HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-07-21-Regular MinutesCITY OF ..f) =~~~!L~N:'\) WAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES July 21,2008 (A)Call to Order -The regular meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order by Mayor Peard at 7:01 p.m.in the Council Chambers at City Hall. (B)Pledge of Allegiance (C)Roll Call-The following members were present:Mayor William F.Peard;Council Members Donald L.Bailey,Jr.;Casey L.Harvey;C.Isaiah McGee;Darlene Stanton;Mike Watts.Absent: None. Also present:City Administrator/Clerk Jeff Kooistra,Director of Finance Linda Burkhart, Assistant Director of Public Works Tim Royer,Director of Development Services Brad Deets, City Planner Ben Landhauser,Fire Chief Clint Robinson,Deputy City Clerk Rebecca D.Schuett, City Engineer Mikelis Briedis,and City Attorney Steve Brick. (D)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a Gift Agreement between and among Harold C. Manders,Stine Family Foundation,the Waukee Library Board of Trustees,and the City of Waukee -City Attorney Steve Brick gave a brief overview regarding the gift agreement which has been approved by representatives of Harold Manders,Stine Foundation,and Library Board of Trustees.Council Member Stanton moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Bailey.Roll call:Ayes:Stanton,Bailey,Harvey,McGee,and Watts.Nays:None. Motion carried 5 -O.(Resolution #08-165) (E)Open Forum -Jim Anker,215 Corene Avenue,expressed his concerns regarding the sidewalk program,temporary vendors,and the City's purchase of the two homes on Northview Drive and being able to use the tax payer's money to fix up the properties.Council member Harvey questioned staff on the criteria available to residents on the sidewalk program in which Tim Royer stated that the written criteria was mailed out with the resident informational letters as well as available at Public Works Office.It was also stated that staff would be willing to meet with Mr.Ankers at his property to discuss his concerns about the markings on his sidewalk. (F)Agenda Approval-Council Member McGee moved to approve the agenda;seconded by Council Member Harvey.Roll call:Ayes:McGee,Harvey,Watts,Bailey,and Stanton.Nays: None.Motion carried 5-0. (G)Mayor's Report -On 6/30 attended the open house for Citizen of the Year Denny Dolmage.On 7/01 attended a joint meeting of the Library Trustees &Foundation on the Manders project.On 7/04 participated in the 4th of July parade,a nice job was done by the Parks &Recreation Board and the Public Works Staff.On 7/10 attended a joint Waukee Area Chamber luncheon with guest speaker J.C.Watts and the Waukee Area Arts Council Jazz in July.On 7/16 attended the groundbreaking for West Bauk.On 7/17 attended the Waukee Area Chamber luncheon at Rube's Steakhouse.On 7/18 attended the ribbon cutting ceremony for Farm Bureau. (H)Presentations: 1)Quarterly reports from Waukee Public Library,Waukee Police Department,Waukee Fire Department,Waukee Area Chamber of Commerce -Reports made by Library Director Linda Mack,Police Sgt.Troy Mapes,Fire Chief Clint Robinson,Chamber of Commerce Vice President Paul Hassebroek. 2)Recognition of outgoing members of citizen boards,commissions and committees -Mayor Peard recognized Julie Krantz,Megan McGee and Rose Nutt for their service on the Library Board of Trustees. 3)Proclamation:Recognizing August 5,2008 as National Night Out in Waukee -Mayor Peard read the proclamation aloud and presented to Waukee Police Sgt.Troy Mapes. (I)Public Hearings: 1)On the authorization of a Loan Agreement and the issuance of a Note to evidence the obligation of the City thereunder -Mayor Peard opened the public hearing and asked if any written correspondence had been received;City Administrator/Clerk Kooistra replied in the negative.No comments were made by the public present.Mayor Peard declared the public hearing closed. 