HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-04-20-Regular MinutesWAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES April 20,2009 (A)Call to Order -The regular meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tern Harvey at 7:00 p.m.in the Council Chambers at City Hall. (B)Pledge of Allegiance (C)Roll Call-The following members were present:Council Members Casey L.Harvey,C.Isaiah McGee,Darlene Stanton,Mike Watts.Absent:Mayor William F.Peard and Council Member Donald L.Bailey,Jr. Also present:City Administrator/Clerk Jeff Kooistra,Assistant to the City Administrator McKinlee Gibson,Director of Finance Linda Burkhart,Director of Public Works John Gibson, Assistant Director of Public Works Tim Royer,Administrative Coordinator Beth Richardson, City Engineer Forrest Aldrich,City Attomey Steve Brick. (D)Open Forum (E)Agenda Approval-Council Member Stanton moved to approve the agenda;seconded by Council Member McGee.Roll call:Ayes:Stanton,McGee,Stanton,Harvey.Nays:None. Absent:Bailey.Motion carried 4 -0 -1. (F)Mayor's Report (G)Presentations: 1)Quarterly reports from Waukee Police Department -Report made by Sgt.Troy Mapes. (H)Public Hearings: 1)On the adoption of plans,specifications,form of contract and estimate of cost for construction of the 105'11Street/Alice's Road 1-80 Overpass Project -Mayor Pro Tem Harvey opened the public hearing and asked if any written correspondence had been received;City Administrator/Clerk Kooistra replied in the negative.No comments were made by the public present.Mayor Pro-Tem Harvey declared the public hearing closed. 2)On the adoption of plans,specifications,for of contract and estimate of cost for construction of the 105'11Street/Alice's Road,Wendover Road to Ashworth Road Project. Mayor Pro Tem Harvey opened the public hearing and asked if any written correspondence had been received;City Administrator/Clerk Kooistra replied in the negative.No comments were made by the public present.Mayor Pro-Tern Harvey declared the public hearing closed (I)Public Hearing Action Items: 1)Resolution:Consideration of approval of'a resolution adopting plans,specifications.form of contract and estimate of cost for construction of the 105'I.Street/Alice's Road 1-80 Overpass,Project-Council Member Watts moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Stanton.Roll call:Ayes:Watts,Stanton,McGee,Harvey.Nays:None. Absent:Bailey.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.(Resolution #09-84) 2)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution making award of construction contracts for the Alice's Road/105'1I Street 1-80 Interchange,Overpass,IDOT Project No. IMX-080-3(l08)119-02-25 -Council Member McGee moved to approve the resolution awarding the construction contract to Jenson Construction Co.;seconded by Council Member Watts.Roll Call:Ayes:McGee,Watts,Stanton,Harvey.Nays:None.Absent:Bailey. Motion carried 4 -0 -1.(Resolution #09-85) 3)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution adopting plans,specifications,form of contract and estimate of cost for construction of the 105'11Street/Alice's Road,Wendover Road to Ashworth Road,Project.Council Member Watts moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Council Member McGee.Roll call:Ayes:Watts,McGee,Stanton,Harvey. Nays:None.Absent:Bailey.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.(Resolution #09-86) 4)Resolution:Consideration of a pproval of a resolution making award of construction contracts for the Alice's Raod/l0S'h Street 1-80 Interchange,Wendover Road to Ashworth Road,IDOT Project No.HDP-8177(607)-71-2S.Council Member McGee moved to approve the resolution awarding the contract to Elder Corp.;seconded by Council Member Watts.Roll Call:Ayes:.McGee,Watts,Stanton,Harvey.Nays:None.Motion carried 4- 0-1.