HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-10-06-Regular MinutesWAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 6,2014 (A)Call to Order —The regular meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order by Mayor Peard at 5:31 p.m.in the Council Chambers at Waukee City Hall,230 W.Hickman Rd. (B)Pledge of Allegiance (C)Roll Gall —The following members were present:Mayor William F.Peard;Council Members Shane Blanchard,Brian Harrison,Casey L.Harvey,Shelly Hughes,Rick Peterson.Absent: None. Also present:City Administrator Tim Moerman,Director of Development Services Brad Deets, Director of Public Works John Gibson,Director of Finance Linda Burkhart,Communications Director Amanda Gorsche Miller,Parks and Recreation Director Matt Jermier,Human Resource Director Patty Holden,Technical Services Specialist Jenna Herr,Police Chief John Quinn,City Clerk Rebecca D.Schuett,City Attorney Steve Brick. (D)Open Forum (E)Agenda Approval —Council Member Harvey moved to approve the agenda,tabling consideration of agenda item J5 at the request of the applicant until the next regular City Council meeting;seconded by Council Member Harrison.Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard,Harrison, Harvey,Hughes,Peterson.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 —0. (F)Mayor's Report —Mayor Peard reported on the 10/15 Grand Prairie Parkway Interchange groundbreaking,10/11 Linda Mack Memorial Garden dedication,and the 10/04 Firefighter's Association pancake breakfast. (G)Presentations: 1)Bravo Greater Des Iloines annual report —Report made by Bravo Greater Des Moines Executive Director Sally Dix.Mayor Peard and Council Members Harvey and Hughes praised the work done by Bravo Greater Des Moines. (H)Public Hearings: 1)On plans,specifications,form of contract and estimate of cost [2015 Asphalt Overlay Project]—Mayor Peard opened the public hearing and asked if any written correspondence had been received;City Clerk Schuett replied in the negative.Director of Public Works Gibson presented on the project,reviewing two bid alternates that included additional street overlays and parking improvements to the west of Waukee United Methodist Church.City staff recommend accepting the two alternate bids in addition to the base bid.No comments were made by the public present.Mayor Peard declared the public hearing closed. 2)On plans,specifications,form of contract and estimate of cost [2015 Water Main Improvement Project]—Mayor Peard opened the public hearing and asked if any written correspondence had been received;City Clerk Schuett replied in the negative.Director of Public Works Gibson presented on the project.No comments were made by the public present.Mayor Peard declared the public hearing closed. (I)Public Hearing Action Items: 1)2016 Asphalt Overlay Project A)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving plans, specifications,form of contract and estimate of cost —Council Member Harvey moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Hughes.Results of vote: Ayes:Blanchard,Harrison,Harvey,Hughes,Peterson.Nays:None.Motion carried 5— 0.(Resolution 414-259) B)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution awarding contract —Council Member Blanchard moved to approve the resolution awarding contract to Grimes Asphalt and Paving of Des Moines,IA,in the amount of $212,466.00;seconded by Council Member Harvey.Director of Public VVorks Gibson briefly reviewed the results of the bid letting.Council Member Harvey asked about funding for the project cost overage;Mr, Gibson stated that the overage would be paid from road use reserves.Results of vote; Ayes:Blanchard,Harrison,Harvey,Hughes,Peterson.Nays:None.Motion carried 5— 0.