2)On an ordinance granting to MidAmerican Energy Company,its successors and assigns, the right and franchise to acquire,construct,erect,maintain and operate in the City of Waukee,Iowa,electric system facilities and to furnish and sell electric energy to the City and its inhabitants for a period of 25 years pursuant to Iowa Code Section 364.2 (2008)- Mayor Peard opened the public hearing and asked if any written correspondence had been received;City Administrator/Clerk Kooistra replied in the negative.No comments were made by the public present.Mayor Peard declared the public hearing closed. (J)Public Hearing Action Items: 1)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution instituting proceedings to take additional action for the authorization of a Loan Agreement and the issuance of a not to exceed $140,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Note,Series 2008 -Council Member Stanton moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Watts.Roll call: Ayes:Stanton,Watts,McGee,Harvey,and Bailey.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O. (Resolution #08-166) 2)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving and authorizing a form of Loan Agreement and authorizing and providing for the issuance of a $110,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Note,Series 2008,and levying a tax to pay the note -Council Member Stanton moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Watts.Roll call:Ayes:Stanton,Watts,Bailey,Harvey,and McGee.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O. (Resolution #08-167) 3)REMOVED FROM AGENDA 4)Ordinance:Consideration of approval of an ordinance granting to MidAmerican Energy Company,its successors and assigns,the right and franchise to acquire,construct,erect, maintain and operate in the City of Waukee,Iowa,electric system facilities and to furnish and sell electric energy to the City and its inhabitants for a period of 25 years pursuant to Iowa Code Section 364.2 (2008)[introduction,first reading]-Council Member Bailey introduced the ordinance.Council Member McGee moved to approve the first reading of the ordinance in title only;seconded by Council Member Stanton.Roll call:Ayes:McGee, Stanton,Bailey,Harvey,and Watts.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O.Deputy City Clerk Schuett read the ordinance in title only. (K)Action Items 1)Consent Agenda:Council Member McGee moved to approve the Consent Agenda; seconded by Council Member Harvey.Roll call:Ayes:McGee,Harvey,Bailey,Watts,and Stanton.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O. A.Consideration of 07/21/08 Bill List and 06/30/08 Payroll: CHECKS ISSUED PRIOR TO COUNCIL APPROVAL 07/21/08: ALBRECHT,MELINDA J UTILITY REFUND ANNEAR POWER EQUIPMENT TILLER REPAIR $100.00 36.95 2 BAILEY,MARCUS BALDWIN,DENNIS D BANK OF AMERICA BELL,BARBARA L BONERT,DANIEL BOOK,MAX /LAURIE BRANDES,BARBARA BRED ICE,ARTHURIWANDA BRUMMETT,JOHN BURNS,ROBERT/KARl CARMAN,JOHN L CHASE,SHAWN/SHANNON COLLINS,ROBERT CRUTCHLEY,ADAM/STACEY DEATRICK,TIM T DOLL DISTRIBUTING,LLC DOLL DISTRIBUTING,LLC DRAKE COMPANIES LLC FECHT,ANDREW FLEMING,NORM/NICOLE FREIGHTLINER OF DM INC GERMAN,RICK B GILLIGAN,JOHN/SUANN GORDEN,BOB GREEN,JOE /BRENDA HEADLEE,DAVID /KRISTA HOLT,LLOYD M HUBBELL HOMES HUGHES,NICHOLE L IOWA BEVERAGE SYSTEMS INC IOWA BEVERAGE SYSTEMS INC IOWA LEAGUE OF CITIES IRLBECK,DANNY IRWIN,MIKE JACOBSEN,JODI R JAURON,JUSTIN JESCHKE,MARK /KRISTIN KAKACEK,WAYNE KEARNEY,KEVIN/LISA KING,AARON L KLEHN,JOHN R LANGEL,KRISSA LEWIS,SHANNON M MADISON,MARK MC DERMOTT,MARTY /DEBRA MICHAEL,REANEN MICKELSON,KARA MID-IOWA AFFORDABLE HOUSING MOHRHAUSER,MARY MUSSER,SAMUEL NACHAZEL,JEFF/MAGGIE UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND JUNE '08 STATEMENT UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND BEER DELIVERY BEER DELIVERY UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND '94 FREIGHTLINER REPAIRS BLNCE UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND BEER DELIVERY BEER DELIVERY SUMMER CONFERENCE-KOOISTRA UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND 50.00 100.00 8,283.05 60.59 63.74 100.00 100.00 100.00 45.85 100.