(Resolution #09-87) (J)Action Items 1)Consent Agenda:Council Member Stanton moved to approve the Consent Agenda; seconded by Council Member Watts.Roll call:Ayes:Stanton,Watts,McGee,Harvey. Nays:None.Absent:Bailey.Motion carried 4 -0 -I. A.Consideration of approval of 04120/09 Bill List and 03/31/09 Payroll: CHECKS ISSUED PRIOR TO COUNCIL APPROVAL 04/20109: ANDERSEN,ALLISON K UTILITY REFUNDS BANK OF THE WEST MARCH '09 STATEMENT-LIBRARY BARNES,BARBARA UTILITY REFUNDS BRAD WAGGONER SOUTHFORK SEWER PROJ-FINAL PAY CITY OF WAUKEE MISC DEDUCTIONS CITY OF WAUKEE UNIFORM DEDUCTIONS CITY OF WAUKEE CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT CITY OF WAUKEE TEXT MESSAGE REIMBURSEMENT CITY OF WAUKEE LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUM CITY OF WAUKEE HEALTH INSURANCE DEDUCTION COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMER CWA LOCAL 7102 UNION DUES DOLL DISTRIBUTING,LLC BEER DELIVERY EFTPS FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAXES EFTPS FICA TAX WITHHOLDING EFTPS MEDICARE TAX WITHHOLDING GERLOVICH,JACK &PATRICIA SOUTHFORK SEWER PROJ-FINAL PAY HENSLEY,KATHLEEN UTILITY REFUNDS ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 457 ICMA RETIREMENT ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 457 ICMA RETIREMENT ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 457 ICMA ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 457 ICMA IOWA DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES CHILD SUPPORT IOWA DEPT OF NATURAL RES MS4 PERMIT RENEWAL IPERS MARCH '09 ROUNDING ADJUSTMENT IPERS IPERS DEDUCTIONS IPERS IPERS DEDUCTIONS IPERS IPERS ELECTED OFFICIAL DEDUCT IPERS -POLICE MARCH '09 ROUNDING ADJUSTMENT IPERS -POLICE IPERS DEDUCTIONS IPERS -POLICE IPERS DEDUCTIONS IPERS -POLICE IPERS DEDUCTIONS KOCISKY,LAURA E UTILITY REFUNDS PATRICK SULLIVAN SOUTH FORK SEWER PROJ-FINAL PAY 2 $79.50 27.68 40.02 2,304.91 2.60 107.55 262.50 372.24 231.60 460.00 487.98 293.75 14,092.12 19,046.14 4,454.48 2,304.91 19.61 1,350.00 1,050.00 1,075.65 1,145.50 421.77 1,250.00 0.04 9,442.15 10,986.85 282.19 (0.09) 361.71 6,196.56 6,490.33 97.04 2,304.91 RICHARD SAPP TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES TREASURER STATE OF IOWA TREASURER STATE OF IOWA TREASURER STATE OF IOWA TYLER TECHNOLOGIES UNITED WAY CENTRAL IOWA US ENERGY SERVICES INC US POSTAL SERVICE WCB HOLDINGS *TOTALS* SOUTHFORK SEWER PROJ-FINAL PAY SECTION 125 MEDICAL DEDUCTIONS SECTION 125 DAYCARE DEDUCTIONS STATE TAX WITHHOLDINGS STATE TAX WITH HOLDINGS STATE TAX WITH HOLDINGS SPRING USER GROUP MEETING UNITED WAY DEDUCTION MARCH '09 STATEMENT PO BOX RENTAL-LIBRARY UTILITY REFUNDS UNPAID BILLS PRESENTED FOR APPROVAL 04/20/09: ADAMSGOLF ADEL AUTO PARTS AHLERS &COONEY,P.C. AHLERS &COONEY,P.C. AHLERS &COONEY,P.C. CAD BURY SCHWEPPS BOTTLING GROUP AMERICAN DRY GOODS AMERICAN FENCE CO OF IOWA AMERITAS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY THE ANTIGUA GROUP INC. ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY AWWA-IA SECTION REGION V BAKER COMMUNICATIONS BANKERS LEASING COMPANY BARCO MUNICIPAL PRODUCTS BEST PORTABLE TOILETS BONIFACE PROPERTIES,LLC BOUND TREE MEDICAL BRICK GENTRY BOWERS SWARTZ BRIDGESTONE GOLF,INC BRUCE ENGINE CLINT BURGH DUFF BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS BUSINESS RADIO SALES &SERVICE BUSINESS RADIO SALES &SERVICE CALLAWAY GOLF CARPENTER UNIFORM CO CENTER POINT PUBLISHING CFI SALES INC CHARTER BANK CHEMSEARCH CRYSTAL CLEAR BOTTLED WATER o &K PRODUCTS DALLAS COUNTY NEWS DALLAS COUNTY NEWS - PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE CONTROL/CONNECTOR SRF AMENDMENTS -LEGAL FEES NORTHVIEW DR EXTEN.LEGAL FEES METRO WASTE AUTH.LEGAL FEES POP PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE HINGE-BULLDOG APRIL '09 VISION INS.PREMIUM PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE SHOP TOOL/SUPPLIES CONFERENCE-HERRICK PHONE REPAIRS COPIER LEASE MESH SIGNS KYBO RENTAL MAY '09 RENT MEDICAL SUPPILES MARCH '09 STATEMENT PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE CARBKIT FURNACEITHERMOSTAT REBATE BATERIES &SPEAKER/MIC