HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-01-16-Regular MinutesiWti Waukee WAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES January 16,2017 (A)Call to Order —The regular meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order by Mayor Peard at 5:33 p.m.in the Council Chambers at Waukee City Hall,230 W.Hickman Rd. (B)Pledge of Allegiance (C)Roll Call —The following members were present:Mayor William F.Peard;Council Members Anna Bergman,Brian Harrison,Shelly Hughes (via telephone),Larry R.Lyon.Absent None. Also present:City Administrator Tim Moerman,Finance Director Linda Burkhart,Development Services Director Brad Deets,Public Works Director John Gibson,Community and Economic Development Director Dan Dutcher,Parks and Recreation Director Matt Jermier,Marketing and Communications Director Summer Evans,Police Chief John Quinn,City Clerk Rebecca D.Schuett, City Attorney Steve Brick. (D)Open Forum —Adam Hilgenberg,270 Bel Aire Dr.,requested a revision to the City code of ordinances to allow for mobile food vendors.Mr.Hilgenberg would like to locate a portable snow cone structure on the vacant lot between Classic Floral and the former Huscher Law Office (vacant lot addressed as 440 6'"St.).Council Member Lyon asked if the structure was permanent or portable;Mr.Hilgenberg stated that the structure was portable but that he would keep it on-site year- round,if allowed.He added that the structure would be located on the vacant lot itself and not on the sidewalk or in any existing parking lots.Council Member Lyon asked what the current City ordinance allows for mobile food vendors;Development Services Director Deets replied that the current ordinance does not allow for the type of structure proposed by Mr.Hilgenberg.Council Member Bergman asked if the ordinance would be revised to address this specific use or mobile food vendors in general;Mr.Deets replied that it would likely be updated in general,perhaps even to address food trucks,if the council so directed.Council Member Harrison asked about the season for Mr. Hilgenberg to operate his business;Mr.Hilgenberg noted that he would likely be open April-August, but it would depend on demand.City Attorney Brick asked if the structure included bathroom facilities and was mounted on wheels;Mr.Hilgenberg answered that the structure was on skids instead of wheels and that,while it did not include a bathroom,he could explore the addition of portable bathrooms,if needed.Council Member Lyon asked City staff to draft an ordinance for council consideration. (E)Agenda Approval —Council Member Lyon moved to approve the agenda;seconded by Council Member Bergman.Results of vote:Ayes:Bergman,Harrison,Hughes,Lyon.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 —0. (F)Mayor's Report —Mayor Peard thanked the City of Waukee Public Works,Fire and Police Departments for their response before and during a recent ice storm.On 01/17,he will host a meeting with Congressman David Young.Mayor Peard and several council members will attend the 01/24 Greater Des Moines Partnership annual dinner and the 02/02 Waukee Area Chamber of Commerce annual dinner.2016 Citizen of the Year nominations are being accepting through 02/10. (G)Presentations: 1)Waukee Planning &Zoning Commission report —Report made by Commissioner Joe Schmidt. 2)Waukee Park Board report —Report made by Board Member Troy Taylor. 