(Resolution 414-260) 2)2016 Wafer Main Improvement Project A)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving plans, specifications,form of contract and estimate of cost —Council Member Harvey moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Peterson.Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard,Harrison,Harvey,Hughes,Peterson.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 —0.(Resolution 414-261) B)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution awarding contract —Council Member Harvey moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Hughes.Director of Public Works Gibson briefly reviewed the results of the bid letting. Council Member Blanchard asked if the 8"pipe would need to be upsized to 10"pipe in the future;Mr.Gibson replied in the negative.Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard, Harrison,Harvey,Hughes,Peterson.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 —0.The contract is awarded to Lawson Construction of Kirksville,MO,in the amount of $275,495.00. (Resolution 414-262) (J)Action Items I)Consent Agenda:Council Member Harrison moved to approve the Consent Agenda; seconded by Council Member Peterson.Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard,Harrison, Harvey,Hughes,Peterson,Nays:None.Motion carried 5 —0. A Consideration of approval of 10/06/2014 CHECKS ISSUED PRIOR TO COUNCIL ADAMS,SHELLY A APPLIED ART 8 TECHNOLOGY BANK OF AMERICA BAUGHMAN,JOE BRUSS,TIMOTHY R CITY OF ANKENY CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WAUKEE COMMERCE-CENSUS COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMER CONNER,MYRANDA M DOLL DISTRIBUTING,LLC DOLL DISTRIBUTING,LLC EFTPS EFTPS EFTPS EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SYSTEMS FAREWAY STORES GRAHAM,WARREN L GROUND BREAKER HOMES HOUSMAN,FRED IOWA BEVERAGE SYSTEMS INC IOWA DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES IOWA DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES JETHRO'S BBQ Bill List;09/15/2014 Payroll: AP P ROVAL 1 0/06/2014: UTILITY REFUND MANDERS-WATER DMG REPAIRS AUG '14 STATEMENT UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REF U N D METRO UTILITY BILLING GRP LUNG CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUM STD I NSU RANCE P REMI UM HEALTH INSURANCE DEDUCTION HEALTH INSURANCE DEDUCTION HEALTH INSURANCE DEDUCTION 2015 SPECIAL CENSUS-PARTIAL CWA LOCAL 7102 UNION DUES UTILITY REFUND BEER DELIVERY BEER DELIVERY FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAXES FICA TAX WITHHOLDING MEDICARE TAX WITHHOLDING OCT '14 HEALTH INSUR PREMIUM ME ET IN G FOOD UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REF U N D UTILITY REFUND BEER DELIVERY CHILD SUPPORT '15 WATER MAIN CONSTCTN PERMIT MEN'S LEAGUE FOOD $54.19 5,795.00 8,755.35 100.92 173.21 12.00 217.50 389.64 459.81 1,890.00 25.00 85.00 97,589.00 674.37 79.95 266.35 268.35 27,598.18 29,764.54 7,039.46 92,704.99 1,64'1.20 33.22 47.4 53.17 310.20 1,541.70 213.00 156.51 JUDGE'S SIGNATURE CATERING KURTZ,JOSHUA J NORTHRIDGE HOMES PERFORMANCE NUTRITION PLUS PURCHASE POWER REED,DEBORAH L REYNOLDS,PAM SCHILLINGER,NICHOLAS SMITH,LAUREN SPENCER,ANNA SUGAR CREEK GOLF COURSE SUGAR CREEK GOLF COURSE SUGAR CREEK GOLF COURSE SUGAR CREEK GOLF COURSE SUGAR CREEK GOLF COURSE SUGAR CREEK GOLF COURSE TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES UNITED WAY CENTRAL IOWA US POSTAL SERVICE US POSTAL SERVICE US POSTAL SERVICE WAUKEE LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE "TOTAL.