HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-07-23-Special MinutesWAUKEE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING July 23,2018 A.Call to Order —The special meeting of the Waukee City Council was called to order by Mayor Peard at 5:30 p.m,at Waukee City Hall,230 W.Hickman Rd. B.Roll Call —The following members were present:Mayor William F.Peard;Council Members R. Charles Bottenberg,Courtney Clarke,Shelly Hughes,Larry R.Lyon.Absent:Council Member Anna Bergman.(Council Member Bergman participated via telephone from 5:41 p.m.to 6:20 p.m.;Council Member Hughes left at 6:11 p.m.) Also in attendance:City Administrator Tim Moerman,Finance Director Linda Burkhart,Development Services Director Brad Deets,Assistant Public Works Director of Engineering Rudy Koester,Parks and Recreation Director Matt Jermier,Community and Economic Development Director Dan Dutcher, Marketing and Communications Director Summer Evans,Police Chief John Quinn,City Clerk Rebecca D.Schuett. C.Agenda Approval —Council Member Hughes moved to approve the agenda;seconded by Council Member Bottenberg.Results of vote:Ayes:Bottenberg,Clarke,Hughes,Lyon.Nays:None.Absent: Bergman.Motion carried 4 —0 —1. D.Public Hearings: 1)On plans,specifications,form of contract,and estimate of cost [Hickman and Private Road Traffic Signal Project,1300 Ft.West of Alice's Road —Mayor Peard opened the public hearing and asked if any written correspondence had been received;City Clerk Schuett replied in the negative.Assistant Public Works Director of Engineering Koester reviewed the project,stating that one bid was received and recommending award of contract to iowa Signal,Inc.,of Grimes,IA,in the amount of $351,395.65.Mr.Koester noted that the project includes two completion dates,with temporary signals installed within 21 days of notice to proceed and permanent signal installation by 05/01/2019.No comments were made by the public present. E.Public Hearing Action Items: 1)Hickman and Private Road Traffic Signal Project,1300 Ft.West of Alice's Road A.Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving plans,specifications, form of contract,and estimate of cost —Council Member Lyon moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Hughes.Council Member Lyon asked if the bid amount was consistent with other similar projects;Assistant Public Works Director of Engineering Koester replied in the affirmative.Results of vote:Ayes:Bottenberg,Clarke, Hughes,Lyon.Nays:None.Absent:Bergman.Motion carried 4 —0 —1.(Resolution ¹18-300) B.Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution awarding contract —Council Member Clarke moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Lyon.Results of vote:Ayes:Bottenberg,Clarke,Hughes,Lyon.Nays:None.Absent:Bergman.Motion carried 4 —0 —1.Contract awarded to iowa Signal,Inc.,of Grimes,IA.(Resolution ¹18-301) C.Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving contract,bond— Council Member Hughes moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Bottenberg.Results of vote:Ayes:Bottenberg,Clarke,Hughes,Lyon.Nays:None.Absent: Bergman.Motion carried 4 —0 —1.(Resolution ¹18-302) F.Action Items: 1)Consent Agenda —Council Member Clarke moved to approve the Consent Agenda;seconded by Council Member Hughes.Results of vote:Ayes:Bottenberg,Clarke,Hughes,Lyon.Nays:None. Absent:Bergman.Motion carried 4 —0 —1. A.Consideration of approval of 07/23/2018 Bill List FY 2018 Fund Recap: 010 General Fund Expenditures Bud eted Year To Date Revenues Bud eted Year To Date $18,549,142 $18,290,514 $16,556,945 $14,675,047 060 Road Use Tax Fund 075 Waukee Foundation 080 Library Foundation 085 Asset Forfeitures 091 Hickman West Indust Park TIF 092 Enterprise Business Park TIF Fund 093 Waukee Urban Renewal Area TIF Fund 094 Gateway Urban Renewal 095 Autumn Ridge Urban Renewal 096 Waukee West Urban Renewal 097 Southwest Business Park 098 Waukee Central URA 110 Debt Service Fund 111 Special Assessments Fund 210 Employee Benefits Fund 327 Capital Projects 330 City Wide SA Sidewalk Project 510 Water Utility Fund 520 Sewer Utility Fund 521 University Ave Trunk Sewer Project 522 Waste Water Treatment Pl 523 E Area Pump Sta Treatment 540 Gas Utility Fund 560 Storm Sewer Utility Fund 570 Utility Bill Fund 590 Solid Waste Collect &Rcycl Fund 750 Golf Course Fund 810 Equipment Revolving Fund 424,625 785 2,930,676 7,500 750 75,000 7,500 7,500 7,009,909 47,006 1,802,000 20,640,000 445,303 4,778 392 69,765 4,243 5,657 6,983,425 47,006 16,487,903 4,366,530 15,817,786 4,551,191 12,020,630 7,844,816 2,584,394 289,030 1,211,000 581,380 6,710,637 873,967 264,137 1,195,695 499,396 2,007,561 1,745,668 531 601,500 ,850 2,797,780 78,450 84,125 3,925 620,640 2,341 2,804,270 78,045 84,646 7,191,303 67,800 1,809,435 19,550,000 4,974,050 5,782,600 7,140,005 913,000 247,600 1,308,650 605,500 20 000 3,334,606 61,083 1,808,081 2,696,078 3,743 5,284,231 5,711,377 10,974 530 1,857 7,429,115 917,349 248,228 1,316,435 556,257 2 250 2,352,600 2,390,012 47,785 *TOTAL*$86,204,105 $70,201,622 $72,083,193 $50,088,902 UNPAID BILLS PRESENTED FOR APPROVAL 07/23/2018: MAY'18/JUNE'18 ENGINEERING CITY OF WAUKEE -AR INSPECTIONS CLAYTON ENERGY CORPORATION JUNE '18 COMMODITY GATEHOUSE MEDIA IOWA HOLDINGS JUNE '18 STATEMENT MEGAN LIGHT PILOT LIGHT REIMBURSEMENT MID AMERICAN ENERGY JUNE '18 STATEMENT *TOTAL* $46,005.92 64,976.40 1,262.29 