3)Waukee Public Library Board of Trustees report —Report made by Trustee Darcy Burnett. (H)Public Hearings: 1)On a proposed Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2018-2022 —Mayor Peard opened the public hearing and asked if any written correspondence had been received;City Clerk Schuett replied in the negative.City Administrator Moerman briefly reviewed some highlights of the proposed Capital Improvement Program,including specific projects scheduled for 2017 and 2018,as well as infrastructure maintenance,storm water improvements,and sanitary sewer extensions.No comments were made by the public present. (I)Public Hearing Action Items: 1)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving City of I/Ifaukee Capital improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2018-2022 —Council Member Lyon moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Bergman.Results of vote:Ayes:Bergman, Harrison,Hughes,Lyon.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 —0.(Resolution f117-024) (J)Action Items 1)Consent Agenda:Council Member Lyon moved to approve the Consent Agenda;seconded by Council Member Harrison.Results of vote:Ayes:Bergman,Harrison,Hughes,Lyon.Nays: None.Motion carried 4 —0. CWA LOCAL 7102 UNION DUES UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAXES UTILITY REFUND ICMA RETIREMENT CHILD SUPPORT IPERS DEDUCTIONS UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND MEALS FROM HEARTLAND DEDUCTION UTILITY REFUND MEALS FROM THE HEARTLAND OTUNDO,JOAN TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES CORP TREASURER STATE OF IOWA UNITED WAY CENTRAL IOWA WAUKEE FIREFIGHTER'S ASSOCIATION WAUKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY FRIENDS FOUNDATION WEINBERGER,GORY/MICHEL WORRALL,JESSICA SECTION 125 MEDICAL DEDUCTIONS STATE WITHHOLDING TAXES UNITED WAY DEDUCTION FIREFIGHTER'S ASSOCIATION PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION LIBRARY FRIENDS FOUNDATION PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION UTILITY REFUND UTILITY REFUND YMCA FAMILY MEMBERSHIP DEDUCTION UTILITY REFUND YMCA OF GREATER DES MOINES ZHOU,YONGMEI INFRASOURCE CONSTRUCITON, LLC BANK OF AMERICA MID AMERICAN ENGERY PURCHASE POWER,INC. ACCESS SYSTEMS LEASING IOWA DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES IOWA DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES IOWA DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES GLYNN VILLAGE GAS MAIN NOVEMBER '16 STATEMENT DECEMBER '16 STATEMENT DECEMBER '16 STATEMENT COPIER/PRINTER LEASE LITTLE WALNUT CREEK— CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NW AREA TRUNK SEWER- CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOX CREEK SEWER -CONSTRUCTION PERMIT TERMINATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTESTELLALCOPELANDTRUST A.Consideration of approval of 01/16/2017 Bill List;12/31/2016 Payroll: CHECKS ISSUED PRIOR TO COUNCIL APPROVAL 01/16/2017: BOULDER POINTE LLC UTILITY REFUND BOULDER POINTE LLC UTILITY REFUND CITY OF WAUKEE LT DISABILITY INSUR PREMIUM COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA DIBBLE,ALYSE DISTINGUISHED HOMESTEAD EFTPS HAAKE,DARIN ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 457 IOWA DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES IPERS KOPF,RACHEL MEADOWBROOK BUILDERS LL $27.69 10.00 8,168.15 841.56 58.12 50.00 78,384.82 100.00 5,619.16 1,740 58 88,395 03 60.34 77.67 100.08 66.84 4,443.25 26,867.86 205.88 163.96 29.61 1.39 200 00 1,588.00 50.00 55,254.56 10,826.17 10.65 3,880 47 186.42 100.00 100 00 100.00 1 50,000.00 RALPH COPELAND TRUST *TOTAL* TERMINATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANT 1 50,000.00 $587,708.26 UNPAID BILLS PRESENTED FOR APPROVAL 01/16/2017 ACCESS SYSTEMS ACCURATE HYDRAULICS & MACHINE SERVICES ADEL AUTO PARTS AGRI DRAIN CORP AHLERS &COONEY PC ALLIANCE CONNECT AMERICAN SOCIETY OF COMPOSERS,AUTHORS AMERITAS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ANKENY SANITATION INC BANKERS TRUST COMPANY BAX SALES,INC BLACK HILLS ENERGY BOBBIE ADAIR BOLTON &MENK,INC BOUND TREE MEDICAL BRICK GENTRY BOWERS SWARTZ BROKEN ARROW WEAR CAPITAL CITY EQUIPMENT COMPANY