RADIO REPAIRS MICROPHONES PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE PANTS BOOKS TIRE REPAIRS GOLF EQUIP FINAL PRIN/INT DIESEL GUARD/MAXI-LUBE WATER CHEMICALS MAR '09 STATEMENT SUBSCRIPTION-POLICE 3 2,304.91 1,692.37 809.05 84.00 5,965.00 6,847.00 25.00 69.00 314,125.71 20.00 100.00 $419,084.24 $2344.93 98.84 1392.65 1320.74 893.00 117.76 1204.22 83.68 1347.60 54.24 785.96 195.00 210.00 264.74 382.21 240.00 1500.00 329.22 13292.80 3063.73 21.45 105.00 540.00 20.10 191.22 168.39 39.99 152.76 199.75 6698.16 900.31 14.70 613.26 1549.94 35.00 SUBSCRIPTION DALLAS COUNTY RECORDER DAVIS EQUIPMENT CORPORATION DEMCO DES MOINES LOCK COMPANY DES MOINES REGISTER DES MOINES REGISTER DIRECTV DOWNING DEVELOPMENT LTD ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT FAREWAY STORES FAREWAY STORES FARNER-BOCKEN COMPANY FOOTJOY G &K SERVICES GALLAGHER BENEFIT SERVICES GAS PRODUCTS SALES GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS GREATER DES MOINES PARTNERSHIP GROEBNER &ASSOCIATES INC GROEBNER &ASSOCIATES INC GROEBNER &ASSOCIATES INC HALLETT MATERIALS HAWKEYE TRUCK EQUIPMENT HAWKEYE TRUCK EQUIPMENT HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS HEARTLAND CO-OP HICKORY TECH HORNUNG'S GOLF PRODUCTS BONNIE HYDA IAPELRA IMAGETEK INC IMAGING TECHNOLOGIES INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL,INC IOWA ONE CALL IOWA SIGNAL &ELECTRIC CO IOWA SIGNAL &ELECTRIC CO IOWA UTILITIES BOARD JIMS WOODWORKING INC KINKO'S INC LASER CAR WASH LASER TECHNOLOGY LAWSON PRODUCTS INC LESCO CREDIT SERVICES LIVING MAGAZINES LOGAN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY RECORDING FEES TRASH STAND/PARTS NAME BADGES SAFE SERVICE SOFTBALL ADS BOND SALE PUBLICATION MARCH '09 STATEMENT-GOLF CRSE MAY '09 RENT LAMPS COOKIES COFFEE FOOD PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE MAT SERVICES GBS DENVER CONSULTING PRJ GASB COMMUNICATION CABLE TURFGRASS RESEARCH DONATION CONFERENCE-GIBSON WAX TAPE MOB HM CONNECTOR COMBO GAS CYLINDER PEA GRAVEL WEIGHTS CABLE/LIMIT SWITCH PERF PIPE/SEWER TEE/PIPE PIPENALVE BOXlHYMAX CPLG PVC SEWER PIPE SEWER TEE MARCH '09 STATEMENT APRIL '09 STATEMENT PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE FURNACEITHERMOSTAT REBATE SPRING MEETING-BURKHART APRIL '09 RADIX SUBSCRIPTION COPIES-LIBRARY BOOKS CODE BOOKS MARCH '09 STATEMENT SCHOOL FLASHER REPROGRAM STREET LIGHT REPAIR FY09 DIRECT ASSESSMENTS COUNTER TOP EXTENSION DOWNTOWN MASTER PLAN COPIES MARCH '09 STATEMENT-POLICE UL TRAL YTE LRB REPAIRS SHOP SUPPLIES ROPE DALLAS CO TOURISM AD EXCAVATOR RENTAL 4 160.00 149.29 108.19 75.00 367.20 79.01 118.35 4712.00 388.20 4.00 13.36 506.52 1609.65 183.70 2750.00 88.55 50.00 15.00 492.44 1102.98 203.04 295.85 37.28 376.53 1447.00 2605.00 2007.05 54.33 10161.90 1832.78 841.73 105.00 25.00 225.00 63.53 369.57 770.12 187.70 75.00 192.00 21371.17 380~00 85.25 262.00 216.50 841.18 44.93 190.00 594.00 LOGAN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY LOUNSBURY LANDSCAPING MAINSTAY SYSTEMS INC MARTIN MARIETTA AGGREGATE MEDIACOM MENARDS MENARDS MENARDS MENARDS MENARDS MENARDS MENARDS MENARDS MENARDS MENARDS MENARDS MID AMERICAN ENERGY MID AMERICAN ENERGY MIDWEST ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES MIDWEST WHEEL COMPANIES MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES MUNICIPAL SUPPLY MUNICIPAL SUPPLY NAPA AUTO PARTS STORE NAPA AUTO PARTS STORE NAPA AUTO PARTS STORE NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS NFPA INTERNATIONAL NOGG CHEMICAL &PAPER O'HALLORAN INTERNATIONAL O'HALLORAN INTERNATIONAL OARSMAN OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OLDCASTLE ARCHITECTURAL PEPSI PING PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY SPRAYER /CLEAR CURE FIELD TOPSOIL IA SYSTEM PC MAINTENANCE-PWK1 ROAD STONE MARCH '09 STATEMENT QUALITY BOARDIWALLBASE RIVETS SLIP HOOKS HOLLOW BRD POLY RESTROOM SUPPLIES/HEATER 3/8"POLYLAM/SHIMS SHIMS/2"SAFE RELEASE SOCKET SET SHELF PARKS