* LADIES LEAGUE DINNER UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND POSTAGE METER REFILL UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND LADIES LEAGUE YEAR END PRIZES MEN'S LEAGUE PRIZES TOURNAMENT PRIZES TUESDAY NIGHT SCRAMBLE PRIZES MATCH PLAY TOURNAMENT PRIZES TOURNAMENT PRIZES SECTION 125 MEDICAL DEDUCTIONS SECTION 125 DAYCARE DEDUCTIONS UNITED WAY DEDUCTION SEP '14 LATE NOTICES SEPTEMBER '14 UTILITY BILLS SEPT '14 ACH BILLS LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE 180.00 35.92 604.89 45.58 1,999.03 76.77 193.76 100 74.57 58.34 'I,025.00 1,045.00 360.00 360.00 540.00 360.00 1,911.17 940.14 248.00 390.54 1,767,32 776.94 550.00 $291,582.18 VAL 10/06/2014: SHIRTS-BAKER CYLINDER COVER/RETAI N E RS CHEMICALS HOSE REPAIR RADIO INSTALLATION RADIOS GPS EQUIPMENT RENTAL 8 SERVICE S HI RTS-P ETERSON SEPTEMBER '14 STATEMENT LIFT STATION AC FILTER 3/4"GEARED COMBINATION WRENCH SUPPLIES CONCRETE ROCK DRILL OIL 7/8"WHI RLI BIT A1-36 DOWEL DRILL AUG '14 HOSTING SERVICE GASKET/FLANGE/3/4"MTR CPLG MARKING PAINT TOUCHREADER/METERS SERVICE INFO DVD FILTERS FUEL PUMP MOTOR CONTROL OFFICE SUPPLIES ARAMARK APPAREL 8 UNIFORM CAPITAL CITY EQUIPMENT COMPANY CAPITAL CITY EQUIPMENT COMPANY D 8 K PRODUCTS ED M FELD EQUIPMENT COMPANY ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING CO ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING CO El ECTRONIC ENGINEERING CO G 8 L CLOTHING HICKORY TECH JETCO LAWSON PRODUCTS INC LAWSON PRODUCTS INC LIBERTY READY MIX LOGAN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY LOGAN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY LOGAN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY MUNICIPAL SUPPLY MUNICIPAL SUPPLY MUNICIPAL SUPPLY MUNICIPAL SUPPLY O'HALLORAN INTERNATIONAL O'HALLORAN INTERNATIONAL O'HALLORAN INTERNATIONAL O'HALLORAN INTERNATIONAL OFFICE DEPOT RANKIN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS INC SRIXON PHONE SET UP-HERR PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE UNPAID BILLS PRESENTED FOR APPRO $227.90 722.38 40.56 1,296.05 908.00 789.90 808.28 59.95 138.75 114.94 '1 98.72 49.99 133.16 753.00 27.46 92.00 5,795.00 1,400.00 1,886.00 298.80 8,330.00 420.00 486.03 586.26 490.02 1,204.34 402.14 186.84 STIVERS FORD TRIPLETT OFFICE ESSENTIAL USA BLUE BOOK USA BLUE BOOK VERIZON WIRELESS THE WALDINGER CORP ADEL AUTO PARTS AEROTEK PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AHLERS 8 COONEY PC ALL AMERICAN TURF BEAUTY INC ALLENDER BUTZKE ENGINEERS AMSTERDAM PRINTING AT8 T MOBILITY BANKERS TRUST COMPANY BIERMAN FURNITURE BISHOP ENGINEERING BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY BOUND TREE MEDICAL BOWEN DESIGN BOWEN DESIGN BRELSFORD PROPERTIES BUSINESS PUBLICATIONS BUTTERFIELD MANAGEMENT INC CALHOUN-BURNS AND ASSOCIATES CARPENTER UNIFORM CO CHARLES GABUS FORD CHEMSEARCH CITY QF WAUKEE CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WEST DES MOINES CIVIL DESIGN ADVANTAGE,LLC CLASSIC FLORAL 8 GIFTS CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE CONFLUENCE DEBBIE CRICKON D J GONGOL 8 ASSOCIATES INC. DALE EDWARDS TRUCKING INC DALLAS COUNTY RECORDER DAN'S OVERHEAD DOORS 4 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT DAVIS EQUIPMENT CORPORATION DAWSON CONSULTING,INC DELTA DENTAL DES MOINES REGISTER DES MOINES WATER WORKS DISH ONE SATELLITE DITCH WITCH-IOWA INC ED ROEHR SAFETY PRODUCTS