CARPENTER UNIFORM CO CENTURYLINK CFI SALES INC CHEMSEARCH CHRISTIAN PRINTERS INC CINTAS CORPORATION CITY OF WAUKEE CITY OF WEST DES MOINES CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. CLASSIC FLORAL &GIFTS CLAYTON ENERGY CORPORATION CLEAN EATING MAGAZINE CREATIVE PRODUCT SOURCING INC -DARE CUMMINS CENTRAL POWER DALLAS COUNTY RECORDER DANIEL KOCH DAVIS EQUIPMENT CORPORATION DEMCO INC. DES MOINES AREA COMMUNITY DES MOINES WATER WORKS COMPUTER SET UP —RUDY/INK/7FT ETHERNET PATCH REPAIR BOBCAT/BRAKE PADS/OIL & AIR FILTERS PLOW LIGHT CATCH BASIN AMENDMENT NO.7 TO UNIFIED URP/KC KETTLESTONE JAN '17 STATEMENT '17 MUSIC LICENSE JAN '17 VISION INSURANCE PREMIUM 20YD FLAT EMPTY/RETURN 16C SEWER REV FEES STORAGE RACK/BOXES/DIVIDERS/CORD REEL/NUT/WASHER JAN '17 STATEMENT FURNACE REBATE GOLF COURSE BRIDGE PROJECT MEDICAL SUPPLIES DECEMBER '16 STATEMENT POLOS -OLSEN/LYNCH/PEIFFER 18"BKT/PINS/84"SNOW BKT SWEATER -MELLENCAMP /WHISTLE- MAPES /BELT —GITZEN DAMAGE TO BURIED FIBER OPTIC CABLE FLAT REPAIR THAW —OUT 12X16OZ NAC MM BUSINESS CARDS -HERRICK FIRST AID KIT SUPPLIES DECEMBER '16 STATEMENT JAN '17 WESTCOM ESKER RIDGE DRIVE FUNERAL FLOWERS DECEMBER 16 RESERVATION SUBSCRIPTION PAWS ANTIMICROBIAL WIPES /MUG TUBE FUEL DRAIN/WASHER SEALING DECEMBER '16 RECORDING FEES FURNACE &THERMOSTAT REBATE BATTERY BACKUP POWER SUPPLY BOOK LABELS 30HR WATER DISTRIBUTION CLASS— COLE DECEMBER '16 STATEMENT $5,628.53 377 00 1,167 93 334 36 448.00 49 00 341.00 1,970.04 378.91 250.00 623.08 2,891.25 75.00 12,941.00 266.99 13,743.03 302.20 3,262.00 140.97 894.87 155.00 496.33 21.00 186.05 6,253.57 33,763.09 3,247.00 94.00 104,584.30 14.97 68.29 8.05 1,550.00 180.00 357.43 491.85 450.00 53,435.10 DIRECTV DONIS BOSWORTH DOORS INC ELECTRIC PUMP &TOOL INC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT CO ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING CO EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SYSTEMS FASTENAL COMPANY FEDERAL LICENSING,INC FIRST CHOICE COFFEE SERVICES FOTH INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENT LLC FRUSA EMS FULLER PETROLEUM SERVICE INC G &K SERVICES INC G &L CLOTHING GALL'S INC GILCREST/JEWETT LUMBER COMPANY GRAHAM TIRE OF DES MOINES HALLETT MATERIALS HAMMER MEDICAL SUPPLY-CLI HAWKEYE TRUCK EQUIPMENT HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS HEARTLAND CO-OP HEARTLAND TIRE &AUTO HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP INC HOTSY CLEANING SYSTEMS,INC. IMAGETEK INC INDUSTRIAL SALES COMPANY INC INFRASOURCE CONSTRUCTION, LLC INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES INLAND TRUCK PARTS &SERV INTERSTATE INDUSTRIAL SERVICE IOWA ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL UTILITIES IOWA CONCRETE CUTTING IOWA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION IOWA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION IOWA PUMP WORKS IOWA SIGNAL INC IOWA STORMWATER EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP JACOBSON SUPPLY INC JON'S MID AMERICA FIRE APPARATUS,INC. KENT JESSEN KESTREL INC KIRKHAM MICHAEL &ASSOCIATES KUM &GO 4 DECEMBER '16 STATEMENT FURNACE REBATE KEYS HEATER/AC/BREAKER BUILDING LIGHTS -FIRE REPAIR RADIO FEB '17 HEALTH INSURANCE MONTHLY PREMIUM EARMUFF GOLF RADIO LICENSE COFFEE SE ALICES RD/SE UNI.AVE.TO SE OLSON DRIVE DECEMBER '16 AMBULANCE BILLINGS FUEL MAT SERVICES PANTS/JACKETS- MANNING/SHARON/LAUGHRIDGE/DOD GE/KELLER PANTS &SHIRT —FREDERICK WP 1X12-16 S4S ¹2 TIRES PEA GRAVEL COMPRESSED OXYGEN AIR BAG PCV SEWER PERF PIPE/SEWER CAP/COUPLING DECEMBER '16 STATEMENT CAR TIRES WAUKEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REPLACE SOAP SOLENOID RADIX STORAGE AND SUBSCRIPTION CPLG IPS 4" SE ASHWORTH/SE LAUREL/SE DARTMOORE BOOKS NUT/BOLT WASHERS GAS REPAIR ENERGY CONFERENCE -GIBSON 8"DIA X 8"HOLE