RESTROOM SUPPLIES WHITE POLYLAM 3/8" APRIL '09 STATEMENT MARCH '09 STATEMENT WASTEWATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS OVAL LED/SUPPLIES LIFELINE ROPE ROPE BAG GALV COUPLING METERS PLUGS/FLOORDRY/FLUID FILTERS JACK/FILTERS SIGN EC FILM -FLAT MEMBERSHIP DUES PAPER SUPPLIES CALIPER/SHOE SET ROTOR/SEAL FLEECE SHIRTS ENVELOPES/PAPER/STAPLES BOOK TAPE PAPER/POSTERBOARD STAYFLAT MAILERS MAILERS BATTERIES/PAPER/FOLDERS INK/PAPER/MARKERS BINDERS PAPER/PENSITAPE RUBBERBANDS SIG SKIMMER BASKET POP GRIPS WOOD BIT KIT STUD GUARD CHROME WALL FCT 5 118.55 82.61 177.00 344.47 179.90 73.57 31.95 5.06 17.47 1256.01 246.97 18.73 13.28 8.81 166.08 72.75 386.19 19623.26 1086.00 79.83 138.05 59.25 22.55 6610.75 73.54 49.35 211.87 128.60 318.37 150.00 1016.71 253.93 200.38 451.19 90.39 14.20 51.40 66.74 26.25 249.21 221.99 9.30 176.01 5.86 52.49 509.20 41.06 106.61 13.20 50.66 PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY POLK COUNTY HEATING &COOLING PURCHASE POWER R &R PRODUCTS INC R &R PRODUCTS INC RACO MANUFACTURING RIEKES MATERIAL HANDLING COMPANY STEVAN ROUNDS SAM'S CLUB SAM'S CLUB SPEED'S AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY SPRING VALLEY WIRELESS SRIXON STIVERS FORD STIVERS FORD STOREY-KENWORTHY COMPANY TEAM TWO INC TITLE 1ST TOMPKINS INDUSTRIES TOUR EDGE GOLF MFG TRIPLETT OFFICE ESSENTIAL TRIPLETT OFFICE ESSENTIAL UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA HYGIENE USA BLUE BOOK VISA VITAL SUPPORT SYSTEMS WALDINGER CORP.THE WALDINGER CORP,THE WALDINGER CORP,THE WALDINGER CORP,THE WASH VENTURES II WASTE MANAGEMENT OF IOWA WAUKEE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WAUKEE HARDWARE &VARIETY PETTY CASH PETTY CASH WEBSTER ELECTRIC WINNER MATE AUREUS ZEE MEDICAL INC 'TOTAL' BRASS BUSHING PARKS RESTROOM SUPPLIES FLUSH VALVE TEES/SLlC-TITE PASTE COPPER TUBE STRAPS DBLO THREAD TUBE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES BOWL WAX URINAL ROUGH IN BATHROOMS/STORAGE POSTAGE METER REFILL SIGN CARTID GUARD-IT PREVENTATIVE MAINT PG FY09 DEVELOPER REBATE WATER HEATER REBATE APRIL 09 STATEMENT FEBRUARY '09 STATEMENT-LIBRARY LIGHTS/SHOCKS PAGER REPAIR PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE PARTS 08 CROWN VIC REPAIRS DVD-R MARCH '09 AMBULANCE TRANSPORTS PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE FITTINGS PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE ENVELOPES NAME PLATES SHIPPING CHARGES TESTING FEES HOSE SHUTOFF VALVE/NOZZLE APRIL '09 STATEMENT LAPTOP DISPLAY CABLE-CNCL CHAM CITY HALL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT MAINTENANCE CONTRACT-POLICE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT-FIRE FURNACE REPAIR CAR WASHES APRIL '09 STATEMENT SCHOOL FOUNDATION DINNER MARCH '09 STATEMENT MARCH '09 PETTY CASH EASTER EGG HUNT DOLLARS LOCATOR LABOR PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE FIRST AID KIT SUPPLIES 6 22.03 39.66 345.23 49.24 9.34 8.37 4.74 11.96 2.80 134.87 2900.00 2000.00 154.13 31.14 170.00 9864.97 50.00 2042.00 168.16 179.51 91.25 109.85 97.55 409.86 12.51 1886.97 605.40 62.25 6294.50 262.00 16.00 12.28 841.00 79.30 783.10 25.00 619.00 819.33 709.00 464.33 45.00 51641.65 30.00 442.07 182.93 50.00 125.00 17.12 228.40 $219,713.63 PAYROLL 03/31/2009: BAUMAN,LISA L BLECKWEHL,HOPE N BREUER,GREGORY A BRUECKEN,MELINDA B BRUNS,RACHEL M BURKHART,LINDA S BURNETT,SARAH M CAMPBELL,SCOTT E CARLSON,STACEY L CASEY,MARK K CORKREAN,JENNIFER A CROSS,JONATHAN A CUNNINGHAM,SCOTT D DAGGETT,WILLIAM J DEETS,BRADL Y M DEZEEUW,DAVID S DLUHOS,JOHN F DODGE,JUSTIN D DOWELL,DENNIS D DUNBAR,DIANA R DWYER,KATIE H ELLIOTT,STEVE D FELD,LUKE M FORRET,DENNIS M FREDERICK,JUSTIN J GIBSON,JOHN R GIBSON,MCKINLEE M HALFWASSEN,DARWIN L HANES,DENNIS D HANSON,ANTHONY J HEIMANN,RONALD L HERRICK,ROBERT D HETH,REBECCA J HICKMAN,JAMES B HIVELEY,BRIAN A HOSTETTER,TIMOTHY F HUTTON,JOSHUAA JERMIER,MATTHEW R KASZINSKI,BRETT A KELLER,CHRISTOPHER M KENKEL,JAMES F KENNEDY,MARY A