EMBREE AG REPAIR LLC ENERGY ECONOMICS MARY EARNHARDT JASON FARLEY FASTENAL COMPANY REPAIRS/PARTS PLANNER V-BELT L U B RI CANT/SOAP/C LAM PS SEPTEMBER '14 STATEMENT HVAC PREVENTATIVE MAINT-CH FILTERS/BLADE CONTRACT LABOR-MURPHY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FALL APPLICATION GEOTECHNI GAL STUDY/REPORTS EMPLOYEE HISTORY FOLDERS AUG '14 STATEMENT OCT '14 SINKING FUND TRANSFR DESK RECONFIGURATION 110370 LA GRANT CONST PLANS GAS KET/SWIVEL/VALVES MEDICAL SUPPLIES SHIRTS BLAST BALL T-S H I RTS CAR WASH SUBSCRIPTION-HARVEY AUG/SEPT '14 CONSULTING BRIDGE RATING 8 INSPECTION UNIFORMS VAN RENTAL BLITZ WIPES MECHANIC FEES SEPTEMBER '14 STATEMENT 1/2 KUTAK ROCK CONSLT FEES CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS PLANT-FLUGGE-SMITH WAUKEE RETAIL STUDY WAUKEE COMMUNITY CENTER EAST PLANNING CONTRACT-PHASE 2 FURNACE REBATE SEAL ASSY/GASKET ASPHALT RECORDING FEES DOOR REPAIR KIT FIELD BOLTS LOCAL HISTORY PRESERVATION PRO OCT '14 DENTAL INSUR PREMIUM SUBSCRIPTION-CITY HALL OCT '14 WATER REV BOND PMT PEDDLERS PERMIT BOND REFUND CABLES PANTS PTO SHAFT REPAIRS LARGE VOLUME METER REPAIR GOLF LESSON REFUND FURNACE/WATER HEATER REBATE SUPPLIES 752.35 28.75 168.10 469.09 3,865.70 624.50 638.17 3,393.00 607,50 291.43 1,500.00 83.61 49.43 428,400.00 1,207.86 11,182.35 1,569.82 145.72 34.60 112.00 5.00 69.95 1,205.00 443.20 457.02 944.35 144.20 24,032.42 3,532.48 125.00 11,879.28 37.00 2,400.00 876.25 17,299.50 150.00 369.81 102.74 1,172,00 196.96 47.90 15.48 500.00 6,866.31 25.00 41,749.25 100.00 333,59 43.00 892.67 279.50 218.75 200.00 345.91 FOTH INFRASTRUCTURE 8 ENVIRONMENT ALLIANCE CONNECT G 8 K SERVICES GRAHAM TIRE OF DES MOINES GREENWOOD'S SEWER SERVICE HARRIS GOLF CARS THE HARTFORD HAWKEYE TRUCK EQUIPMENT HAWKEYE TRUCK EQUIPMENT HAWKEYE TRUCK EQUIPMENT HB LEISEROWITZ COMPANY HEARTLAND CO-OP HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY HILLYARD HOLMES MURPHY HY-VEE HYDRO KLEAN HYDRO KLEAN IA-AWWA IA-AWWA IMAGING TECHNOLOGIES INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER IOWA ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL IOWA ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL IOWA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION IOWA FIRE EQUIPMENT COMPANY IOWA FIRE EQUIPMENT COMPANY IOWA LAW ENFORCEMENT ACADEMY IOWA LAW ENFORCEMENT ACADEMY IOWA LEAGUE OF CITIES IOWA MUNICIPALITIES WORKERS' COMPENSATION IOWA ONE CALL IOWA SIGNAL INC IOWA SIGNAL INC ISWEP CHERYL KAISER-COE KENNY 8 GYL COMPANY LANDS END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS LOUNSBURY LANDSCAPING MARTIN MARIETTA AGGREGATE MEDIACOM MEDIACOM MENARDS MERCY SCHOOL OF EMERGENCY MID AMERICAN ENERGY MID AMERICAN ENERGY MID-IOWA SOLID WASTE EQLIIPMENT MID-IOWA SOLID WASTE EQUIPMENT MID-IOWA SOLID WASTE EQUIPMENT MIDWEST BREATHING AIR MIDWEST OFFICE TECHNOLOGY MIDWEST UNDERGROUND SUPPLY ENGINEERING INSPECTIONS SEPTEMBER '14 STATEMENT MAT SERVICES TIRES SEWER LINE CLEANOUT CLUB/BALL WASHER KIT OCT '14 LIFE 8 LTD PREMIUM WING POST ASSY/MOUNT/PUSH ARM FILTERS FILTER ELEMENT CAMERAS AUGUST '14 STATEMENT COMPUTER PAPER TOWELS OCT '14 HMA CONSULT FEE MEETING REFRESHMENTS LIFT STATION CLEANING TELEVISE SEWER LINE CUSTOMER SERVICE-WINTERS CUSTOMER SERVICE-HERRICK BASE RATE CHARGE/COPIES BATTERIES ENERGY CONFERENCE-GIBSON NFPA CODE BOOKS SIGN TUBING FIRE EXTINGUISHER RECHARGE 2.5 LB BADGER ADVANTAGE TASER/PIT TRAINING-KIES FIREARMS INSTRUCTOR RECERT BUDGET WORKSHOP-BURKHART NOV '14 WORKERS COMPENSATION AUGUST '14 STATEMENT 6TH/HICKMAN REPAIRS BULB REPLACEMENT