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 797.55 618.00 128.35 100.00 100.00 222.52 73.48 45.41 50.00 100.00 100.00 17.27 11.68 38.04 689.70 355.60 155.00 1.61 100.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 19.51 100.00 100.00 44.99 100.00 50.00 100.00 3 NOWAK,RANDY A RITCHIE,KATHERINE SAM'S CLUB SOUTHAMMAVONG,SOURIYA STATE LIBRARY OF IOWA STOULlL,ANDREW SUGAR CREEK MUNICIPAL GOLF SUNRISE MEADOWS APTS SUNRISE MEADOWS APTS SUNRISE MEADOWS APTS SWALLOW,JILL TOLL,BROCK TRILIX MARKETING GROUP US ENERGY SERVICES INC US POSTAL SERVICE VALLEJO,TAMMY VANDIS,LARA T VENTURE HOMES,LLC VINTAGE CUSTOM HOMES WAGENER,KAYLA WEINBERGER,CORY/MICHELLE WILLIAMS,LINDSAY *TOTALS* UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND JUNE '08 STATEMENT-LIBRARY UTILITY REFUND PUBLIC LIBRARY MGMT I -HUTZEL UTILITY REFUND TRAINING SESSION -POP &WATER UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND WEBSITE MAINTENANCE/ADMIN JUNE '08 STATEMENT PLANNING SURVEY UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UNPAID BILLS PRESENTED FOR APPROVAL 07/21/08: A &W ELECTRICAL CONTRACTO ACME TOOLS ADEL AUTO PARTS ADRIENNE NELSON ALLEN DAN SEED COMPANY AMERICAN COMMUNITY MUTUAL AMERITAS LIFE INSURANCE CO ANGELAKEIL ANNEAR POWER EQUIPMENT AQUILA ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY AUDIOVISUAL INC BEAVER MOWER AND EQUIPMENT BEST PORTABLE TOILETS BLACKTOP SERVICE COMPANY BRODART COMPANY BRUCE ENGINE BURNS LAWN CARE BUSINESS PUBLICATIONS CADBURY SCHWEPPS BOTTLING CALI JERMIER CALLAWAY GOLF CARPENTER UNIFORM CO CENTER POINT PUBLISHING CENTRAL BUSINESS FORMS CHARTER BANK 4 100.00 2.87 112.62 100.00 35.00 100.00 18.00 9.74 12.37 21.70 100.00 5.71 267.00 145,151.99 184.47 100.00 23.82 36.96 42.67 100.00 100.00 100.00 $161,433.81 $365.13 215.89 62.65 105.00 110.00 424.80 1,240.48 105.00 228.93 66,020.58 296.21 2,651.85 69.48 420.00 28,500.00 229.32 104.14 200.00 69.95 252.00 18.00 436.20 115.30 152.76 1,455.74 21,730.18 CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WEST DES MOINES CLASSIC FLORAL &GIFTS CRYSTAL CLEAR BOTTLED WATER D &K PRODUCTS DALLAS COUNTY RECORDER DAVE LAGE DAVIS EQUIPMENT CORPORATION DES MOINES REGISTER DES MOINES WATER WORKS DIRECTV DITCH WITCH-IOWA INC DORRIAN HEATING &COOLING DOWNING DEVELOPMENT LTO FAREWAY STORES FARNER-BOCKEN COMPANY FASTENAL COMPANY FIRE SERVICE TRAINING BUREAU FOOTJOY FREESE NOTIS FREIGHTLINER OF DM INC FSH COMMUNICATIONS G &K SERVICES GENESIS CONCRETE WASHOUT GLEN CINNAMON GREATER DALLAS COUNTY DEV HALLETT MATERIALS HAYES INSTRUMENT CO INC HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS HEARTLAND CO-OP HICKORY TECH HUNSBERGER FAMILY LP IMAGETEK,INC IMAGING TECHNOLOGIES INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC AFFAIR INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MUNICIPAL CLERKS IOWA ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL UTILITIES IOWA DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES IOWA FIRE EQUIPMENT COMPANY IOWA MUNICIPALITIES WORKER IOWA ONE CALL IOWA SECTION PGA IOWA UTILITIES BOARD JAMIE LEA'S INC JENNIFER LARSON KALEN RENSHAW KIRKHAM MICHAEL &ASSOCIATES KOCH BROTHERS KUM&GO JUNE '08 STATEMENT IT EQUIPMENT REIMBURSEMENT FLOWERS-CITIZEN OF THE YEAR WATER CHEMICALS RECORDING FEES FURNACE REBATE TURF PARTS HELP WANTED AD '09 URBAN DEV PTNSHP FEE JULY '08 STATEMENT-GOLF CABLE ASSY AIR CONDITIONER REPAIRS AUGUST '08 RENT TOURNAMENT FOOD FOOD SUPPLIES AERIAL/PUMPING APP DRIVR HNDBK PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE JULY 08 DSL-L1BRARY PANEL JULY '08 STATEMENT MAT SERVICES WASHOUT BIN RENT MAD SCIENCE REFUND FY09 MEMBERSHIP DUES TOP DRESSING SAND POWER TAPE HYDRANTS/PARTS JUNE '08 STATEMENT JULY '08 STATEMENT REFUND -R22 SEWER ASSESSMENT RADIX TRAINING COPIER USAGE/MAINTENANCE GOAL SETTING SESSIONS 174.61 570.81 42.00 67.75 1,616.62 285.00 150.00 644.58 1,728.00 1,000.00 118.35 548.67 387.15 1,980.00 170.81 899.63 20.67 774.00 46.26 69.00 29.69 