KOOISTRA,JEFFREY L LANDHAUSER,BENJAMIN A LILLIE,SCOTT M LONG,JEREMY 0 LORBER,MARK D LULL,BARRY L $1,122.63 30.88 2,144.92 1,187.05 1,035.74 2,559.09 432.78 1,573.04 641.81 62.37 1,555.16 270.43 1,290.98 1,432.93 2,186.75 1,791.60 123.47 1,380.07 1,639.02 407.54 30.88 1,305.21 1,400.61 530.99 356.42 2,890.93 1,630.82 379.19 113.75 1,642.89 1,505.43 1,527.33 606.88 1,409.05 215.72 161.59 297.42 1,745.89 601.22 1,227.45 362.22 1,534.71 3,307.75 1,477.05 985.86 1,350.85 76.31 100.60 7 MANNING,JOSHUA M MAPES,TROY M MC DONO UGH,ERIN A . MC CLiNTIC,MARK MELLENCAMP,JEFFREY S MILLER,BECKY J MORI,MARYANN NORTON,PATRICK 0 OAKLEY,JON L OSTRING,KATHLEEN A PARISH,TONJA L PERGANDE,CORY L PERKINS,LELAND E MURPHY-PETERSEN,DEVON M PETERSON,OREN E PHILLIPS,LARRY J PINEGAR,TOMMIE G PUTNEY,STEPHEN L RASH,RONALD K RICHARDSON,ELIZABETH A RIPPERGER,TRACY M ROBINSON,CLINT H ROSS,JOHN 0 ROYER,TIMOTHY L SCHAUFENBUEL,KARIL SCHETTLER,RODNEY A SCHUETT,REBECCA 0 SLATER,REBECCA A SMIDT,LARRY A SNELSON,NATHANIEL R SOFEN,NATASHA S SPENCER,JEFFREY A SPOSETO,MACKENZIE A SPRAGUE,JEREMY D SPRAGUE,MATTHEW D STEINKE,KURT M STEWARD,ERIC A TRULLINGER,DAWN M TYSDAL,THOMAS M VANWART,LINDA M VANDE KAMP,JOSHUA D VAN PELT,ROBERTT VOEGTLE,TIMOTHY J VOKES,LARRY R WALLACE,ERIC L WEBB,JAMES 0 WEIR,MARGARET M WERTS,DANIEL J WHITE,DANNY L WILLIS,MATTHEW M 1,308.19 1,781.40 986.33 303.80 1,584.57 120.76 1,884.80 490.64 1,273.37 1,245.61 1,162.08 1,175.32 1,433.07 1,444.93 1,399.58 2,466.94 577.77 88.46 1,297.56 1,684.55 656.68 2,121.39 1,157.23 2,596.30 675.73 1,490.93 1,764.54 1,181.17 1,753.17 341.42 57.71 207.48 1,547.71 91.26 385.53 571.55 1,358.62 325.06 614.67 1,185.92 1,120.79 405.53 1,011.81 1,350.78 1,221.72 1,556.40 1,312.89 1,262.03 1,348.65 449.94 8 WINTERS,SHARNAE E WINTERS,TROY S WISE,NATHAN F WITTE,CATHERINE M WOOD,DANIEL J WUEBKER,TRAVIS J *TOTALS* 135.69 1,517.14 1,005.71 717.45 488.03 42.80 $110,384.44 B.Consideration of approval of City Council Minutes of 04/06109 Regular Meeting C.Consideration of receipt and file of Board of Adjustment Minutes of 04/09/09 Meeting D.Consideration of receipt and file of correspondence dated 04/08/09 from Iowa Department of Transportation E.Consideration of approval of a 12-month Class C Liquor License (LC)(Commercial)with Sunday Sales privilege for RCMP Investment,LLC,d/bla Big AI's Roadhouse,pending proof oflease agreement F.Consideration of approval of a 5-day Off-Premise Class C Liquor License (LC)(Commercial) beginning May 1,2009 for Cork &Kerry,Inc.,d/bla Mickey'S Irish Pub at 445 Maple St. (Maple Street Community Center) G.Consideration of approval of Pay Application No.1 to Hansen Company,Inc.,for the Library Addition,Manders Museum,Project in the amount of$123,770.00 H.Consideration of approval of Partial Payment Estimate No.2 to S.M.Hentges &Sons,Inc., for the South Area Trunk and Outfall Sewer project in the amount of$313,549.85 1.Consideration of approval of a resolution approving and accepting Perpetual Storm Sewer Easement(s)from a property owner within the Northview Drive Extension and 6th Street Improvements Project in the amount of$1.00 (Sundermann 'Trust)(Resolution #09-88) J.Consideration of approval of a resolution approving and accepting Temporary Construction Easement(s)from a property owner within the Northview Drive Extension and 6th Street Improvements Project in the amount of $1.00 (Sundermann Trust)(Resolution #09-89) K.Consideration of approval of a resolution approving and accepting Sanitary Sewer Easement(s)from a property owner within the Northview Drive Extension and 6th Street Improvements Project in the amount of $1.00 (Waukee Conununity School District) (Resolution #09-90) L.Consideration of approval of an Agreement between J &M Displays and the City of Waukee for July 4,2009 Fireworks Display M.Consideration of approval of a Fireworks Display Permit for the City of Waukee for Saturday,July 4,2009 in Centennial Park beginning at 9:15 p.m.and ending at 10:15 