IA CERT CONST SITE POLTN INSP FURNACE REBATE GRAPHICS SHIRT-BAKER TOPSOIL ROAD STONE SEPT '14 STATEMENT-COMM CTR SEPT '14 STATEMENT TOOLS/SUPPLIES CEH PROGRAM SEPTEMBER '14 STATEMENT UNIV INT-TRANSM POLE MOVE PARTS 8 HOSES/VALVE TR3300 TRACTOR REPAIR LEADER HOSE QUARTERLY AIR TEST COPIER MAINTENANCE BRAKES/CAP 85,606.32 49.00 285.92 260.00 109.95 61.98 2,733.43 5,520.34 126.00 88.00 388.00 11,344.12 684.61 63.46 3,102.24 759.08 3,348.62 853.75 45.00 45.00 729.28 288.45 250.00 1'I 1.12 2,145.00 229.25 179.25 285.00 150.00 35.00 16,001.00 423.30 1,212.61 304.67 'I 00.00 75.00 717.00 40.90 124.85 2,604.50 157.73 2.21 108.04 10.00 26,055.79 509,974.26 584.73 3,550.25 147.71 125.00 74.00 805.20 NATIONWIDE OFFICE CLEANERS NOGG CHEMICAL 8 PAPER METRO PARK WEST COMMISSION NORTHERN TOOL 8 EQUIPMENT OMNISITE ORKIN PEST CONTROL OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY PARTY WITH A HERO PD AIR SYSTEMS PING PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION ¹440 QUILL CORPORATION CENTURYLINK R 8 R PRODUCTS INC R 5 R PRODUCTS INC RJ LAWN SERVICE INC RJ LAWN SERVICE INC RJ LAWN SERVICE INC S 8 H ELECTRIC INC SAM'S CLUB SECRETARY OF STATE SECRETARY OF STATE SENECA COMPANIES SERVICE SOLUTIONS GROUP SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LAB SPRINT PCS UNITYPOINT CLINIC-OCCUPATIONAL STATE SAVI N G S BANK STROH CORP TEAM SERVICES INC TRAFFIC LOGIX CORP TRUCK EQUIPMENT INC TRUCK EQUIPMENT INC TRUCK EQUIPMENT INC TRU GREEN TYLER TECHNOLOGIES FIRST CHOICE COFFEE SERVICES ULTRAMAX UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UNIVERSAL PRINTING SERVICES UNIVERSAL PRINTING SERVICES UNIVERSAL PRINTING SERVICES UNIVERSAL PRINTING SERVICES UNIVERSITY OF IOWA HYGIENE UTILITY SALES AND SERVICE VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES VAN-WALL EQUIPMENT INC VAN-WALL EQUIPMENT INC VITAL S U P PORT SYSTEMS VITAL S U P PORT SYSTEMS VITAL SUPPORT SYSTEMS VITAL SUPPORT SYSTEMS WASTEWATER RECLAMATION AUTHORITY SEPTEMBER '14 CLEANING PAPER PRODUCTS FY15 PER CAPITA DUES TOOLS LS ¹4-1YR SERVICE/24 HR REPT PEST CONTROL DOOR REPAIR SPIDER CHARACTER BLOWER OIL PRO SHOP MERCHANDISE ADAPTERS/SUPPLIES WELDING SUPPLIES MESH TOWER/SUPPLIES SEPTEMBER '14 STATEMENT-POLICE FLEXSTAKES/MARKER WIRE SPLICE KIT/GLOVES TREE REPLACEMENT MEDIAN MOWING/WEEDING GROUNDS MAINTENANCE PARTS SEPTEMBER '14 STATEMENT NOTARY-LYNCH NOTARY-ARIAS LIFT REPAIR ICE MACHINE CLEANING SUPER CLEAN TOWELETTES SEPTEMBER '14 STATEMENT DRUG SCREENS WAIJKEEFEST SPONSOR REFUND LINC SERVICE PREVENTIVE MAINT CONSTRUCTION TESTING SERVICES SIGNS FLOOR MATS F250 UPLIFT F250 UPLIFT LAWN SERVICE ONLINE UTILITY BILLING PAPER PLATES/COFFEE AMMUNITION SHIPPING GAS SURVEY HOME FITNESS BROCHURE LIHEAP INFORMATION KETTLESTONE GROUNDBREAKING TESTING FEES METERS PARTS WASHER SERVICE TIRES FILTER SEPT '14 SERVICE FEE COMPUTER REPAIR ADAPTER ACROBAT PROFESSIONAL OCTOBER '14 FEES 2,355.52 951.14 15,169.00 136.95 99.81 240.31 95.00 150.00 365.00 676.01 54.18 62.78 30.06 48.00 130.84 214.05 940.00 637.50 155.00 220.00 292.11 30.00 30.00 761.95 655.12 84.74 51.44 79.00 250.00 1,120.14 229.70 2,379.00 387.32 4,435.00 3,365.00 215.00 175.00 405.44 550.00 32.78 281.45 551.90 493.23 476.19 187.50 2,925.90 24.83 273.37 10.63 8,697.20 225.00 46.28 1,515.52 90,233.65 WAUKEE COMMUNITY SCHOOL WEST DES MOINES WATER WORKS WIARCOM INC ZEE MEDICAL INC *TOTAL* AUDITORIUM RENTAL OCT '14 WATER TOWER RENT SEPT '14 WIRELESS SERVICE FIRST AID KIT SUPPLIES 70.00 729.00 61.90 545 43 $1,428,714.76 PAYROLL 9/'I 5/2014: ALDRICH,SHAWN L APPLE,ROBERT