HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-12-16-Regular MinutesWAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES December 16,2013 (A)Call to Order -The regular meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order by Mayor Peard at 5:29 p.m.at the Waukee Community Center,675 Walnut St. (8)Pledge of Allegiance (C)Roll Call-The following members were present:Mayor William F.Peard;Council Members Shane Blanchard,Casey L.Harvey,Shelly Hughes,C.Isaiah McGee.Absent:Council Member Mike Watts. Also present:City Administrator Tim Moerman,Director of Finance Linda Burkhart,Director of Development Services Brad Deets,Senior Planner Ben Landhauser,Director of Public Works John Gibson,Assistant Director of Public Works Tim Royer,Community and Economic Development Director Dan Dutcher,Parks and Recreation Director Matt Jermier,City Clerk Rebecca D.Schuett,City Attorney Steve Brick. (D)Open Forum -Jim Anker,215 Corene Ave.,asked that the requirement for vehicles to be parked on an impervious surface be reevaluated.He had received notification from the City regarding a trailer parked on his property out of compliance with the City code,but feels that the City's efforts to reduce stormwater run-off is contradictory to the impervious surface requirement. Mr.Anker also requested that the City Council be more judicious in spending,noting certain areas like the Sugar Creek Municipal Golf Course and tree trimming that could be privately run. (E)Agenda Approval -Council Member Harvey moved to approve the agenda;seconded by Council Member Hughes.Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard,Harvey,Hughes,McGee.Nays: None.Absent:Watts.Motion carried 4 -a -1. (F)Mayor's Report -Mayor Peard will attend the retirement party for Polk City Mayor Heuertz on 12/17,and the MPO Policy Committee Meeting and Taxpayers Association of Central Iowa TIF panel on 12/19.He wished all safe and happy holidays. (G)Presentations: 1)Local Government Collaboration report (Public Works team)-Director of Public Works Gibson briefly reviewed the Public Works aspect of the Capital Crossroads Governance Committee.Clive Public Works Director Bart Weller presented on vegetative debris management efforts;West Des Moines City Manager Greg Sparks reviewed standardization of right-of-way applications and permits.Mayor Peard and Council Members McGee and Harvey expressed concern that the right-of-way permit information was being hosted by the Taxpayers Association of Central Iowa website instead of a civic or municipal organization; City Administrator Moerman replied that the hosting duties may change in the future. 2)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution recognizing the service of Council Member Isaiah McGee to the City of Waukee -Council Member Harvey moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Hughes.Results of vote:Ayes: Blanchard,Harvey,Hughes.Nays:None.Abstain:McGee.Absent:Watts.Motion carried 3 -1 -1.Mayor Peard read a certificate of appreciation aloud and expressed his thanks to Council Member McGee for his service.Council Member McGee noted his appreciation for the opportunity to serve the community.(Resolution #13-322) 3)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution recognizing the service of Council Member Mike Watts to the City of Waukee -Council Member Harvey moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Hughes.Results of vote:Ayes: Blanchard,Harvey,Hughes,McGee.Nays:None.Absent:Watts.Motion carried 4 -a -1. Mayor Peard read the resolution aloud and thanked Council Member Watts for his service. (Resolution #13-323) (H)Public Hearings:None (I)Public Hearing Action Items:None (J)Action Items 1)Consent Agenda:Council Member McGee moved to approve the Consent Agenda; seconded by Council Member Harvey.Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard,Harvey,Hughes, McGee.Nays:None.Absent:Watts.Motion carried 4 -0 -1. BANK OF AMERICA BILL GORDISH BOB BROWN CHEVROLET CHARTER BANK CHARTER BANK CHARTER BANK CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WAUKEE COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMER EFTPS EFTPS EFTPS EFTPS EFTPS EFTPS ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 457 INFRA-TRACK INC. IOWA DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES IPERS IPERS IPERS -POLICE TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES TREASURER STATE OF IOWA TREASURER STATE OF IOWA TREASURER STATE OF IOWA TREASURER STATE OF IOWA TREASURER STATE OF IOWA TREASURER STATE OF IOWA UNITED WAY CENTRAL IOWA US ENERGY SERVICES INC US POSTAL SERVICE US POSTAL SERVICE WEST BANK *TOTALS* CWA LOCAL 7102 UNION DUES FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAXES FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAXES FICA TAX WITHHOLDING FICA TAX WITHHOLDING MEDICARE TAX WITHHOLDING MEDICARE TAX WITHHOLDING ICMA 03 SPRINTER 3500 VAN CHILD SUPPORT IPERS DEDUCTIONS IPERS ELECTED OFFICIAL DEDUCT IPERS DEDUCTIONS SECTION 125 MEDICAL DEDUCTIONS SECTION 125 DAYCARE DEDUCTIONS NOV '13 WATER SALES TAXES NOV '13 SEWER SALES TAXES NOV '13 GAS SALES TAXES NOV '13 PARK&REC SALES TAXES NOV '13 STORM WATER TAXES STATE TAX WITHHOLDINGS UNITED WAY DEDUCTION NOVEMBER '13 STATEMENT NOV '13 UTILITY BILLS NOV '13 ACH BILLS GOLF CARTS -PRINIINT UNPAID BILLS PRESENTED FOR APPROVAL 1211612013: AAA AWARDS &EMBROIDERY KEY TO THE CITY ENGRAVING ADEL AUTO PARTS PARTS ADVENTURES IN ADVERTISING UNIFORMS 2 $10,452.98 550.00 17,914.00 17,778.59 31,188.97 35,739.95 9.47 232.50 53.00 358.00 328.89 262.50 1,530.00 125.00 60.00 618.82 823.77 21,657.82 2,868.12 25,268.18 670.92 5,807.34 4,773.89 33,000.00 616.70 43,894.16 338.52 24,605.14 1,906.55 1,091.65 12,114.99 1,741.91 2,808.52 197.40 950.56 20,159.00 130.00 308,385.18 1,734.17 649.07 17,152.77 $650,549.00 $8.20 419.38 38.90 AHLERS &COONEY PC AHLERS &COONEY PC AMERITAS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY BLACK HILLS ENERGY ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY BAKER ELECTRIC INC BLUE COMPASS INTERACTIVE BOUND TREE MEDICAL BOWEN DESIGN BRIMEYER FURS MAN LISA BUELOW BUSINESS RADIO SALES &SERVICE CALHOUN-BURNS AND ASSOCIATES CALHOUN-BURNS AND ASSOCIATES CAPITAL CITY EQUIPMENT COMPANY CAPITAL SANITARY SUPPLY CAPITAL SANITARY SUPPLY CARPENTER UNIFORM CO CENTRAL IOWA EMS DIRECTOR CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WEST DES MOINES CIVIC PLUS CLASSIC 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PLANT-BAKER CUTTING EDGES NOVEMBER '13 STATEMENT RECORDING FEES NOVEMBER '13 STATEMENT NOVEMBER '13 STATEMENT DEC '13 SINKING FUND TRANSFER CITY HALL RENOVATION NOVEMBER '13 STATEMENT REPAIRS GPS EQUIPMENT RENTAL LIGHT REPLACEMENT GLOVES FURNACE REBATE THANKSGIVING LUNCH SUPPLIES HOLIDAY GIFT CARDS -117 TOTAL SUPPLIES CERT FEES/HAZMAT OPERATORS 7 HABITS MANAGERS KITS MAT SERVICES UNIFORMS #6 BARRELL LOCKS/PLASTIC CAPS TIRES FRONT AIR BAG NOVEMBER '13 STATEMENT COMPUTERS DEC '13 STATEMENT LARGE FORMAT SCANNING TEST MONTHLY RADIX SUBSCRIPTION 3 1,807.50 2,021.00 1,644.64 2,891.25 249.81 788.85 55.00 214.55 529.00 5,000.00 336.00 101.60 714.34 12,293.74 99.05 