SALT ROCK MEMBERSHIP DUES '17-HASKINS EDQ 0-RING REMOVE HPS/INSTALL LED 2017 STORMWATER ISWEP MEMBERSHIP PLOW BLADE/CURB GUARDS REGULATOR FURNACE &THERMOSTAT REBATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT- SOUTHFORK/WALNUT RIDGE SEWER ALICES RD INTRCHNG/IJR/FNL DSN DECEMBER '16 STATEMENT 89.99 150.00 123.00 6,838.00 53.36 530.19 110,267.33 41.59 110.00 292.76 79,037.27 1,382 53 1,051.14 173.77 1,385 12 187.64 1,024.65 767.24 746.86 146.85 428.36 677.59 3,870 46 616.00 16,105.73 405.89 587.00 407.20 27,765.53 3,336.24 24.80 196.13 225.00 300.00 477.12 75.00 43.22 2,793.32 3,600 00 2,341.60 178 36 180.00 43,738.50 7,681 00 1,021.92 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC LIBRARY JOURNAL LOGAN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY INC LUCILLE JOHNSON MARK STUCHEL INC. MEDIACOM MENARDS MERRITT COMPANY INC MID AM TEXTILES INC MID AMERICAN ENERGY MIDWEST ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES,INC MIDWEST INFLATAB LES,LLC MMIT BUSINESS SOLUTIONS GROUP MOISSON BREAKFAST CLUB MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE MULCH MART MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES, INC. MURRAY NELSON NATIONWIDE OFFICE CLEANERS LLC NELSON TECHNOLOGIES,INC NEW OPPORTUNITIES OFFICE DEPOT O'HALLORAN INTERNATIONAL,INC. OMNI SITE ORKIN PEST CONTROL OXYGEN PETTY CASH-CITY HALL PLUMB SUPPLY COMPANY PRAETORIAN GROUP,INC RACCOON VALLEY CONTRACTORS RACHAEL RAY EVERY DAY FAMILY RC WELDING RED WING SHOE STORE SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL SCOTT &ROSE DAVIS SCOTT'S CUSTOMS &COLLISION S HIVE HATTERY INC SHOTTENKIRK CHEVROLET- PONTIAC SIMPLEXGRINNELL LP SNYDER 8 ASSOCIATES INC STANLEY CONSULTANTS INC. 5 FML JIC SWVLCRIMP/MALE PIPE CRIMP SUBSCRIPTION 3-PKT SLIM LINE/3-LAR FOAM/HOOK RATCHET FURNACE REBATE 2 CORDFREE 12/24 PCKET CIR TSTR DECEMBER '16 STATEMENT METAL FILE CABINET/COUNTERTOP/SORTMASTE R/LED DISC DECEMBER '16 CLEANING CENTER PULL NATRUAL DRC/DOUBLE STACKED FLAT DECEMBER '16 STATEMENT WASTEWATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS INFLATABLES —WAUKEE FAMILY FEST KIP3000 ANNUAL DUES -HERR 2016C SEWER REV FEES MULCH HOSE/KNEE REPLACEMENT FURNACE &THERMOSTAT REBATE DECEMBER '16 CLEANING BELGAS MODEL P289 REGULATOR 2016 WAUKEE CARES DONATION D ES KTQ P/P EN 6/PAP E R/AI R FRESHENER/PENS/CALENDAR REPAIR STEERING WHEEL/PROGRAM BODY CONTROLLER LIFT STATION WIRELESS SERVICES PEST CONTROL SUBSCRIPTION JAN '17 PETTY CASH WATER HEATER/URINAL KIT ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION WATER MAIN AT FOX CREEK SEWER EXTENSION SUBSCRIPTION STEEL TUBING/TUBE SHOES -MANNING SUBSCRIPTION FURNACE REBATE REPLACE DOORS &PANEL &STRIPE TAPE WESTOWN PARKWAY/R22 INTRSCTN IMPRVMNTS PROGRAMMING/BOLT CLEAN DETECTOR US HIGHWAY 6 &WESTGATE DR INTRSCTN IMP RVMNTS US CELLULAR &VERIZQN ANTENNA REINSTALLATION 181.36 104.99 1,733.90 75.00 117.98 147.85 333.72 610.00 94.00 28,428.35 1,541.00 2,000.00 278.30 150.00 12,000.00 908.50 3,283.28 180.00 2,797 04 1,935.27 2,947.00 350.38 1,070.25 2,484.00 339.67 25.00 8.00 328.84 2,262.00 2,475.00 21.20 37.70 208.24 82.99 150.00 5,256 88 1,050.79 122.65 416.00 9,649.00 1,170.00 STIVERS FORD STOREY-KENWORTHY COMPANY STRAUSS SAFE AND LOCK CO TEAM SERVICES INC TECH 24 -COMMERCIAL FOODSERVICE REPAIR,INC THE LIBRARY CORPORATION THE WALDINGER CORP TOMPKINS INDUSTRIES TOYN E INC TRIPLETT OFFICE ESSENTIAL TRUCK EQUIPMENT INC ULTRAMAX UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UNIVERSAL PRINTING SERVICES US CELLULAR US POSTAL SERVICE UTILITY SAFETY AND DESIGN INC. VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LLC VAN METER INDUSTRIAL INC VAN-WALL EQUIPMENT INC VERIZON WIRELESS WALSH ELECTRONIC SECURITY WAUKEE COMMUNITY SCHOOL WAUKEE HARDWARE &VARIETY WD DESIGNS *TOTAL* REPLACE