K APPLE,WILLIAM B ARIAS,HECTOR G ARMSTRONG,BRETT M BAKER,RANDY L BAUMAN,LISA L BLANCHARD,MARVIN S BREUER,GREGORY A BROWN,DEBORAH J BRUNS,RACHEL M BURKHART,LINDA S CAMPBELL,SCOTT E CARRICO,JAMES L CLEMEN,ANTHONY J COLE,JACOB A CORKREAN,JENNIFER A CUNNINGHAM,SCOTT D DEETS,BRADLY M DEZEEUW,DAVID S DODGE,JUSTIN D DUNBAR,DIANA R DUTCHER,DAN D EASTMAN,DAVID H EDWARDS,DANAE J ELLIOTT,DEREK R ELLIOTT,STEVE D FLUGGE-SMITH,JAMIE L FORRET,DENNIS M FREDERICK,JUSTIN J FROEHLICH,WILLIAM R FULLER,ERIN M GIBSON,JOHN R GODDARD,AMY D GORSCHE-MILLER,AMANDA L HANSON,ANTHONY J HARRISON,BRIAN K HARVEY,CASEY L BROWN,ALESHA B HEIMANN,RONALD L HE NTG ES,ER I C M HERR,JENNA C HERRICK,ROBERT D HETH,REBECCA J HILGENBERG,ADAM H HOLDEN,PATRICIA B HUDSON,CHRISTOPHER D HUGHES,RACHELLE J $1,376.74 1,354.62 609.82 1,796.06 1,572.81 1,500.47 1,103.46 391.55 1,973.10 230.72 1,343.01 2,554.76 2,118.75 740.50 468.17 130.83 1,639.10 2,067.10 2,674.74 1,927.07 1,615.90 889.00 3,232.84 391.37 1,347.96 394.63 1,637.21 1,524.60 628.71 2,213.12 180.66 536.40 3,180.48 50.71 1,928.13 2,234.52 393.55 361.55 339.35 1,979.80 479.95 1,226.47 1,540.26 576.15 522.72 2,411.85 587.78 342.55 HUSTED,TROY M HUTTON,JOSHUA A JENSEN,CHAD F JERMIER,MATTHEW R KASS,ANDREW A KELLER,CHRISTOPHER M KIES,SUSAN R KOESTER,EVAN W LANDHAUSER,BENJAMIN A LARSON,KENNETH W LAU G HRI DG E,DANIEL H LEMKE,NEIL E LILLIE,SCOTT M LONG,JEREMY 0 LYNCH,JORDAN W LYNCH,SHANNON M MANNING,JOSHUA M MAPES,TROY M MCCLINTIC,JAMES M MELLENCAMP,JEFFREY S MCKERN,DOUGLAS L MINIKUS,JOSHUA D MOERMAN,TIMOTHY A MOZGA,ERIC J MLIELLER,ALYSSA M MURRA,BRIAN J NIELSEN,ERIN E NORTON,PATRICK D OAKLEY,JON L OLSON,THOMAS J OSTRING,KATHLEEN A PARISH,TONJA L PEARD,WILLIAM F MURPHY-PETERSEN,DEVON M PETTIT,BRANDON D PETERSON,OREN E PETERSON,RICK A PINEGAR,TOMMIE G QUINN,JOHN F RASH,RONALD K RICHARDSON,ELIZABETH A RIPPERGER,TRACY M ROBINSON,GLINT H ROTHMEYER,KYLE A ROYER,TIMOTHY L ROYSTER,JACOB T SCHAUFENBUEL,KARI L SCHETTLER,RODNEYA SCHUETT,REBECCA D SEDDON,JOSH M S HARON,J E R EM I AH J SOFEN,NATASHA S SPOSETO,MACKENZIE A SPRAGUE,JEREMY D SPRAGUE,MATTHEW D 1,453.70 382.94 315.55 2,211.51 1,765.43 1,611.03 1,311.40 1,629.86 2,357,53 488.99 1,456.73 1,274,95 1,356.56 2,285.76 1,285.13 1,203.34 1,596.24 2,327.48 947.57 2,876.82 643.30 1,937.45 3,560.97 1,115.95 44.11 1,780.08 557.63 271.99 1,664.31 110.71 1,159.31 1,345.88 492.12 1,331.92 1,873.08 1,747.74 393.55 989.88 2,401.96 1,699.49 1,643.36 169.88 2,656.99 316.80 2,566.80 1,276.77 778.38 1,827.27 2,077.96 307.26 1,232.48 62.22 1,628.92 170.65 1,449.56 STEINKE,KURT M STEWARD,ERIC A SUCKOW,KATHERINE J SUMMY,KENNETH M TYSDAL,THOMAS M VANWART,LINDA M VANDE KAMP,JOSHUA D VAN PELT,ROBERT T VOEGTLE,TIMOTHY J VOKES,LARRY R WALLACE,ERIC L WASKE,CHARLES C WAYCASTER,SAVANNAH N WEAKLEND,CHRISTINA J WEBB,JAMES D WEIR,MARGARET M WERNIMONT,THOMAS WERTS,DANIEL J WESTON STOLL,KERI L WIGGINS,MATHEW W WILLIS,MATTHEW M WILSON,JODY WINTERS,TROY S WISE,NATHAN F WOOD,DANIEL J WYZGOWSKI,JORDYN M STEWARD,IAN M *TOTAL* 755.10 1,678.61 604.29 715.71 1,968.95 1,237.37 1,456.34 809.33 1,486.38 1,773.37 1,486.90 1,666.29 76.28 690.85 1,633.50 1,411.54 356.63 1,783.32 1,885.79 1,649,63 531.58 956.97 1,564 49 1,928.54 662.50 154.99 671.78 $/65,343.88 B.Consideration of approval of City Council Minutes of 09/15/2014 Regular Meeting,10/01/2014 Special Meeting C.Consideration of receipt and file of correspondence from MidAmerican Energy dated 09/02/2014 regarding power line clearances for grain bins D.Consideration of receipt and file of correspondence from Iowa Department