15.84 57.87 186.97 300.00 10,443.75 3,773.49 305.60 6,600.00 65.00 1,635.00 1,049.80 895.00 778.09 37,537.54 41,749.25 574.17 80.84 320.70 119.90 56.25 133.55 75.00 34.87 2,925.00 30.73 100.00 4,592.06 202.49 341.92 403.43 1,127.67 130.00 11,908.08 1,125.70 2,234.98 45.00 440.98 IMAGING TECHNOLOGIES BASE RATE CHARGE 807.93 INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER BATTERY 128.55 IOWA ASSOCIATION OF BUILDING OFFICIALS '14 MEMBERSHIP-WIGGINS 20.00 IOWA ASSOCIATION OF BUILDING OFFICIALS '14 MEMBERSHIP-RASH 50.00 IOWA ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL CIASSO DEC 13-FEB '14 1,557.28 IOWA MUNICIPALITIES WORKERS' COMPENSATION DEC '13 WORKERS COMPENSATION 15,528.00 IOWA ONE CALL NOVEMBER '13 STATEMENT 384.30 IOWA PRISON INDUSTRIES SIGNS 1,382.99 JACOBSON SUPPLY INC 7/8"X 5"X 5FT CARBIDE BLADE 796.00 JACOBSON SUPPLY INC CURB BUMPER-CARBIDE 1MB 1,990.00 LASER CAR WASH CAR WASHES 243.00 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC SUPPLIES 322.95 LIBERTY READY MIX CONCRETE 4,679.52 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC CYLINDERS 48.67 MARTIN MARIETTA AGGREGATE ROAD STONE 928.11 STEVE MCINTYRE VOLLEYBALL REFEREE 336.00 MCLAUGHLIN INTERNATIONAL INC SHIRTS-CORKREAN 179.11 GERALD MEETZ FURNACE REBATE 150.00 MENARDS SUPPLIES 437.11 MIDWEST ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES WASTEWATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 1,072.00 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES SHIELDS 98.98 MUNICIPAL SUPPLY HOSTING SERVICE 1,400.00 MUNICIPAL SUPPLY IPERL COMMUNICATION CABLES 462.60 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL '14 MEMBERSHIP-CUNNINGHAM 40.00 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION '14 MEMBERSHIP 165.00 NEWCOM TECHNOLOGIES LICENSE SERVICE AGREEMENT 150.00 NOGG CHEMICAL &PAPER SUPPLIES 853.77 O'HALLORAN INTERNATIONAL DOUBLE PAYMENT CREDIT (900.31 ) O'HALLORAN INTERNATIONAL '14 INTL -7300 SFA 4X2 175,479.00 O'HALLORAN INTERNATIONAL INSULATR 149.34 O'HALLORAN INTERNATIONAL BOLT/NUT 22.50 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 473.38 PITNEY BOWES METER SUPPLIES 50.14 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION #440 WELDING SUPPLIES 61.61 SEARS RATCHET 154.06 SNYDER &ASSOCIATES INC HICKMAN RD &WESTGATE INTERSCT 1,597.04 STIVERS FORD REPAIRS 924.08 SHARON STONE FURNACE/THERMOSTAT REBATE 105.00 STRAUSS SAFE AND LOCK CO EXIT TRIM/PUSH PLATE 482.00 STRAUSS SAFE AND LOCK CO LOCK REPAIR 40.00 STRICKL Y BUSINESS IINC PEDDLERS PERMIT BOND REFUND 100.00 TYLER RUBES VINYL BOOT 9.95 TEAM TWO INC NOVEMBER '13 STATEMENT 2,628.93 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FLEXPLAN ADMIN 1/14-3-14 889.35 TREASURER STATE OF IOWA NOV '13 GOLF SALES TAXES 132.31 FIRST CHOICE COFFEE SERVICES COFFEE/PAPER SUPPLIES 218.50 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING CHARGES 96.31 UNIVERSAL PRINTING SERVICES PAST DUE NOTICES 1,041.18 UNIVERSITY OF IOWA HYGIENE TESTING FEES 728.00 VEENSTRA &KIMM INC NOVEMBER '13 STATEMENT 16,175.23 VERIZON WIRELESS NOVEMBER '13 STATEMENT 3,203.49 4 VERIZON WIRELESS THE WALDINGER CORP WASTE MANAGEMENT OF IOWA WAUKEE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WAUKEE HARDWARE &VARIETY PETTY CASH-LIBRARY ZEE MEDICAL INC *TOTALS* PAYROLL 11/30/2013: ALDRICH,SHAWN L APPLE,ROBERT K ARIAS,HECTOR G ARMSTRONG,BRETT M BAKER,RANDY L BAUMAN,LISA L BIDNEY,SARAH L BREUER,GREGORY A BROWN,DEBORAH J BRUNS,RACHEL M BURKHART,LINDA S CAMPBELL,SCOTT E CARRICO,JAMES L CLEMEN,ANTHONY J COLE,JACOB A CORKREAN,JENNIFER A CUNNINGHAM,SCOTT