75.00 188.01 $112,507.62 B.Consideration of approval of a resolution approving the temporary closing of SE Parker Drive from SE Crabapple Lane to SE Westgate Drive between the hours of 5:30 p.m.and 11:00p.m.on Friday,July 27, 2018,for the purpose of a neighborhood block party (Resolution ¹18-303) C.Consideration of approval of Change Order No.2 to J&K Contracting,LLC,for the Northwest Area Trunk Sewer Extension Phase 4 Project increasing the contract in the amount of $22,171.53 D.Consideration of approval of Payment Estimate No.3 to J&K Contracting,LLC,for the Northwest Area Trunk Sewer Extension Phase 4 Project in the amount of $293,593.22 E.Consideration of approval of a resolution approving contract [West Area Trunk Sewer Phase 1 Clearing and Grubbing Project)(Resolution ¹18-304) 2)Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution awarding quote PIVaukee Public Library Envelope Improvement Proj ectj —Council Member Lyon moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Hughes.Development Services Director Deets briefly reviewed the project,stating that two quotes were received and recommending award of quote to Edge Companies of Grimes,IA,in the amount of $80,680.00.Council Member Bottenberg expressed concern that the low bid was 20%lower than the estimate;Mr.Deets replied that the 3) G.Wo 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 12) 13) H.Com project architect had met with Edge Companies representatives and is comfortable with the quote. In the interest of transparency,Mayor Peard stated that his son works for Edge Companies. Results of vote:Ayes:Bottenberg,Clarke,Hughes,Lyon.Nays:None.Absent:Bergman.Motion carried 4 —0 —1.Quote awarded to Edge Commercial of Grimes,IA.(Resolution tt18-305) Resolution:Consideration of approval of a resolution approving contract,bond tWaukee Public Library Envelope Improvement Projectj —Council Member Hughes moved to approve the resolution;seconded by Council Member Lyon.Results of vote:Ayes:Bottenberg,Clarke, Hughes,Lyon.Nays:None.Absent:Bergman.Motion carried 4 —0 —1.(Resolution tt18-306) rk Session: Celebrate Waukee,BACooN events report —(Council Member Bergman began participation via telephone at 5:41 p.m.)Stacie DeHaan and Bridgit Horvatin with the Waukee Community Festivals organization presented on the measures of success for the Celebrate Waukee event, including increasing the number of volunteers,expanded programming,and giving back to the community. 2018-2019 Strategic Plan:City entrance signage —Development Services Director Deets discussed the signage installation schedule and funding sources. City Hall exterior improvements —Emily Naylor and Mark Seabold with Shive-Hattery presented on proposed exterior upgrades to the City Hall building.(Council Member Hughes left at 6:11 p.m,)The council also discussed potential security improvements.(Council Member Bergman ended participation via telephone at 6:20 p.m.) Northview Drive traffic discussion —Police Chief Quinn stated that,in response to truck traffic concerns raised by resident Tim Wilson during the 07/16 open forum,the City has set out traffic counters along Northview Drive to help analyze traffic use and patterns. 2018-2019 Strategic Plan:Housing Needs Assessment Report review —Development Services Director Deets reviewed proposed initiatives and recommendations for council consideration. 2018-2019 Strategic Plan:Village-style development direction —Development Services Director Deets presented concepts related to site design,including enhanced entrance features, landscaping,and pedestrian access. 2018-2019 Strategic Plan:Food truck pilot program —Development Services Director Deets reviewed the proposed program. Address changes —Development Services Director Deets discussed various corrections and clarifications to the City address system,including the addition of directional prefixes for certain quadrants and readdressing properties that currently use the county addressing system. East University storm water drainage —Assistant Public Works Director of Engineering Koester reviewed existing storm water flowage patterns and easements in the Parkview Crossing area,as well as possible changes in flow direction with development along East University Ave. Standard Specifications for Public Improvements update —Assistant Public Works Director of Engineering Koester discussed proposed updates to the Standard Specifications. 2018-2019 Strategic Plan:Community and Economic Development Advisory Council evaluation —Community and Economic Development Director Dutcher stated that the initial purpose of CEDAC has been fulfilled and recommended the repeal of the ordinance establishing the committee. 2018-2019 Strategic Plan:Mayor and council compensation review —After much discussion, the mayor and council agreed to annual salaries of $8,000 for council members and $14,000 for the mayor,with an annual CIP increase. Livestock regulations —Council Member Bottenberg noted that he receives many questions from residents interested in keeping urban chickens.After much discussion,the council directed City staff to research similar regulations in surrounding communities. ments Council Member Bottenberg moved to adjourn;seconded by Council Member Lyon.Ayes:All.Nays:None. Motion carried 3 —0. Meeting Adjourned at 8:08 p.m. I'm F.ard,M yor Attest: Rebecca D.Schuett,City Clerk