of Transportation dated 09/12/2014 regarding a Portland Cement Concrete (PCC)Patching Project on 1-80 [Project No.IMN-080-1(361)50 —OE-15] E.Consideration of approval of a resolution approving the temporary closing of SE Alice's Road/Grand Prairie Parkway from SE Ashworth Road south to Interstate 80 between the hours of 'l0:00 a.rn.and 5:00 p.m.on Wednesday,October 15,2014,for the purpose of the Grand Prairie Parkway Interchange groundbreaking ceremony (Resolution ¹14-263) F.Consideration of approval of receipt and file of the purchase of an 8KDPLM-LOG-GPS locator from Sub Surface Solutions of Gretna,NE in the amount of $8,888.00 [Waukee Public Works Department] G.Consideration of approval of a resolution approving contract,bond [Alice's Road,Interstate 80 to Ashworth Road Project](Resolution ¹14-264) H.Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No.3 to Boulder Contracting,LLC,for the Sugar Creek Trail Bridge Project in the amount of $53,714.76 Consideration of approval of a resolution approving construction drawings [The Landing at Shadow Creek Plat 1](Resolution ¹14-265) Consideration of approval of a motion setting October 20,2014,as the date of public hearing to amend Chapter 300,Zoning Ordinance,City of Waukee,Iowa by amending the zoning for certain property from A-1 (Agricultural District)to R-1 (Single Family Residential District) [Daybreak] K.Consideration of approval of a resolution fixing date for a meeting on the proposition of the issuance of not to exceed $24,700,000 General Obligation Urban Renewal Bonds (for essential 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) corporate urban renewal purposes)of the City of Waukee,State of Iowa,and providing for publication of notice thereof (Resolution 414-266) L.Consideration of approval of a resolution approving an Agreement Concerning Construction of Fence [2225 SE Leeann Drive](Resolution ¹14-267) M.Consideration of approval of a resolution approving an Agreement Concerning Construction of Fence [2525 SE Stone Prairie Drive](Resolution 414-268) N.Consideration of approval of a resolution approving an Agreement Concerning Construction of Fence [145 SE Trillium Drive](Resolution 414-269) Mlayor's Appointmenf.and Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving mayor's appointmenf of a member to the Alice's Road Historic District Committee —Mayor Peard appointed Jeff Longman to the Alice's Road Historic District Committee.Council Member Peterson moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Hughes.Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard,Harrison,Harvey,Hughes,Peterson. Nays:None.Motion carried 5 —0.(Resolution 414-270) Resolution:Considerafion of approval of a resolufion approving Continuous Improvement Training Contracf with Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC)— Council Member Harvey moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Harrison.Human Resource Director Holden briefly reviewed the New Heights continuous improvement training initiative and the proposed Phase I contract.Mayor Peard asked if the council would receive a report on the results of the training;Ms.Holden replied in the affirmative.Council Member Blanchard voiced his support for such training,but asked if the intiative would continue after one year;Ms.Holden noted that the training would enforce a "culture shift."in the organization that would continue forward in the future.Council Member Harvey questioned the level of involvement needed by an outside consultant beyond Phase I; Ms.Holden answered that the level of involvement would depend on the number and complexity of the initiatives defined through Phase I.Council Member Harvey forsees future "refresher"training and stated that the council needs to have that expectation moving forward with the initiative.Mayor Peard noted the reasonable contract amount in relation to similar training costs in other cities.City Administrator Moerman said that a Phase II contract would likely be considered by the City Council in November 2014.Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard, Harrison,Harvey,Hughes,Peterson.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 —0.(Resolution ¹14- 271) Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving Lease Agreement PIYaukee Area Chamber of Commerce'-Council Member Blanchard moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Harvey.City Administrator Moerman briefly reviewed the agreement.Council Member Harvey asked if there would be an annual letter to the Chamber defining CAM charges;City Attorney Brick replied in the affirmative.Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard,Harrison,Harvey,Hughes,Peterson.Nays:None.Motion carried 5— 0.(Resolution 414-272) TABLED Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving Amended and Restated Development Agreement[Alices,LC;Team Des Moines Partners,Inc.J —Council Member Harvey moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Harrison.Director of Development Services Deets briefly reviewed the agreement amendments,which clarify changes in the overall development of the subject property and extend the completion deadline for the second phase of the Team Des Moines Partners facility.Council Member Harvey asked if the roadway originally planned to connect the Team Des Moines Partners facility to the property to the west would still be constructed;Mr.Deets replied in the negative. Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard,Harrison,Harvey,Hughes,Peterson.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 —0.(Resolution 414-273) Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolufion approving Amended and Restated Development Agreemenf (Team Des Moines Partners,Inc.J —Council Member Harvey moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Blanchard.Director of Development Services Deets briefly reviewed the agreement amendments,including provisions related to the temporary wall on the western elevation of the current facility and the 10 extension of the terms of the agreement for no more than five additional years.The City holds a bond from Team Des Moines Partners related to the building improvements.Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard,Harrison,Harvey,Hughes,Peterson.Nays:None.Motion carried 5— 0.(Resolution ¹14-274) 8)Ordinance:Consideration of approval of an ordinance to amend Chapter 501,Waukee IWunicipal Code,Traffic Regulations of the City of Waukee,iowa,as specified [third (final)reading J —Council Member Blanchard moved to approve the third reading of the ordinance in title only and place it on final passage;seconded by Council Member Harvey. Results of vote:Ayes:Blanchard,Harrison,Harvey,Hughes,Peterson.Nays:None.Motion carried 5 —0.(Ordinance ¹2773) (K)Reports —Reports made by City Administrator Moerman;Council Members Peterson,Hughes. Council Member Harrison moved to adjourn;seconded by Council Member Hughes.Ayes:All.Nays: None.Motion carried 5 —0. Meeting Adjourned at 6:27 p.m. illiam .Peard,Mayor Attest: Rebecca D.Schuett,City Clerk 11