D DEETS,BRADL Y M DEZEEUW,DAVID S DLUHOS,JOHN F DODGE,JUSTIN D DUNBAR,DIANA R DUTCHER,DAN D EASTMAN,DAVID H EDWARDS,DANAE J ELLIOTT,STEVE D FINDLAY,KALEE FISHER,JORDAN A FLUGGE-SMITH,JAMIE L FREDERICK,JUSTIN J FROEHLICH,WILLIAM R FULLER,ERIN M GIBSON,JOHN R GODDARD,AMY D GROVE,BRIAN J HANSON,ANTHONY J HAWKINS,ALESHA B HEIMANN,RONALD L HENTGES,ERIC M HERRICK,ROBERT D HETH,REBECCA J HOCHSTETLER,JAMES R HILGENBERG,ADAM H HOLDEN,PATRICIA B HUDSON,CHRISTOPHER D DECEMBER '13 STATEMENT REPAIRS DECEMBER '13 STATEMENT CHAMBER LUNCH-MOERMAN/DEETS NOVEMBER '13 STAEMENT-PW NOVEMBER '13 PETTY CASH FIRST AID KIT SUPPLIES $1,163.54 1,282.64 2,083.17 1,636.83 1,190.17 1,223.56 72.57 2,917.52 459.09 1,300.22 3,074.89 2,136.69 481.56 396.71 251.94 1,755.31 2,015.32 2,988.34 2,391.76 79.29 2,134.73 833.44 2,374.58 99.75 1,348.42 1,913.24 69.26 34.63 1,149.39 1,299.29 302.77 601.22 3,643.23 39.70 239.63 2,295.56 369.02 2,020.17 412.23 2,314.88 728.62 1,364.04 350.17 2,435.26 127.44 5 25.02 577.30 65,317.94 30.00 424.66 95.73 171.68 $466,324.62 HUTTON,JOSHUA A JENSEN,CHAD F JERMIER,MATTHEW R KASZINSKI,BRETT A KELLER,CHRISTOPHER M KENKEL,JAMES F KOESTER,EVAN W LANDHAUSER,BENJAMIN A LARSON,KENNETH W LILLIE,SCOTT M LONG,JEREMY 0 LYNCH,JORDAN W LYNCH,SHANNON M MANNING,JOSHUA M MAPES,TROY M MCCLINTIC,JAMES M MELLENCAMP,JEFFREY S MICKELSON,EMILY M MICKELSON,KYLiE E MINIKUS,JOSHUA D MOERMAN,TIMOTHY A MOZGA,ERIC J MURRA,BRIAN J NIELSEN,ERIN E NORTON,PATRICK D OAKLEY,JON L OSTRING,KATHLEEN A PARISH,TONJA L MURPHY-PETERSEN,DEVON M PETTIT,BRANDON D PETERSON,OREN E PHILLIPS,LARRY J PINEGAR,TOMMIE G RASH,RONALD K RICE,RACHAEL N RICHARDSON,ELIZABETH A ROBINSON,CLINT H ROYER,TIMOTHY L ROYSTER,JACOB T SCHAUFENBUEL,KARIL SCHETTLER,RODNEY A SCHUETT,REBECCA D SEDDON,JOSH M SNELSON,NATHANIEL R SOFEN,NATASHA S SPEER,JACOB G SPOSETO,MACKENZIE A SPRAGUE,MATTHEW D STEINKE,KURT M STEPHENS,CLINT R STEWARD,ERIC A SUCKOW,KATHERINE J TYSDAL,THOMAS M VANWART,LINDA M VANDE KAMP,JOSHUA D 524.98 635.65 2,502.96 426.60 1,852.53 97.57 1,519.89 2,365.74 140.64 1,506.48 2,482.40 1,134.28 1,122.26 1,900.25 2,624.12 1,002.59 2,707.62 53.10 34.63 1,709.74 3,163.85 574.39 2,027.50 41315 372.91 1,789.02 1,450.50 1,323.27 1,716.69 2,002.91 1,746.25 3,875.77 587.50 1,685.06 149.42 1,966.96 2,715.81 3,276.19 1,115.95 718.49 2,327.66 2,170.49 362.48 183.07 82.95 2,452.86 1,836.35 1,656.19 250.77 97.64 1,828.99 48.08 1,851.56 1,303.75 1,670.21 6 VAN PELT,ROBERT T VOEGTLE,TIMOTHY J VOKES,LARRY R WALLACE,ERIC L WASKE,CHARLES C WEAKLEND,CHRISTINA J WEBB,JAMES D WEIR,MARGARET M WERTS,DANIEL J WESTON STOLL,KERI L WIGGINS,MATHEW W WILSON,JODY WINTERS,TROY S WISE,NATHAN F WOOD,DANIEL J STEWARD,IAN M *TOTALS' 164,14 1,467,84 1,850,76 2,004,96 1,668,63 615,90 1,816,98 1,668,34 2,049,09 1,361.73 1,480,67 190,08 2,019,18 2,070,72 560,08 334,91 $155,864.47 B,Consideration of approval of City Council Minutes of 12/02/2013 Regular Meeting, 1210912013 Special Meeting C,Consideration of approval of receipt and file of purchase of a 2015 CK 36043 Cab and Chassis from Shottenkirk Chevrolet of Waukee,lA,in the amount of $29,248,80 D,Consideration of approval of receipt and file of purchase of a steel flatbed body and tool boxes for a 2015 CK 36043 Cab and Chassis from Truck Equipment,Inc"of Des Moines,lA, in the amount of $6,577,00 E,Consideration of approval of a resolution approving additional services for City of Waukee website design and administration (Resolution #13-324) F,Consideration of approval of Change Order No,8 to Lansink Construction,Inc"for the Ori Library Addition Project