p.m. N.Consideration of approval of the Sugar Creek Municipal Golf Course Dwelling Unit Rental for the period from May 1,2009 through and including April 30,2010 O.Consideration of approval of a resolution awarding quote for the 2008 Sidewalk Improvements Program and receiving and filing quote for the 2009 Sidewalk Improvements Program (Resolution #09-91) P.Consideration of approval of a resolution approving a First Amendment to Storm Sewer and Surface Water Flowage Easement and Surface Water Flowage Easement related to Lot 102 of Hemingway Plat I (Resolution #09-92) Q.Consideration of approval of a resolution approving a First Amendment to Storm Sewer and Surface Water Flowage Easement and Sanitary Sewer Easement related to Lot 5 of Parkview Crossing Plat 7 (Resolution #09-93) 2)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving a Developers Agreement related to the Craig Dental Clinic Site Plan -Council Member Watts moved to approve the 9 resolution;seconded by Council Member Stanton.Director of Public Works Gibson presented the Developers Agreement related to the Craig Dental Clinic.The median will be installed on Warrior Lane from Hickman Road to the entrance on Laurel Street.The second entrance will also be installed exiting onto Laurel Street.City Attorney Brick added that the median will be installed no sooner than two years from now and at the discretion of the City. Roll call:Ayes:Watts,Stanton,McGee,Harvey.Nays:None.Absent:Bailey.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.(Resolution #09-94) 3)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a site plan for Craig Dental Clinic)-Council Member Stanton moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member McGee. Roll call:Ayes:Stanton,McGee,Watts,Harvey.Nays:None.Absent:Bailey.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.(Resolution #09-95) 4)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving an ingress/egress easement related to the site plan for Waukee Elementary School (6'"Street and Northview Drive))-Council Member Watts moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Stanton.Roll call:Ayes:Watts,Stanton,McGee,Harvey.Nays:None.Absent: Bailey.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.(Resolution #09-96) 5)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a site plan for Waukee Elementary School (6th Street and Northview Drive)-Council Member Stanton moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Council Member Watts.Director of Public Works Gibson briefly reviewed the site plan.Council Member McGee asked where traffic signals would be located;Mr.Gibson replied that none were contemplated at this time but the matter could be reviewed in the future if warranted.Council Member Stanton asked who would pay for the cost of traffic signals if they became warranted;Mr.Gibson answered that it would like be paid through assessment.Joe Schmidt,Planning &Zoning Commissioner,noted that the Commission had discussed concerns with pedestrian traffic in the area,specifically a lack of crossing guards at Bel Aire Drive and Waukee Avenue.Gibson answered that access was provided for additional crosswalks.Council Members Watts and McGee discussed the possibility of flashing red traffic signals in the future.Dr.David Wilkerson,Waukee Community School District superintendent,briefly discussed school district boundaries.Roll call:Ayes:Stanton, Watts,McGee,Harvey.Nays:None.Absent:Bailey.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.