57.75 339.99 300.00 60.00 10,252.00 915.94 68.51 6,884.40 18,879.88 1,803.41 16,000.00 2,600.00 379.48 2,890.73 100.00FY'09 DUES-SCHUETT LEAK SURVEYS/TRAINING 637.80 FY09 WATER SUPPLY FEE FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTION AUG '08 WORKERS COMPENSATION JUNE '08 STATEMENT '08 HANDICAP FEES FY09 ASSESSMENTS SANDWICHES CHEER CAMP REFUND MAD SCIENCE REFUND ENGINEERING SERVICE-ALICES/180 COPIER RENTAL JUNE '08 STATEMENT 985.20 73.60 11,189.00 438.00 100.00 4,401.00 146.77 30.00 105.00 82,085.18 79.00 1,177.08 5 LASER CAR WASH LAWSON PRODUCTS INC LIBERTY READY MIX LORMAN EDUCATION SERVICES MAINSTAY SYSTEMS INC MARK STUCHEL MAS MODERN MARKETING MCKINLEY,INC.lSTUDIO 315 MEDIACOM MENARDS MID AMERICAN ENERGY MID IOWA ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS MID IOWA SALES COMPANY MIDWEST ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE MIDWEST RADAR &EQUIPMENT MULCH MART MUNICIPAL SUPPLY NATIONAL ORGANIZATION SERVICE NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS NIKE USA,INC NOGG CHEMICAL &PAPER NORTHERN SAFETY CO. OFFICE DEPOT OSE OFFICE FURNITURE PEPSI PETTY CASH PING PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION #440 PUSH PEDAL PULL QUICK SUPPLY CO R &R PRODUCTS INC RED WING SHOE STORE ROADSAFE TRAFFIC-IOWA SELECT OFFICE SYSTEMS SNYDER &ASSOCIATES INC SOUTHEAST PUBLICATIONS USA SPEED'S AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY SPRAYER SPECIALTIES INC SRIXON STATE LIBRARY OF IOWA STIVERS FORD STOREY-KENWORTHY COMPANY THE ANTIGUA GROUP INC. TIM SULLIVAN TIMEMARK INCORPORATED TOUR EDGE GOLF MFG TRILIX MARKETING GROUP TRIPLETT OFFICE ESSENTIAL TYLER TECHNOLOGIES JUNE '08 STATEMENT SHOP SUPPLIES CONCRETE CONFERENCE-CORKREAN/KENNEDY JULY-SEPT 08 IA SYSTEM PC MNT 8.2 MODIS SW BUNDLE FIRE FIGHTER KID HATS/PENCILS JRGOLF CAPS JUNE '08 STATEMENT SUPPLIES JULY '08 STATEMENT 291.14 268.50 1,634.00 907.00 177.00 921.85 526.78 1,713.00 179.90 522.98 1,439.79 30.73 278.45 FY09 DUES BALANCE SHOP SUPPLIES WASTEWATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS RADAR MULCH SUPPLIES MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS EC FILM-FLATIDELINEATOR BK PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE PAPER TOWELS SAFETY VESTS OFFICE SUPPLIES 2ND HALF 30"X 48"TABLE POP JUNE '08 PETTY CASH -LIBRARY PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE SEWAGE PUMP WELDING SUPPLIES TREADMILL MAINTENANCE EARTHSCAPE/STAPLES CITRUS GRIT COMPOUND BOOTS ARROW BOARD RENT FY'09 COPIER LEASE ACQUISITION PLATS-CLAYTON PROP ADVERTISING GOLF CAR LEASE/REPAIRS SPRAYER PARTS PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE FY09 EBSCOHOST DATABASE SUBS PARTS/REPAIRS SUPPLIES PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION CABLES PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE WEBSITE MAINTENANCE/ADMIN NAMEPLATE ANNUAL SOFT MAINT BUS L1C/SIG 897.00 460.00 2,342.00 5,798.40 1,134.08 566.86 68.78 189.54 212.24 1,430.44 223.68 464.00 150.73 8.31 305.13 126.35 105.00 1,497.30 158.90 150.00 560.00 8,511.36 2,320.00 339.00 3,429.22 24.56 332.22 268.96 2,072.95 372.28 1,412.44 155.00 77.02 388.65 42.00 8.00 919.00 6 U.S.KIDS GOLF UNITED ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO UNITED PARCEL SERVICE WARREN CONCRETE SERVICES, WASTE MANAGEMENT OF IOWA WASTEWATER RECLAMATION AUTHORITY WAUKEE HARDWARE &VARIETY WAUKEE OPTIMIST CLUB WILLIAMS TURF FARMS WITTEK ZEE MEDICAL INC *TOTAL * PAYROLL 06/30108: ADKINS,COREY P BAUMAN,LISA L BIDNEY,SARAH L BLECKWEHL,HOPE N BOWERSOX,KATHERINE J BREUER,GREGORY A BRUNS,RACHEL M BURKHART,LINDA S CAMPBELL,SCOTT E CARRICO,JAMES L CASEY,MARK K CORKREAN,JENNIFER A COWDEN,ERIC M CROSS,JONATHAN A CRUCHELOW,CHARLEEN E CRABBS,LISA M CUNNINGHAM,SCOTT 0 DAGGETT,WILLIAM J DAVISSON,DELORES J DEETS,BRADL Y M DEZEEUW,DAVID S DLUHOS,JOHN F DODGE,JUSTIN 0 DOWELL,DENNIS 0 DUNBAR,DIANA R DWYER,KATIE H ELLIOTT,STEVE 0 FELD,LUKE M FORRET,DENNIS M FREDERICK,JUSTIN J GAFFNEY,JENNIFER P GIBSON,JOHN R GOMEZ,NICHOLAS J GOODALL,MICHAEL J