August 27,2012
A)Call to Order -The joint work session meeting of the Waukee City Council and Library Board of
Trustees was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Blanchard at 6:00 p.m.at Waukee City Hall.
B)Roll Call by City Council-The following were present:Council Members Shane Blanchard,Dan
Dutcher,Casey L.Harvey,Shelly Hughes.Absent:Mayor William F.Peard,Council Member Mike
C)Roll Call by Library Board of Trustees -The following were present:Board Members Darcy
Burnett,Jason Craig,Kelly Eagle,Cindy Gannon,Brian Hughes,Sue Ellen Kennedy,Chris Nickell.
Also present:Interim City Administrator Brad Deets,Assistant to the City Administrator McKinlee
Gibson,Director of Finance Linda Burkhart,Library Director Erik Surber,Deputy City Clerk Rebecca
D)Agenda Approval by City Council -Council Member Harvey moved to approve the agenda;
seconded by Council Member Dutcher.Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard,Dutcher,Harvey,Hughes.
Nays:None.Absent:Watts.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.
E)Agenda Approval by Library Board of Trustees -Board Member Nickell moved to approve the
agenda;seconded by Board Member Gannon.Results of vote:Ayes:Burnett,Craig,Eagle,
Gannon,Hughes,Kennedy,Nickell.Nays:None.Motion carried 7 -O.
1)Ori addition update -David Voss with GE Wattier Architects reviewed prior meetings with the
Ori Addition Committee and Library staff regarding the project,then presented a final concept
plan for the addition.The proposed location on the southeast corner of the building would help
balance the entryway and shield the mechanical systems.The addition reinforces the existing
Library design and includes a museum area with a gradual downward slope that leads into a
meeting room that can accommodate 50 people.Seven additional parking spaces would be
added to the Library site.Board Member Nickell asked if there would only be one way in and
out of the meeting room;Mr.Voss replied in the affirmative,noting that there would be a second
means of emergency egress.Council Member Blanchard asked about the materials proposed
for the exposed interior beams;Mr.Voss answered that they would be laminated beams
stained to match the woodwork in the existing Library.Council Member Harvey questioned if
the location of the additional parking spaces would require concrete piers to prevent a collision
with the building and whether the dumpster would be relocated;Mr.Voss replied that the
parking lot curb would be 6-8 feet away from the building and would be set much higher than
usual to prevent collisions.The location of the dumpster and an electrical access panel has not
been finalized.Mr.Voss added that soil boring has not been conducted due to the expense.
Board Member Nickell asked if the flagpole would be relocated;Mr.Voss replied that it would
be relocated,along with a fire connection and Knox Box.Council Member Hughes asked if the
current restroom facilities and parking were sufficient for the addition;Mr.Voss answered in the
affirmative.Council Member Harvey asked if there was storage for tables and chairs;Mr.Voss
replied that there was not,and the tables and chairs would be stored in the meeting room.
Richard Ori,member of the Ori Addition Committee,thanked the Board of Trustees and Library
Director Surber for their work on the project and stated that he looked forward to its completion.
Mr.Voss presented a proposed budget of approximately $495,000 for the Ori addition,including
furnishings and AN equipment,and a $23,000 contingency fund.Board Member Gannon
asked if additional parking could be added;Board Member Hughes replied that the Committee
didn't feel it was appropriate to use the Ori donation for additional parking,but that parking
issues needed to be addressed in the future.Mr.Voss stated that the project was anticipated
to go out to bid in September 2012 with a construction completion date of late June 2013.
Council Member Dutcher spoke in favor of getting as much work done prior to winter weather
as possible in order to avoid any cost overages.
(Mayor Pro Tem Blanchard excused himself from the meeting at 6:50 p.m.Council Member
Dutcher moved to appoint Council Member Harvey as presiding officer;seconded by Council
Member Blanchard.Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard,Dutcher,Harvey,Hughes.Nays:None.
Motion carried 4 -0 -1.)
2)Library FY2012 Annual Report -Library Director Surber presented the report,including
service changes for FY2012,a comparison of the Library with other libraries around the state
and nation,and acknowledgement of community partners and volunteers.Karen Dluhos,960
Maple St.,addressed the City Council and Library Board of Trustees to ask if more staffing was
needed to manage the museum area in the Ori addition;Mr.Surber replied that he was
considering the matter.Council Member Harvey asked to discuss visioning for the Library,
noting that he would like to see more dedicated space for children.Board Member Hughes
stated that staffing issues must be addressed,as the Library relied on many volunteers who
were helpful,but not a regular source for work.Council Member Harvey replied that many
other City departments faced staffing issues,as well,and that services must be maintained
across the board.Mr.Surber noted a goal to increase Library service hours over time.Council
Member Dutcher praised the Library for successfully transitioning into electronic media,noting
that a balance must be maintained between services offered and "brick and mortar"facilities.
Board Member Nickell agreed that the Library is offering more electronic media and technology
for patrons,but that "real"books should continue to be taken into account.Mr.Surber stated
that the Library was also about the experience and is a meeting place for the community.
Council Member Hughes noted that the community has many people who care deeply about
the Library and that she was eager to see the positive changes the Ori addition would bring
G)Adjournment by Library Board of Trustees -Board Member Nickell moved to adjourn;seconded
by Board Member Craig.Ayes:All.Nays:None.Motion carried 7 -O.
H)Adjournment by City Council-Council Member Dutcher moved to ad ourn;seconded by Council
Member Hughes.Ayes:All.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 -O.Meeti adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
R.Schuett,Deputy City Clerk
Board of Trustees President
rustees Vice President