BATTERIES/DOOR REPAIR CASH RECEIPT BOOKS REPLACE CLOSER ON CITY HALL EMPLOYEE ENTRANCE CONSTRUCTION TESTING SERVICES REPAIR ICE MACHINE LID/ICE MACHINE PREVENTATIVE MAINT. LIBRARY SOLUTION SOFTWARE/ENHANCED CONTENT RENEWAL FURNACE TESTING PIPES/COUPLER/HOSE ASSEMBLY E911 SCENE LIGH'TBULBS BATTERIES/LOOSE LEAF PAPER FURNISH &INSTALL KNAPHEIDE CAP GUARD AND FLOOR LINERS AMMUNITION SHIPPING STATEMENT (AUTO PAY)/NOTECARDS &ENVELOPES DECEMBER '16 STATEMENT FIRST CLASS PRESORT DECEMBER '16 RETAINER FEES PARTS WASHER SERVICE/FILTER GREEN/USED OIL DISPOSAL FLUKE T5-1000 VOLTAGE TESTER/FLUKE CASE HYD QUICK CONNECT COUPLER DECEMBER '16 STATEMENT WEATHERSTRIPS VMLC SUPERVISOR DECEMBER '16 STATEMENT JACKETS/SHIRTS —ROYER 418.51 1,525.97 335.00 296.88 466.93 7,090.00 150.00 1,604.43 142.36 48.51 20,953.66 879.00 63.90 1,397.03 414.56 215 00 175 00 253.60 181.16 256.11 22.63 55.50 125.00 763.41 363.10 $698,469.83 PAYROLL 12/31/2016 ABBOTT,BRENT ADKINS,COREY ALDRICH,SHAWN ARIAS,HECTOR ARMSTRONG,BRETT BAKER,RANDY BAUMAN,LISA BERG,BROOKE BOHARDT,HAZEL BRUNS,RACHEL BURKHART,LINDA BUSH,COURTNEY CAMPBELL,JUDY CAMPBELL,SCOTT CICHOSKI,KELLI CLEMEN,ANTHONY COLE,JACOB CORKREAN,JENNIFER CRAVEN,GAYLA CUNNINGHAM,DEANA $758 80 1,203.00 1,628.68 2,842.94 1,807.92 1,736.59 1,194.59 84.24 246.70 1,644.81 2,731.20 957.70 539.23 2,016.77 1,816.85 405.36 358.62 1,625.36 194.15 495.18 CUNNINGHAM,SCOTT DANIEL,COLE DAVIS,BRIAN DEBOER,MELISSA DEETS,BRADLY DEZEEUW,DAVID DODGE,JUSTIN DUNBAR,DIANA DUTCHER,DAN EASTMAN,DAVID EDWARDS,DANAE ELDRIDGE,MALLORY ELLIOTT,STEVE EVANS,SUMMER EVERMAN,MASON FLUGGE-SMITH,JAMIE FREDERICK,JUSTIN FROEHLICH,WILLIAM GIBSON,JOHN GITZEN,ROBERT G ROVE,BR I AN HANSON,ANTHONY HANSON,LAURA HARDIN,THOMAS HASKINS,STACEY HEIMANN,RONALD HENTGES,ERIC HERR,JENNA HERRICK,ROBERT HILGENBERG,ADAM HOLDEN,PATRICIA HOPTON,SIMONE HUSTED,TROY HUTTON,JOSHUA JENSEN,CHAD JERMIER,MATTHEW KASS,ANDREW KASZINSKI,BRETT KELLER,CHRISTOPHER KERR,JACOB KESSLER,MATTHEW KIES,SUSAN KOESTER,EVAN KOPPES,BROOKE LARSON,KENNETH LARSON,KRISTINE LAUGHRIDGE,DANIEL LEMKE,NEIL LONG,JEREMY LYNCH,SHANNON MANNING,JOSHUA MAPES,TROY MCCLINTIC,JAMES MEDDERS,BRETT MELLENCAMP,JEFFREY 2,137 28 1,263.66 469.84 1,573 42 3,023.13 2,237.21 2,322.41 982.12 2,935.81 676.30 907.12 592.55 1,728.53 2,103.98 221.85 2,047.63 2,199 15 304.47 3,352.32 2,532.54 146.22 1,938.04 1,324.32 236 58 1,215.57 2,117.60 487.41 1,422.12 1,900.17 2,136 89 2,714.75 64.57 1,551.09 711.23 335 94 2,594.36 1,943.57 1,088.90 1,687.48 1,576.18 1,891.07 1,985.14 1,758.65 36.29 481 82 2,405.30 1,606.37 1,126.59 2,174.65 1,531.87 1,866.41 2,598.36 1,358.95 1,664.15 2,781.84 MINIKUS,JOSHUA MOERMAN,TIMOTHY MURRA,BRIAN NICELY-GREEN,CODY NITZEL,NICOLE OAKLEY,JON OLSEN,KARI OSTRING,KATHLEEN PARISH,TONJA PERDRIAU,MARIE PETERSON,KATIE PETERSON,OREN PETTIT,BRANDON PIERSON,DAMON PIZINGER,JAMES POSADAS,OSCAR PUDENZ,DANIELLE PURVIS,KATHRYN QUINN,JOHN RASH,RONALD RICHARDSON,ELIZABETH ROBINSON,GLINT ROYER,TIMOTHY ROYSTER,JACOB SCHAUFENBUEL,KARI SCHETTLER,RODNEY SCHUETT,REBECCA SEDDON,JOSH SHARON,JEREMIAH SKELLENGER,AMANDA SNELSON,NATHANIEL SOFEN,NATASHA SPOSETO,MACKENZIE SPRAGUE,JEREMY SPRAGUE,MATTHEW STAROSELSKY,GALENA STEPHENS,GLINT STEWARD,ERIC STOTZ,MELISSA THAYER,CHANDLER TIBBLES,STEVEN TUEL,JASON TYSDAL,THOMAS VANDE KAMP,JOSHUA VOEGTLE,TIMOTHY VOKES,LARRY WALLACE,ERIC WASKE,CHARLES WAYCASTER,SAVANNAH WERTS,DANIEL WESTON STOLL,KERI WHITE,JASON WHITE,LEAH WIGGINS,MATHEW WILSON,JODY 2,127 27 4,294.88 1,805.03 306.47 593.46 1,656.65 1,442.64 1,401.29 1,400.40 207 55 1,150.43 1,859.38 1,696.45 1,304.43 94.14 603.71 26.61 1,205.51 2,857.06 1,653.08 1,643.72 3,093.99 2,697.76 1,567.46 818.22 2,497.34 2,066.01 127.89 1,093.26 195.83 133.81 34.56 2,399.57 287.63 2,062.37 729.09 271.43 1,769.10 675.43 774.59 1,510.37 171.77 2,277.92 