GRUBER,JOSHUA A PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE LIGHT BULBS SHIPPING CHARGES '08 SIDEWALK PROGRAM JULY '08 STATEMENT 104.90 20.89 39.08 1,490.00 44,444.72 50,095.70 784.33 300.00 387.50 147.47 209.14 $444,319.16 JULY '08 FEES JUNE '08 STATEMENT BLOW UP RIDES TICKET SALES SOD TOKENS FIRST AID KIT SUPPLIES $705.36 959.26 617.62 634.31 295.91 1,877.18 652.35 2,355.57 1,600.51 727.66 102.77 1,342.24 768.45 358.29 634.96 961.46 1,067.48 606.54 497.48 2,042.04 1,598.88 72.79 1,185.75 1,427.27 659.99 628.83 1,358.25 1,176.95 594.91 385.56 325.77 2,688.74 557.64 94.65 721.27 7 HALFWASSEN,DARWIN L HAMMEN,NORMAN D HANES,DENNIS D HANSON,ANTHONY J HANSON,KENDRA A HAPPEL,JOEL A HEIMANN,RONALD L HERRICK,ROBERT D HETH,REBECCA J HICKMAN,JAMES B HIVELEY,BRIAN A HOSTETTER,TIMOTHY F HUTTON,JOSHUA A HUTZELL,BRIAN A JERMIER,MATTHEW R HOLT-JOHNSON,LIBERTY S KASZINSKI,BRETT A KEAHI,CHRIS T KELLER,CHRISTOPHER M KENKEL,JAMES F KENNEDY,MARY A KOOISTRA,JEFFREY L LANDHAUSER,BENJAMIN A LILLIE,SCOTT M LONG,JEREMY 0 LORBER,MARK D LULL,BARRY L LYNCH,SHANNON M MACK,LINDA M MANNING,JOSHUA M MAPES,TROY M MAUK,KAITL YN J MAREAN,JOSHUA S MC DONO UGH,ERIN A MC CLiNTIC JR,MARK MELLENCAMP,JEFFREY S MILLER,BECKY J MOLENBURG,JULIE A MUELLER,ALYSSA M NIELSEN,ERIKA L NORTON,PATRICK D OAKLEY,JON L OLSON,THOMAS J OSTRING,KATHLEEN A PARISH,TONJA L PERGANDE,CORY L PERKINS,LELAND E MURPHY-PETERSEN,DEVON M PETERSON,OREN E PFAL TZGRAFF,ALEX S 800.24 552.77 177.46 1,974.19 458.31 583.78 1,290.86 1,392.93 414.31 1,508.37 190.24 160.16 450.21 833.84 1,671.72 753.31 207.15 402.94 1,173.08 10.85 1,338.91 3,261.44 1,384.80 794.74 1,728.79 19.08 226.32 1,042.43 1,550.11 1,076.93 1,421.61 436.35 720.54 731.66 461.93 1,469.34 1,620.84 76.97 129.91 92.77 194.23 1,443.42 161.61 1,079.59 1,006.26 929.11 1,250.13 1,277.70 1,295.57 684.18 8 PHILLIPS,LARRY J PINEGAR,TOMMIE G PROEHL,CHAD F PUTNEY,STEPHEN L RICHARDSON,ELIZABETH A RIPPERGER,TRACY M ROBINSON,CLINT H ROSS,JOHN D ROTHMEYER,KYLE A ROYER,TIMOTHY L SCHALL,BRIAN J SCHAUFENBUEL,KARIL SCHETTLER,RODNEY A SCHMITT,MARK J SCHUETT,REBECCA D SCHWEISBERGER,STEFANIE E SLATER,REBECCA A SMIDT,LARRY A SNELSON,NATHANIEL R SMITH,AMANDA M SOFEN,NATASHAS SPENCER,ARTHUR D SPENCER,JEFFREY A SPOSETO,MACKENZIE A SPRAGUE,JEREMY D SPRAGUE,MATTHEW D STEINKE,KURT M STEPHENS,CLINT R SPRINGER,SHANNON W STEWARD,ERIC A SUCKOW,KATHERINE J SULENTIC,NICHOLAS J TRACY,KAYLEEN E TYSDAL,THOMAS M VANDE KAMP,JOSHUA D VANPELT,ROBERT T VOEGTLE,TIMOTHY J VOKES,LARRY R WEBB,JAMES D WEIR,MARGARET M WERTS,DANIEL J WHITE,DANNY L WILLIS,MATTHEW M WINTERS,SHARNAE E WINTERS,TROY S WITTE,CATHERINE M WOOD,DANIEL J WUEBKER,TRAVIS J *TOTALS* 2,349.70 248.94 318.07 265.33 1,463.32 567.42 1,934.89 105.70 17.08 2,051.26 319.88 648.73 1,492.88 11.27 1,544.78 234.66 1,049.37 1,522.04 265.66 34.53 64.64 744.76 190.74 1,157.59 18.22 100.90 388.03 261.98 706.05 1,196.89 337.56 186.43 71.20 204.10 1,183.71 288.25 976.54 1,119.83 2,567.36 1,132.56 1,083.92 1,514.20 18.47 645.30 1,360.17 406.27 422.17 56.96 $111,048.99 9 B.Consideration of approval of 07/21/08 Bill List,Supplemental C.Consideration of approval of City Council Minutes of 07/07/08 Regular Meeting,07/10108 Special Meeting D.Consideration of receipt and file of 07/07/08 correspondence from Mediacom E.Consideration of approval of renewal of a 12-month Class C Liquor License (LC) (Commercial)with Sunday Sales privilege for Big AI's Roadhouse,Inc.,d/bla Big AI's Roadhouse,pending proof of dram insurance F.Consideration of approval of a resolution approving a First Amendment to Surface Water Flowage Easement and Public Utility Easement related to Lot 21 of Wind field II Plat 5 (Resolution #08-168) G.Consideration of approval of the temporary closing of Walnut Street from 6th Street west to the east line ofthe alleyway behind 400 6th Street on Saturday,August 2,2008 between the hours of7:00 p.m.and 2:00 a.m.for the purpose ofa class reunion (Resolution #08-169) H.Consideration of approval of an extended Outdoor Service Area