA M MANNING,JOSHUA M MAPES,TROY M MAREAN,JOSHUA S MC DONOUGH,ERIN A MC GEE,CLARENCE I MELLENCAMP,JEFFREY S MERTZ,JEFFREY V MILLER,BECKY J MILLER,JERRY D MITCHELL,NATHAN D MUELLER,ALYSSA M OAKLEY,JON L OSTRING,KATHLEEN A PARISH,TONJA L PEARD,WILLIAM F PERKINS,LELAND E MURPHY-PETERSEN,DEVON M 143.14 1,186.98 1,497.54 634.82 1,369.04 1,232.86 179.72 2,668.69 154.59 457.08 2,076.94 771.85 523.41 1,706.34 1,199.83 1,502.07 1,113.39 182.37 454.30 220.27 1,626.03 800.41 682.59 365.89 1,049.16 169.54 3,136.95 1,442.74 708.67 1,046.43 997.31 1,680.51 955.77 1,869.98 736.95 704.49 308.26 967.68 307.26 968.33 611.15 1,220.55 363.68 1,334.56 1,058.28 955.96 405.04 1,139.78 1,255.08 8 PETERSON,OREN E 1,271.32 jPHILLIPS,LARRY J 2,262.39 PROEHL,CHAD F 605.25 RICHARDSON,ELIZABETH A 1,457.06 RICHARDSON,JUSTIN M 705.05 ROBINSON,CLINT H 421.35 ROSS,JOHN D 746.86 ROYER,LLOYD A 105.63 ROYER,TIMOTHY L 1,993.94 SANDERS,RODNEY M 732.46 SCHAUFENBUEL,KARIL 419.00 SCHAUMBURG,MICHAEL C 190.86 SCHETTLER,RODNEY A 1,176.89 SCHUETT,REBECCA D 1,474.44 SCHULTE,JACOB J 715.83 SHARON,JEREMIAH J 1,713.87 SLATER,REBECCA A 898.16 SMIDT,LARRY A 1,547.38 SMITH,AMANDA M 197.47 SPENCER,ARTHUR D 694.15 STANTON,DARLENE K 307.26 STEWARD,ERIC A 1,096.37 TAYLOR,LOGAN P 664.92 TORGERSON,LISA A 1,168.43 jVOEGTLE,TIMOTHY J 757.54 VOKES,LARRY R 946.00 WALTHER,GARY R 1,198.51 WATTS,MICHAEL L 308.26 WEBB,JAMES D 1,908.74 WEIR,MARGARET M 1,094.61 WERTS,DANIEL J 980.50 WHITE,DANNY L 969.77 WINTERS,TROY S 1,322.47 WITTE,CATHERINE M 566.16 WONDERS,KYLE R 621.29 YOUNG,THOMAS L 145.45 LULL,BARRY L 215.67 VANPELT,ROBERT T 213.67 *TOTALS*$97,835.45 PAYROLL 06/30/2007: ALBERTSON,KURT R $1,051.06 ANDERSON,SHANNONJ 360.88 BAETH,RONALD B 156.88 BAUMAN,LISA L 508.68 BELGER,VICTOR L 176.20 BREUER,GREGORY A 1,627.67 BURKHART,ASHLEY E 36.94 9 BURKHART,LINDA S CAMPBELL,SCOTT E CARRICO,JAMES L CASEY,MARK K CORKREAN,JENNIFER A COWDEN,ERIC M CRUCHELOW,CHARLEEN E CUNNINGHAM,SCOTT D DAGGETT,WILLIAM J DAVISSON,DELORES J DE LAWYER,KEVIN L DEETS,BRADL Y M DEZEEUW,DAVID S DIKIS,JEFFREY W DODGE,JUSTIN D DOWELL,DENNIS D DUNBAR,DIANA R EASTRIDGE,KELLI L EASTRIDGE,ISAIAH R ELLIOTT,STEVE D FELD,LUKE M GIBSON,JOHN R GOODALL,MICHAEL J GREENE,JAMES L GRUBER,JOSHUA A GUNDERSON,JODY T HALFWASSEN,DARWIN L HAMMEN,NORMAN D HANSON,ANTHONY J HAPPEL,JOEL A HEIMANN,RONALD L HERRICK,ROBERT D HICKMAN,JAMES B HUBBARD,ARA MAY D HUTZELL,BRIAN A JANSEN,ERIN C JERMIER,MATTHEW R HOLT-JOHNSON,LIBERTY S KASZINSKI,BRETT A KEAHI,CHRIS T KELLER,CHRISTOPHER M KITE,JAMES S KOOISTRA,JEFFREY L LANDHAUSER,BENJAMIN A LILLIE,SCOTT M LUDWIGS,MICHAEL R LYNCH,SHANNON M MACK,LINDA M MANNING,JOSHUA M 1,829.97 1,233.08 541.37 121.59 1,184.74 653.97 481.22 958.25 1,614.30 371.12 39.24 1,865.51 1,556.99 417.88 1,113.41 1,327.41 626.31 258.96 246.61 1,369.04 1,067.09 2,633.69 289.31 181.19 636.52 2,076.94 693.82 582.49 1,426.26 1,375.65 1,101.09 1,232.03 1,037.67 111.10 401.00 519.83 1,626.03 675.85 1,152.21 214.71 953.70 43.22 3,136.95 1,308.81 655.15 1,257.58 910.37 1,520.84 891.41 10 MAPES,TROY M MAREAN,JOSHUA S MC DONOUGH,ERIN A MELLENCAMP,JEFFREY S MILLER,BECKY J MITCHELL,NATHAN D MUELLER,ALYSSA M OAKLEY,JON L OSTRING,KATHLEEN A PARISH,TONJA L PERKINS,LELAND E MURPHY-PETERSEN,DEVON M PETERSON,OREN E PHILLIPS,LARRY J PROEHL,CHAD F RICHARDSON,ELIZABETH A RICHARDSON,JUSTIN M ROBINSON,CLINT H ROSS,JOHN D ROYER,LLOYD A ROYER,TIMOTHY L SANDERS,RODNEY M SCHAUFENBUEL,KARl L SCHAUMBURG,MICHAEL