(Resolution #09-97) 6)DiscussionlMotion:Consideration of approval of setting May 18,2009 as the date of public hearing on an ordinance amendment related to temporary businesses -City Administrator/Clerk Kooistra briefly reviewed two possible ways to amend the zoning ordinance to allow and regulate temporary businesses.Council Member McGee asked if the Waukee Area Chamber of Commerce was approached for their opinion on proposed amendments;Mr.Kooistra replied that he'd discussed the matter with Chamber Director Chad Airhart,who felt that businesses have a right to operate,but temporary businesses need to meet more stringent requirements.The Chamber membership had not been polled for their opinion on the matter.Mr.Kooistra added that a similar ordinance amendment had been considered and defeated by the Council last year.Council Member Watts noted that business of a more permanent nature paid taxes year round,while a temporary business would not. Council Member Harvey suggested a higher fee for temporary businesses to make up for any lost tax base;adding that he did not support allowing special use permits.He also suggested that some members of the council might work with City staff to put together a possible ordinance amendment.Council Member Stanton replied that such an ordinance amendment would require a great deal of time,suggesting the matter be considered next year.Kim Cavanaugh,3515 150[11St.,Urbandale,addressed the Council and spoke in support of an 10 ordinance amendment.Joe Schmidt,Planning &Zoning Commissioner,addressed the Council and noted that the ordinance amendment defeated by the Council the previous year had attempted to address both temporary businesses and outdoor sales.He suggested these two uses be considered separately in any future ordinance amendments.Jim Phillips,230 Bel Aire Dr.,questioned why temporary businesses such as fruit and vegetable stands were currently allowed to operate within city limits;City Attorney Brick explained that current ordinance exempted such vendors.No action taken. 7)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution amending final schedule of assessments (Southfork and Walnut Ridge Sanitary Sewer Improvements Project)- Council Member Stanton moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Watts.City Administrator/Clerk Kooistra explained that the proposed resolution included a 4.15%interest rate.Council Member Harvey spoke in favor of maintaining the 9%interest rate as approved in an earlier resolution,noting that any benefits for those property owners who paid early would be negated by allowing such a low interest rate for those who did not pay early.Council Member Watts stated that he initially favored the 4.15%rate,but now supported keeping the rate at 9%.Council Member Stanton withdrew the motion.No action was taken. 8)Motion:Consideration of approval of a motion that the form of Tax Exemption Certificate be placed 011 file and approved ($362,000 Sewer Special Assessment Improvement Bonds, Series 2009)-Council Member Stanton moved to approve the form;seconded by Council Member Watts.Roll call:Ayes:Stanton,Watts,McGee,Harvey.Nays:None.Absent: Bailey.Motion carried 4 -0 -1. 9)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution providing for the issuance of $362,000 Sewer Special Assessment Improvement Bonds,Series 2009 -Council Member Stanton moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Watts.Roll call: Ayes:Stanton,Watts,McGee,Harvey.Nays:None.Absent:Bailey.Motion carried 4 -0- 1.(Resolution #09-98) 10)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving a Developers Agreement and Lien/Mortgage securing property owners portion of the costs associated with the L.A. Grant Parkway IV Avenue Improvements (Vision Bank of Iowa)-Council Member Watts moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member McGee.Roll Call:Ayes: Watts,McGee,Stanton,Harvey.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.