Application in connection with a Class B Beer License (BB)(Includes Wine Coolers)for Chops Old Bank,Inc.,d/bla Chops Old Bank for August 2,2008,pending proof of dram insurance 1.Consideration of approval of the temporary closing of SE Rosewood Drive from SE Olson Drive south and west to SE Waco Place on Tuesday,August 5,2008 between the hours of 6:00 p.m.and 8:00 p.rn.for the purpose of a neighborhood block party (Resolution #08- 170) J.Consideration of approval of the temporary closing of SE Olson Drive from SE Rosewood Drive east to SE Indigo Lane on Sunday,October 26,2008 between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.for the purpose of a neighborhood block party (Resolution #08-171) K.Consideration of approval of the temporary closing of certain streets within the City of Waukee on Tuesday,August 5,2008 between the hours of 6:30 p.m.and 9:00 p.m.for the purpose of National Night Out block parties (Resolution #08-172) L.Consideration of approval of warranty deeds and real estate transfers related to Warrior Lane right-of-way (Resolution #08-173) M.Consideration of approval of a resolution approving a First Amendment to Permanent Surface Water Flowage Easement related to Lot 29 of Gracewood (Resolution #08-174) N.Consideration of approval of setting August 4,2008 as the date of public hearing on the disposal of easement interests for real estate within the city limits of the City of Waukee, Iowa (Glynn Village Plat I) 2)Resolution:Consideration of approval of final plat for Glynn Village Plat 3 -Director of Development Services Deets gave a brief overview of the plat stating that there is one storm sewer issue that needs to be completed prior to filing the plat.Council Member Stanton moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Bailey.Roll call:Ayes: Stanton,Bailey,Harvey,Watts,and McGee.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O.(Resolution #08-175) 3)Resolution:Consideration of approval of site plan for Lot 9 of Westgate Business Park Plat 2 -Director of Development Services Deets gave a brief overview;the proposed site is located within Westgate Business Park Plat 2 and identified as Lot 9.The proposal is for the construction of a single-story,5,854 square foot building housing the operations of Systems Management and Balancing,Inc.;a company that specializes in heating,cooling,and ventilation systems.The applicant will be submitting an application to obtain LEED Certification for this project.All staff comments have been addressed.Council member Stanton question the comment "light pollution reduction attempted but not met at this time". David Voss with GE Wattier Architecture stated that the light plan has not yet been submitted to the USGVC,the proposed lighting will protect the night sky.Council Member McGee moved to 10 approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Stanton.Roll call:Ayes:McGee, Stanton,Watts,Bailey,and Harvey.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O.(Resolution #08- 176) 4)Resolution:Consideration of approval of construction drawings for The Crossing at Alice's Road Plat 3 -Director of Development Services Deets explained that this project is for the public improvements associated with the upcoming Team Technologies site plan.The construction plans for the plat includes the extension of the watermain and sanitary sewer along Alice's Road as well as drainage improvements.All staff comments have been addressed.Council Member McGee moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Harvey.Roll call:Ayes:McGee,Harvey,Stanton,Watts,and Bailey.Nays:None. Motion carried 5 -O.(Resolution #08-177) 5)Resolution:Consideration of approval of all Amendment to Development Agreement between and among the City of Waukee;Alice's,LC;and TEAM Des Moines Partners,LC -City Administrator/Clerk Kooistra gave a brief explanation on the Development Agreement.Council Member McGee moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Bailey.Roll call:Ayes:McGee,Bailey,Harvey,Watts,and Stanton.Nays:None. Motion carried 5 -O.