in the amount of $2,799,50 G,Consideration of approval of Partial Payment Estimate No,8 (Final)to Lansink Construction, Inc"for the Ori Library Addition Project in the amount of $2,659,52 H,Consideration of approval of Change Order No,3 to Corell Contractor,Inc"for the Little Walnut Creek Regional Lift Station Project,decreasing the contract amount by $861,20 L Consideration of approval of Partial Payment Estimate No,7 (Final)to Corell Contractor,Inc" for the Little Walnut Creek Regional Lift Station Project in the amount of $988,00 J,Consideration of approval of a resolution accepting public improvements [Little Walnut Creek Regional Lift Station Project](Resolution #13-325) K,Consideration of approval of Change Order No,1 to GUS construction Company,Inc"for the Pipe Arch Culvert Replacement,312'h Place Project No,SBRM-8177(614)-8F25,in the amount of $3,134,53 L Consideration of approval of Partial Payment Estimate NO.1 to GUS Construction Company, Inc.,for the Pipe Arch Culvert Replacement,312'h Place Project No.SBRM-8177(614)- 8F25,in the amount of $124,463.37 M,Consideration of approval of Change Order No,3 to S,M.Hentges &Sons,Inc"for the Alice's Road Corridor Sewer Project,decreasing the contract amount by $21,546,03 N,Consideration of approval of Partial Payment Estimate No.9 (Final)to S.M,Hentges &Sons, Inc.,for the Alice's Road Corridor Sewer Project in the amount of $11 ,416,84 0,Consideration of approval of a resolution approving Supplemental Contract between S,M. Hentges &Sons,Inc"and the City of Waukee [Alice's Road Corridor Sewer Project] (Resolution #13-326) P.Consideration of approval of a resolution accepting public improvements [Alice's Road Corridor Sewer Project](Resolution #13-327) Q,Consideration of approval of Change Order No,1 to Bergstrom Construction,Inc"for the Waukee City Hall Improvement Project in the amount of $11 ,739.00 R.Consideration of approval of Change Order No,2 to Bergstrom Construction,Inc"for the Waukee City Hall Improvement Project,decreasing the contract amount by $2,031,00 7 S.Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No.1 to Manatts,Inc.for the SE Alices Road, SE Ashworth Road to SE University Avenue,project RM-8177(615)-9D-25 in the amount of $128,965.38 T.Consideration of approval of setting January 6,2014,as date of public hearing on Development Agreement [Access Systems] 2)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving final plat of Stone Prairie Plat 3 -Council Member Harvey moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Hughes.Director of Development Services Deets briefly reviewed the plat, noting that the developer has posted bond with the City for the remaining public improvements.Council Member Harvey asked about the trail on the east side of the plat;Mr. Deets answered that the trail has been constructed and will continue to be extended with remaining development or as a City project.Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard,Harvey, Hughes,McGee.Nays:None.Absent:Watts.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.(Resolution #13-328) 3)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving site plan for The Springs at Prairie Crossing [750 NE Horizon Drive]-Council Member Hughes moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Harvey.Director of Development Services Deets briefly reviewed the site plan,which includes a clubhouse and secured access. Concerns about landscaping along Alice's Road which were expressed by the Waukee Planning &Zoning Commission upon their review of the site plan have been addressed. Council Member Harvey asked for clarification on density;Mr.Deets noted that there were twelve units per acre.Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard,Harvey,Hughes,McGee.Nays: None.Absent:Watts.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.(Resolution #13-329) 4)REMOVED FROM AGENDA 5)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving an Iowa Department of Transportation Federal Aid Agreement for a Transportation Enhancement Program (TE) Project [Sugar Creek Trail Bridge Project]-Council Member McGee moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Blanchard.Parks and Recreation Director Jermier briefly reviewed the agreement,noting its approval as part of the requirements to receive grant funding toward the project.Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard,Harvey,Hughes,McGee.Nays: None.Absent:Watts.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.(Resolution #13-330) 6)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving Technical Services Agreement between Black Hills Energy and the City of Waukee -Council Member Harvey moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Hughes.Director of Public Works Gibson briefly reviewed the agreement.Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard,Harvey, Hughes,McGee.Nays:None.Absent:Watts.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.(Resolution #13-331) 7)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving Waukee Community Center exterior lighting -Council Member Blanchard moved to approve the resolution; seconded by Council Member Harvey.Parks and Recreation Director Jermier briefly reviewed the proposal and timeline for construction,noting the poles would be similar in design to those in the downtown Triangle Park area.Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard,Harvey,Hughes, McGee.Nays:None.Absent:Watts.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.(Resolution #13-332) 8)Ordinance:Consideration of approval of an ordinance to amend Chapter 501,Waukee Municipal Code,regarding the speed limit on SE L.A.Grant Parkway within the city limits of the City of Waukee,Iowa [third (final)reading]-Council Member Harvey moved to approve the third reading of the ordinance in title only and place it on final passage; seconded by Council Member McGee.Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard,Harvey,Hughes, McGee.Nays:None.Absent:Watts.Motion carried 4 -0 -1.The ordinance was read in title only;Mayor Peard declared the ordinance duly adopted.(Ordinance #2753) 9)Ordinance:Consideration of approval of an ordinance repealing Chapter 227 of the Waukee Municipal Code,which established the Utilities Committee,a standing committee of the City of Waukee [third (final)reading]-Council Member Blanchard moved to approve the third reading of the ordinance in title only and place it on final passage; seconded by Council Member Harvey.Mayor Peard stated that members of the Utilities Committee would be given extra consideration if they wish to be appointed to another citizen committee.Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard,Harvey,Hughes.Nays:McGee.Absent:Watts. a Motion carried 3 -1 -1.The ordinance was read in title only;Mayor Peard declared the ordinance duly adopted.(Ordinance #2754) (K)Reports -Reports made by City Administrator Moerman;Council Members Harvey,Hughes. Council Member McGee moved to adjourn;seconded by Council Member Harvey.Ayes:All.Nays: None.Motion carried 4 -O. Meeting Adjourned at 6:28 p.m. Attest: ~Eui~ 9