1,563.42 1,504.87 1,707.36 2,560.23 1,843.03 149.22 2,431.63 1,676.48 1,687.60 1,106.49 1,786.64 330.80 WINTERS,TROY WISE,NATHAN WOOD,DANIEL YATES,CASSANDRA *TOTAL* 1,821.97 2,535 79 743.80 645.91 $191,041.26 G Consideration of approval of City Council Minutes of 01/03/2017 Regular Meeting,01/11/2017 Special Meeting Consideration of approval of renewal of 12-month Class B Beer License (BB)(Includes Wine Coolers)with Outdoor Service and Sunday Sales privileges for A Boy &His BBQ,LLC,d/b/a Kue'd Smokehouse [245 E Hickman Road],pending proof of dram insurance Consideration of approval of a resolution approving City of Waukee Communications Policy (Resolution ¹17-025) Consideration of approval of Change Order No.4 to Rognes Corp.for the Northwest Area Trunk Sewer Extension,Phase 1 Project,increasing the contract amount by $5,145.00 Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No.3 to Rognes Corp.for the Northwest Area Trunk Sewer Extension,Phase 1 Project,in the amount of $293,515.44 Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No.1 to Pohlmeier Construction for the Southwest Area Trunk Sewer Extension Project in the amount of $30,875.00 Consideration of approval of a resolution accepting public improvements [Autumn Ridge Plat 1] (Resolution ¹17-026) Consideration of approval of a resolution approwng construction drawings [Clayton Estates Plat 1](Resolution ¹17-027) Consideration of approval of a resolution approving Purchase Agreement and Temporary Construction Easement related to the Alice's Road Corridor Improvements,Phase 4 [Gilcrest/Jewett Lumber Company](Resolution ¹17-028) Consideration of approval of a resolution approwng Purchase Agreement and Temporary Construction Easement related to the Alice's Road Corndor Improvements,Phase 4 [DJN,LLC] (Resolution ¹17-029) Consideration of approval of a resolution approving Purchase Agreement and Temporary Construction Easement related to the Alice's Road Corridor Improvements,Phase 4 [DLE Four Way,LC](Resolution ¹17-030) M.Consideration of approval of a resolution approving Purchase Agreement and Temporary Q V Construction Easement related to the Alice's Road Corridor Improvements,Phase 4 [Williams Pointe Commercial,I,LC](Resolution ¹17-031) Consideration of approval of a resolution approving Purchase Agreement and Temporary Construction Easement related to the Alice's Road Corridor Improvements,Phase 4 [Williams Pointe Commercial,II,LC](Resolution ¹17-032) Consideration of approval of a resolution approwng Purchase Agreement and Temporary Construction Easement related to the Alice's Road Corridor Improvements,Phase 4 [S&P Development,LLC](Resolution ¹17-033) Consideration of approval of a resolution approving Settlement Agreement related to the Alice's Road Corridor Improvements,Phase 4 (Resolution ¹17-034) Consideration of approval of a resolution approving Sanitary Sewer Right-of-Way Easement related to the South Outfall Sanitary Sewer Project [David G.and Connie J.Stilley](Resolution ¹1 7-035) Consideration of approval of a resolution approving Temporary Construction Easement related to the South Outfall Sanitary Sewer Project [David G.and Connie J.Stilley](Resolution ¹17-036) Consideration of approval of a resolution approving Sanitary Sewer Easement related to the Fox Creek Trunk Sewer Phase 3 Project [Don J.Roose,Jr.](Resolution ¹17-037) Consideration of approval of a resolution approving Sanitary Sewer Easement related to the Fox Creek Trunk Sewer Phase 3 Project [Maple Grove Place,LLC](Resolution ¹17-038) Consideration of approval of a resolution approving Sanitary Sewer Easement related to the Little Walnut Creek Lift Station Expansion Project [Waukee Community School District] (Resolution ¹17-039) Consideration of approval of a resolution