(Resolution #08-178) 6)Resolution:Consideration of approval of filial plat for The Crossing at Alice's Road Plat 3 -Director of Development Services Deets gave a brief overview of the project.The final plat includes a single 5 acre lot for development,with the remaining portion identified as Outlot X reserved for future development.Lot 1 is zoned C-4 (Office Park Commercial District)while Outlot X consists of C-4,C-IB (Large Scale Commercial District)uses corresponding to the intended development of the entire Crossing at Alice's Road project.The property is generally located north ofE.Hickman Road (Highway 6)and west ofNE Alice's Road, containing 5.0 acres.The plat is being approved prior to the public improvements being in place,the developer has signed an agreement to complete the public improvements as well as providing bonds for the public improvements.In addition,the developer has provided performance bonds for the Alice'Road widening project future improvements.All staff comments have been addressed.Council Member Watts moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Council Member Stanton.Roll call:Ayes:Watts,Stanton,McGee,Harvey,and Bailey.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O.(Resolution #08-179) 7)Resolution:Consideration of approval of site plan for TEAM Technologies,LC -Director of Development Services Deets explained the applicant's proposal to construct a single-story 46,086 square foot building to house the operations of a data center.The facility is proposed to be completed in three phases with the first phase including an office/control area totaling 3,103 square feet,and a Data server area totaling 12,745 square feet.The remaining two phases of the building are proposed to increase the data server capacity of the facility.This project is within the Arterial Overlay District and is subject to the architectural and landscaping requirements as identified in the Site Plan Ordinance.Council Member Stanton moved to approve the resolution,then amended the motion to include "pending receipt of a letter of irrevocable credit";seconded by Council Member McGee.Roll call:Ayes:Stanton, McGee,Harvey,Bailey,and Watts.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 -O.(Resolution #08-180) 8)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a Lease Agreement for the property at 445 Maple Street,formerly known as St.Boniface Church Hall-City Administrator/Clerk Kooistra explained the changes made in the revised version of the agreement.Rent for the building is set at $1500 per month plus taxes and utilities.Potential renters from non-profit organizations are not addressed in the proposed agreement.The Council can consider the fees for non-profit organizations at a later date.If the Council approves the lease agreement, 11 discussion on the use of the existing Community Center can be discussed at a subsequent meeting.City staff is proposing the cost to rent the building to be $240 for residents/non- residents for a full day and $120 for residents/non-residents for a half day which is approximately triple what we are currently charging for use at the Community Center.City staff is speculating a loss of approximately $19,000 per year.The value of the building according to the assessor is $94,170.Council member Harvey expressed concern with the amount of expenses the City has recently occurred questioning whether the expense of a rented Community Center would be justified.Council member McGee believes that the owners ofthe building should look into renting out the facility themselves expressing concern with the amount of non-profit organizations that use the facility at no cost yet are doing activities to make money for their cause.Council members Watts and Bailey both feel the rental rates in the revised lease agreement have been negotiated to a reasonable rate.Council member Stanton will support the agreement because the City has the option to rent I year at a time and therefore providing a service to the community.Mayor Peard stated that he sees it as a transitioning building and feels it is worth the risk.Upon Council approval,the City could start renting the facility as early as the first of August.Council Member Watts moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Stanton.Roll call:Ayes:Watts, Stanton and Bailey.Nays:McGee and Harvey.Motion carried 3 -2.