(Resolution #09- 99) 11)Motion:Consideration of approval of a motion to renew the lease agreement for Maple Street Community Center -Council Member Stanton moved to approve the lease agreement; seconded by Council Member Watts.City Administrator/Clerk Kooistra noted that the lease payment would not change,but that the property owners would conduct an energy audit for the building,making changes that could save the City money in utility payments.Council Member Harvey stated that any such savings would not likely amount to much,expressing his disappointment and noting a need for the Council to review its rental policies.Council Member Stanton expressed concern that non-profit entities renting the community center need to meet certain criteria in order to be considered as non-profits.Council Member McGee also expressed disappointment,noting that the City was providing a service to citizens while taking on additional costs.Roll call:Ayes:Stanton,Watts,Harvey.Nays: McGee.Absent:Bailey.Motion carried 3 -1 -1. 12)Ordinance:Consideration of approval of an ordinance to amend Chapter 300,Zoning Ordinance,City of Waukee,Iowa by rezoning and changing certain property therein from A-I [Agricultural District]to R-2 [One-and Two-Family Residential District];and amend 11 the Official Zoning Map to show rezoning (a parcel known as the Clayton Commons) [third (final)reading]-Council Member Watts moved to approve the third reading of the ordinance in title only and place the ordinance on final passage;seconded by Council Member Stanton.Roll call:Ayes:Watts,Stanton,McGee,Harvey.Nays:None.Absent: Bailey.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.Administrative Coordinator Richardson read the ordinance in title only;Mayor Pro Tern Harvey declared the ordinance duly adopted.(Ordinance #2642) 13)Ordinance:Consideration of approval of an ordinance to amend Chapter 502,Waukee Municipal Code,Traffic Regulations of the City of Waukee,Iowa,by adding to Section 502,"Parking Regulations,"certain public streets as specified (SE Bell Court)[second, third (final)reading]-Council Member McGee moved to approve the second reading of the ordinance in title only,waive the third reading,and place the ordinance on final passage; seconded by Council Member Watts.Roll call:Ayes:McGee,Watts,Stanton,Harvey. Nays:None.Absent:Bailey.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.Administrative Coordinator Richardson read the ordinance in title only;Mayor Pro Tern Harvey declared the ordinance duly adopted.(Ordinance #2643) 14)Ordinance:Consideration of approval of ordinance to amend Chapter 502,Waukee Municipal Code,Traffic Regulations of the City of Waukee,Iowa,by adding to Section 502,"Parking Regulations,"certain public streets as specified (SE Cypress Court,SE Applewood Lane,SE Olson Drive)[introduction;first reading]-Council Member McGee introduced the ordinance;Council Member Watts moved to approve the first reading of the ordinance in title only;seconded by Council Member Stanton.Council Member McGee stated that area residents expressed concern that restricted parking on SE Olson Drive would force cars to park on residential streets,asking that the matter be reviewed.Council Member Harvey noted certain safety concerns with the current parking on SE Olson Drive,adding that having cars park along SE Crabapple Drive would still increase safety in the area.Council Member Watts suggested that SportsPlex West explore the option of shared,after hours parking with other businesses in the area.Keith Rash,855 SE Olson Drive,addressed the Council to express his concern with parking allowed along Olson Drive,citing children's safety and blocked driveways.Roll call:Ayes:Watts,Stanton,McGee,Harvey.Nays: None.Absent:Bailey.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.Administrative Coordinator Richardson read the ordinance in title only. (K)Reports -Reports made by City Administrator/Clerk Kooistra;Assistant to the City Administrator Gibson;Director of Public Works Gibson;Assistant Director of Public Works Royer;City Engineer Aldrich;City Attorney Brick;Council Members McGee,Stanton,Watts, Harvey. Council Member McGee moved to adjourn;seconded by Council Member Watts.Ayes:All.Nays: None.Motion carried 4 -O. Meeting Adjourned at 8:41 p.m. B.Richardson,Administrative Coordinator Attest: 12 foistra,City Administrator/Clerk 13