approving Agreement for Professional Consulting Services with McClure Engineering Company [Bluestem Lift Station No 14 Connection Fee District](Resolution ¹17-040) 2) 3) W.Consideration of approval of a resolution ordering construction of the Fox Creek Trunk Sewer Phase 3 Project and fixing a date for hearing thereon and taking of bids therefor (Resolution ¹17- 041) X.Consideration of approval of a resolution ordering construction of the Little Walnut Creek Regional Lift Station Expansion Project and fixing a date for hearing thereon and taking of bids therefor (Resolution ¹17-042) Y.Consideration of approval of a resolution ordering construction of the Northwest Area Trunk Sewer Extension Phases 2 and 3/Copeland Trunk Sewer Phase 1 Projects and fixing a date for hearing thereon and taking bids therefor (Resolution ¹17-043) Mayor's Appointment:Of the Mayor Pro Tem and Council Members as representatives on various boards and committees —Mayor Peard made the following appointments: Mayor Pro Tem:Bergman Waukee Area Chamber of Commerce:Bergman Central iowa Regional Drinking Water Commission:Lyon Developers Roundtable:Hughes Metropolitan Advisory Council (MAC):Peard,Hughes Dallas County Housing Trust Fund:Hughes Waukee Community School District:Lyon Bravo Greater Des Moines:Peard (with City Administrator Moerman as alternate) City Personnel Committee:Peard,Hughes,Harrison Downtown Design Committee (ad hoc):Lyon,Harrison Mayor's Appointment and Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving mayor's appointment or reappointment of citizen members to the various City boards, commissions and committees —Mayor Peard made the following appointments: Board of Adjustment,term to expire 01/31/2022:Dennis Breckenridge Board of Appeals,terms to expire 01/31/2022.Sue Ellen Kennedy,LaCee Groetken Community and Economic Development Advisory Council,terms to expire 01/31/2020:Niki DePhillips,Laura Smith,Cindi McDonald,Aimee Staudt Library Board of Trustees,unexpired term to expire 06/30/2017:Tracie Witt Park Board,terms to expire 01/31/2020.Jenna Hammond,Troy Taylor,Brian Hughes Park Board,unexpired term to expire 01/31/2019:Josh Loeffelholz Planning &Zoning Commission,term to expire 01/31/2022.Steve Stonebrook 4) 5) 6) 7) Council Member Lyon moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Harrison. Results of vote:Ayes:Bergman,Harrison,Hughes,Lyon.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 —0. (Resolution ¹17-044) Ordinance:Consideration of approval of an ordinance to amend Chapter 301,Zoning Ordinance,City of yyaukee,iowa,by rezoning and changing certain property therein from A-1 to K-RC,a property known as The Shops at Kettlestone North Plat 2(second readings —Council Member Lyon moved to approve the second reading of the ordinance in title only; seconded by Council Member Bergman.Results of vote:Ayes:Bergman,Harrison,Hughes, Lyon.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 —0. Ordinance:Consideration of approval of an ordinance to amend Chapter 502,Parking Regulations of the City of t/yaukee,iowa,by amending Section 502.29,Penalty,regarding penalties (introduction;first reading)—Council Member Bergman introduced the ordinance and moved to approve the first reading in title only;seconded by Council Member Harrison. Police Chief Quinn briefly reviewed the proposed ordinance,which updates penalties for illegally parking in handicapped spaces to reflect those established by the State.Results of vote:Ayes: Bergman,Harrison,Hughes,Lyon.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 —0. Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving 28E Agreement for Mutual Assistance for Polk County Area Law Enforcement Services —Council Member Harrison moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Lyon.Police Chief Quinn briefly reviewed the proposed agreement,which continues a shared services initiative related to public safety.Results of vote:Ayes:Bergman,Harrison,Hughes,Lyon.Nays:None. Motion carried 4 —0.(Resolution ¹17-045) Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving preliminary plat for Fox Creek Estates Plat 10 —Council Member Lyon moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Bergman.Development Services Director Deets briefly reviewed the plat for single family lots.Council Member Bergman asked about plans to extend NE Bobcat Dr.to the 10 8) 9) west;Mr.Deets replied that the abutting property owner has no current plans for development and that the road would be stubbed at its western terminus to allow for future extension to Warrior Ln.Results of vote:Ayes:Bergman,Harrison,Hughes,Lyon.Nays:None.Motion carried 4 —0.(Resolution ¹17-046) Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving revised preliminary plat for Deary Brothers Waukee Development —Council Member Harrison moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Bergman.Development Services Director Deets reviewed the plat,which resizes and reconfigures some of the lots originally approved by the council.Sewer lines will run to the south,eventually hooking into one of the City trunk sewer projects to be built this summer.Results of vote:Ayes:Bergman,Harrison,Hughes,Lyon. Nays:None.Motion carried 4 —0.(Resolution ¹17-047) Motion:Consideration of approval of a motion setting date and time for appointment to fill a vacant seat on the yyaukee City Council —Council Member Lyon moved to approve; seconded by Council Member Bergman.City Administrator Moerman presented a possible timeline for appointment,noting that the council must also decide on a candidate pool and the selection method.Council Member Bergman voiced her support for selecting a council member from the list of those who had applied for the 2016 vacant council position,and who had since expressed renewed interest in appointment.Council Member Harrison agreed,adding that since 2017 is an election year,there are opportunities for people to run for office if they are not appointed.Council Member Lyon first expressed his desire to consider those who had not applied in 2016 but had expressed an interest in the current appointment,then changed his opinion to keep the list to the 2016 applicants,noting that doing so would expedite the appointment process.Council Member Hughes stated that she would prefer soliciting additional applications,adding that the council could review the applications and not conduct interviews. Council Member Harrison replied that he would agree with Council Member Hughes if it were not an election year wherein people can choose to run for the office in November.City Clerk Schuett noted that seven of the 2016 applicants have expressed renewed interest in appointment.City Administrator Moerman asked if the council desires to hear presentations from the applicants or simply review their applications;Mayor Peard and Council Members Bergman,Lyon,and Harrison spoke in favor of brief presentations by the applicants.There was much discussion regarding the date and time for appointment,during which the council agreed to applicant presentations on 01/23 at 5:30 p.m.Council Member Lyon amended the motion to set 01/30 at 5:00 p.m.as the date and time for appointment;Council Member Bergman amended the second. Results of vote:Ayes;Bergman,Harrison,Lyon.Nays:Hughes.Motion carried 3 —1. (K)Reports —Report made by City Administrator Moerman Council Member Harrison moved to adjourn;seconded by Council Member Bergman.Ayes:All.Nays: None.Motion carried 4 —0. Meeting Adjourned at 6:39 p.m. Attest Wi am .Peard,Mayor Rebecca D.Schuett,City Clerk 11