(Resolution #08-181) 9)Ordinance:Consideration of approval of all ordinance to repeal Chapter 226 of the Waukee Municipal Code as specified Iiruroduction.first reading]-The members of the Community Development Committee will be notified of the elimination of the committee upon approval of the proposed Ordinance.Council Member Bailey introduced the ordinance. Council Member Stanton moved to approve the first reading of the ordinance in title only; seconded by Council Member McGee Roll call:Ayes:Stanton,McGee,Bailey,and Watts. Nays:Harvey.Motion carried 4 -I.Deputy City Clerk Schuett read the ordinance in title only. 10)Discussion:Strategic Action Plan -City Administrator/Clerk Kooistra brought up three primary goals that came out ofthe Goal Setting Session including the website,bike-friendly trails &streets and the Environmental Green Initiative.Council member Bailey requested to be on the green initiative committee and wants to make sure a meeting is put together regarding the Alice's Road corridor.Council member Stanton requested the green initiative and the website committees.Council member Harvey requested the trails committee and either of the two other committees.Council member McGee requested the website and green initiative committees.Council member Watts requested the trails committee. Representatives for each committee will be responsible for keeping the Council up to date on the outcome of the meetings.Any citizens that the Council feels would be good on the committees are to let Jeff know and he will contact them.Council member McGee suggested that members ofthe Development Committee be asked to participate. 11)Discussion:Public Works Facility status -City Administrator/Clerk Kooistra opened the discussion with the question on taking the Public Works Facility to a vote.One option discussed among staff is to pull back on several projects in an attempt to move forward with the Alice's Road corridor.Council member Watts feels the City should move forward with the Public Works Facility and take it to a vote of the people during the general election in November.Council member Bailey expressed concern with the recent projects that have been voted down in other communities and requests a special meeting to discuss in further detail.City Administrator/Clerk Kooistra recommended waiting a few months to see where the City is financially on the Alice's Rd.Project.The City will need a special election for the public works facility,but will know more on the Alice's Road Corridor project and potential 12 funding in the near future.Council member Harvey would like to put the Public Works Facility on the ballot in November stating he believes the people will support it and this project shouldn't affect the Alice's Road project.Council member Stanton agree that the City should wait to take the facility to a vote.Council member McGee expressed that twice the citizens have asked for a vote therefore we should move forward with it on the November ballot.Mayor Peard felt the Council needs more information on the Alice's Road project and Public Works facility before a decision can be made.A special meeting is scheduled for Monday July 28,2008. (L)Reports -Reports made by Deputy City Clerk Schuett;Director of Finance Burkhart;Asst. Director of Public Works Royer;Director of Development Services Deets;Council Members McGee,Stanton,Bailey,and Harvey. Council Member McGee moved to adjourn;seconded by Council Member Stanton.Ayes:AlL Nays: None.Motion carried 5 -O. Meeting Adjourned at 9:16 p.m. B.Richardson,Administrative Coordinator Attest: 13