C SCHETTLER,RODNEY A SCHMITT,MARK J SCHUETT,REBECCA D SCHULTE,JACOB J SHARON,JEREMIAH J SLATER,REBECCA A SMIDT,LARRY A SMITH,AMANDA M SPENCER,ARTHUR D STEWARD,ERIC A TAGGART,COLE T TAYLOR,LOGAN P TORGERSON,LISA A VOEGTLE,TIMOTHY J VOKES,LARRY R WALTHER,GARY R WEBB,JAMES D WEIR,MARGARET M WERTS,DANIEL J WHITE,DANNY L WINTERS,TROY S WITTE,CATHERINE M WONDERS,KYLE R YOUNG,THOMAS L CORMIER,MICHAEL W 1,546.08 758.78 627.62 1,345.18 884.42 1,110.76 435.49 1,155.72 1,049.21 868.03 1,177.94 1,147.27 1,117.44 2,262.39 1,820.42 1,334.86 590.29 629.09 585.02 50.22 1,919.24 654.99 260.63 175.28 1,215.58 174.27 1,428.09 672.14 1,409.84 803.89 1,417.39 117.69 694.15 1,006.26 326.49 664.92 972.29 741.01 872.63 1,058.36 3,530.02 1,004.31 895.31 1,286.80 1,207.05 687.54 654.53 133.34 88.44 ] I 11 CROSS,JONATHAN A CROSS,KATHERINE A HANES,DENNIS D HILGENBERG,ADAM H HOSTETTER,TIMOTHY F HUTTON,JOSHUAA KENKEL,JAMES F LORBER,MARK D LULL,BARRY L MC CLiNTIC JR,MARK NORTON,PATRICK D PUTNEY,STEPHEN L SNELSON,NATHANIEL R SPRAGUE,JEREMY D SPRAGUE,MATTHEW D STEINKE,KURT M STEPHENS,CLINT R VANPELT,ROBERT T WILLIAMS,MIKE E WILLIS,MATTHEW M WOOD,DANIEL J WUEBKER,TRAVIS J 457.41 63.72 257.51 446.45 312.06 288.61 99,73 278,51 338,19 765,36 502.13 88.00 130.22 331.15 158.85 199.29 282.02 238.56 52.63 184.70 348.53 269.99 *TOTALS*$104,104.12 B.Consideration of approval of City Council Minutes of 06/18/07 Regular Meeting, 06125/07 Special Meeting C.Consideration of receipt and file of the 06114/07 Board of Adjustment meeting minutes D.Consideration of approval of awarding the purchase of an International Truck with service body from O'Halloran International for the amount of $74,864.00 (Resolution #07-124) E.Consideration of approval of an Addendum to Lease Agreement between Downing Development Ltd.and the City of Waukee for 4,000 sq.ft.of space located at 125 NE Venture Dr.,Suites Hand 1 (Resolution #07-125) F.Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No.9 to Young Mechanical & Plumbing for the 2006 Water Main Improvements Project in the amount of$I,068.27 G.Consideration of approval of Change Order No.3 to Young Mechanical &Plumbing for the 2006 Water Main Improvements Project in the amount of $3,224.00 H.Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No.10 to Young Mechanical & Plumbing for the 2006 Water Main Improvements Project 1.Consideration of approval of a Certificate of Completion for the 2006 Water Main Improvements Project (Resolution #07-126) J.Consideration of approval of Final Payment Estimate No.II to Young Mechanical & Plumbing for the 2006 Water Main Improvements Project K.Consideration of approval ofa preliminary resolution pursuant to Section 384.42 of the Iowa Code covering the Southfork and Walnut Ridge Sanitary Sewer System project Resolution #07-127) 12 L.Consideration of approval of a resolution approving and adopting preliminary plans and specifications,estimate of cost and plat and schedule for the Southfork and Walnut Ridge Sanitary Sewer System project (Resolution #07-128) M.Consideration of approval of setting August 6,2007 as the date of public hearing on a proposed Resolution of Necessity for the Southfork and Walnut Ridge Sanitary Sewer System project N.Consideration of approval of fixing a date of meeting at which it is proposed to approve a Development Agreement with Bailey Wedding Chapel and Shoppe, including annual appropriation tax increment payments (Resolution #07 -129) O.Consideration of approval of setting August 6,2007 as the date of public hearing on an ordinance to amend Chapter 300,Zoning Ordinance,City of Waukee,Iowa,by rezoning and changing certain property therein from M-I A [Limited Industrial District]to C-I [Community and Highway Service Commercial District]and amend the Official Zoning Map to show rezoning (a parcel known as The Tenth Mile/Shottenkirk Chevrolet) P.Consideration of approval,pursuant to Iowa Code §364.12(2)(a),for the temporary closing of SE Florence Drive from SE Booth Drive to SE Rosenkranz Drive on Satruday,July 14,2007 between the hours of3:00 p.m.and 10:00 p.m.for the purpose of a neighborhood block party (Resolution #07-130) Motion by Council Member Stanton,seconded by Council Member Mertz,to approve the consent agenda.Roll call:Ayes:Stanton,Mertz,McGee,Bailey,Watts.Nays:None. Motion carried 5 -O. 2)Mayor's Appointment and Resolntion:Appointment and consideration of approval of appointment of members to the Copeland Sports Complex Steering Committee -Mayor Peard announced his appointments to the ad hoc committee: 1.John Gibson (City Staff)8.Lisa Bean 2.Matt Jermier (City Staft)9.Bryan Corbett 3.Mike Watts (City Council)10.Perry Young 4.Dan Gardiner II.Tammy Wingert 5.Steve Schmidt 12.Mark Gatrel 6.Luke Reimers 13.Beth Potts 7.Mike Watts 14.Jerry Slagter There was a brief discussion as to residency requirements for appointees to the committee.Council Member McGee asked that the City Council representative be a non- voting member of the committee.Motion by Council Member Stanton,seconded by Council Member Bailey,to approve the resolution.Roll call:Ayes:Stanton,Bailey, Mertz,Watts,McGee.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O.(Resolution #07-131) 3)Resolution:Consideration of approval of waiving the $100 noise permit application fee and $100 bond for the Waukee Area Arts Council "Jazz in July"event of Thursday, July 12,2007 at Waukee Triangle Park from 6:00 p.m,to 9:00 p.m.-Motion by Council Member Watts,seconded by Council Member McGee,to approve the resolution. Roll call:Ayes:Watts,McGee,Bailey,Stanton,Mertz.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 - O.(Resolution #07-132) 4)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution expressing the opposition of the Waukee City Council to the selection of either Site "B"or Site "G"for the proposed West Metro Regional Airport -Motion by Council Member Bailey,seconded by Council Member Watts,to approve the resolution.Council Member McGee restated his earlier J 13 opinion that the City would have more leverage in the choice of airport location if the City were to join the West Metro Regional Airport Authority.Roll call:Ayes:Bailey, Watts,McGee,Stanton.Nays:Mertz.Motion carried 4 -1.(Resolution #07-133) 5)TABLED (K)Reports -Reports were given by City Administrator/Clerk Kooistra;Deputy City Clerk Schuett;Director of Community Development Gunderson;Director of Finance Burkhart; Director of Public Works Gibson;Director of Planning Deets;Assistant Director of Public Works Royer;City Engineer Briedis;City Attorney Brick;Council Members Mertz, Stanton,Bailey,Watts,McGee. Mayor Peard asked for a motion to adjourn.Motion by Council Member McGee,seconded by Council Member Stanton.Ayes:All.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O. Meeting Adjourned at 8:56 p.m. R.Schuett,Deputy City Clerk Attest: 14